ADF;464074 said:
I guess I got the idea from you and others who have only gained .25 in 2 months. Supra is the only one who says that he gained .75 in the same time. Maybe that's because he's Supra. :)

I don't think that one should just use the VLC for length gains and nothing else. VLC just by itself might just give .25 in a few months but used in combination with Velcro strap or other methods could bring more.

I agree, I think the fastest way to gain is a combination of exercises and equipment in such a way that it always keeps stressing gains.
ADF;464074 said:
I guess I got the idea from you and others who have only gained .25 in 2 months. Supra is the only one who says that he gained .75 in the same time. Maybe that's because he's Supra. :)

I don't think that one should just use the VLC for length gains and nothing else. VLC just by itself might just give .25 in a few months but used in combination with Velcro strap or other methods could bring more.

I agree, I think the fastest way to gain is a combination of exercises and equipment in such a way that it always keeps stressing gains.
Dickleaker;464095 said:
Sorry for my overly strong response...have been down with stomach flu past few days and felt a bit knarly .
You should be commended for thinking outside the box and stretching both ways!

What are you using as wrap with the velcro strap?I could never get any level of comfort with that setup,so if there are going to be slower gains in exchange for comfort then its one that I am willing to pay.

Good luck with your routine and wish you good gains!!!
It's all good. I am using this technique here.
Supra didn't gain .75". Part of that are regains, don't know how much.
he Penis Enlargement'd years ago and then lost some of his gains. He then gained 0.75", but I'm not sure how much of those are really above his old maximum, you know?
That is alot of length to lose!

I'm not sure either but if I am talking to him I will ask.

Have you seen any gains with the extender?
SirKyle;464460 said:
he Penis Enlargement'd years ago and then lost some of his gains. He then gained 0.75", but I'm not sure how much of those are really above his old maximum, you know?
no no, I'm not saying he lost 0.75". It's probably less than 0.25", but I don't know.
I have seen gains, but I'm also hanging and using other means of extending. The VLC has created quite a bit of slack skin though. Not sure if I like it.
Good for you!

I tried kettlebell hanging 20 lbs for a couple of months but saw little results.
I'm not quite sure how I feel yet about the VLC/SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender setup. Its definitely 10 times more comfortable than any of the "16" different ways to attach from SG, and better than the velcro mod, but I cant tell if im really getting much of a stretch besides the skin itself.

Also I notice I'm not being stretched out nearly as far out as I would with the velcro, so I'm not sure if there really is much being stretched out on the inside, or if it's just skin. Does anyone else notice that they aren't being pulled as far out? Is this fine/normal?
totootot;464533 said:
Also I notice I'm not being stretched out nearly as far out as I would with the velcro, so I'm not sure if there really is much being stretched out on the inside, or if it's just skin. Does anyone else notice that they aren't being pulled as far out? Is this fine/normal?
I notice and I have created quite a bit of extra skin this way. Not sure if it's fine, but there's no way around creating that slack skin before you can really use the VLC, I believe.

Dickleaker: I'm hanging way less than 20lbs, around 4.5lbs right now. I'm probably getting in way more time than you did with the KB Hanging b/c I'm hands free.
The observations re VLC/SG combo are interesting. I am going to keep at it for at least another 3 months and see where I am with it. At the very least, my erections are much stronger, my cock more sensitive and my BPenis EnlargementL has increased by 1/4 inch since I started in Sept. I mostly average 2 hours a night, going up to 5 hours per day at the weekend. I also do 20 mins pump in the morning. I have a good feeling about this but will report back in Feb 2012.
how much extra skin have you created shavenasian?
i just completed 8 weeks worth of tugging yesterday, always doing between 6-8 hours everyday, ill take a measure hopefully at some point this weekend.
SirKyle;464543 said:
how much extra skin have you created shavenasian?

I am cut, so its relatively easy to see what extra skin I have - approx 1/4 inch to 3/8 inch more of my cock head is covered by skin - I would use that as a proxy.
fonic;464556 said:
i just completed 8 weeks worth of tugging yesterday, always doing between 6-8 hours everyday, ill take a measure hopefully at some point this weekend.

Cant wait to see your measurements - do you think that your cock looks/feels bigger?
shavenasian;464562 said:
I am cut, so its relatively easy to see what extra skin I have - approx 1/4 inch to 3/8 inch more of my cock head is covered by skin - I would use that as a proxy.

Actually scrub that, I am at work, so just popped to the loo and measured properly, gained almost 3/4 inch of skin over my cock head!!!!!!!!
shavenasian;464563 said:
Cant wait to see your measurements - do you think that your cock looks/feels bigger?

i'm honestly unsure about it.....i'm so used to seeing my cock stretched out to over 8 inches, i can't judge anymore from looking at an erection....fingers crossed anyway

ill give a no bs answer when i measure good or bad.
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shavenasian;464564 said:
Actually scrub that, I am at work, so just popped to the loo and measured properly, gained almost 3/4 inch of skin over my cock head!!!!!!!!

are you thrilled or pissed about this?
Were you tightly cut and you don't like the look of foreskin?
I am in the other camp and prefer the look of uncut.I am presently waiting for the tlc-x tugger to restore completely.

Less smoke and get a grip on reality ;)

When did you measure and see that you gained 1/4"?!!!
Why didn't you report it here or are you being modest?For me that is great news and BIG congratulations to you!This is very inspiring for me to hear!
Keep up the good work!

Do you get any discoloration from the pumping? If not how do you avoid it?
SirKyle;464569 said:
are you thrilled or pissed about this?
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