I've been wearing the VLC every day for about 3 weeks now. My dick's gotten used to it so I can wear it under pretty good tension for hours at a time now. The other day I did 5 hours straight and only took it off to go to the bathroom, otherwise I could have kept going. For any of you guys having discomfort issues all I can say is work through it as best you can. You'll get used to wearing it.

In the beginning I found the more skin I got onto the VLC the longer I could go before I started to get the burn. It spreads the pulling tension across a greater surface area of the skin so I imagine that's why it burns less.

I was cut very tight but still managed to work it on. One thing I do is after I have skin rolled up onto the VLC I grab the skin at the top edge and pull it - focusing on the skin rolled underneath. This gets any extra skin that may be pinched or folded under the skin rolled onto the VLC. I work my way completely around and get all the inside skin pulled up tight. This has helped me tremendously with any discomfort wearing the VLC.

I've grown some more skin so it's easier to get skin rolled up onto the VLC.

I wear the VLC every day with the leg strap. A few posts back I explained how I can keep good tension on it when I have to sit down. I have definitely seen some girth growth and will measure it after wearing it for a couple more months.
Steady;461624 said:
The other day I did 5 hours straight and only took it off to go to the bathroom, otherwise I could have kept going. .

Thats fucking great my friend. I keep taking it off at 90 mins as worried about circulation etc - otherwise I could also keep it on. I might just try leaving it on tonight and seeing how long I can go. Well done mate!
Good morning guys,

I measured on the weekend both saturday and rechecked on sunday to make sure.
I got no gains and am disappointed and discouraged.

I don't think I will give up but it sure does a number mentally when I was so optimistic and put in so many hours.

I am hoping you guys can offer me some words of wisdom and encouragement.

My routine has been 2 months at high tension for 5 to 6 hours every day.The last 2 weeks has been lower tension cause my skin cone has kinda worn out and lost its elastic strength,so have had to stretch at a lower tension to keep it from slipping off as it has lost its grip.
Dickleaker;460783 said:
My dick doesn't have a chance with this setup and has no choice but to grow into a monster ;)

5 days ago you were so optimistic.

Measure your length in the extender and compare it with your erect length. When FastSize had its own forum, people noticed that they didn't gain erect length unless they were stretching at or above their erect length (with the exception of initial gains). Stretching below erect length could increase flaccid length, but generally didn't increase erect length. This VLC setup might not allow you to stretch far enough.
I am stretching to 8" in the extender.
My erect length is 7 1/4".
Baba_Booey;461639 said:
5 days ago you were so optimistic.

Measure your length in the extender and compare it with your erect length. When FastSize had its own forum, people noticed that they didn't gain erect length unless they were stretching at or above their erect length (with the exception of initial gains). Stretching below erect length could increase flaccid length, but generally didn't increase erect length. This VLC setup might not allow you to stretch far enough.
Dickleaker;461638 said:
Good morning guys,

I measured on the weekend both saturday and rechecked on sunday to make sure.
I got no gains and am disappointed and discouraged.

I don't think I will give up but it sure does a number mentally when I was so optimistic and put in so many hours.

I am hoping you guys can offer me some words of wisdom and encouragement.

My routine has been 2 months at high tension for 5 to 6 hours every day.The last 2 weeks has been lower tension cause my skin cone has kinda worn out and lost its elastic strength,so have had to stretch at a lower tension to keep it from slipping off as it has lost its grip.

hey dickleaker bad news bro, keep the faith, stick with your routine and give it lots more time, at least some more months, to early to quit, i think this setup is going to take lots more time to show gains

imo its a better stretch when you work from behind the glans and stretch, but we all no how painful that is and can't sink enough time into because of that, so i think we are choosing the long route here

but giving ourselves comfort and a pain free journey, my length stats are exact same as you, plus we are stretching to same length, i'm over 5 weeks doing this but doing 8 hours a day, so i will check

at two months and see if extra time has made a difference.
Dickleaker - my brother dont get too down about this - we can work out whats happening and not working between all of us on this forum. Alot of us are using the VLC with SG - I am gaining some length - and Supra gained a shitload of length. Hang in there, I am sure we can come up with something to explain what has happened.

As for not getting enough stretch with the VLC - if that was true, then why did Supra gain?
Maybe we can modify what you are doing now to try to figure why you are not gaining. What exactly are you doing now?
Thanks for sharing that with us dickleaker. I am sure you are disappointed but at least you gave it a good shot.

I think there isnt a need to devote more time or hours into the same set up. No need for that, instead switch strategy and use another Penis Enlargement method. Maybe try heavy hanging once per day and let me follow dashdeming routine. Mentally it isnt to bad because you are only committing 30 mins at most per day to it. Or you can do heaving hanging and ten use you SG with nose or strap but without the VLC.

Basically try something new. We all know Penis Enlargement is a life long commitment so hang in there buddy.

Once again, thanks for sharing your result. It doesnt matter whether is was good or bad, it give others a chance to consider if this set up is worth a shot for them.
Sorry about that, Dicklearker. I also bought the VLC tugger and honestly don`t think it pulls a lot on the internal shaft, I feel like it pulls much more the foreskin (I know it`s not the TLC, but still it pulls the foreskin).
Correct me if I`m wrong, but doesn`t the foreskin stand to the VLC, like the silicone sleeve stands to the VACADS or the Phallosan? I mean, foreskin and sleeve in the two different systems simply seal the vacuum. So why not using a sleeve on the VLC, instead of the foreskin? This way you don`t risk pinching problems and also put much more stress on the internal shaft instead of the external skin.
I hope it makes sense...
I just got my VLC and tried it out. I'm a little skeptical especially after dickleakers results, but I figure it's worth a shot anyway. When I am wearing it I notice that the stretch is quite different than using the noose. I feel it more stretching my shaft, where when I'm in the noose I feel a strong stretch in the ligament. Is this right, or am I wearing it wrong.
e.zeus1;461678 said:
I just got my VLC and tried it out. I'm a little skeptical especially after dickleakers results, but I figure it's worth a shot anyway. When I am wearing it I notice that the stretch is quite different than using the noose. I feel it more stretching my shaft, where when I'm in the noose I feel a strong stretch in the ligament. Is this right, or am I wearing it wrong.

I will be able to give you some help soon:) My package should be waiting for me when I get home:)
Dickleaker;461638 said:
Good morning guys,

I measured on the weekend both saturday and rechecked on sunday to make sure.
I got no gains and am disappointed and discouraged.

I don't think I will give up but it sure does a number mentally when I was so optimistic and put in so many hours.

I am hoping you guys can offer me some words of wisdom and encouragement.

My routine has been 2 months at high tension for 5 to 6 hours every day.The last 2 weeks has been lower tension cause my skin cone has kinda worn out and lost its elastic strength,so have had to stretch at a lower tension to keep it from slipping off as it has lost its grip.

I see you are having some problems. You need to take a 2 day break and give you skin a change to grow and regain its elastic strength. When I cant keep the cone on and have been wearing it for days its for that very reason, you cells have broken down. I promise you if you take 2 days off you will be right as rain and come back stronger than ever. While you are taking the break, go back to manual exercises or use the Bathmate.
Thanks guys for all your feedback!

I am going to take a couple of days off to clear my head and think how I wanna go forward.
Be gentle an kind with yourself! You have worked very hard an sometimes we need to stop an regroup to make things right. I look forward to your return.
Dickleaker;461717 said:
Thanks guys for all your feedback!

I am going to take a couple of days off to clear my head and think how I wanna go forward.

bro, 2 months of work is 2 months of work, but we don't know what could happen in that 3rd month, that 4th month. I think Supra's advice is sound. work for 5 days, and take 2 off. I think healing time is essential.

I haven't measured myself, but I know for sure that I am gaining girth. When I go into the Bathmate, my base girth seems to get caught. So where I could get to 182 in length in the Bathmate, I can only get to about 168 or so.

Stay with it, bro, you're the reason I gave this thing a shot! I believe in you!

fonic;461646 said:
hey dickleaker bad news bro, keep the faith, stick with your routine and give it lots more time, at least some more months, to early to quit, i think this setup is going to take lots more time to show gains

imo its a better stretch when you work from behind the glans and stretch, but we all no how painful that is and can't sink enough time into because of that, so i think we are choosing the long route here

but giving ourselves comfort and a pain free journey, my length stats are exact same as you, plus we are stretching to same length, i'm over 5 weeks doing this but doing 8 hours a day, so i will check

at two months and see if extra time has made a difference.

How are you guys staying in these for 8 hours.
Supra;461704 said:
I see you are having some problems. You need to take a 2 day break and give you skin a change to grow and regain its elastic strength. When I cant keep the cone on and have been wearing it for days its for that very reason, you cells have broken down. I promise you if you take 2 days off you will be right as rain and come back stronger than ever. While you are taking the break, go back to manual exercises or use the Bathmate.
Just got my VLC today and it seems to work OK and hold well.
My clear skin cone is a little to wide for the SG bars so could I
trim it down just a tiny bit so it fits between the bars better?
So if you take 2 days off for every 5 days of VLC then you will have
better gains since your giving your penis time to heal right? Traction wrapping for these 2 days should also help with healing right?
Thanks Supra,
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Supra;461759 said:
How are you guys staying in these for 8 hours.

i work from home so can put in some serious time and dedication.
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