This Dash-Philosophy of heavy shorter hanging sessions is what I'm going to be hitting up again any time now with the LengthMaster hanger attachment with about 30lbs or so and going for 20 minutes like Dash did.

I'll also do reverse kegels from time to time and see if I can feel the ligaments burn, but that would probably be more felt if it was done BTC which Dash stated he didn't do (First post of this thread) and was hanging straight down or straight out instead.

Its Dash and Kingcobras AWESOME progress that has inspired me to get back into hanging again and I will have that fucking long dick once and for all!

The ass is I have to go in my shed outside, which I use as a gym. Its good but very cold here at the moment, so its going to be a nuisance on that front but worth it in the end.
Hey guys. Yes, the limit of 20 minutes and heavy weight is important because it actually stimulates blood flow in your penis. This is what I believe to be a critical point.....I do no ADS devices because I believe they are counter to good blood flow. Look at it this way: If you twist your ankle it will likely get hot to the touch because of (for one reason) extra blood flow to heal the area. If you are hanging correctly by my method then you will actually feel extra warmth in your penis and, in fact, complete genital area due to the healing effect. There is a fine line between heavy and too heavy so be careful and do not over do it. Give your penis time to recover and rely heavily on your feel and instinct. Good luck guys and be safe!

REDZULU2003;371097 said:
This Dash-Philosophy of heavy shorter hanging sessions is what I'm going to be hitting up again any time now with the LengthMaster hanger attachment with about 30lbs or so and going for 20 minutes like Dash did.

I'll also do reverse kegels from time to time and see if I can feel the ligaments burn, but that would probably be more felt if it was done BTC which Dash stated he didn't do (First post of this thread) and was hanging straight down or straight out instead.

Its Dash and Kingcobras AWESOME progress that has inspired me to get back into hanging again and I will have that fucking long dick once and for all!

The ass is I have to go in my shed outside, which I use as a gym. Its good but very cold here at the moment, so its going to be a nuisance on that front but worth it in the end.
Red, Can you distinguish between lig burning and skin burning? I'm sure summer is around the corner for yourself! :)
conrad201;371162 said:
Red, Can you distinguish between lig burning and skin burning? I'm sure summer is around the corner for yourself! :)

Lig burn will be internal and the ache you feel will generally be at the extreme base on the upper area of your shaft. Skin burn will be totally specific and isolated to the skin.
Question for all the vets here. I just worked up to 25 lbs BTC but can only handle about 15 - 17.5 lbs SD. I get some good burn in BTC and was even able to handle 27.5 for a set. I usually do 3 x 20 min sets.

Should I only be doing one set so I dont over do it?
Should I concentrate on SD to get that weight caught up to my BTC weight?

I am trying to maximize my gains without over training, so how do I know if I over trained?
I would say do two or three sets at least but be prepared to cut back if you loose erection quality. I prefer a two to one ratio.....hang BTC or straight down 2 times to straight out 1 time if you get my drift. Focus on proper wrapping and clamp placement as well.

Cunilinguist;373729 said:
Question for all the vets here. I just worked up to 25 lbs BTC but can only handle about 15 - 17.5 lbs SD. I get some good burn in BTC and was even able to handle 27.5 for a set. I usually do 3 x 20 min sets.

Should I only be doing one set so I dont over do it?
Should I concentrate on SD to get that weight caught up to my BTC weight?

I am trying to maximize my gains without over training, so how do I know if I over trained?
These days I am using a piece of one of those gel shoe inserts. I place the ridged side against my penis and it really grips well dude.

ironaddict69;371558 said:
Dash and what is your wrapping material again?
Thanks Dash, I may try that! Did you not like THERABAND?
The theraband is fine but is much more difficult to get it into place and comfortable. It certainly works well when used properly but I like the gel type shoe insert really well. Try both and see what works best for you!

ironaddict69;373738 said:
Thanks Dash, I may try that! Did you not like theraband?
Yeah I've been using theraband for a long time. Mind showing me a pic of how you wrap with the gel sole?
I am on the road and have no access to camera etc but it is simply a one wrap with a slight overlap and start about an inch back from the head. It really is that simple. Just keep the penis stretched out while you tighten the clamp and you will be good to go dude.
Thanks for your response Dash.

I would say do two or three sets at least but be prepared to cut back if you loose erection quality. I prefer a two to one ratio.....hang BTC or straight down 2 times to straight out 1 time if you get my drift. Focus on proper wrapping and clamp placement as well.

Do you use EQ to determine if you are over doing it? Have you ever experience the numb glans during hanging? Also, since you consider these weights hardcore, should I continue to progress in weight once I dont feel the burn, or will 25 - 27.5 lbs give results anyway?

I do fine even at these heavy weights but once I go SD I get numb like there is no blood flow over something. I attach in the same place and do the same as BTC other than body position. Its like the blood flow while laying down is different than standing or sitting. It goes away shortly after usually but I dont continue once it happens. Does anyone have an idea on this?
Most likely what is happening to you is that hanging BTC is allowing more lig stretch and, therefore, more lig is supporting the weight..... Then when you hang SD you are getting less lig support so the tunica is actually taking more of the tension and is not getting as much assist from the ligs. Dig? So this means that you need to pay particular attention to this numbness by either reducing the SD time or weight a bit so that you do not reduce EQ or otherwise cause unwanted injury (as opposed to controlled injury that results in gain). Dig that too?

Yes, I have always used EQ as a measure as well as soreness of the tunica. Everyone has different limits but you may be able to increase your weight to a higher level. Refer back to what I have said above as a method to determine progress of weight.

Cunilinguist;374385 said:
Thanks for your response Dash.

Do you use EQ to determine if you are over doing it? Have you ever experience the numb glans during hanging? Also, since you consider these weights hardcore, should I continue to progress in weight once I dont feel the burn, or will 25 - 27.5 lbs give results anyway?

I do fine even at these heavy weights but once I go SD I get numb like there is no blood flow over something. I attach in the same place and do the same as BTC other than body position. Its like the blood flow while laying down is different than standing or sitting. It goes away shortly after usually but I dont continue once it happens. Does anyone have an idea on this?
Dash are you still hitting that routine? Any new gains? I'm asking because if you still gain with this, it is a proof that the LOT theory is (partly) wrong, due to your hanging angle. Would be really interesting to know, because I got really inspired by this thread :)
EDIT: Ah, and how do you manage to hang SO? I know there are different methods, I'm just curious how you do it...
asteraki^_^;382419 said:
Dash are you still hitting that routine? Any new gains? I'm asking because if you still gain with this, it is a proof that the LOT theory is (partly) wrong, due to your hanging angle. Would be really interesting to know, because I got really inspired by this thread :)
EDIT: Ah, and how do you manage to hang SO? I know there are different methods, I'm just curious how you do it...

He should be after that orgy he had to deal with.
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