Hey Guys,

I've been using the VLC mod for my SG for probably about 3 weeks now. I have no problem strecthing, don't have issues with slippage (except the very odd time) and everything seems good. This mod is way more comfortable than the noose or strap and even more comfortable than the Velcro mod.

I can see great gains come from the VLC and SG. I started with two large rods on each side and 1 small rod on each side, then removed the small rod on each side and added the medium rods on each side. I'm now up to two large rods, one medium rod and one small rod on each side.

The only issue I have it seems I can't go 4 to 6 hours like some are able to do. I have an issue where at about an hour I have to take the skin cone off because I feel some buring at my foreskin and it's actually small blisters because my foresking sticks to the skin cone. Some suggested to try baby powder but I think this suggestion is if your having slippage issues. I don't really have slippage issues, but decided to try baby powder. When applying baby powder to my foreskin ironically then I had slippage and could never get mounted on the VLC and skin cone.

Does anyone have suggestions to preventing the burning and blisters on my foreskin?
I really want to use the SG for longer hours like most of you are doing and not have to take it off around every hour and take a break.

I am currently using the TLC, and I get the same burning when I have too much tension.

btw I also have the VLC but can't use it yet, because I don't have enough foreskin. Maybe you don't have enough foreskin to stretch.
1Sepp;459554 said:
I am currently using the TLC, and I get the same burning when I have too much tension.

btw I also have the VLC but can't use it yet, because I don't have enough foreskin. Maybe you don't have enough foreskin to stretch.

Hey 1Sepp thanks for the response. I don't think not having too much foreskin is the issue because watching the videos and looking at the pics of the VLC mod I would say I have just as much foreskin as the guys in the pics and in the video. Even though I'm a cut guy I still can get a lot of foreskin around the VLC, because when I'm flaccid I have a lot of loose skin!

I hope there is a way to prevent this burning and blistering on my foreskin because I really love the VLC mod and being able to wear it for 4 to 6 hours would bring faster and greater gains :)
The burning is normal.
It happens to me too.I take off the tugger ,massage my foreskin for a couple of minutes and put it back on.The burning is concentrated on the foreskin because thats where it attaches between the tugger and the skin cone.
Just get used to it ...it is alot less painful than the velcro mod,comfort strap or noose and is part of getting a bigger dick guys.
Man up -no pain here no gain!
countryboy;459556 said:
Hey 1Sepp thanks for the response. I don't think not having too much foreskin is the issue because watching the videos and looking at the pics of the VLC mod I would say I have just as much foreskin as the guys in the pics and in the video. Even though I'm a cut guy I still can get a lot of foreskin around the VLC, because when I'm flaccid I have a lot of loose skin!

I hope there is a way to prevent this burning and blistering on my foreskin because I really love the VLC mod and being able to wear it for 4 to 6 hours would bring faster and greater gains :)
countryboy;459556 said:
Hey 1Sepp thanks for the response. I don't think not having too much foreskin is the issue because watching the videos and looking at the pics of the VLC mod I would say I have just as much foreskin as the guys in the pics and in the video. Even though I'm a cut guy I still can get a lot of foreskin around the VLC, because when I'm flaccid I have a lot of loose skin!

I hope there is a way to prevent this burning and blistering on my foreskin because I really love the VLC mod and being able to wear it for 4 to 6 hours would bring faster and greater gains :)

@countryboy, you may have the same problem as myself, although i'm uncut, i have niggling problems, so far i have purchased 2 tuggers both give me different headaches!

my first tugger is sized with my flaccid state at 32mm this is the deep tugger, the one with the same depth most folk will have, this one creases when any tension is applied all around the circumference, which in turn these crease dig into my foreskin...... causing discomfort very soon.

2nd tugger i order 32mm to match glans, this time i opted for the shallow style tugger, this is much improved, but once tugger settles position on glans this leaves a gap on underside between glans and tugger, so about an hour in to a set the pain kicks in because the gap created sucks in foreskin causing it to blister!

don't no why i'm having such a hard time getting one of these to fit correctly........i'm having another go ordered another tugger 28mm/deep style tugger. i think this will be better suited, the 32mm just does not go bak far enough to take in the thick part of glans, i think thats how its creasing.

currently i have been back using this setup with major discomfort for 5 weeks, i just know there must be a tugger that works for me!
Dickleaker thanks for your response! I can deal with the burning and you mentioned you are experiencing the same thing. Along with the burning that you experience are you also getting blisters? I'm not really concerned about the burning but I'm concerned about the blisters.

fonic thanks for the response as well! Like you, I really want to utilitze the VLC mod because I think it will have lots of poetential, but the blisters are becoming a concern. I properly warm up, and have even made sure my penis, tugger and skin cone were all freshly washed as suggested by Ron. You mentioned that so far you have purchased two different VLC tuggers and second one a 32mm to match your glans. I appologize but I'm a little confused lol When I went to Ron's website I only noticed one VLC Tugger (with a SKU# VLC) which everyone on MOS is buying. I never noticed any mm measurements to go with the VLC tugger. The only measurements I noticed were with the skin cones having an mm attached to it.

Do you have a link to this VLC Tugger 28mm/ deep style tugger because I might be interested?

Thanks a lot guys! I want to succeed in the Penis Enlargement world, and I appreciate your help!
countryboy...i feel your pain brother, its not the easiest site to navigate or get what you want, the blisters aren't fun...agreed on that..ive been pushing myself through it self medicating with some tasty vaporising hehe

i'm thinking you must have skin suck into the tugger also, which means your tugger can't be the right fit, i have had plenty dialogue with ron abt my problems, but its hard for someone to understand whats actually wrong

unless they see it for themselves, although my glans is 32mm width flaccid state which is what I've been asked for when ordering, the tugger doesn't go back that far to utilise this width...hence creases because of gaps when tension applied,

i don't have a link buddy, i just place an order, then a follow up e-mail with that size i want, i'm hoping with this new size it will fit snuggly, leaving no gaps and room for skin to be sucked in..........who knows third time lucky maybe.
Are you talking about the Your Skin cone that comes in different sizes? I think there's only one VLC size at the moment.
Anyways, I"m having the same problem. I'm cut relatively tight and I get the same burning feeling on my skin after a while :(
SirKyle;459617 said:
Are you talking about the Your Skin cone that comes in different sizes? I think there's only one VLC size at the moment.
Anyways, I"m having the same problem. I'm cut relatively tight and I get the same burning feeling on my skin after a while :(

i'm talking about the vlc tugger, i gave a specific size at weekend, i never asked for cone, i thought everything was custom made to your size, not a bog standard vlc.....so confused now.

they have sent it out and nothing was mentioned about the size i asked for, so i presume i'm getting what i asked for...........or am i
aren't you ordering two parts? The VLC aka the white solid thing and a silicone cone that comes on top of it (most of us have it in transparent but Ron also sells it in white) - that cone can be bought in different sizes and comes quite cheap.
The tugger itself, I don't think so - for now at least. Am I wrong?
no just ordered tugger, only gave a size that matches the width of the vlc tugger opening that i want, this will be my third tugger order.

i'm hoping he wouldn't send out the same thing i already got.....considering the chats i have had to ron about this and my problems relating to this matter.

having said that....no doubt i have the wrong end of the stick here and i will get sent same thing.

I get a small ring of raised skin on my foreskin...is that what you mean by blister?
Once I take off the tugger and massage my dick for a couple of minutes it goes away.

Dickleaker thanks for your response! I can deal with the burning and you mentioned you are experiencing the same thing. Along with the burning that you experience are you also getting blisters? I'm not really concerned about the burning but I'm concerned about the blisters.
Its normal to get the burning feeling on the skin cause thats what's trapped between the tugger and skin cone to create the seal.

Like I said I take it off every hour and massage my foreskin for a few minutes and then I'm ready to go again.

It is way less painful than the comfort strap or velcro mod cause it doesn't cut off your circulation!

good luck with it and your gains!

SirKyle;459617 said:
Are you talking about the Your Skin cone that comes in different sizes? I think there's only one VLC size at the moment.
Anyways, I"m having the same problem. I'm cut relatively tight and I get the same burning feeling on my skin after a while :(
Like SirKyle said,there are 2 pieces that come with the VLC tugger or the TLC tugger.
One is the tugger itself and the then the outer rubbery skin cone that fits over your foreskin once its pulled over the tugger .

Nice on the vapour dude! ;)

fonic;459636 said:
no just ordered tugger, only gave a size that matches the width of the vlc tugger opening that i want, this will be my third tugger order.

i'm hoping he wouldn't send out the same thing i already got.....considering the chats i have had to ron about this and my problems

relating to this matter.

having said that....no doubt i have the wrong end of the stick here and i will get sent same thing.
Dickleaker;459646 said:
Like SirKyle said,there are 2 pieces that come with the VLC tugger or the TLC tugger.
One is the tugger itself and the then the outer rubbery skin cone that fits over your foreskin once its pulled over the tugger .

Nice on the vapour dude! ;)

full melt bubble vape mmmm -\^(-_-)^/-

well i will let y'all know what arrives this time..........................coz i'm TOTALLYCONFUSED.COM
Well I'm tugging and I think I'm doing it right. I have attached the VLC to the SG with some shoe string for now. Thanks DL for mentioning the ring around the foreskin, i was worried about this.

Does the skin have to be even around the VLC or is all that matters is that you get a good suction?
Tried to email you at that address and all I got was smoke!
fonic;459650 said:
full melt bubble vape mmmm -\^(-_-)^/-
BTW you look like an alien!

well i will let y'all know what arrives this time..........................coz i'm TOTALLYCONFUSED.COM
Hey JohnSwindle,

If you are getting good suction and a good pull/stretch with your extender then you will gain man.
The blister/ring on the foreskin gets less and less as your dick gets used to this thing.Hang in there my man!
JohnSwindle;459657 said:
Well I'm tugging and I think I'm doing it right. I have attached the VLC to the SG with some shoe string for now. Thanks DL for mentioning the ring around the foreskin, i was worried about this.

Does the skin have to be even around the VLC or is all that matters is that you get a good suction?
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