To all the guys using an [words=]extender[/words] either with the [words=]VLC[/words] [words=]tugger[/words] or conventional noose or
strap attachments ,check out this article...
Penis Stretching (Extender, [words=]Traction[/words]) Devices
Modern penile [words=]traction[/words] devices have conventionally been used by patients who have undergone penis lengthening surgery. In fact, such devices are so fundamental to the success of the lengthening procedure that without their consistent use during the recovery period, permanent increases are seldom made. A common misconception is that surgery produces immediate gains in length, but in reality it is through the application of post operative [words=]traction[/words] in the following months that length increases are steadily achieved.
Due to this reliance on [words=]traction[/words] to achieve results, many have questioned the validity of penis lengthening surgery. The point has rightly been raised that if [words=]traction[/words] is responsible for the majority of length increases achieved through surgery, then surely the use of a penile [words=]traction[/words] device on its own should produce similar results without the associated risks.
The Principle of Stretching
The principle behind the use of
weights and stretching devices is based on the tendency of human tissue to adapt when exposed to sustained tensile force. In other words, when tissue within the body is subjected to consistent, long term stretching it grows to better deal with the stresses placed on it. The cells within the tissue are forced to divide and multiply under the strain of the applied tension, and over time this leads to an increase in tissue mass.
The whole idea of being able to permanently stretch various parts of the human anatomy may seem a little far fetched, but in reality the practice has had quite a successful track record.
Examples of Stretching in Human Culture
Over the centuries ritualistic stretching of various parts of the human body has been seen and documented in a number of cultures. Even today, various cultures throughout the world are still known to employ simple stretching methods to accentuate certain features.
Numerous African tribes for example, are well known to stretch the soft tissues of the face, in particular the lips and earlobes. The East African Maasai people, living on the borders of Kenya and Tanzania, pierce and stretch their earlobes to many times their normal size. Whilst the South West Ethiopian Mursi women insert progressively larger clay plates in their mouths to gradually stretch their lower lips to extraordinary proportions.
Most incredible of all though, are the women of the Padaung tribe in Burma, who from youth place increasing numbers of metal rings around their necks. These gradually stretch their heads from their bodies by up to an extra ten inches over the course of many years – earning them the rather apt moniker of ‘Giraffe women’.
There are even specific examples of ritualistic penis stretching to be found from around the world. Two prominent examples are provided by separate continents – India, and again, Africa.
Firstly, the Naga sect of the Sadhus, who are an itinerant group of holy men who travel the length and breadth of India, systematically stretch their penises through the use of heavy rocks. They can achieve lengths of up to 18 inches, although their goals are purely spiritual rather than for any functional purpose. In fact, the Sadhus have no preoccupation with sex and intentionally damage their penises beyond repair in an attempt to achieve spiritual enlightenment.
The African Karamojong tribe from North Eastern Uganda have been known to employ similar penis stretching techniques. From early youth they hang ever increasing numbers of circular stone disks from the end of their penises, and over the course of a number of years they can achieve penis lengths comparable to the Indian Sadhus. In order to better manage their rather monumental and impractical appendages, the Karamojong then tie their penises in knots.
It’s worth noting that although both the Karamojong and the Sadhus achieve incredible penis sizes, they in fact permanently damage their penises beyond the point of no return. Such extreme practices eventually lead to nerve and tissue damage which prevent any normal erectile function. These examples however, do give an insight into the feasibility of penis stretching. With more controlled and moderate use, modest gains in size are achievable without running the risk of injury.
Examples in Western Medicine
Not all examples of human tissue stretching are cultural. In the West, mainstream medicine employs the same stretching principles in a number of situations. As already noted, penile [words=]traction[/words] is an essential recovery aid following penis lengthening surgery, without which permanent length gains are rarely achieved. But this is just one of several examples.
Stretching techniques can also be used in cases where grafts of skin are needed. The skin on a healthy area of the body can be gradually stretched over a period of time, thereby providing flaps of skin which are then transplanted to a new area.
Furthermore, Orthopaedic surgery utilises similar techniques to lengthen limbs in an attempt to rectify congenital growth abnormalities. After surgically breaking the bone in the limb to be extended, [words=]traction[/words] is steadily applied to lengthen the limb millimetre be millimetre. Over the course of several months, this procedure can produce an increase in limb length of several centimetres, creating not only new bone but also new muscle and connective tissue. All this is achieved without damage to either the nerves or blood vessels within the limb.
Studies into the Effectiveness of Penile Stretching
Most of the other well publicized methods of penis enlargement rely heavily on the anecdotal successes of individuals for their validity. Interestingly however, there have been a number of controlled studies into the effectiveness of penile stretching. Such studies have tended to focus on a test group of men using a specific penile [words=]traction[/words] device for a predetermined length of time each day, over the course of several months.
One 1998 study, entitled ‘Tractive Elongation of the Penis by Means of Stretching’ performed by a Danish plastic surgeon, recorded an average permanent gain of 2.7 cm (just over an inch) in the erect penis length of the 18 participants. This research, conducted over three months, involved the test subjects wearing a specific [words=]traction[/words] device (the Pro [words=]Extender[/words]) for twelve hours a day, seven days a week throughout the trial.
Although the gains achieved weren’t phenomenal, the study did provide clinical, objective confirmation that [words=]traction[/words] can promote noticeable increases in penis size. When considering the controversy that surrounds the subject of penis enlargement, this type of scientific verification is a rare and welcome thing.
The Effect of [words=]Traction[/words] on Penis Girth
There is a pervasive myth that suggests that increases in penis length achieved through [words=]traction[/words] are generally accompanied by a proportionate decrease in penis girth. In other words, the longer the penis stretches the thinner it gets. However, in reality the process of [words=]traction[/words] does not substitute one for the other.
It would be true to suggest that [words=]traction[/words] does indeed place an emphasis on lengthening the penis, but this is not at the expense of penis girth. All areas within the penile shaft are placed under equal stress when [words=]traction[/words] is applied and as a result all tissue cells multiply uniformly to cope with the demand. This has been born out by clinical research into the effectiveness of another penile stretching device, which indicated test subjects achieved average increases of around ½ inch in penis girth.
Reasons Why [words=]Traction[/words] Promotes Greater Gains in Length than Girth
The discrepancy between length and girth increase is probably due to the fact that [words=]traction[/words] also gradually stretches the suspensory ligament that anchors the penis to the pubic bone and holds a portion of the penile shaft internally. In fact, the penis extends for several inches behind the pubic bone. By stretching the ligament that maintains the position of the internal part of the penile shaft, this hidden length is gradually exposed – creating additional visible and functional length.
Surgical penis lengthening actually involves severing the suspensory ligament to allow this externalization of the internal penis. However, it would seem that stretching the ligament through [words=]traction[/words] is equally if not more effective. One of the main drawbacks of the surgical technique is that scar tissue formation following the procedure tends to retract the penis back into the body – negating the gains that would otherwise have been achieved.
[words=]Traction[/words] therefore promotes length gains through two distinct processes. Firstly by creating additional tissue mass as cells within the penis multiply in number in response to the stress placed on them. Secondly, additional visible length is achieved by gradually exposing a portion of the internally held penile shaft due to the stretching of the suspensory ligament. Gains in penis girth on the other hand, are only achieved through the one process i.e. the division of cells within the penis. As a result of this dual process, gains in length tend to be far more pronounced and noticeable.
Potential Problems
A major concern most men have when debating whether to try a penile stretching device regards the safety issues involved. There is certainly a great deal of negative propaganda to be found on the Web regarding potential injury risks associated with this method of penis enlargement. The majority however, is highly inaccurate and tends to be spun by commercial sites with a vested interest in propagating misinformation in order to sell their own alternative product.
The main concerns usually revolve around the potential for either penile nerve damage or alternatively, problems resulting from restricted blood flow to the glans (head) of the penis. However, such complications are unlikely in the extreme if due care is taken and a good quality [words=]traction[/words] device is used.
These problems have only been documented in cases where crude home made devices have been used to hang excessive amounts of
weight from the penis. For example, tying a piece of string in a noose behind the head of the penis and then
hanging gym
weights pendulum style is undoubtedly a bad idea. The noose is likely to tighten, which in turn places pressure on the main dorsal nerve running along the top of the penile shaft and also prevents normal blood flow to the penis head.
In the worst case scenario, long-term sustained exposure to such abuse could cause problems. The dorsal nerve may suffer irreversible damage, leading to a partial lose of penile sensation or in extreme cases even impotence. Cutting off the blood flow to the penile head for extended periods over several months could also well lead to tissue damage. But these are the extremes and you would certainly experience severe pain, numbing or swelling to alert you to the fact you were doing something wrong well before you risked permanent damage.
Although these dangers are often quoted, in reality using a well designed [words=]traction[/words] device is perfectly safe. Modern devices attach to the head of the penis with surgical grade silicone tubing that prevents pressure being placed on the dorsal nerve and also ensures proper blood circulation is maintained - even during periods of extended use. Furthermore, they provide precisely controlled and adjustable levels of tensile force (usually of a range from 1 – 4 lbs) that fall well within safety ranges.
Workings of a Modern Device
The latest generation of penile [words=]traction[/words] devices are quite simple, but sophisticated in design. They rely on providing very precise levels of tension in order to ensure both safe usage and optimum results.
Their basic framework consists of a plastic ring that encircles the base of the penis, from which two adjustable metal rods run down either side of the penile shaft. These two metal rods connect at the other end to a flexible loop made from surgical silicone tubing, which fastens onto the end of the penis just behind the glans (head). Once secured to the penis, the metal rods are adjusted to apply a measured level of [words=]traction[/words], ranging in predetermined increments from around 1 – 4 lbs.
Penile [words=]traction[/words] devices are generally worn continuously for a number of hours each day, although some find it more practical to break daily usage into several shorter sessions. The length of each daily session however, is entirely up to individual preference and has little bearing on eventual gains.
Results are ultimately determined by the total accumulated hours of usage over the entire course of treatment. To illustrate the point, applying [words=]traction[/words] for two hours a day over six months will typically produce the same end results as a three month regime consisting of daily four hour sessions. In simple terms, the longer the device is worn each day, the quicker gains tend to be achieved.
In fact, with lifestyle permitting such devices can be safely worn for as many as twelve hours per day. The most important point however, is to ensure consistent daily usage rather than intermittently applying [words=]traction[/words] for long but irregular marathon sessions. It’s worth noting though that modern devices tend to be designed with practicality in mind. They generally fit inconspicuously under loose clothing and don’t interfere with normal everyday activities.
Proper rest periods between daily [words=]traction[/words] sessions are of course equally important to ensuring steady progress. Whilst the physical act of applying [words=]traction[/words] to the penis provides the stimulus for growth, it is during the interspersed periods of rest that recovery and regeneration of the stressed penile tissue occurs. It is for this reason that daily [words=]traction[/words] sessions should never exceed the recommended twelve hour upper limit.
Choosing a safe and effective device
Until recently, the use of a high quality penile [words=]traction[/words] device remained prohibitively expensive; and was reserved mainly for patients who'd undergone penis lengthening surgery. Their status as medical apparatus together with development costs and a limited client base all helped to keep prices high.
However, as their effectiveness as a stand alone method of penis enlargement has become increasingly acknowledged and their popularity has accordingly risen - prices have dropped dramatically.
A good example of this is the [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words], a medically certified device originally developed by a Danish Plastic Surgeon in the late 1990’s. Until fairly recently, this high end penile [words=]traction[/words] device carried a rather hefty $1000 price tag. However, as popularity has soared over the last few years, prices have fallen to around the $300-400 mark.
Although launched over a decade ago, the [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words] is in fact, still considered to be the gold standard by which all other devices are judged. Not only was it the first [words=]penis [words=]extender[/words][/words] to gain medical certification and approval, but it's also the device that has been subjected to the most successful clinical research.
What's more, DanaMedic (the company behind the [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words]) continues to lead the market in terms of new innovations. For example, they recently pioneered a more functional alternative to the usual silicone noose that you'll see on most devices. Their new 'comfort
strap' system provides a more reliable and secure method of attachment, as well as increased comfort when wearing the device for extended periods of time – all of which ultimately equates to longer wearing times and therefore, quicker results.
Buying the [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words]
Because the [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words] has proved so reliable and popular (DanaMedic report that over 250,000 have been sold to date) the original device is resold by a number of companies under different brand names – the most reputable of which are Pro [words=]Extender[/words] and [words=]SizeGenetics[/words].
You'll also find many other websites offering similar looking devices under a variety of other brand names – but to be sure you're getting the genuine article it's advisable to buy directly from either DanaMedic or one of the well established resellers mentioned above.
One good reason to buy directly from DanaMedic in particular, is that you'll save a fair amount of money. The 'original' [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words] (the exact same version sold by all three companies) costs 199 Euros (approximately $250) bought from DanaMedic. The same device bought through [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] costs $389.85 (available at [words=]MOS[/words] for $165), whilst the Pro [words=]Extender[/words] costs $429.99. Obviously, resellers act as 'middlemen' and this inflates the cost somewhat.
Out of the two main resellers, [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] currently offers the best value added
package. The company bundles the device with a good penile exercise program, which can certainly help to accelerate gains if you're prepared to use the two methods in tandem. They also provide one of the better guarantees whereby they'll refund the cost of the device if you don't see permanent improvements within 120 days. [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] even offer to reimburse the cost of the device on receipt of genuine 'before and after' photos.
The New Male Edge Device
An attractive alternative to buying the [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words] is the new Male Edge device – which is in fact, produced by the same company as the [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words] - DanaMedic.
With the new Male Edge, DanaMedic have completely redesigned the [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words] from the ground up in order to offer substantially improved functionality and performance, whilst maintaining an extremely competitive price. The top end Male Edge Pro for example costs just 169 Euros (approximately $210).
Having had a first hand look at the device, this 'next generation' [words=]penis [words=]extender[/words][/words] really does have a host of new features that simplify use, improve comfort and increase power.
Firstly, the Male Edge is substantially lighter than the [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words] thanks to its new high density polymer construction – which replaces many of the [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words]'s metal parts.
The lighter design helps to make the device less obtrusive and certainly increases comfort when worn for extended periods. Just as importantly though, this lighter design doesn't affect built quality or durability. Although the construction may seem a little 'plasticy' on first impressions, it is in fact extremely robust and carries the same two year warranty as the original [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words].
DanaMedic have also discarded the multi-part construction used by the [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words] (and all other [words=]traction[/words] device) – a move that has made the Male Edge device much more straightforward to use right out of the box.
The brand new all-in-one construction requires no assembling or alteration; and automatically adjusts to fit penis lengths from between 1.6 and 9.5 inches. Without the need to add or remove additional components such as elongation bars or tension springs, the device is certainly more convenient to use and should provide trouble-free operation throughout the enlargement process.
In addition, the Male Edge incorporates a brand new tension adjustment system, developed to provide effortless changes to the level of [words=]traction[/words] applied to the penis.
This new 'click mechanism' replaces the traditionally used tension springs (which can wear out) and tension adjustment screws (which can be both fiddly to operate and may require frequent adjustment.)
Once in place, incremental adjustments to the level of [words=]traction[/words] are now made by simply pulling gently on the elongation bars, which then click into place with each incremental change. Not only is this a far less complicated system to operate, but also seems to provide slightly more consistent [words=]traction[/words] levels – with no need to further tweak the tension level once the device is set up for the session.
The most significant improvement to the new Male Edge [words=]extender[/words] however, is that it can exert almost double the level of [words=]traction[/words] in comparison to competing devices – making it the most powerful penis [words=]traction[/words] device on the market. Whilst most [words=]traction[/words] devices exert a maximum of 1.5kg of stretching force, the Male Edge device now offers a massive 2.8kg.
Resent research into penile [words=]traction[/words] shows that increased levels of [words=]traction[/words] above the standard 1.5kg level do accelerate growth, whilst still remaining well within safety margins. The substantially improved [words=]traction[/words] levels of the Male Edge device, combined with its very secure attachment system (DanaMedic's new comfort
strap) in my opinion produces a powerful stretch along the length of the penis that feels extremely positive; and which could well promote faster gains.
The new Male Edge does seem to provide a massive leap forward in [words=]traction[/words] device technology. Its usability, performance and power are quite obviously far ahead of its closet rivals – including the [words=]Jes[/words] [words=]Extender[/words]. When you also consider that the device has been developed by DanaMedic, the preeminent company in the field, the fact that the Male Edge is substantially cheaper than the rest of the competition is quite staggering.
For many men, the use of a penile [words=]traction[/words] device is an attractive proposition when compared to alternative methods of penis enlargement. For example, the method requires far less commitment than a natural exercise regime and has none of the potential pitfalls associated with surgery.
It is of course still important to ensure consistent daily usage of the device. Once attached to the penis however, very little in the way of active participation is needed – apart perhaps from periodically checking to ensure the device is properly secured.
One of the main benefits of modern penile [words=]traction[/words] devices is that they apply consistent, but relatively low levels of tension to the penis. Safety is therefore maintained, whilst producing steady gains.
With several months of daily usage, gains of an inch or more in penis length are common and are equally noticeable in both the erect and flaccid state. Gains in penis girth tend to be slightly less pronounced, with the typical increase in circumference being around ½ an inch. Contrary to popular myth however, the use of [words=]traction[/words] certainly does not result in a loss of girth.
Although not a quick fix solution, consistent use of [words=]traction[/words] tends to promote steady permanent increases in penis size over the course of several months. It offers a viable method of penis enlargement for those interested in achieving their goals in a gradual, methodical manner.
It explains the process of how the penis grows using this device and at the end talks about using higher tension for faster gains.