The shoe string is a bad way to attach the VLC, I can't get enough tension.. I'm going to have to go to the hardware store to rig something up..

I still get a lot of slippage.. I'll get some baby powder tomorrow, but it's my first night with I probably have to play with it more

You can see right away though how the glans gets more shiny and healthy looking though
Hi, I'm starting to get motivated to wear the SG with the VLC daily. I didn't really wear it because I would get this stinging pain after 2 minutes from the foreskin being bunched up in the skin cone, so that put me off wearing it. Recently I watched supras video series and saw that he brings his foreskin to a certain point on the VLC and puts on the skin cone.

The second video really clued me in because I saw why I was having pain. The reason is that I was bunching too much skin that was being trapped in the cone. You don't have to roll up your foreskin that high on the VLC, just so that it almost touches the area that supra said to go to, maybe even less. If you have a lot of foreskin bunched up and wrinkled, it's going to cause pain.

I'm taking it very slow, I'm only using 2 big bars on each side with no tension at all. I still can't wear it for extended periods of time with that annoying burning sensation on the foreskin but it's not nearly as bad as before. I'm guessing it will go away though when I get used to it because I only wore it for a little and it feels the pain is becoming less and less. Has anyone else felt this, does it go away after you wear the SG and VLC a lot? Thanks supra for the video series which really helped me and gave me a visual.
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Hi all! This mod seems quite interesting and I've been following this thread for awhile. Before trying this myself I'd like to know if anyone has had issues with turkey neck from using the VLC Tugger. In the videos it really looks like the skin from around the base is pulled up a lot; Does this then happen with your new erect length, or are you also growing new skin along the shaft?
Hey guys,

I think I may have found out why I'm getting the burning and blistering issue using the VLC with the SG. I think I may have added rods too fast as it took an extreme amount of force each time to mount the VLC on the modified head piece.

I'll give you a little run down first. About 3 weeks ago when I really started using the VLC mod I started with 2 big rods on each end. At first it was at a maximum tension of 1500g but as time went by it would go to 1200g then eventually 900g. Rather than use the screws on each side to increase tension I decided to add 1 small rod on each side. I followed the same thing it started at 1500g and as time progressed eventually went to 900g and once again rather than using the screws to increase tension i just removed the two small rods on each side and replaced them with a medium rod on each side.

Once again followed the same method as before but this time rather than waiting for it to go to 900g, I decided to add a small rod to each side when I hit the 1200g mark. And keep in mind once again when I hit the 1200g I didn't bother using the screws on each side to increase tension.

This is when I really started noticing the burning and blisters and I was at two large rods, one medium rod and one small rod on each side. With this setup I really had to pull on my penis extremely hard just to get it mounted on the modified head piece for the SG, I never had this issue before I was able to mount with some effort needed before this but it didn't take an extreme amount of effort like my current setup did.

I decided to remove one small rod on each side yesterday, so my current setup now is two large rods on each side and one medium rod on each side. To mount the VLC onto the modified head pice of the SG took some effort but it was nothing like before I removed a small rod on each side it took a lot of effort to get the VLC mounted on the modified head pice.

1) Could the burning and blistering of been caused by adding the small rod on each side too fast?

2) When I'm in the VLC with the SG should I use the screws to increase the tension, so if it goes from 1500g to 1200g should I use the screws to bring the tension back to 1500g?

3) When is the proper time to use the screws to increase tension, once it goes from 1500g to 1200g or do you wait until it gets to 900g?

4) I explained how I use to add rods wait for the tension to go from 1500g to 900g and I never used the tension screws to increase tension. When is the proper time to add rods using my method or when the tension screws on each side can't be turned anymore leaving the SG at it's maxium length for your existing setup?

Just to let you guys know...I have stretched the hell out of my skin cone-I think it is the RC10 from using it for 6 hours every day for 2 months.
When I first got it was perfect fit over my it is stretched and keeps slipping off so tonight I ordered a couple of more...the RC8 and another RC10.

If you are new at this and thinking about ordering you may want to order an extra one for the future.
countryboy, that's exactly what I found out yesterday! Two big bars on each side even without tension gives me the burning pain.

Now I only use 1 big bar and a medium on each side which is the minimal stretch for me. I'm going to wait until I can wear it for long periods of time without any discomfort. Then I'll sneak up the tension, once I get used to full tension

I'm going to add the small bars at 0 tension and repeat the process. I also tried the regular strapping/noose method again, after trying it I'm never going back to it because it's a big hassle compared to the VLC method and painful as well.

I was skeptical at first but I really learned to appreciate the VLC and SG, it's making me finally log in some hours and making the glans healthy at the same time. Didn't know the skin cone stretches like that leaker, glad I got a 3-pack of the RC14 cone. Even though it's going to take me a while to add all the bars and tension, I would love to have an extra set of big bars in reserve.
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Guys it's better to take it slow and not risk injury which will stop you exercising full stop. With the vlc the temptation is to add bars quickly - you must take it slowly - it shouldn't take a massive effort to connect the vlc to the sg head piece. Better to go slow and not risk blisters etc - it will probably cement gains by going slower too.
truant;459923 said:
countryboy, that's exactly what I found out yesterday! Two big bars on each side even without tension gives me the burning pain.

Now I only use 1 big bar and a medium on each side which is the minimal stretch for me. I'm going to wait until I can wear it for long periods of time without any discomfort. Then I'll sneak up the tension, once I get used to full tension

I'm going to add the small bars at 0 tension and repeat the process. I also tried the regular strapping/noose method again, after trying it I'm never going back to it because it's a big hassle compared to the VLC method and painful as well.

I was skeptical at first but I really learned to appreciate the VLC and SG, it's making me finally log in some hours and making the glans healthy at the same time. Didn't know the skin cone stretches like that leaker, glad I got a 3-pack of the RC14 cone. Even though it's going to take me a while to add all the bars and tension, I would love to have an extra set of big bars in reserve.

Better to wear it for longer periods of time without discomfort.
Sounds Supra said its better to log in the hours then have pain and get demotivated and stop.
Its the hours logged that will get you more gains...higher tension just gets them a little faster.

Get some extra big bars from autoextender.They are cheaper then SG's and much cheaper for shipping.
The skin cone loses its strength over time same way an elastic loses its strength if constantly stretched out at its max length.
I have been stretching at max tension and this week my skin cone showed that it lost its grip cause of that.
Good luck and stay at it!
truant;459923 said:
countryboy, that's exactly what I found out yesterday! Two big bars on each side even without tension gives me the burning pain.

Now I only use 1 big bar and a medium on each side which is the minimal stretch for me. I'm going to wait until I can wear it for long periods of time without any discomfort. Then I'll sneak up the tension, once I get used to full tension

I'm going to add the small bars at 0 tension and repeat the process. I also tried the regular strapping/noose method again, after trying it I'm never going back to it because it's a big hassle compared to the VLC method and painful as well.

I was skeptical at first but I really learned to appreciate the VLC and SG, it's making me finally log in some hours and making the glans healthy at the same time. Didn't know the skin cone stretches like that leaker, glad I got a 3-pack of the RC14 cone. Even though it's going to take me a while to add all the bars and tension, I would love to have an extra set of big bars in reserve.
The MOS VLC Discount link will be available today, just talked with Ron last night so hold off ordering till I get the link.
doublelongdaddy;460006 said:
The MOS VLC Discount link will be available today, just talked with Ron last night so hold off ordering till I get the link.

That's great to hear, DLD. It really is a fantastic little product but I was pretty bummed out when you were getting Ron a bunch of advertisement and purchases without anything in return... I'm glad this worked out for both parties, should be a successful venture for both of ya!
hi everyone my vlc arrived yesterday and before i start was hoping someone could give me a bit of advice i regard myself tightly cut. in the extender i can stretch to just under 9in can someone advise what approx i should be stretching to with the vlc on thanks to anyone who replys
doublelongdaddy;460006 said:
The MOS VLC Discount link will be available today, just talked with Ron last night so hold off ordering till I get the link.

Damn, I just ordered one yesterday!
Leaker, thanks for the tip, I heard the bars from auto extender aren't the same as the SG ones. I heard they work but are hard to screw in, is this true? Have you tried them with the SG? Thanks
My experience has been the burning sensation is caused by pull on the skin in between the two cones.

When I feel the burning sensation I remove the tension and find the burning sensation subsides in a short period of time. Once it subsides I can hook up the tension again. I don't have to remove the VLC, just let the tension off.

For the past 2 to 3 weeks I've only been using the day strap which Ron sells. I feel like I'm getting some results in girth and erection quality but won't measure for a few more weeks. I want to use it regularly for about 2 months before I measure. The strap is much more convenient because it's not nearly as bulky as the SG and it's much easier to conceal in my jeans. One issue is when you sit down the tension drops because the strap doesn't have as much tension as when standing. I usually adjust the positioning of the strap to get more tension, then readjust when I stand back up.

When I wrap the strap around my leg (under the knee) I make sure the safety pin is below the strap that wraps around. When I need more tension when sitting I just pull the strap connected to the tugger downward and the part of the strap that wraps around the leg has enough tension to keep it there.

I make it a point to wear it for a minimum of 4 hours a day and have worn it for up to 8 to 10 hours on some days. My goal is to consistently wear it for 12 hours a day.

Another thing I noticed about the burning. It appears the more skin I can get on the cone the longer I can wear it before I feel any burning sensation. I've had sessions of 4 hours without any discomfort and only took it off after 4 hours because I had to piss.

I've used the night strap a few times and find after a few hours I wake up from the burning sensation and just undo the clip connecting the strap to the VLC.

I think having any tension over a long period of time will cause the body to adapt. I'd rather keep it under lighter tension for a long period rather than having it under higher tension and having to fuss with adjusting it frequently. Higher tension will cause faster adaptation but the trade off is discomfort in a shorter period of time. Tortoise and the hare concept - slow and steady.
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After reading this thread I was wondering if there was a way to measure the actual tension in the day strap. My search brought me to an interesting site.

It's a company geared toward foreskin restoration. They actually have a tension scale. Although it goes up to 8 lbs. I wonder if there is a scale that's smaller in size and only goes up to a few pounds. The SG has increments of 900gram, 1200 gram and 1500 gram. Those translate into : 900 grams = 1.98 lbs; 1200 grams = 2.64 lbs; 1500 grams = 3.3 lbs.

Maybe I'll send Ron and email with the suggestion of putting a tension scale in line with his day and night straps so the tension can be monitored and adjustments can be made to achieve the tension someone wants.
Truant I'm happy you are starting to find your comfort zone with the VLC. After removing the small rod on each side I was able to stay in the VLC last night for over 2 hours with no burning of the foreskin or blisters. Only burning I felt was at the base (ligs) and along the shaft but this is normal as the penis is slowly being stretched to its new size.

It's true what the members are saying take Penis Enlargement slow. It's tempting to add rods as quick as you can with the VLC mod, but that's where my problems started to arise with burning and blistering. As stated before I really had to pull for the VLC mod to attach it to the SG modified head piece. Simply by removing one small rod on each side things were back to normal and was able to use the SG with very little discomfort! I guess being in Penis Enlargement for a little while I should of realized that Penis Enlargement is a marathon and not a 100 metre dash.

I'm taking the VLC slow from now on increasing tension as needed with the tension screws and slowly add rods as time progresses with the SG.
I've solved the problem of losing tension when sitting down while using the day strap from Ron. Instead of running the day strap down the inside of the leg I've adjusted it to go over my leg to the outside of my knee. When I sit down, bending the knee puts tension back on the strap. If I need more tension I just move my leg to the outside until I get the tension I'm looking for.

The strap may move around on the top of your knee and can even slip off it. Just readjust it as needed. I'm working on how to get the strap to hold position on the knee. :)

Here's a drawing:


  • VLC Strap Around Knee Resized.jpg
    VLC Strap Around Knee Resized.jpg
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