Just a quick reminder I got from 8 to 8 1/6 [8.3] inches length in just 19 sessions over 8/9 weeks!

Thats an average of 2 - 2 1/4 sessions per week ... food for thought versus doing it everyday.
I've also just posted in the ligament pops thread here about the fact I have had a recent 'pop' and now the additional growth.

I will add that although I stated imo ligament popping doesnt cause growth in the penis and that for certain guys it can help them get to their first gains I have looked back over my routine log and noticed I got a ligament pop and coincidentally have got some cracking gains in my length from 8 - 8.3 inches.

Could it be that the ligament pops indicate a change in the length of new growth to the penile ligaments? as they shift perhaps? I dont think still that getting the pops equals growth but perhaps they are an indication that a growth spurt is about to come?

Interesting nethertheless
8th June

30 minutes of the power assisted mother of all ligament stretches done on both sides instead of the usual right side.

Did some of the stretches over semi-erect and found it to be much more intense and the feeling was that of a very powerful stretch multiplied by more.

At one stage I had to slack off on the right side from the burning sensation in the ligaments and this is nearly pure ligament burn unlike other pe exercises that often stretch mostly skin when they are supposed to be hitting ligs.

My grip is the issue here with these because the penis slips through quickly so I was useing silicone sleeve which helped but still. Noticed when semi-erect and above that my grip was better and could hold longer, which is good because it was more intense with that variation so something to work on nextime.

Than it was 5 minutes of dld's squat behind the cheek rotary stretches which I find mostly stretch skin at the base but I do feel the ligaments thats for sure, just a damn shame that for me they hit allot of skin. Used these to fatigue the ligaments more at the end.

Followed by 5 minutes scrotum stretching which is working is treat with my turkey neck, as it doesnt show like it did and my balls hang much lower than before ... all without expensive weights too.

Lastly to top it all I did a few minutes scrotum jelqing and testicle massage useing olive oil and found this very soothing and relaxing after such a session.
Also think about checking out my thread on creating your own Penis Enlargement inner sanctuary to help your gains. I use it and often refer to it as psychic penis enlargement [PPenis Enlargement] and you read it here first on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]!

Link to the thread is here
June 12th

This was my most fierce stretching session for a longtime now and thats partly thanks to me useing a piece of sock that I had cut to size for better grip which allowed me to hold the stretch for several minutes non-stop compared to several seconds and it showed with longer flaccid hang afterwards, fuller erection and burning on fire ligaments.

Did 20 minutes of the variation to blue_whales mother of all lig stretch useing the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words]. Like lastime I also hit the leftside more often than just the right and again at semi-full erection because I was getting wood dureing the session and when I hot the ligaments at semi-full erection the pull I got was sick I can tell you, the burn was like someone had put a lighter to my base area it was that intense!

20 minutes was enough I can tell you and was like 45 minutes of the old style doing it without the sock piece as now I'm holding longer so I dont need to do as many, remember when you step up intensity you need to step down on the amount.

Once this was finished I hit 10 minutes of scrotum stretching again useing the sock material and with longer holds. Nice intense stretch and really noticed afterwards and even this morning in the mirror that the turkey neck isnt like it was and the are is starting to certainly become less and less.

Testicles & scrotum are hanging much lower and it feels great to feel them clang against my legs as I walk and make my pants full now.

As usual once the session is complete I did several minutes of scrotum jelqing and testicle massage alongwith very light soft jelqs to the penis for help with circulation and health.

Was also getting great wood dureing the night afterwords too and I noticed when I got my erections it looks fucking huge and I'm feeling more good about it, not had gains for so long in length and its great to see them in manifestation now.

Lastly I did do the odd TCS/CTS or erect stretches when I was getting woody and found it awquard to do the normal routine and I know from past experience that the use of eect stretch, especially done like the TCS/CTS will help bridge the gap between FSL & EL gains and I have been reading guys signitures here and notice they have gained like 3/4 inch or so on their FSL and not as much on the EL and are getting discouraged about it, yet they have nothing to worry about and should be very pleased because that FSL is a GREAT messenger to future length gains and studies indicate [I will find it] that your FSL is the same as your EL and is why surgeons use it in operations ... its very much the same and when guys doing pe notice changes to it, with the FSL getting larger but not seeing changes yet in the EL they should not get sad but delighted as growth is happening, just a case of it transfering over into erect gains which it will.
Ligament went pop

Just a quick note that dureing the night as I awake from time to time, its not uncommon for me to grab my penis when its erect and stretch it for one long hard hold and I dont know why I do this, hasnt always been something I do but just from time to time when I'm half asleep and awake than go back to sleep again.

I did it again this morning and heard a ligament pop as I did this. The angle of the stretch was 6 O'Clock and no pain was present.

Its about my 6th or 7th ligament pop in my Penis Enlargement career, the 2nd in 5 weeks or so with the last one coincidently a few weeks before I measured and noticed new length growth.

I've got threads on ligament pops in the forums and links to these in this thread and I dont think they are indicaters of growth otherwise guys who get them all the time would be like horses and guus who dont get them wouldnt gain but maybe in some men they indicate a possible arrival of new change in the penis? maybe its saying to the person that the ligaments attachment to the bone has become looser over time with all the stretching and as a restult the pop has occured and change on the way?

Its just a theory and I talk more about it in the actual thread and why it would only work with some and not others I dont know, it needs a debate really.
Decided to now add Blue-Whales ultimate Penis Enlargement stretch to my full time routine but done in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] and its linked here
18th June

20 minutes in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words] doing the Blue_Whale's Ultimate Penis Enlargement stretch with the bundled method. I've not really done the bundles properly before with this exercise but wow this was awesome and I can see now where BW as comming from when he made the comments he did about this exercise and how the guys recently useing it, have seen the gains they have.

I used my usual piece of sock that I have cut, to wrap underneath my glans while the foreskin is pulled back. What a wicked grip I now get with this, and makes the stretch all the more intense with time under tension being higher.

All my stretches lasted over 1 minute each at least with many going into 3-5 minute holds. I could really feel the stretch inside the internal penis like nothing I have felt beforel. Did a few of these un-bundled which felt intense, but the bundles really add to it and the intensity wasnt merely skin being twisted either, which you do get but its only slight with the small lines fadeing afterwards.

Doing this with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] imo is the bestway to do it because you can save your energy pushing down on the penis as the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] is doing that for you, plus you can use much more force because your legs are doing the pushing.

Noticed that dureing the sessions my penis was getting longer than usual and this kept afterwards for awhile in the flaccid state. I also did a few stretches semi-erect and couldnt help this as I just started to get erect, but no harm done and managed to semi-bundle once on that with on average 2-3 bundles for all my stretches.

This and the mother of all lig stretches, again in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] are just sheer awesome with intensity I havent felt in a long long time. Massive props to Blue_Whale and with this I can target the external penis more but also get a stretch to the internal structures which you do feel especially when a reverse kegel is applied which I did dureing the session from time to time.

A really awesome workout and my penis is going from strength to strength.
Something crucial I've noticed over the past few months!

Forgot to mention this sooner as it just skipped my mind but since I have restarted Penis Enlargement this year [In this routine thread] I have done all my stretches with the foreskin pulled back [As I'm uncut] which gives me a much better stretch with no skin stretch at the base like in the past, which imo was one of the main reasons why I started to develop turkey neck. I think this is an important point to make because I always found it difficult to make length gains since I was a newbie and albeit I have had an extended break from Penis Enlargement [decon] which 'may' have helped, I do believe that the foreskin now being pulled back has helped in the new growth with more force being applied to the areas that are meant to get it and not allot of the base skin absorbing the force and hence starting to stretch down the shaft of my penis. See this thread for more on stretching with the skin pulled back and it has took me all this time since 2001 to finally see the potential in this!
June 22nd

20 minutes of Power Assisted the ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise by Blue_Whale.
All stretches done bundled except 1 or 2 and with the piece of sock material wrapped underneath my glans, with foreskin pulled back. The stretches were lasting in excess of 1 minute eachtime. I also did a couple at semi-erection and found them to be slightly painful and with a limit to the bundle, but thats obvious. I use 3 bundles now on this stretch but sometimes 2 will suffice.

Let me say that the inner soreness from that lot ^^^ was lovely and I knew that I'd worked my penis like it had not been hit in a longtime. The bundles are makeing it so fucking intense on the external tunica that I can only see gains, they HAVE to come. Folk always chirp on that the tunica is only 5% elasticity and very hard to stretch, granted but with bundles it HAS to stetch and elongate into more length.

This soreness too wasnt skin stretch either, as often people have reported skin marks showing. I have seen a few but havent felt the skin being stretched. This soreness is all inner penis and tunicae that I want to hit. Ligaments are also stretched quite hard but not as direct like in dld's squat behind the cheek rotaries, Blue_Whales mother of all lig stretches and my Vox Succurro extorqueo stretch but still its working them.

Afterwards I started the Vox Succurro extorqueo stretch [V-SES's] on both sides, right to left and managed two stretches eachside with the usual technique I use with the skin back and cloth underneath the glans, but kept getting really hard and had to stop the session. This lasted 5 minutes, which doesnt sound much but in those several stretches I did get a powerful burn in the ligaments that was held for some seconds.

I than did 12 minutes of standard constrictors, done with my hand, so it was a ULI at the base. This exercise [standard constrictors] is simply edgeing or balooning done with the bloodflow slowed down at the base of the penis via something like a cable clamp.
I went to the PONR twice and noticed pre-cum and did a few CTS\TCS while fully engorged aswell. My feeling is that these standard constrictors done after tunica stretching will help with the growth of the tissue as its nourished with fresh hormone charged blood to aid it.

Good session overall and noticed my temp size increases afterwards aswell, which is what one should aim for to know they are doing enough.

Tonight I would like to target the scrotum stretching and also the ligament with the V-SES's and I still have two exercises on the boil waiting to be released on here, one for width and the other is a variation of two exercises to work the external penis [tunica] useing your own bodyweight, so you save energy without having to keep pulling and its fucking intense as anything. Done in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] but you could use something else in its place.

They will be out soon.

Finally this morning I got another ligament pop while half asleep and pulling my cock towards the floor [6 O'Clock] and it didnt hurt but I have only been getting these since I really started hitting my ligaments recently and it has changed my outlook on what they could mean with potential in the ligaments. It would make sense them popping more because the pop is caused when the ligament moves over a space, so hence it is easier to move than before and could mean the potential for more growth? time will tell and I would greatly appreciate others to chime in on the ligament pops thread located in the boo boo band aids section at the top as a sticky.

June 25th

20 minutes of dld's scrotum stretch with the sock material underneath the glans again, while the skin was pulled back. Got a mean stretch this way and held eachone for several minutes at a time with great force.

I havent been doing this stuff as much like I would like, but will start to get into a routine again. My size is still looking great and the flaccid hang looks cool aswell with maybe these scrotum stretches also helping flaccid size? seems longer to me when I have done a set of them, as in a way its like doing work with the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words].

I've got the new [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] device on its way to me, so I can do more intense work shortly incl getting back into hanging and also have my eye on a penis head pump so I can start makeing my glans the biggest on the forums.

Havent forgot about that width exercise to be shared with you all, but needs more time and with all the stuff going on here it will only get buried underneath all the active threads and I do have another exercise that is a variation of two powerful stretches aswell.

So all in all everythig is goind grand, but I cant become lazy and allow this to slip through my hands.
June 28th

25 minutes of Power Assisted ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise by Blue_Whale.
I did these all bundled apart from one at the end and some were done semi-erect.
Used my usual piece of cut sock underneath the glans with the skin pulled back.
Good session overall but not as intense like some sessions in the past but this could be because my grip didnt seem as great even though I was lasting over one minute with all my holds, it didnt seem as great like in the past and just goes to show when you have some fantastic sessions the next that come tend to have allot to live upto.

As always I noticed my penis was longer when doing these and the stretch was really intense inside [chambers - internal penis]. I've also now started to stretch the penis in portions when bundled so it all gets a uniform stretch such as the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] positioned close to the base for several stretches than near the middle and lastly underneath the glans and keep repeating untl the routine ends. I find this feels like more work is being done, and indeed it would makesense that it is as the stretch is being pin-pointed at several areas on the penis while bundled and stretching them further, whereas before it was one area which is what most guys do.

I did feel a slight pop at onestage but it wasnt a ligament pop, more like a semi-pop if that makes sense and was right at the start of the session. I could feel something very slightly in the base region where the entrance to the pubic region is and the penis enters and a slight creek noise, more like a very slight floorboard creek so I wont class it as a ligament pop. No pain and I will take it as a positive that my penis is getting strteched further outwards from its original position.

Once the routine was complete I did a few wet jelqs useing some cream from Cosagrande.com which contains Hirudin from Leeches [enhances bloodflow and encourages healing] and also massaged my scrotum & testicles.

Good night overall. I will target the ligaments next with my V-SES stretch. Looking at my erection it looks like it could be slightly over 8.3 at times but that would be a small increase but for sure nothing has been lost touch wood.
Great to read your progress redzulu. Theese intense ultimate Blue Whale srtetches gotta give nice effect, just keep pushing and you will see them. I really recommend to throw in some Lazy ass stretches btc sitting on it, and moving hips forwards, while leaning back, add theese as much you can througout the day, while reading, or sitting at your computer. They are awesome.
My girth work is going really good lately, a big thanks to you for that! Your girth history have been a huge inspiration. It was when I started to do some of your width compression squeezes, while clamped (I do it light clamped), that my girth finally start to move.

Keep going!
Thank you Fedora for your post, much appreciated. I shall get those lazy ass stretches into the routine as you say. Did you have trouble with skin stretch on them? if your uncut did you find best with them to pull skin back? I had lots of skin stretch at the base from them in the past but maybe I do something wrong. Love the blue_whales stretches, they are really doing the rounds in a great way for me and once I purchase a cheap head pump and work on my glans to become thicker than my shaft, the Penis Enlargement quest for me will be nearly finished. I have one of those new devices from [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words] on its way to me, so looking forward to useing it in place of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] and starting some hanging again plus the bundles with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] blue_whale mandingo stretch would be awesome. I'm glad your girth is going fine. Do you mean with width exercise, the ATS rollors?
REDZULU2003;343456 said:
Thank you Fedora for your post, much appreciated. I shall get those lazy ass stretches into the routine as you say. Did you have trouble with skin stretch on them? if your uncut did you find best with them to pull skin back? I had lots of skin stretch at the base from them in the past but maybe I do something wrong. Love the blue_whales stretches, they are really doing the rounds in a great way for me and once I purchase a cheap head pump and work on my glans to become thicker than my shaft, the Penis Enlargement quest for me will be nearly finished. I have one of those new devices from [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words] on its way to me, so looking forward to useing it in place of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] and starting some hanging again plus the bundles with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] blue_whale mandingo stretch would be awesome. I'm glad your girth is going fine. Do you mean with width exercise, the ATS rollors?

Yes exactly, the ats rollers, but I do it with my two hands as a waffle instead, but still the same technique, gonna try the more hardcore version with the tool you use later on.
I´m uncut and I don´t pull back the foreskin when doing LAS, haven´t thought about the skin stretch as a problem, maybe because I use my [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] so much, which prevents from getting a turkey neck.
The "LAS sitting on it" is so easy and powerful when done intense, I usually do it right before putting on my [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words], the prior temporary stretching from the LAS gives a great starting stretch in the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] right after.
I´m really looking forward to your new width exercise you wrote about in the main forum!

Keep stretching that thing!!!
July 2nd

30 minutes of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] Blue_Whale ultimate Penis Enlargement stretch aka Mandingo Secret.

I did a couple semi-erect and one 80% erect, with all my stretches being done bundled incl the 80% erect one which gave a really nice stretch I must say and with the usage of the sock material which helped my stretches last for several minutes each.

Dureing my session in the early part I had a slight creek from my base region, the ligaments seemed to be wanting to go pop again but didnt quite make it.

I was really hitting reverse kegels allot more this time than in prior sessions and to be honest I really noticed and felt the difference. I used it as a gauge to know I was pulling with enough force aswell.

My flaccid length was longer afterwards aswell alongwith my erect length which looked slightly longer than usual and is always a sign one should want to see, gradual temp gains after each session which will produce permanent new growth.

When complete I did a light jelq at near flaccid state with some Cosagrande.com cream which helps with circulation. Also massaged my scrotum and testes. Noticed greater circulation afterwards which has laster all day today.

Going well.
Just did some maths and worked it out that it should take me another 8-10 months of Penis Enlargement done at how I usually do it, to get the 9 inches I want. So by March-May 2010 I should have a 9 inch long erect penis. Currently officially at 8.3 inches. Next measurement is sometime this month.
My nocturnal erections at the moment are out of this world. Rock hard long thick rods of steel which is always a very positive sign. In my pants now aswell my penis feels larger and I have to adjust it more often than I would but also as my testicles are hanging lower, adds to this.

Looking at my flaccid length recently the past week or so it looks 'slightly' larger than it was when I last measured 5 3/4 - 6 inches which is 14.60 - 15.24 cms to a possible 5 7/8 - 6 inches which is 14.92 - 15.24 cms.

Seems to look that little bit longer and would be 1/8 of an inch [0.32 cms] in flaccid length gain. At the least I think my flaccid length minimum has increased to 5 5/6 inches which is 14.81 cms.

I noticed when I was eating out the otherday in town a small gorup of teenage girls were sat opposite me and I had a good flaccid hang going on. They were eyeing it up the whole time and talking to eachother about it. I was welcomeing this attention as I was sat with my legs parted alittle so they could see a good shot of it. I noticed they kept crossing their legs and moveing the legs up and down while crossed, a sure sign they were sexually aroused and wanted my penis as the top leg can rub the womens clit. They looked about 15-16 years old so I skipped it but it was nice to have the attention and a sure sign the flaccid length is growing as I thought.

Tonight I'm going to hit another session and really looking forward to the new [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] device on its way to me. I can than start some hanging and really nail the bundle stretches. I'm also buying a cheap head pump soon to work on my head girth. Width size on the girth will also be worked on shortly aswell with my new exercise used alongside pumping I think.
REDZULU2003;334057 said:
Forgot to mention that I also used that Cosagrande cream while doing the clamped work and seemed to help aswell.

haha, nice name. "Big Thing" cream. what's it supposed to do?
Havent been able to exercise since July 2nd due to some really sore sensitive skin around the inside of my groin and around the base of my penis when I shaved it. Much better now but a fucking bitch it has taken SO long to heal properly.
July 13th

30 minutes Bundled Blue_Whale Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise 'Mandingo' secret useing my usual methods with the cloth underneath the glans and the trusty [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words]. Looking forward to getting the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] and hitting this in that.

All my stretches were lasting several minutes each and I have to say this session was very productive and albeit I have done higher intensity in the past [This was still intense] the form I had tonight was very strict and possibly the best I've had with this exercise!

The bundles were 2-3 time twists and I really felt it very much throughout the entire external penis and ligaments when I reverse kegelled & thrusted my pelvis forwards slightly, while maintaining downward pressure on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] ... this really kills two birds with one stone and when I probed with my freehand underneath the balls I could feel a good tension, so it does target the inner penis very slightly aswell, just as Blue_Whale said ... I argued against that in the thread but it seems he was was.

I did get a very slight ligament crack in the first 5 minutes or so but it wasnt a pop POP what you often associate with ligament popping.

Penis was well hung afterwards. I than did some scrotum jelqing with olive oil with a testicle massage which felt GREAT. My balls and scrotum looked pretty impressive afterwards.

To finish it off I did a quick brief but light flaccid jelq as my warm down. I have a nice heavy low hang as I type this. ROP wasnt worn obviously throughout the session but will be worn again later.

I was thinking of doing some a blitz to my penis over 3 days or so and than take a few off as usual. A sort of shock treatment as I've been out for nearly 2 weeks from a bad shaveing cut to both sides and the underneath of my balls which hurt too much when I stretched and was too tender so I had to rest .... tommorow would like to hit the V-SES and than Wednesday both at full fucking throttle with about 3-4 days rest afterwards but scrotum stretches inbetween.

Once the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] arrives I will be able to really hit the bundle work as it has an attachment to it just for that, so Blue_Whales exercise will be more intense as I will have the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words] pushing down on my dick and the bundle attachment from the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] pulling in place of my gripped hand ... I can than save energy and concentrate more on applying more force on the pull and keeping longer hold times in the stretch which will give me better gains.

Hanging weights will be another option I can start again with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] especially heavy weights. I have a theory with very heavy weights I have wanted to try for like forever but couldnt due to the bibs poor grip and vacuum hangers causing blisters ... so dlds device should be the answer ... my new theory around weight hanging if succesful will have guys training differently than they do with them now.

With that, I also have a glans [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]penis pump[/words] on the horizon but that might need to take a backseat because the quality doesnt look like it first did ... looks too large ... we'll have to see.

Once I get into August I'm going to attack width via my Frendo exercise and it will be that which gets me to the goal I want in girth via new gains in width and not depth like I seem to see.

Still fighting the turkey neck as it seems to still be present which is a fucking cunt but I must be paitient with this beast. I've been thinking of buying some cheap ball hangers or weights and wearing them high up the scrotum dureing the day to get the bastard stretched down but I think it would also need the penis either stretched straight out or upwards at the sametime to get the most effect, so may have to leave it for a routine.

I know DLD wants to hopefully make attachments for the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] so possibly in time a testicle attachment would be thought about so guys could do ball hanging aswell as penis hanging.

Long post but its needed.
I kept pulling away to those AWESOME women on Supertangas.com and shot a monster load that was HUGE in size ... the orgasm felt terrific. I shot a load out first that was like the size I would normally have but I kept going and than shot more out.

GOD BLESS Supertangas, Opa for putting the site here and the women from across the world for showing such lovely curves OMG I need a women like that!

With that done I'm up this morning with a very good flaccid hang which is heavy and full. My balls are hanging low and are still larger than normal. My ROP is on and was on all night.
How things are going thus far

I notice my flaccid size seems to hang fuller more than it did. It feels very spongy to the touch and when I press it in. Like a sponge full of water, no pain of anything like that.

Testicles are still hanging low and looking good.

My erection at full seems 'slightly' thicker around the middle and I'm gong from touch here as it seems tighter than normal, so possible a small gain in girth and that would make sense as guys tend to see them when they stretch for length aswell.

What has really pleased me is the spongy feel to my flaccid penis, its a sign that something positive is occuring down below, more blood is being kept inside the chambers than usual.

The ROP I'm wearing at the moment could also be helping with the recent results as Zinc is abundant in all tissue in the human body and has a large input on healing to the body, so potentially it could help with speeding up the recovery and growth around the penis.

Havent hit the sessions hard like I said I would, damn it haha but will do one tonight. To be honest with you, when I'm feeling the penis when its flaccid and spongy, I can still feel very slightly a little inner tenderness from the last session ... goes to show how intense the bundled tunicae work is and how much recovery and rest we may very well need.

Any comments or advice than I'd love to read them.
Nice to read your progress red, a great inspiration as always! I gotta check out thoose argentinian girls at supertangas.....
You WILL love the Girl from Supertangas my freind and the Argentinian, Italian, Chilean, Spanish & Romanian are the best finds from the gallery - You can view via nation and I found a HOT bitch from Sweden with a super booty to gobble up.
July 19th

20 minutes bundled Blue_Whale Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise the 'Mandingo' secret via the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words]. I did these like I normally do with holds lasting several minutes and doing reverse kegels, pushing my legs down on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] really hard while also thrusting my pelvis forwards on some to make it more intense.

I felt this really well and its one of the best exercises I have ever done, credit goes to Blue_Whale for thinking up this stretch and DLD for the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words].

From my first stretch guess what? ... I heard that fade pop from my base region, the dull ligament popping sound which now is apart of my routine. Only happens once but its there and I take it as a sign the penis ligaments have been moved forward for more growth to take place, although I dont agree that one needs lig pops to see growth [Another thread on that topic].

The sock was used for my grip aid and I cant tell you have greta that simple piece of material is for increasing my hold times which is critical to the effectiveness of this stretch.

Once that was done I was horny and started wanking away for 15 minutes but didnt shoot my load.

Than I decided to hit the exercise again but now nearly fully erect. I couldnt bundle but felt a good stretch. I tried another, must have been about 60% erect now and got a bundle in and really felt the stretch on this. The rest were semi-erect but all very powerful stretches I could feel. I did this for 5 minutes.

My length afterwards was longer than usual and it was time for some light jelq warmdowns which took about 5 minutes, than followed by 15 minutes of scrotum jelqing which felt really lovely and got my balls hanging really nicely and the circulation flowing well.

So it was ....

20 mins Bundled Blue_Whale Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise the 'Mandingo' secret in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words] flaccid
15 mins masturbation
5 mins Bundled Blue_Whale Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise the 'Mandingo' secret in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words] erect -> semi-erect
5 mins Light jelq warm down flaccid
15 mins Scrotum jelqs

I have a few red spots and marks on the glans but it will be alright.

When I was erect to me it looked like a very slight gain in length to what I was lastime, maybe now 8.4 from 8.3 inches? I dont know when to measure but it wont be that far away now.

Very good session overall with some really powerfull effective bundles, my form is looking even better now on those and when I get my [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] ... well that bundle attachment will be used often for this.
July 21st

20 minutes of Scrotum testicle jelqing with a few flaccid wet jelqs aswell. Testicle massage at the end.

This was a really enjoyable session. Really like the scrotum jelqs. My scrotum fills with blood nicely with these and my whole balls hang lower for days afterwards.

When I jelq the scrotum I also hold right at the bottom of the rep just before I reach the testicles, so it pulls on them in a static stretch and than return back to the jelqs. This is done after several jelqs.

Also use my thumb and fingers to make various milking movements to the area, so not just the standard A-Okay sign all the time used.

This exercise will also help I think with cureing the turkey neck as the jelq is pulling the skin downwards, so base skin from the TN will be pulled downwards and away from the shaft and I notice the area looks allot better afterwards.

When I do the standard jelqs flaccid in this session I do so by makeing sure with the freehand that I push the lose skin at the base of the penis right back into the pubic bone and hold it in place for the duration of the jelq.

This prevents the turkey neck from getting worse with standard jelqs stretching the skin out more across the shaft, so best to push the skin back right into the pubic bone and hold it.

Once a set of them are complete I look in the mirror and my penis hang looks fucking awesome ... cant even see the turkey neck than as its all stretched out downwards, so in time this should become permanent and I'm going to do these eachday now.

I used extra virgin olive oil as my lube and do the session squated down in the bottom position as its easier for me to perform the whole process than standing upright.
July 31st session and Summary of things thus far

I've now got my [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] and have written my review of it in the main forums. Really good piece of kit thats for sure and I look forward to useing it for many years to come.

On July 31st my session involved useing the new [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] in place of my [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words].

* 20 minutes of the Blue_Whale Ultimate Penis Enlargement exercise 'mandingo secret' done bundled and in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words], as its the new model of the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words].

For these 20 minutes I did the stretch once and NONE STOP bundled in the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] bundle attachment while through the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words]. I had to use the bundle attachment detached from the main device and use the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] as my usual [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] to do this.

Wrapping I used Theraband underneath my glans with the foreskin pulled back.

Its quite something that the stretch lasted 20 minutes none stop bundled in this movement and its thanks to the attachement it cold be done as the grip of my hands wont last for that long with fatigue and slippage of the material around the penis.

I had to terminate the set not because of the bundle attachment but because of circulation problems. Obviously my penis needed more fresh blood as it had been bundled and held in that position for 20 minutes but otherwise I could have gone longer.

* Once that was complete I did 10 minutes masturbation as I was just horny and couldnt stop getting rock solid erections

* 10 minutes than of the same exercise but done without the bundled attachment, my hands used instead for that purpose. I used the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] as my [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] for the execution.
Some stretches were done semi-erect and I really liked the look and feel afterwards.

* 10 minutes of light jelqs, scrotum jelqs & testicle massage followed. My penis looked well hung and fuller to the touch plus the testicles and scrotum looked better.

The night went very well and I can see myself useing the bundle attachment often for this but I need to get the wrapping and technique sorted out first before I become fully competant at it.

My length touch wood is stil hanging lovely right now at around 6 inches flaccid most of the time. My erections in the morning are rock solid aswell and something strange is going on.

My penis seems to have this spongy feeling to it most of the time and more fuller while not erect. This to me is indication of growth. My erections look longer aswell and my girth is slightly up to the the touch.

Overall at the moment I think my penis is growing and these changes are comming across. My flaccid size is fuller and this spongy feeling is rather different than anything I have had in awhile.

I'm going to also incl Expressive Jelqs into the routine that a member here has created.

It wont be long till I start Frendo's and attack the width than it will be head size.
My routine would than be length & girth related works on seperate days to eachother.

I want my penis to be really wide across because it feels so good when having sex and it parts open a nice tight pussy, plus width feels good for the women. I also start college in a few months and most will be young females and maybe I will get with one, who knows? so want my cock to be in good tip top shape and be something they never forget.
Forgot to incl my penis still feels sore internally from the session with those stretches.
They are very powerful indeed and one needs rest between sessions becuase of that to recover & grow.
REDZULU2003;348142 said:
Forgot to incl my penis still feels sore internally from the session with those stretches.
They are very powerful indeed and one needs rest between sessions becuase of that to recover & grow.

You workin girth right? I'm still on that debate for me. Whether or not I need rest to get good gains in girth.
ithiel;348187 said:
You workin girth right? I'm still on that debate for me. Whether or not I need rest to get good gains in girth.

I'm not hitting girth at the moment but length. Yes rest is vitally important and you could perhaps look into adding rest days in your routine when you can and especially after such an intense session because doing another like that the nextday will not yield much success as your dick is like screaming tired and has trouble with erections probably from such a hard girth session, so the rest will recover the penis and help it heal and in time new growth will occur.
August 4th

20 minutes of V-SES useing the original [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words] 2nd Generation model, not the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words]. I also used Theraband & Sock wrap, finding the theraband helped me last longer with my hold times.

I managed to isolate the ligs alright when I tested the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] out when it arrived with me but tonight I couldnt get it right at all when trying the V-SES and its much easier to use the old [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] with the T-Shaped end to do this exercise but I did manage to use the new [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]Length Master[/words] edges at the top which make up the circle shape to press down and trap the ligament which felt intense and the same but I decided to opt for my usual method.

The whole session went well but started slowly as I was slow to get into it, not done V-SES for quite sometime now but once I was back into the rhythem I was fine again and burning those ligs.

Near the end I decided to try the bundle attachment that comes with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?83577-Length-master-official-order-thread-now-shipping-06-16-2014!!!]LM[/words] and got that connected up and than used that as replacment for my hands gripping underneath the glans. I would than perform the V-SES and could now hold the stretch ALLOT longer than I could normally. I used Theraband as the wrap too. I shall use this method with the bundle piece in the future and is a very powerful addition to this stretch. My ligaments were literally smokeing when I was done that I had thoughts of phoneing 999 for the fire brigade!

The size afterwards was impressive and looked really nice and long. The session was delayed at times though as I kept getting rock solid erections, cant complain really but in total I spent 20 minutes stretching with some done semi erect.

Once that was done it was time for light wet jelqs [flaccid], scrotum jelqs and the new expressive jelqs [behind the balls jelqing] which in total lasted 15 minutes with me moveing from one to the other dureing that time.

My size looked great, with the balls hanging nice and low. Its the firstime I've done Expresive Jelqs and I got the hang of them quickly. I was jelqing that inner penis from near my Anus towards and into my external penis. This method according to the creator has helped him gain length and so I think it has great potential for overall [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]penis health[/words] & growth.

To top it off I did a quick testicle massage. Used Olive oil for these last four methods.
REDZULU2003;348212 said:
I'm not hitting girth at the moment but length. Yes rest is vitally important and you could perhaps look into adding rest days in your routine when you can and especially after such an intense session because doing another like that the nextday will not yield much success as your dick is like screaming tired and has trouble with erections probably from such a hard girth session, so the rest will recover the penis and help it heal and in time new growth will occur.

don't know Reds. I never got problems with my erection quality when doing hardcore girth shit. Matter fact, I get the opposite. When I don't do it, my erection are weaker.
Okay well I've been on vacation for the past 9 days or so and havent done anything regarding Penis Enlargement at all. I have been wearing the ROP but not as much, in fact the past 6 days its been off. I will start wearing it again tommorow and the rest is because I was in public with family and going to various places and didnt want it to slip off in public.

Lastnight when I got a nocturnal erection I noticed it looked quite long indeed, maybe longer than it normally does. I put two hands from bottom to the top and had more sticking out than usual, so this looks like some slight gains in length than and hopefully bringing me from 8.3 to 8.5 inches in length.
21st August

15 minutes of standard constrictors taken to PONR on occasion with no ejaculation.
Did a few CTS/TCS stretches and lateral jelqing.

My size actually looks and feels larger. The girth feels slightly thicker than when I measured back in 2006 and also I had trouble getting the cable clamp on at the base today when erect! I managed to fix that thought but it suggests that the base regon around and behind where the testes hang is growing new thickness.

My mid shaft also felt a bit more thicker. Length is looking longer and I estimate it now to be around 8.5 inches BP when fully erect from 8.3, its longer for certain from look and feel.

I'll be measureing nextweek and also hitting up exercise again with the usual such as the Power Assisted Mandingo Stretch by Blue_Whale and the V-SES.