Gravik;470249 said:
This is so weird. Yesterday I wore the VLC no problem, no slipping. Today however, it's like the skincone lost all friction/grip because even with babypowder it started to slip within SECONDS of attaching. WTF? Well I guess its time for a new skincone. And this time gonna get one a tad on the small side. I'm sick of the god damn slipping :/

Oh and when it slips, it only slips on the top part. The bottom part none of the skin budges.

Wash the skin cone and VLC with soap and water. It will get the dead skin off and regain its grip
One thing I found guys is making sure the tugger is centered well before pulling up the foreskin. I think that might have been part of problem with me getting a small blister.

Everything is much better now not trying to rush it!
Well ain't this some shit. ANother day without the SG and another day of not getting closer to a big cock.

it sure does kinda suck not having a big dick when 1 in 3 dudes around is packin a massive cock that every girl envy's
Hey guys, I am still around and doing Penis Enlargement every day.
I am now 2" of gains since Sep. 2011. Every time I
come here I have to click thru a bunch of Malware
warnings so I don't come here to much anymore.

Catch you all later.

2"? WTF? Pics of progress? How many hours were you wearing a day? I doubt I'll see 2" if I wear this damn thing for 5 years.
Gravik;474147 said:
2"? WTF? Pics of progress? How many hours were you wearing a day? I doubt I'll see 2" if I wear this damn thing for 5 years.

Yea WTF are you doing?! I've gotten a little over an inch and have been doing Penis Enlargement with my AndroPenis for about 8 months.
I'd like to comment on this idea of using baby powder with a tapeless tugging device.

I don't recommend powder. The best grip will come from a freshly washed device and skin.

Roll skin as far up onto the Tugger body as possible, so you grip a wide area of skin. Pressure is Force divided by Area. So reduce skin gripping Pressure by INCREASING Area. If the gripping Pressure on your skin exceeds your systolic blood pressure, then blood flow will be restricted and your tugging time will be limited once ischemia and inflamation set in. The VLC Tugger is great for moderate tension extended wear. It's also fine for heavy-duty hanging but as with any method, your duration would be limited by the need to press harder on your penis to grip it.
Thanks a lot Supra!
I had taken your advice and bought both the VLC tugger and the sizegenetics devices.
I put them to use almost everyday for an hour plus and within the last month I made a gain of 1/2 and inch! I'm stoked to actually see some progress.

My question to you and the forum is: Now that I'm maxing out the Elongation Bars Set, that came with the SG, where can I find the best deal on more Elongation Bars where shipping is also considered?

Starting: 6.5" EBPL
Current: 7" EBPL
Dickleaker;455697 said:
Yes that is exactly what I ordered and got a pair of 2" bars for $8 and they threw in a pair of 1/2" bars for free .

I'm looking at the website now and there isn't a state 2" pair of bars. The closest is 4cm and that costs $12.
I'm in Canada and the shipping came to $21 on top of the $12 order. In you opinion, is this still the best bargain out there?
Supra;475162 said:
Im confused what are you asking?

Hahaha Oh man, I find it funny how I think it's so dumb to just write a message and not spell check it before it's sent and then here I recently did the same thing. Big FAIL on my part. Sorry for the confusion.

What I meant to say was: I have been looking for the best price to get extra extension bars for the SG. Because I've been using the VLC Tugger and gaining fast I'm at the point now where I've run out of bars and am needing to buy some more.

I live in Canada and so buying anything from the US is just so costly because of either shipping or duty fees.

I'm just looking for a way to save a buck while enhancing my manhood LMAO

Thanks Supra for sharing your discovery of the VLC/SG combo, and thanks for all the members of the SizeMattersForum who add so much greatness to this process of penis enlargement discovery.
MOS has too much information .lol I dont even know where to start from. Please somone provide me a video link to where i can learn how to set up my VLC Tugger with mySizegenetics so that I can statrt my journey to 8 inches..I am 6 now and I intend wearing the Tugger all night only...I hope to gain those two inches in a couple of months ..please someone help
mayehunter;476976 said:
MOS has too much information .lol I dont even know where to start from. Please somone provide me a video link to where i can learn how to set up my VLC Tugger with mySizegenetics so that I can statrt my journey to 8 inches..I am 6 now and I intend wearing the Tugger all night only...I hope to gain those two inches in a couple of months ..please someone help

To start with, I wouldn't expect to gain 2 inches in a couple of months. It is just not likely to happen unless you are one of those rare really fast gainers but I doubt it will happen. Secondly to start using the VLC tugger with your SG don't use it at night until you have conditioned your penis properly and know that you aren't going to get any nasty blisters from wearing the device. Until you know how your penis is going to react only use the devices during the day and for short amounts of time. Once you work up to it and know you aren't going to cause any damage then you can wear at night but only do so with extreme caution so that you don't hurt yourself badly. Good luck!
2" can be done in a timely manner but that is my experience. For me it took a boat load of effort and even more belief. I wanted the size so badly that it came with speed. All I can say is give it your all and keep your head in the right place and see what happens. Kind of corny but if you believe it you can achieve it.
Thanks DLD and thanks CANUCKSCUP ( seems u are from Canada, me too )...
I believe I can do it. I'll get some baby socks to dampen the pain of the metal of the SG touching on my skin..if its still not comfortable, Ill just use the strap to something tied around my leg, just under my knee..I saw a video once..I cant find it..can someone please help me locate the video for how to use the Tugger with SG and with STRaps? thanks Family :)
Got my SG the day before last. Coming up on 5 hours in the extender as I type this. Can't wait for my vlc to get here because the noose seems to be the only thing that works well for me and it's not the most comfortable thing in the world!
question for you guys. what kind of stretch do you feel when using the sg and this setup? i have difficulty in pulling my penis up high enough to put it on the hook, and when i do so i dont feel that good of a stretch.
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