Fonic my man ,a BIG congratulations on your gains and sore ass!
I agree with you on the comfort of this thing...its why I can log in the long hours.I would have to be heavily medicated to endure the cock choker strap and dead glans for 6 hours a day.

You have renewed my faith in this device.

I guess I will volunteer to be "keeper of the gains".

That makes Supra,Tennisguy,ShavenAsian and Fonic now clocking in with gains on the VLC/SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender in times varying from 2 -4 months and gains between 1/4" to 3/4" in Erect Length.

We are building a legion of spartacus cocks here in this thread!

Keep up the good work guys!

Shaft burn rules!
fonic;464731 said:
hey guys, late last night i took my first measure in two months over a course of 56 days no breaks i accumulated 420 hours, my ass is sore from sitting so much!

i have been very skeptical lately about my own gains because when you see your dick stretched out so much a normal erection pales in comparison length wise,

dropped 80mg viagra made sure house was as hot as a furnace and bumped on some filth for visual stim, edged for a while before tape came out, well i'm

delighted to say i have made almost .25 gain started the tugging routine @ 7.25 bpel now slightly under 7.5 bpel....not noticed anymore foreskin than usual either,

its a lot of hours and work to do but when you get what you want it makes it all worthwhile, i put my life on hold to do pe kinda sik that way, i don't think it comes

much more challenging than growing your dick, at the end of the day were all crazy on here! working from home means i can rack up the hours and thats what this device needs

hours and lots of them, now i know i can succeed with tugging i can have less worries about growing and just let things happen, none of this would have been possible without

finding a comfort zone, things aren't perfect for me either i'm still experimenting with various tuggers and skin cones but it sure as hell beats those cock choker straps and velcro.
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SirKyle;464745 said:
are you cut or not fonic?

DoctorInch: Others have reported blisters too. I'd say high tension and vacuum just don't mix.

never been butchered.
Sir Kyle,

It depends on the fit I guess because I always extend at high tension and have had zero blisters.
I also know that Fonic extends at high tension all his hours.
SirKyle;464745 said:
are you cut or not fonic?

DoctorInch: Others have reported blisters too. I'd say high tension and vacuum just don't mix.
How much weight are you hanging off the tugger?

I believe it is rated to hang max of 20 lbs for short duration.
You could ask Ron but i think he recommends no more than 10 lbs with the tugger.
DoctorInch;464741 said:
Anyone had blister issues with 1500g or above weight using VLC? The max I can go for long periods is around 1200g.. After that I start to get fluHow much weight are you hanging with off the VLC? I think its only rated at 2o lbs for a short duration .You could ask Ron but i think he recommends no more than 10 lbs with the build-up which turns into dark red blisters in few days. Not that it's a big problem, they go away in couple of days but it's just rather frustrating. Is the only way to hang more with Bib or some other hanger?

Thanks my brother from another mother.

one step closer to the dream size :)
Dude don't give up on getting a tugger with proper fit.

Ron usually asks for 2 measurements:

1.flaccid glans width at its widest point (the crown or ridge)
2.same measuring point again but when erect

The skin cone is meant to grab onto your foreskin once it is rolled over the tugger.
I find the higher I can roll the foreskin ,the better grip the skin cone has on the skin and therefore my entire dick.
I also get the best stretch this way with both lig and shaft burn.Those are my indicators that I am having a good session and that I am encouraging the micro tears necessary for gains.

I found initially extending like this with so much foreskin rolled up that I was stretching at less length than with the comfort strap / or velcro mod but it shortly increased to 3/4" over my EL.

Does that help at all...if not ask more questions or PM me.
nightnicon;464716 said:
I hear you n8dogg the sizing seems very hit and miss and I'm not really getting replies to my questions I guess they are busy?

The information thats available on this thing is very vague what I really need is details on how well it's supposed to fit over your glands i.e does it cover them or go half way down or 3/4 or what.
how is the RC cone supposed to work, is it mean't to grip the tugger piece or just sit on the foreskin because mine just doesn't want to stay in place at all. is there a trick to stopping it lifting up and coming off?

are there any options for deeper resesses in the cones? would that even help?

I'm going to give it another go today and I'm out all day shopping so we will see if I can keep it on whilst walking around! I am not holding out much hope tbh
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Thats another 1/4" of pleasure pole you have...what are you gonna do with it haha?
fonic;464750 said:

Thanks my brother from another mother.

one step closer to the dream size :)
Dickleaker;464753 said:
Thats another 1/4" of pleasure pole you have...what are you gonna do with it haha?

do what i always do......TEAR THAT FUCKING PUSSY UP CUZ!
Anyone know where I can get extra rods from for the SG?
I checked out autoextender but if I order 2 pairs of the 4 CM rods which is $24 they want $21 to ship them to the UK which is extortionate!
Order them SG.The shipping is probably better for you because they are located in europe.To ship to Canada is $25 from SG.
nightnicon;464756 said:
Anyone know where I can get extra rods from for the SG?
I checked out autoextender but if I order 2 pairs of the 4 CM rods which is $24 they want $21 to ship them to the UK which is extortionate!
You know I'm tearing something else up ;)
fonic;464754 said:
do what i always do......TEAR THAT FUCKING PUSSY UP CUZ!
just emailed SG as tehre is no link on their website to order them :(
There is a link somewhere on this site under "spare parts".

I will look for it and see if i can find it for you.
nightnicon;464760 said:
just emailed SG as tehre is no link on their website to order them :(
the link that DLD added in this thread goes to the JES extnder site and it's only in the US

and the email fails to deliver and loops back to me :S
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I think you are right.

Have you maxed out your bars and the tension screws as well?

Had a search and couldn't find the "spare parts".
nightnicon;464764 said:
the link that DLD added in this thread goes to the JES extnder site and it's only in the US

and the email fails to deliver and loops back to me :S
yep right in the verge on needing new bars.
any more extending and the threads are going to come undone
nightnicon;464779 said:
yep right in the verge on needing new bars.

What a wonderful sentence to read!
My penis is not curved as bad either now.
SirKyle;464729 said:
I know, but I think we have both seen that the initial claim that the VLC doesn't affect the foreskin on cut people isn't exactly true.
You would cosign that, shavenasian, wouldn't you?

Yes 100 per cent my friend.
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