Thanks for the visit buddy! My cock has been ROCK FUCKING HARD the past few days since doing that short clamping session and so thick its lovely. I'm going to nail somemore sessions nextweek on length again and than measure and fingers crossed I got that 8.5 and than I can start hitting in addition the Frendo's for width and than head pumping for glans enlargement.
Its been weeks now since my last session and to be honest I aint missing it haha too busy at the moment with College to really hammer it and I'm quite happy with my size at the moment aswell, but sure I will start up sometime again and go for those targets I set myself.

Havent lost anything either touch wood and when I clamped around my base the otherday I noticed it was VERY tight and I only needed two clicks of the medium clamp to get a nice constriction.

My overall circulation to the penis and flaccid hang isnt as good like it was when I was working it out but its all still good and my erections at night have been comming back hard again.

The ligaments that I had stretched out and 'damaged' to become longer will not have shrunk and gone back to the original size as they wont repair and go back to the size they were again once they have been damaged ligaments dont go back to how they were and in the case of penis enlargement that is good! but if you do football and fuck your knee ligaments up by over stretching them, its not good!

I REALLY want to play around with the Frendo exercise I made and think nextweek I will do, just that and see how it goes with width as they will be killer for width and that is something I really do want more of.

I shall use the [words=!!!]Length Master[/words] and clamps to get myself in the Frendo's and report back here how its going.

Will also do the usual bits & pieces I was doing such as the Ultimate Penis Enlargement stretch by Blue_Whale in the [words=]Power Assist[/words] done bundled and the V-SES stretch to the ligaments.

So watch this space for some major width work as the clamp master is returning back to what he is known for ...GIRTH WORK BABY.

Before I do the next lot of workouts I will measure and report back with my stats. ATM I estimate no loss in gains and this is from site and touch. Approx 8.4/5 inches erect BP length and the usual in erect length. Flaccid length about 5 3/4 inches BP going to 6 inches on a very good day but mostly 5 3/4 inches and as its getting colder now backing down to 5 1/2 inches.

Warm regards to everyone
30th September

15 minutes standard constictors with some CTS/TCS and bends.
Noticed that my penis at the base is thicker by the tightness of the clamp. I can get a good constriction with one click now all around the package incl the balls with the medium sea or cable clamps. Cant go past 3 clicks now.

My size does feel thicker slightly in the middle aswell, so I have grown slightly as I did report about a few months ago alongwith my length which touch wood has kept to its new length at approx 8.3-8.5 inches BP as I can tell when I get nocturnal or morning wood.

I'm really going to have to get my ass into shape and start the width exercises alongwith somemore stretching.
7th October

45 minutes continues constrictors [clamping] of which the first 30 minutes was standard constrictors [Clamped edgeing] with the last 15 minutes Frendo's for width, performed with the [words=!!!]Length Master[/words] hanger attachment around the mid-shaft of the penis.

Session went well I think. Like lastime the medium sized clamp I use wont go past 3 clicks now around the base.

The Frendo's left my penis looking more wider and fatter afterwards but not as apparent like with the tile method I outlined in the original thread for the exercise BUT doing it with the [words=!!!]LM[/words] attachment is much easier and will still work, could in fact be safer as its not crushing the penis as much like with the tile because of the slight groove carved in the wood.

Its difficult with Frendo's to get it right as you have to be determined and have patience. Clamped around the base and with the attachment just below the glans, you need to master the kegel as its this which will keep thrusting new blood into the penis to keep the erection alive and further engore the penis into its larger wider shape.

My base was approx 2 3/4 inches in width with this and possibly even 3 inches at times but you can move it down the penis more to concentrate further on the areas below the head etc.

In time this will give me more width and I hope more will start doing these, especially now with the [words=!!!]LM[/words] being ever so popular that the attachment can be used as an aid.
Update 17th October

I'm really starting to feel and SEE the new size my penis has.

It seems to be larger in width & girth aswell as the small increase in length but mostly see and feel it in girth ... at about 80% erection now I would estimate thats what I was when at 100% erection in the last photos.

At night when I get these intense nocturnal erections my penis looks huge ... I have quite a few wet dreams now when in the past I never did and I'm often aware in my sleep of the pelvic floor muscles contracting as I ejaculate ... often the erection lasts a few hours and lastnight I'm pretty certain I had pains in my pelvic region from the contractions.

Base girth has increased which has already been reported but now I really feel it in the middle of the penis aswell. It looks wider for sure in the mirror and I'm going to hit the Frendo's tonight and really stretch that width out.

My orgasms have been fucking awesome too ... with a deep feeling going inside me when I ejaculate that feels as though the prostate is being stimulated ..... I'm also quite hornier than usual.

The penis feels spongy when touched in the daytime, which in the past has been a good indication of new growth.

I'm surprised in a way that I'm seeing this change because I havent been hitting the Penis Enlargement recently except with the odd session but as I have stated many times, the growth cycle seems to come from rest with me and it looks like it has started to kick in oncemore .... my sessions are ultra intense and it takes time for that healing & growth to come imo and with too much exercise it wouldnt allow the growth to come.

So tonight I will smash the frendos and some standard constrictors and keep going for this on more regular and see how huge I can get it now ... its a great feeling.
October 21st session

Just finished a 35 minute session of Frendo's and standard constrictors, topped off with a gentle testicle massage.

I used the [words=!!!]Length Master[/words] hanging attachment to execute the Frendo and I have to say its much better than the original setup I outlined with the tiles and large clamp .. very easy and you can adjust on the fly when you wish.

Frendo's were done first and for 25 minutes non-stop targetting the middle and lower portion of the penis but it will have a uniform effect on the whole penis with the compression used.

Dureing these 25 minutes I kept very aroused and erect by wayching the pictures on my desktop .. my cock was throbbing so hard at times, it felt like it would explode! and I even got pre-cum comming out.

Dureing todays session with the attcHydromaxent I found that gripping it from time to time and pulling it downwards, so the penis was going more to the floor, forced it into a wider shape and I would do holds of these for a few seconds at a time.

I enjoyed the session very much and went no further than 3 clicks in the clamp and did notice my balls & scrotum going darker in colour which was cured with a simple massage and stretch.

Once finished I did 10 minutes of standard constrictors to ensure my erection returned to 100% and to help flush out waste products that may have accumulated when the frendos compressed with penis, but also this method imo will help to solidate gains over time.

With that being complete I massaged some cosagrande premium cream on my penis to help with the healing followed by a gentle massage and stretch to the testes & scrotum.

This exercise guys is simply the best width exercise evermade!! I cant believe the size changes and feeling to my penis when doing and afterwards .... in time my penis will be much wider than it is now for sure.

The downside to Frendo's are that they arent easy to master .. this isnt be blowing my own trumpet or anything like that but being honest about it .. you have to be good or should I say used to clamping and knowing your own limits incl the signs of when to hold back from adding more pressure but while also keeping the intensity high ... its a balancing act but trust me, once you get confident you will find it easy and see gains.

Also you really should be maintaining that erection to the highest you can for example 80% at least to see the gains you want. This in itself can be hard, especially when your dick is being compressed in a vice-like grip but it can be done and the idea of pain is silly ... you dont feel pain, just a slight discomfort which is normal and many get this with hanging, pumping, stretching anyway.
When I commence with the Frendo's again I shall do a pump session right afterwards for medium pressure & 20 minutes or so.

Thought about pump first than Frendo's but I wil try this combo first because I think it will work better, the vacuum attacking if you will the already enlarged & stretched out penis VS the penis being already fatigued from pumping and than going into the Frendo's.
October 28th Session

25 minutes of clamping which was made up of standard [edgeing], horse squeezes and CTS/TCS stretches with several minutes of testicle/scrotum massages.

This was a really intense session and my cock has not been as hard for a long time. It was like fucking steel towards the end!

Started with the standard constrictors, which are clamped edgeing and went to the PONR a few times and cameback again. While doing this I added a few horse squeezes to the area where I was targetting the otherday with the Frendo's, to help bringout this area ... the horse squeezes will imo help do that.

The CTS\TCS stretches were also done and I noticed they really made my length longer, and I could really feel the stretch inside the penis.

Was really turned on doing this session, my cock was really hard as I've said and it just wanted some girl to be willing to fuck it tonight as I was HORNY!!!

Testicle & scrotum massage finished the session off at the end.

I clamped at max 3 clicks around the whole package but could get a good constriction with 1-2 clicks.

During the night my erections were rock solid like a steel pole. I was horny and wanked off in the night ... what a great session.

Will be wanting to try some pumping & Frendo combo soon.
October 29th Session

This session wasnt planned and was just the spur of the moment when I wanted to wank off to some juicy booty on the net!

Grabbed my clamp and away I went.

Did 30 minutes total of the standard constrictors [clamped edgeing] with one or two horse squeezes and a couple CTS\TCS stretches which went really well.

My cock was fucking insane, what a hard erection! loveing it SO much and hope its like this for the weekend when I'm out on town, in case I pull a lass! hehe

Noticed lots of pre-cum forming at the tip of my dick. Balls becamse discoloured, so I had to massage them while clamped.

It went really well, nice intense session with a gentle testicle/scrotum massage at the end.
November 1st

25 minutes standard constrictors with several forceful CTS/TCS and the odd horse squeeze.

This wasnt one of my most intense sessions and I found my dick seemed tired at times with unwillingness to rise upon command, a sure sign a rest is needed.

I did though get a cracking set of standard constrictors in or otherwise more commonly known as Clamped Edgeing ... I went right to the end and had some pre-cum drip out .. I was horny and thinking about fucking some older lass in my class whos quite hot but married .. damn!

Finished off with testicle massaage and some cosagrande cream.
November 6th session

What a monster cock session it was lastnight! Got my dick to its thickest that its ever been.

Firstly I did 15 minutes of medium to medium high pressure pumping and used a condom at first but that exploded in the tube after several minutes! what a site that was, I thought the tube exploded at first.

From this 15 minutes I had a wicked pump with some fluid build-up but that can be used to ones advantage when they do Penis Enlargement afterwrads.

Once I got out the pump it was time to hit the clamp, which I did for 40 minutes straight .. like the old days.

For those 40 mins I was doing standard constrictors aka clamped edgeing with a few horse squeezes. The size was fucking enourmous and well into the 7 inch range ... thickest I've been and my cock was rock hard, no problems with erection from the pump.

Once I finished that I did a quick testicle/scrotum massage and rubbed some Cosagrande cream in and that was that but I was still horny so I grabbed the rib of the exploded condom and used it as a cock ring haha while I had a good tug to those girls at!!!

Erection quality was excellent ... no problems at all.

What I will try and do tonight is the samething but instead of clamping, do the Frendo's! my god it will be sick!
November 15th

Todays session was 40 minutes doing the usual standard clamping and also several horse squeezes and quite a few hard CTS/TCS stretches.

I used another clamp for the first 15 mins or so around my balls to see if that helped keep them from jumping upwards, which they do from time to time as I clamp .. it worked alright but the colour wasnt good so I removed it.

Overall the session went well
December 20th

WHAT A SESSION it was guys! The hardness and sheer pleasure I obtained is beyond words here.

It started with me doing something new ... something I have been meaning to test for awhile now to help enlarge the glans [head]. All that one needs is a condom rim, thats all ... just tear it off and double it off to make it tight, like you do with elastic bands ... place it underneath your glans [If your uncut like me than PULL the skin back and makesure it stays back as you attach the rim].

With this underneath the glans, it may look odd right now and you dont need to be erect either. I was flaccid.

Start to pleasure yourself and get erect. It will seem like forever to get that head filled but the rest of the penis is filling up very well ... so just do some slow dry jelws towards the head, which will expand it and get the blood inside ... this will work.

With that done, you can try jelqs and than holding off underneath the glans if you so wish which if done manuelly without the condom rim would be called the Tao Jelq [I learned it back in 2001 when new to this] but with the added constriction from the rim you are actually keeping more blood inside the glans and aswell, promoting in the longrun a better shape to the ridge of the penis ... that beuitiful deep mushroom head look that girls love to suck on .. this will make it happen.

Okay so that is the standard constricted glans [head] technique for you all to use, what I did lastnight was take it onestep further and add puming to it.

I got myself setup and rimmed ready. Had never done this in the pump before and didnt know deepdown if the rim could cut into my penis from the pressure, so I had to take caution and use moderate pressure when pumping.

The pumping lasted 20 minutes and I noticed that very minimal fluid had built up but what was strikeing, is the fact my penis felt SO HARD ... it was so easy to keep getting erect and more blood going in ... unusual sensation to have and I can only descibe it as being like when you get erect, the feeling of the blood rushing in and than that stops as you become full .. well this feeling kept going on and on ... it was great.

The whole penis seemed to get a better pump especially the head which looked really meaty now with good shape, yet again no fluid and all good solid stuff.

Once the 20 minutes was up I got the condom rim off, which was easier than I thought and slapped a clamp on to start the 30 minutes of standard edgeing constrictors in front of the miror.

All I can say is WOW ... the pleasure was awesome, the rim being attached underneath the glans had really made the vacuum focus more on it and brought out the feeling in the nerve endings thats for sure ... my erections were on fire, I was ROCK SOLID guys ... my erection was so strong and again that feeling of when your getting erect, the blood rushing in .. it was apparent allot of the time.

Didnt do any stretches becauase I didnt want to disturb the work on the head, but did a few Uli squeezes. I had several dry orgasms aswell with plenty pre-cum.

Afterwards I massaged my testes and scrotum, than applied the Leech oil.

My cock is looking great now and with this method I can see not just better gains in head size but also in girth and length perhaps.

Just a quick update that since my workout the other night I have ejaculated twice and let me tell you guys it was the most intense contractions and feelings ever! it was like a machine gun of contractions from my anus region spasming through my penis to the head and the orgasm was FANTASTIC .. I wanted to scream out and know now why women moan like they do!

The ejaculation when I shot my load was more powerful ... I really do think that the Constricted Boa's and Vacuum Constricted Boa's have the ability to not only enlarge the head of the penis, which they were created for but also to help thicken the entire shaft and now increase orgasm pleasure ... why and how could this be?

Well as its ''clamped'' in effect underneath the glans of the penis and also possibly if the user wanted, clamped off at the base the penis is erect and when blood is kegeled in from the pelvic region I can only summarise that the constriction [obstruction shall we say] at the head region is doing something internally with pressure and creating a huge force that the pelvic muscles are working against to keep the blood inside ... does this make sense?
December 23rd

* 20 minutes Vacuum Constricted Boa's and this time I went medium to HIGH pressure!
I had no bad effects or anything of that nature at all and no pain from the rim.

Quite amazing really that something so fine as a condom rim can actually not cut into the penis and I tested that out with the high pressure but because my pump has no gauge I have no idea what, but it was high ... feel and sight told me that when it went into the zone.

Okay than, well the whole session went really well. The same sensation from last time of blood flowing fast from time to time was apparent and the size/shape of the glans was very pronounced.

* 20 minutes Standard Constricted edging with Constricted Boa's. I left the rim intact and didn't touch it, which last time if you remember it was removed, so this was new waters.

My girth was fine and hardly any fluid again. I noticed some fluid underneath the glans but it wasn't anything to concern me.

I even managed a few CTS/TCS stretches and some head squeezes, but didn't want to push it too far with already allot of stress being placed on the penis.

The rim would have further helped keep the size and shape that was worked in that pump session.

Once finished I did 10 minutes testicle & scrotum massage while applying the wonderful Leech Oil. Than applied the cable clamp again but on click 1 [lowest for medium] and used it as a ADC [All day clamp] after the session to just keep the flaccid size nice and plump ... many feel this helps with gains. I kept that on for approx 50 minutes.

My cock as I type this, is still rock hard and really fine condition and I ended the routine just less than 1 hour ago as this is posted to the forums!

I'm very optimistic for this new exercise and once I get things really sorted, I can utilize it along with the Frendo's for width, which will be a brutal combo .. so watch this space!

This will also be my last workout this side of Christmas but what a fat present it has left me between the legs haha

Take care all and god bless
Used the [words= ]X-40[/words] today for the first time and man what a lovely pump I got. This whole [words= ]Hydropumping[/words] is MUCH better than conventional dry pumping and this is coming from someone who knows about pumping, having used it and gained permanently from it via combining it with other Penis Enlargement methods over the past several years.

I did 20 minutes as recommended in the bath. This was a trial dummy run tbh and nothing fancy. I wanted to get a feel for it and see what happened.

The sensation was, well great! I felt NO PAIN or discomfort at all, unlike dry pumping which does give you various feelings of discomfort no matter how low pressure a pressure you go at.

The suction was GREAT, I was shocked tbh with you all at how tight and compact this thing held and bare in mind from my uploaded pix, its HUGE and around 4 inches in width so that hole is BIG which makes it more impressive how well it holds.

I could sit back in the bath and literally go sleep if I wanted to, while the vacuum pressure remained constant. I noticed my penis was at the same point in the tube for the duration of the session with gaps inbetween the pumps, so te suction was strong and no loss noticed.

As I said it was totally different to conventional pumping, much better feeling and just as powerful. I would push down on the mighty [words= ]X-40[/words] every now and than to see some water squirt out the top and more pressure applied. As the 20 minutes went by I noticed my penis had increased further in length slightly inside the tube and again held this positon for the remainder, testament to the pumps quality!

Let me also point out that you can keep pushing down on the pumps for more vacuum, because it wont happen and that is GOOD and unlike anything else on the market ... its SAFETY and you will be thankful in the longrun. I tried to push down more at times but nothing, no water squirted out the top and the reasons for this are simple. The whole [words= ]Hydropumping[/words] principle is that inside thet tube the penis fills it a set amount and than once a vacuum is introduced inside, some water is expelled out the top to allow this change to happen. Now, if you keep wanting more vacuum than the pressure wont go higher until the penis gets BIGGER and this is because no more water is displaced inside that tube for additional vacuum to be introduced in order to increase the pressure .... hope that makes sense.

What all this means is that it is very hard to overtrain with one of these, unless you do long sessions and your penis gets larger with the duration of pump. Nothing like conventional pumping which can create grotesque looking manhoods because of insane strengths in the amount of vacuum used.

Okay all that said. The only pain I felt was on the right side of my scrotum from rubbing on the entrance to the tube but this was and is no big deal and can be sorted out with the addition of vaseline or light padding to the area.

When the 20 minutes was complete I pushed the top right down and it released the pressure just like that. My penis didnt have a single mark or red spot on it! f**king amazing and yet it had a really nice pump to it! Minimal fluid and what I had in this session was what I would get in a medium to medium high vacuum session of conventional pumping and that would also include discomfort on the glans and marks to the penis. With the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] [words= ]X-40[/words] I didnt even know I was pumping! the water insulates the penis and you just dont realise at all as its pure comfort. As far as Penis Enlargement goes .. this is the VIP room treatment.

I than put a clamp around my whole package and left it for 15 minutes. Some of this was erect and some semi-erect.

So that was my first session with the [words= ]X-40[/words] and man what a session. I will now need to have more baths to really get going with it. I'll be doing Constricted Boa's [Head enlargement] and standard constrictors while entering the tube in the future. I could have gone much longer in the pump and suffered no ill affects at the constant vacuum I had it on and go up only when need be.

This is a class piece of engerneering and workmanship with great quality parts plus its guranteed for 2 years from date of purchase, provided you have receipt.

I forgot to note in my post when I used the [words= ]X-40[/words] that my length once inside and pumped out was 8.2 inches. As the minutes went by and I was going into approx the 15th minute, the final furlong I pumped again and the length increased to 8 1/2 inches, or a gain of 1/4 inches. This would also be around my MAXIMUM erect length size on the best possible day. This has given me STRONG encouragement that this beauty can be very powerful to increase my length as well as girth! I didn't get a stretch like that lengthwise in the conventional pump.

I'll be back in the [words= ]X-40[/words] tomorrow 19th January for another 20 minutes of pleasure pressure haha
Bathmate heaven

February 4th

This was my second session with the [words= ]X-40[/words] [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and this time I wanted to try it in the shower, to save time and water. I tried and tried with the water going into the pump and getting a god suction, both stood and sitting but to no avail! I couldn't seem to master it in the shower and kept leaking, so I had to use the bath ... after all its called a [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

Once in the bath I was pre-prepared with a clamp and also a condom rim, so I could perform constricted Boa's inside the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. So I wrapped the rim underneath my glans, with skin pulled back and entered the [words= ]X-40[/words] while under the water. I than pumped with some water around the seal, this is awesome and makes an instant vacuum that does not leak .. I had no troubles when I did that VS when in the shower.

So I again was aiming for 20 minutes non-stop at the most suction I could get [Thats meaning no matter how much you keep pushing down on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] the water out the top doesn't come out any more].

Doing it with the condom rim around my glans - Constricted Boa's - was working the head like no other, its essentially glans clamping but your also applying a vacuumed pressure to the area via the pump. I noticed the glans swelled up very large dureing the session and I could feel that 'pain' when you have all that blood constricting in such a tight space, wasn't a bad pain or anything like that.

Let me point out that with the constricted boa's I did notice some more discomfort throughout the penis, nothing bad at all but I could feel more going on and this is exactly what I have noticed when doing standard boa's, it seems to place an awesome amount of pressure on the pelvic floor muscles as the blood trapped inside is being forced more into that area and the muscles have to work harder than they would normally to maintain this .. do you understand me here? and the middle chamber, the little thin tube underneath that urine goes through, gets a great workout as-well with these ... in fact the whole penis gets a great workout.

I noticed that I reached my maximum length quicker this time and more easier than the last pump session.

Once the 20 mins were up, which flew by the way, I placed the medium sized clamp around my whole package and left it for 10 minutes while I bathed.

Had a really nice pump and no fluid at all!! this is incredible as the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] seems to, what I can only describe as INTERNALLY pumping the penis instead of conventional pumping which seems to be more EXTERNALLY targeting the penis and hence the massive fluid build-up.

My erections that night and since have been great, rock hard in the night and long and thick as fuck!

February 6th

This session was born out of just wanting to masturbate, so I thought why not do this clamped and get a session out of it. 20 minutes of clamped edgeing with a few stretches thrown into the mix. I noticed my erect length was HUGE and at pretty much its max, at around 8.3 inches and the girth was really thick ... this was 2 days afterwards from my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session and the aftermath was clearly showing .. this wasn't fluid either, but the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] seems to work its magic and get the blood circulation going again like a fountain in your pride & joy ... the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] in my opinion could be the answer to many mens impotent issues and those times they cant get it up, because with regular use of this it will start to get the penis in tip top shape .. that and performing regular PC muscle work.

Right so during those 20 mins I was really thinking about fucking some of the tight 17-18 year old girls in my college and seeing their lips round my huge snake head shaped glans and that was what it was like ... I grabbed underneath my glans and fucking squeezed ... it was HUGE, GIGANTIC and I twisted it partially round so I could see sort of what a girl would see sucking it .. OMG what a site and the ridge around the head was beautiful, it looked awesome I must say and sorry for sounding vein and in love with myself here .. I was just shocked is all.

I have been getting massive erections in the night since, incl this morning ... I'm SO HAPPY and EXCITED about this and that the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] came into my life as its lifted my Penis Enlargement hobby up off the ground. I will be in the bath again later for another session and than this evening with some clamping.
great work red, I otally agree with you, the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is incredible!
Will be really interesting to follow your glans development from the constricted Boa + pump.
fedora;369436 said:
great work red, I otally agree with you, the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is incredible!
Will be really interesting to follow your glans development from the constricted Boa + pump.

Thanks mate. Yeah the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is the real deal al rite and I can see potential in its use with my constricted Boa's
7th February

My 3rd session inside the mighty [words= ]X-40[/words]! I did the usual 1 [words=]X 20[/words] minute session in the bath with the most suction I could get, without compromising safety of course.
I had some discomfort with my scrotum being sucked partially into the tube, which rubbed the skin on my sack and hurt like a bitch but I managed to remedy that fast by releasing some suction, moving everything out and than going at it again.

I went into the tube in my constricted Boa's [head clamping] as last time and have high hopes these will increase glans size.

Noticed that I had more discomfort from time to time on this session, but that could be because I was using slightly more suction? I wasn't having as much break between the pumps like previous but fluid was very minimal still. I managed to hit a higher mark on the tape from the outside of the tube, as I strive to go that bit further on each session in the tube as this [words= ]Bathmate[/words] also attacks length.

One thing I will add is that at one stage I decided to try pulling the base of the tube upwards straight out and holding that for a few seconds ... the sensation was an almighty pull in the ligaments and internal portion to the penis ... this was getting a good tight hold of the internal structures and when the tube was pulled, literally grabbing it and stretching it outwards.

Immediately after doing this I put the tube back and pumped ... to my surprise I kid you not I leaped approx 5mm in length that I hadn't reached before in the tube ... this extra 5mm subsided after about 15-20 seconds but it goes to show that something positive came about from pulling the tube at the base.

Once the session was over I put the cable clamp on around the whole package and left it on for about 10 minutes while I gently massaged my testes & scrotum.

Fluid was minimal and no red spots were present. Later on when I was out the bath I was jacking off and had an almighty orgasm .. I'm again convinced that those Boa's do something to also strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

I also massaged the usual Leech oil around my penis shaft and testes for healing & growth.

Didn't get round to doing the Frendo's as I wanted to because privacy was minimal later on and time here is late, but we have tommorow and the circulatory effects from the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], because they are more that than a pump are astounding and will be around for days yet, so I can use camping and Frendo's throughout the week on this work I did today.
Last edited:
10th February

4th visit inside the [words= ]X-40[/words] this afternoon. Did the usual 20 minutes while also performing the constricted Boa's for head size. I again had some slight soreness with the scrotum getting rubbed against the base but I found a cure but dripping around the testes with a freehand and than pumping. In the end I release the grip and pump again, seems to help remove the trapped skin from the base but I needed to adjust it from time to time, no big deal really and to be expected with such a wide hole in the [words= ]X-40[/words].

I performed a few of those base stretches that I wrote about last time and again felt a nice stretch.

The great thing is that my maximum length in this thing today was just over 9 inches! I was at 8 1/2 - 8 3/4 inches for allot of the session but than towards the end hit just past 9 inches. I hit that same maximum last time but this session I hit it sooner and for slightly longer, which means the intensity was higher than last ... this is good and will translate into gains soon.

Had some fluid, but not much. I have been surprised at how little fluid the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] leaves compared to conventional pumping. No soreness and no marks either. Just some slight discolouration on the glans when I removed from the pump but that soon fades away.

Once I was out the tube I clamped off around the entire package for 10-15 minutes while I bathed. Rim was also still attached underneath the glans during this time and a lovely ridge shape was evident.

Very promising thus far and seeing good results from doing this every 3rd day rather than everyday as that to me is going to cause too much fluid or fluid being expanded more with the extra pressure and no time to fully heal and grow. I will apply Leech oil shortly before bed.

That night on the 10th February I did 35 minutes standard constrictors [clamped edging] and also did some CTS\TCS stretches and also some horse squeezes, head squeezes and my size was enormous. Cant wait to use this on the girls and stretch them out wide.

Noticed today 12th that my head shape looks really good with the ridges really taking shape and deep at the edges. Was having TONS of nocturnal erections last night as well, every time I woke my cock was rock solid and it was just great to have that. At one point my penis was stood at attention to the most longest its been, must have been 8 3/4 inches in length .. rock solid.

Thus far going really well touch wood and will either hit the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] today or later tommorow. Want to also hit a session in those Frendo's once I've done a session and haven't done that yet, what massive potential they hold when used in synergy with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].
12th February

20 minutes of [words= ]Bathmate[/words] [words= ]X-40[/words] work. Again did the constricted Boa's but instead of using the condom rim, I tried the small sea(cable) clamp and clicked it 3 times underneath my glans, with the skin pulled back and while flaccid. This was tight but not too tight. I was actually surprised that it fit and felt okay.

The session was good but I didn't manage to go past the 9 inch length mark, but just shy of it for the end of the session. Maintained the 8 1/2 to 8 3/4 inch mark the duration of the routine. My girth also looked more thicker than usual with the addition of the small clamp, as this will be causing more internal pressure in the penis shaft with it also constricting the glans.

Annoying thing was that my scrotum was sore from time to time as some skin got rubbed up on the base again, plus the area was already tender anyway but nothing too bad.
At the end I did 10 mins clamped off around the whole package while I washed. The glans actually looked more engorged than with the condom rim and the ridge was TERRIFIC .. the shape is really taking off.

I will do my hardest to get a session of Frendo's in later tonight. I also did some of those base stretches on the tube as well.
Excellent log and incredible use of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. It is amazing when we take a new device like that [words= ]Bathmate[/words] under your wing, aside from it's obvious application there is so much more to it when explored. I never dreamed I would ever use a pump but after finally trying it I see that there are some very huge benefits.
REDZULU2003;369938 said:
12th February

20 minutes of [words= ]Bathmate[/words] [words= ]X-40[/words] work. Again did the constricted Boa's but instead of using the condom rim, I tried the small sea(cable) clamp and clicked it 3 times underneath my glans, with the skin pulled back and while flaccid. This was tight but not too tight. I was actually surprised that it fit and felt okay.

The session was good but I didn't manage to go past the 9 inch length mark, but just shy of it for the end of the session. Maintained the 8 1/2 to 8 3/4 inch mark the duration of the routine. My girth also looked more thicker than usual with the addition of the small clamp, as this will be causing more internal pressure in the penis shaft with it also constricting the glans.

Annoying thing was that my scrotum was sore from time to time as some skin got rubbed up on the base again, plus the area was already tender anyway but nothing too bad.
At the end I did 10 mins clamped off around the whole package while I washed. The glans actually looked more engorged than with the condom rim and the ridge was TERRIFIC .. the shape is really taking off.

I will do my hardest to get a session of Frendo's in later tonight. I also did some of those base stretches on the tube as well.

Maybe you can try to avoid the scrotum soreness by wearing the the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] more upward.
In this way the pressure is directed towards the upperside of the base.
Quick update on things

Noticed my night time erections have been going insane, I mean constant hard-ons through the night and its feeling more fuller than usual. Very positive signs.I've been thinking that the use of an [words=]extender[/words] afterwards from a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session would help length gains. If I had a suitable [words=]extender[/words], at the moment I have the old-school noose ones and they aint great comfort-wise but I might perservere for this, than I could do the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] + [words=]Extender[/words] more.

I've found that [words= ]HydroPumping[/words] is much more potent than conventional dry air pumping and it seems to work the internal penis MUCH more. Hardly any fluid on the outside of the penis, so its internal structure is targetted much more efficiently and if you feel around after a session you'll know what I mean here. So doing a set of [words=]extenders[/words] right after the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for about 2 hours at least on a good tension should help take advantage of that work and encourage length gains, because this does do length and mine has gone higher in the tube.

Also on the sameday of a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session I think a set of Frendo's would also be beneficial, with them being able to work rather nicely on creating some new width, with them pushing the penis further than normal(Not been in [words= ]Bathmate[/words])width-wise and so to improve on potential size gains.

Its also self explanatory to do some clamping on the day of a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session aswell, because like Doublelongdaddy has pointed out, manuel work or other Penis Enlargement-methods will work in synergy with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and he performs Slow Jelqs with his [words= ]Bathmate[/words] sessions.

So I'll be looking to incorportate the following in future workouts;

* Length [words=]Extenders[/words] after [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session for few hours at least(Doesnt have to be STRAIGHT after right out the Bath but I'd say within the hour)
* Frendo Width Crusher's on the sameday as a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session to work the width
* Clamping done on the sameday as [words= ]Bathmate[/words] work to help with the expansion from the session

Of course Leech Oil is applied to the penis, testes & scrotum to help circulation and healing which it works well for and also Vacuum Constricted Boa's are performed when I do [words= ]Bathmate[/words] work, for head enlargement.
LINK to how I have been doing [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Kegels
LINK to the stretch I've been doing while useing the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]
14th February

Just finished 20 minutes Frendo Crushers for width while watching 'Unleash the beast' episode from Monsters of cock which starred a hot sexy ass Hungarian babe with Shane Diesel splitting her open. So no worries about erection quality throughout than.

I used the hanger attachment from the [words=!!!]Length Master[/words] as my tool to work the width. Clamped off at the base of course. I got fully erect in the clamp and than got set-up.

Had some discomfort from time to time in the scrotum, as blood congregates in the area while doing these so I have to massage it to keep the blood away and to flow back inside the body again, otherwise you get sore and discolouration. The slight pain always exists in the shaft with this exercise, as you kegel really hard on forcing that blood through the shaft and than squeezing between the attachment that widens it, the pain isn't PAIN as such but you know its a feeling of something going on, the expansion if you will of the penile walls.

During the set I would bend the attachment right down and than sharply upwards in a near enough 'U' shape. This brings out the width in the shaft, where your bending at and so you can move the attached piece around the shaft and work on areas if that's the desire. I just keep it pretty much mid-line, so the penis is worked pretty much in uniform and I have a slight inkling now that in time if one did use this set-up and held the 'U' bend with this, than it would be very possible to make a bend in the penis going upwards, due to the time under engorgement if you will, term to my knowledge doesn't exist but I'm sure you all know about time under tension? well similar analogy but with girth.

Once the set ended I noted my width looked fucking huge and so I did a few quick Manuel bends over my wrist and held them for about 10 seconds or so, just to fill the area out. Kept the clamp on for about 5 minutes and than rubbed the Leech Oil all over and massaged the testes and scrotum.

Nice session and good to be doing the Frendo's again.

Just a quick update that after the Frendo's my cock was big and fat all night. Kept getting erections through the night. Was going to do the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] later but last nights session with the Frendo's battered the penis and its pretty fatigued, so I think I will skip them until tomorrow.
16th February

20 minutes in the [words= ]X-40[/words] [words= ]Bathmate[/words] not long ago and it went nicely. I did what Kingcobra suggested in this thread, by moving the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] more upward and more towards my body and it remedied the pain I was getting in the scrotum. I had the skin pull now and again, but this was nothing really and is something that I'll have to get used to with the hole on this [words= ]X-40[/words] being 4 inches wide all around.

I again did the vacuumed constricted Boa's and with the small sea clamp, this time set at 4 clicks(last time it was 3 clicks).

When I was inside the tube I could really feel the difference in the head region and it was bordering on being too tight, but it ended up filling out nicely although at times it literally felt like the head was going to explode!

Regarding the length in the pump, I maintained the usual stats with a high of just on the 9 inch mark which is an improvement from previous sessions where I was getting shy of it and have at one stage passed it. I think that with the engorgement of the head awell, it does make it harder for length limits but I'm really pleased with that.

Once the session was done I noticed the head had some discouraton to it, but it went quickly once the clamp was released. I applied the medium sized sea clamp to my whole package for 10 minutes and was erect at times while I bathed. Than did a light massage to the testes & scrotum.

Overall things are going really well. Head size is coming along, maximum length is being pushed further and the girth is getting larger. I did also notice that when I had a hard-on in the bath that it did look wider, which is that work from those Frendo's the other night.

Tonight I'll get a session of either Frendo's or clamped edging. Can't hit the [words=]extender[/words] right now because of privacy and the [words=]extender[/words] I have(MaxExtender) isn't very stealthy, so I'll try and get it on in around 1 hours time for about 1-2 hours. At least its had a stretch hahaha had a stretch, that's a good one .. stretching pussy!


I also did some of those stretches while in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], by pulling it.
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KingCobra;370100 said:
Maybe you can try to avoid the scrotum soreness by wearing the the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] more upward.
In this way the pressure is directed towards the upperside of the base.

Thanks mate, your advice worked
18th February

Back again, man I'm loving this [words= ]Bathmate[/words] work and seeing the change already. Today's session was 25 minutes in duration, so an extra 5 mins than normal and this will be the case from now on, as the intensity has increased.
I again did the constricted vacuum Boa's with the sea clamp, at 3 clicks which was much better than 4 I used last time.

Today's session was probably my best I've ever had with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] as everything seemed to go so well. My length was coasting at 8 3/4 inches for allot of the session and towards the end I got it over the 9 inch mark and held it at that for probably the longest I've managed thus far.

Once I was finished with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] I did the usual clamping off around the whole package for 10 mins while I washed and than I tried something new ... I decided to use my old Max-Extender from several years ago, which was donated to me by a member here and has helped slightly in those early years with a few gains but because of the noose it uses, the penis head gets sore and cold after 2 hours so not something to use for longer periods like its meant to be used for but for this session it was ideal.

I pulled my foreskin back and got the thing fitted nicely, had a slight pinch of skin at times which HURT but I got it sorted out and before I knew it was set for a good stretch and pulled it a good way out, not the full maximum I could go but one below that and held the stretch in the [words=]extender[/words] for 20 minutes while I finished off in the bath.

Had a nice stretch during this time and didn't feel discomfort, the warm water helped I think. The idea behind the [words=]extender[/words] right after a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session is that the penis is very vulnerable right after a Penis Enlargement session, especially one such as a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] or indeed pumping in general as it has increased blood flow to the area and expanded it from inside, so having the [words=]extender[/words] stretch at this during this what I like to call WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY is very important I think ... if you think about it, the penis is very spongy and stretchy after a good length session and once I'm out the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] its the same, so it makes sense to me the [words=]extender[/words] will work in synergy with what I'm doing.

Once the 20 minutes were up I took the [words=]extender[/words] off and notice I had a cracking hang as well ... looked in the mirror and it was fucking impressive to say the least. I would have than used an [words=]ADS[/words] or [words=]extender[/words] with a better attachment other than a noose afterwards at a lighter tension to further work on the penis but I haven't so the 20 mins was my lot.

I do think though that it could be enough for an [words=]extender[/words] set, just 20 minutes and I know that [words=]extenders[/words] and [words=]ADS[/words] are used for hours and hours each day to get results, I know the theory behind it, have used and seen gains from this myself but it cant be done at a very high tension otherwise you get discomfort and that's fine because you don't need such high force all the time .. bare with me ... but after a session such as the one I did with the BatHydromaxat, using the [words=]extender[/words] at a higher tension than your normally would for shorter durations of 20-45 minutes to me is going to do ALLOT of good work as it working on an already very tired and stretched out penis with essentially if you look at it this way, a maximum stretch and holding it.

So quite a session overall. Went really well and looks like from now on the [words=]extender[/words] will keep making an addition to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] set afterwards. Tonight I will try and get a set of either Frendo's or constricted edging.

If anyone has questions than please ask.
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20th February

23 minutes in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with constricted vacuumed Boa's and it felt great. Noticed I was in the high 8 3/4 - 9 inch length range for longer.

The head felt like it was going to explode and at times it hurt, but I worked through it. Size was good though, more so than usual I felt.
Than did 5 minutes clamped off around the whole package and than decided to use the Max-Extender again like last session to work on the length, taking advantage of the pumped penis.

I used the most tense setting I could use, which was one higher than last time. Didn't have discomfort when I had it suBathmateerged underneath the water in the bath, so I was ideally placed for it.
Held the stretch for 20 minutes and afterwards noticed I had a really good hang going but more fluid than last time which I think may have been caused from me using faster pressure in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], but its nothing bad.

I'll apply Leech Oil to the penis later before bed and may perform some Frendo's.
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The 23rd February

* 20 minutes in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] without doing Constricted Vacuum Boa's
* 12 minutes clamped off at base afterwards with semi to full erection as I bathed.
* 20 minutes in the Max-Extender on highest stretch I could manage, which turned out to be the furthest I have held it for in this device.

My [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session was really very good and its the firstime today I have reached 9.2-9.3 inches in length inside the tube. My highest previous was hovering around 9 inches but today I was sat in the 8 3/4 for allot of the session, with me going into 9.2-9.3 for the last 5 minutes. I think what helped get me that extra length expansion, was not wearing something underneath my glans to perform those Boa's as they engorge and fill the head but also thicken the midhsaft which bulges that out and prevents maximum length exposure in the tube.

I did an almighty tube stretch as well near the end and felt the ligaments really pull aswell.

Once I took the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] off I noticed a fair amount of fluid had built-up, the most I've had in quite awhile but nothing grotesque like on those pump sites. It was mainly around the foreskin but this was a sign I rushed it too fast but its not a wasted effort.

The clamping afterwards went well and I use that to help solidify and fatigue the inner chambers.
[words=]Extender[/words] work was awesome because the stretch was the furthest I have managed in the device without being in pain and having to remove it, so the pump had indeed expanded all the inner tissues and chambers so they could be stretched to that extent and further proof to those who doubt that pumping does do something INTERNALLY to the penis and not just swell it out from the outside with fluid, more so with the conventional than Hydro like the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

Once done I had a nice hang and felt some inner soreness from the work. Bit pissed off with the amount of fluid but its also telling me allot of pressure was exerted and at times this is needed to really move forwards with something and its when it becomes a habit that it can cause problems. I was going to funnily enough wear a condom for the session to reduce fluid as they act as a safety jacket if you will or G-Suit to protect the penis from the outside forces of the vacuumed pressure on it, which is what causes the fluid to build up and the red spots which I have a few now knocking about.

Okay with all that said I will briefly mention that my next plan is to incl HARDCORE hanging in my routine, daily for 5-7 days for 1x20 minute set with the heaviest weight I can safely hang that causes absolute fatigue in the penile ligaments. Its something Dash has done with great success(Hang heavy for shorter duration regularly) and I have always believed in such sessions and now I have the [words=!!!]Length Master[/words], will nail this. The hanger attachment will be what I use for this mission and of-course I will have to wrap my penis for this one, no skipping that like with clamping.

The weight I will be aiming for is 30-55lbs and I reckon that is doable for someone of my experience and penile strength, if not than it will be adjusted as need be.
Hanging straight down and/or straight out to really abuse those ligaments.


Late in the evening I did 1 hour & 25 minutes [words=]extender[/words] work in the Max-Extender at the highest tension I could. Great stretch but in the M'E' I cant get past that mark with the noose attachment cutting circulation off to the head.

Also I was getting massive boners in the night and my erect length was fucking gigantic!
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25th February

20 minutes in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with a condom on to reduce fluid and hey it did just that and I got to another milestone in length .. again. Kept at 8 3/4 and than it was 9 inches for most of the session with me hitting 9.3-9.4 for the last 5-7 minutes which is a new record and close to 9 1/2 inches.

I did my usual kegels during the session which rock the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] up & down plus a long hard stretch on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] tube near the end, going nearly downwards while whole [words= ]Bathmate[/words] suBathmateerged for a great stretch, really felt that.

Didn't perform any Boa's today as I wanted to concentrate more on length. Once the session was finished I noticed the condom had burst at the very base the the rim had acted like a cock ring! The condom was far too small for me anyway s and just regular fit as I ain't paying for the expensive thicker ones for my size to burst in a pump, these serve their purpose though and fluid is reduced by 70-80%.

I than clamped off at the base for 5 mins with erection. Good session again.

Later I'll do some [words=]extenders[/words] with my modified Max-Extender, which now has silicone tubing around the noose for more comfort and also either tonight or tommorow will start hanging with the [words=]MOS[/words] [words=!!!]Length Master[/words] Hanger attachment, but mine is slightly modified to cope with heavier weights. I think as I've not hung in awhile to start at 20-25lbs for 20 minutes and increase gradually.
Last night on the 25th I later did X2 1 hour sets with the Max-Extender using the modified silicone tubing around the noose. I found this held the penis much better and without the pain, plus I could stretch ALLOT further in the ME.
I'm starting to think the reasons I have been getting problems in the ME with circulation, is because I've been stretching it out too far too quickly and not building it up enough.

I'll be trying out the [words=!!!]Length Master[/words] Hanger tonight with the modification at around 20-25lbs.
28th February

* 20 Minutes in the [words= ]X-40[/words] [words= ]Bathmate[/words]
* 5-7 minutes clamped edging
* Leech Oil applied

Today's session was good but I was slightly dissapointed not to go further in length like I have been doing :s 9.2-9.2 was my maximum length size and that lasted for a few minutes. Mostly my length was 8 3/4 minimum but crusing around the 9 inch mark.

I wasnt useing less pressure than usual but what I think could have occured was, when I entered the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] that my penis was slightly to an angle going downward as I have to push the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] more upwards when I first apply pressure, so not to suck and rub against my scrotum like was happening at first and it was KingCobra who recommened this.

I noticed that once I started to pump, my penis seemed stuck as it wasnt really moveing and than it got going sort of thing. So maybe it was that ?:( Could have also just simply been down to one of those things as I know that like with lifting weights you do not go up in poundage every time unless you rest enough or just simply need to go a little lighter that session.

Either way I have only just missed the maximum of last session and my overall size was very good.
Didn't do the Boa's either today but next time I'm in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] they will be used.

Once I came out the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] I noticed that just above my base was quite bruised and had a slight pattern from the inside of the black tubing to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], so perhaps that was what was happening that maybe prevented me from going longer? that bruising quickly went once I was out of the tube.

Than got clamped up and edged for 5-7 minutes. Noticed I had fluid build-up again, not that bad but I dont like it >:( It does have its plus points, because I've noticed being able to stretch the penis afterwards allot further than normal and I see it like when Body builders take steroids and get water retention, its not good or nice BUT the plus to that is it lubricates the joints which prevent allot of pain when lifting very heavy weights, which allows them to increase the intensity and really hammer the heavy iron which can equal more size and strength, what they want! similar analogy I think with the fluid from pumping and stretching the penis afterwards.

Wanted to do some hanging later on but I need to get up early tomorrow and its best to start that on a fresh new week. Got the modifications sorted out, so it should handle heavier weights no worries :cool:

Something else I want to start adding to my routines is the classic Blue_Whale Mandingo Stretch which helped me go from 8-8.3 inches around 10 months ago in conjunction with other various stretches at the time.

I see it doing awesome on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] days, to really stretch out that penis to the max afterwards.

Another exercise I have had my attention drawn to is KingCobra's Snake Choker which sounds to me like an awesome execution that could be quicker and just as effective than hanging weights if I can manage to use heavy iron at the base! leave it good old red :P

The Frendo's(Width exercise), Max-Extender device and clamping will also still be done on the days I use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and sometimes on days off from it.
2nd March

20 minutes in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], doing Boa's at the sametime :cool: Its been a few sessions since I performed the Boa's for head gains, so I thought it was time for them :s

Once 20 minutes was done I performed the usual clamp off at the base for 10 minutes to keep the expansion and maintain an erection afterwards.

Okay well this session went really well and better than the last. My length was consistent throughout at 9 inches and it took me much less time to reach this than it usually does rofl A sign that the penis is getting expanded inside faster and that's down to the chambers becoming larger inside(Growth).

The maximum length I got was 9.2-9.3 but I was at this for around 4-5 minutes which was unlike last time, where it lasted up to one minute.

What was a new discovery is the fact I was able to get more length in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] while doing the Boa's, which in the past has been rather hard and in my opinion limited me from going the whole distance and is why I had a break from them. It may have been the small cable clamp that was too tight? restricting the expansion possibly? I used the condom rim this time ,wrapped around underneath the glans X2.

Once it was finished I noticed something else ... fluid was virtually ZERO :P Which is awesome and I think that doing Vacuumed Boa's does something to the penis that prevents it getting fluid build-up. The constriction underneath the glans, expands the mid-shaft which could do something to minimise this fluid ... probably could be because of that expansion, the penis is becoming erect easier and this starves off fluid. I've found that if you do pumping with an erection to start with, it keeps fluid down otherwise it does creep up.

I applied Leech Oil to the penis, testes & scrotum afterwards too. Finding the Leech Oil has actually helped heal a sore I had in my scrotum area, which kept coming back. Massaging the oil around the scrotum and testes has done something to this. I thought I had a varicocele which are common for younger men apparently and similer symptoms to what I was getting etc.

With regular application of the Leech Oil, this pain has gone completely, so it tells me that it could have been something to do with the circulation in the area, which a Varicocele is, as its an enlargement of the vein draining blood away from the testes.

I'm also not just saying this so guys start buying the Oil from the link in my signature. Its the truth and the stuff can work great things if you just try it.

Tomorrow I would like to finally give this [words=!!!]Length Master[/words] hanger attachment some abuse rofl

Keep you posted
4th March

30 minutes in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] while also doing the Boa's with a condom rim attached. Session was longer than normal by 10 minutes as I wanted to really reach 9.3-9.4 inches and at the end I did. This is only the second time I've hit that length.

I was on the 9 inch mark and just over for allot of the session, which is good. Had no pain or discomfort in my scrotum at all. Did some pulls on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for length and really felt that stretch, than pumped afterwards and got some extra millimetres.

Size was great afterwards and had some fluid build-up but it wasn't bad. Clamped off as usual than for 10 minutes while erect and massaged the testes & scrotum.

My penis is hanging longer and fuller throughout the day now and my erections are harder and more regular. I'm seeing gains come along at a steady pace.
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My erections throughout the night have been through the roof!! Each-time I awake my cock has been fucking huge and hard as steel. Like being 16 again. Testicles & Scrotum are hanging good as well and not tender either. They have a good colour to them, like a pinky colour and I think this regular massaging with Leech Oil has been helping tremendously with my Penis Enlargement-Work as of late. No fluid on my penis today either from yesterdays session, so it would seem that maybe the Leech oil has removed that? I do know that when I was rubbing it in last night, veins started to appear I had never seen before. Awesome stuff.
The site is really useful for you to enter data and get a fast comparison on size :)

Visit the site and play around with what it has on offer. I have entered my original pre-Penis Enlargement size, which was 6.6 inches in length and 5.4 inches in girth and did a comarision with my current size as of the last photos released on mattersofsize(Which you can see in the forums) in 2006 where I was at 8 inches in length and 7 inches in girth.

My size now is slightly larger(from visual) but wont be meeasuring until a few weeks, once I get the new growth nailed :cool:

The comparison has been screenshot and saved as a PNG file and you can see it in the thread attached.

I find this really helpful and useful information because it gives a live snapshot of the old size me and the new size me. This can really show how far we have come, as we get so used to our larger size and seeing it that sometimes we start to slip back into old habits and thinking it either small or average.

The most amazing thing is that my penis from what it was pre-Penis Enlargement is over 96% larger by volume in size!!! Now that is putting it in perspective ... who said maths was boring? Its my new favourite subject.
Another-site is useful for more mathematical data, not visualisation like the later. According to that it would take over 500mls of blood to fill my penis for maximum erection!! WOW. Screen shots attached of old pre-Penis Enlargement and the last time I had pictures taken at 8x7.
6th March

Had a cracking 22 minute session in my [words= ]X-40[/words] [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Went in performing those Boa's and with a condom on as well to reduce fluid.
My session was awesome and I hit a new record in length, plus I was cruising at 9 inches with the maximum of 9.6-9.8 inches in length which was held for several minutes.

Very pleased about this and its obvious the penis is getting longer and longer now. It hangs longer and my erections are through the roof, including the firmness ... like STEEL!!!

Did several stretches by pulling the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] downwards, straight out and also bending it to the left & right while holding the position for a few seconds. Like an erect bend and I could feel the stretch, more so in ligaments today at the base when I was going downwards and hitting a reverse kegel. Speaking of kegels, I would do the usual standard kegel movements while I pump and this moves the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] forwards > Backwards, really strengthens the pelvic floor muscles and I'm actually seeing more intense orgasms when I ejaculate and also powerful dry orgasms.

Once I finished that I clamped off at the base as usual and maintained an erection for several minutes. Clamped for around 5-7 minutes and the size was the largest I've ever been and solid, slight fluid but not much. The condom did a great job at shielding the penis.

Leech Oil was applied later-on and the vascularity really became apparent. Also massaged the testes & scrotum during this time.

I've still got to get a good session in with the modified [words=!!!]Length Master[/words] Hanger attachment, but it just hasn't materialised yet. I will be making sure it happens next week though and would like to start using the [words=]Power Assist[/words] on days I have used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] to really target the length, with exercises like the Blue_Whale Mandingo stretch and my V-SES stretch.

The Max-Extender will also be out again doing the rounds.


I've noticed over the past few days that I have obtained a very slight upwards curve to my penis, starting just afterwards from the mid-portion. Its subtle, not drastic but noticeable on inspection and not straight like it once was! I'm very pleased by this, because I haven't been targeting for the curve BUT I have been doing an upwards curve to my jelqs recently.
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This has got to be one of the best logs I have seen...You blow my mind RED! Good show!
Thanks mate. I like to be very detailed so I can see what works and what possibly doesn't. These logs are VITAL I think for everyone, really they are! I cant stress the importance of keeping logs and writing down EVERYTHING from the smallest thing that might seem like shit, because in the future you can look back and think ''Aha I see ... that's what it was'' This is how we learn and progress from what has been accomplished, and I like to reflect on what I've done.

Wont be long now before new pictures are out as well and I'm in talks with a Czech model who has her own internet site & blog, perhaps having her working with mattersofsize but I'm not sure what I will suggest yet. She's new to the field herself.
Bring her abord, too many dicks around here anyway:)