I've noticed they only do one size diaphragm now, i don't notice any difference when using the newer size of these, also I've tried and tried using the xl sluice but they are too big

as soon as any tension gets put on its just slips off, i wish there was an in-between size, very easy for air to get in to chamber with the xl, if it worked it would take comfort to a new level,

a small size increase to the standard sluice and i would have been delighted, maybe in future the sluices will be made with more sizes available.
Oh right! I forgot about having to be erect when putting in a condom. Well, thanks for your input as always Dangler.
Write them I have several times they said If they recieve enough feedback they will adjust again. I suggested a modification to the standard at the application ends of gthe sluice ( glans chamber and sluice ring) , making it the size of theXL but, not changing the internal diameter . The second was another size inbetween the standard and the XL but , without the XL we would have not known how much of a difference it would make .
aaaahhhhhhhh the wait is killing me. im itching to get one of these since i have a SG sitting around that i never use due to comfort issues.
I should hear from him today. They are programming our package and it will be available as soon as they are done. I can't wait!!!
So does this mean your alliancing as a promoter for Penis Master Pro??? I have researched this product and it seems VERY impressive for comfort reasons!!!!
Hey guys,
So I'm pretty tired of walking around with a stinky, puffy, itchy penis. I know its all for a good cause but I'm hoping I can without he side effects. Oh, and my urethra feels uncomfortable. I posted about this a little bit ago and some of you mentioned that it had to do with either too much suction or tension. The problem is that I'm having a difficult time adjusting the vacuum and how much of my shaft gets sucked in. The glans chamber is moody and seems to take different lengths of my shaft when it wishes. I am using the suction ball now. Do you guys know if using the hose makes a whole lot of difference in the amount of control you have over the vacuum?
I'd vote that you solve the itchy problem first. It may be the skin area is irritated and you simply may need to take 3 or 4 days off & let things recover. This may be a case where you have been way too ambitious, like going many hours day after day after day, with no rest time sprinkled in there. I don't know, as you don't say what kind of wearing patterns/schedule you have been doing, or rest breaks, days off, tension used.

As far as the hose, I've seen a few posts where some just love it. I would think it lets you "fine tune" the vacuum, whenever you determine it needs it, and do it easier than the squeeze bulb.
I've been using the pmp for 2-4 a day, with 5 minute breaks every hour and the tension set at the 2nd to last line. What seems to vary though, as I mentioned above, is how much of my shaft gets sucked into Tue sleuce ring. Hope this gives a better idea of my regimen.
I do 2 to 3 hrs, with 2-3 hrs break in between, I also run with just two lines showing.
When I dismount, I massage to help any puffiness subside, and usually wait until it is all normal looking. A 3 hr session will take longer for skin to return to normal than if I had done a 2 hour session.
Your 1 hr sessions seem reasonable, however you may experiment with a 15 - 20 minute break.
If you are able to not let the vacuum do all of the work, but instead use a lower vacuum, and work at helping to push your dick into the sluice, kind of assisting the vacuum. If an extra pump is required, then do that.
I create a "medium" vacuum, using a couple of fingers, I milk/jelq the shaft into the sluice, helping push the glans in.
In this way, you will have a little better control of the amount of shaft inserted.
Just try to vary one thing at a time, and see how things go.
Dangler;481044 said:
I do 2 to 3 hrs, with 2-3 hrs break in between, I also run with just two lines showing.
When I dismount, I massage to help any puffiness subside, and usually wait until it is all normal looking. A 3 hr session will take longer for skin to return to normal than if I had done a 2 hour session.
Your 1 hr sessions seem reasonable, however you may experiment with a 15 - 20 minute break.
If you are able to not let the vacuum do all of the work, but instead use a lower vacuum, and work at helping to push your dick into the sluice, kind of assisting the vacuum. If an extra pump is required, then do that.
I create a "medium" vacuum, using a couple of fingers, I milk/jelq the shaft into the sluice, helping push the glans in.
In this way, you will have a little better control of the amount of shaft inserted.
Just try to vary one thing at a time, and see how things go.

dangler you seem to be taking a gentle approach to tension/ stretching are you having any success with this? I've been stretching at pretty much maximum intensity for the last

7 months without any breaks and not much to show for it. so i decided to go on a week long timeout skin repair break and looking to try something different a new approach when i come back.
Yes fonic, 3 years with an X4, usually 600 to (sometimes 1200 grams), but usually top out at 1000 grams. 2+ inches in that time frame.
I switched to the PMP, because my skin was getting broken, irritated, sore where I was fastening at. I saw I could keep running at the grams that work for me, but with a much more comfortable vacuum chamber; and with an added benefit of enlarging the glans, via the vacuum chamber.

I am still running in the 600 to 1000 grams in year 4. I find breaks, and days off, help the process. Frequently in extender use, "more is better", is anti-productive.
Good you are taking a long break.
Try warming up, rice sock, before getting into your extender. If at all possible, some mild heat applied while in the extender can help, it will relax the cells even more.
I think because the PMP is so darn comfortable, it is way too easy to over do things. In the manual, in somewhat obscure language, they advocate rest breaks and days off.
That is what I practice.
Also, I am older, retired, and my skin just ain't as "young & supple, forgiving" as it was many, many years ago. <grin>
It acctually dictates that I go the gentler approach in extending, and in Penis Enlargement.
Cheers !
Hey fonic when your not in the extender are you still staying extended maybe with some type of wrap or using another method of ADS?
Dangler;481151 said:
Yes fonic, 3 years with an X4, usually 600 to (sometimes 1200 grams), but usually top out at 1000 grams. 2+ inches in that time frame.
I switched to the PMP, because my skin was getting broken, irritated, sore where I was fastening at. I saw I could keep running at the grams that work for me, but with a much more comfortable vacuum chamber; and with an added benefit of enlarging the glans, via the vacuum chamber.

I am still running in the 600 to 1000 grams in year 4. I find breaks, and days off, help the process. Frequently in extender use, "more is better", is anti-productive.
Good you are taking a long break.
Try warming up, rice sock, before getting into your extender. If at all possible, some mild heat applied while in the extender can help, it will relax the cells even more.
I think because the PMP is so darn comfortable, it is way too easy to over do things. In the manual, in somewhat obscure language, they advocate rest breaks and days off.
That is what I practice.
Also, I am older, retired, and my skin just ain't as "young & supple, forgiving" as it was many, many years ago. <grin>
It acctually dictates that I go the gentler approach in extending, and in Penis Enlargement.
Cheers !

Thats great dangler you found what works through trial and error, glad your gaining! i spent too much time in the pmp at 1100g no rest days and ended up wearing down my glans till its red raw,

stupid mistake on my part, just so eager for gains and its ended up being counter productive, i'm going to come back wiser and pay more attention to warning signs that i'm overdoing it,

having no breaks has definitely hurt me and in hindsight 1100g has proved to much tension on glans, think ill copy your blueprint and shoot for between 600 and max 1000g with rest days

and see if i can get some length this way, like you say its about finding your own individual sweetspot.
tparker84;481153 said:
Hey fonic when your not in the extender are you still staying extended maybe with some type of wrap or using another method of ADS?

i havent buddy cause i spent so much time daily extending, then when not doing that i'm really active so its not been practical to try and wrap, especially with excessive amounts of foreskin its a battle trying to keep anything on.
Have you had any gains at all using the pmp at the tension you specifies earlier? I ask because if you haven't (and I'm sorry if you haven't) that would give better indication as to what's effective and what not.
CaptainCaveman;481257 said:
Have you had any gains at all using the pmp at the tension you specifies earlier? I ask because if you haven't (and I'm sorry if you haven't) that would give better indication as to what's effective and what not.

sup caveman

no gains to report at a constant tension of 1100g between 6 and 7 hours per day, 7 days a week, any man should be massively rewarded for that effort but sadly not everything is black and white,

having said that who is to say that wouldn't bring you massive gains we are all individuals and whats works for one man may not work for another, for every lock there is a key i will find the right one eventually,

using any extender on its own is not so easy to see what is working, takes time results are a long way off in my circumstance anyway, i may have failed so far but ill keep plugging away adapting mixing it up

and see what i can achieve in the next few months, guys like dickleaker and dangler have been very insightful for me, so ill see where my new found knowledge takes me.
fonic;481147 said:
dangler you seem to be taking a gentle approach to tension/ stretching are you having any success with this? I've been stretching at pretty much maximum intensity for the last 7 months without any breaks and not much to show for it. so i decided to go on a week long timeout skin repair break and looking to try something different a new approach when i come back.

I thought about your 7 months ordeal. I would encourage you to research deconditioning here, the pegym, thundersplace, and determine just how long a break you ought to do. I've read where some have undergone a couple weeks to a month. If you don't make it long enough, the break that is, you may be setting yourself up for "no progress".
I've been doing breaks regularly, since I hit my first plateau in year 1.
Good luck, now go do your homework, lol.
I second what Dangler said Fonic. And I too wish you all the best in your endeavor.
When you said that you took a break after a plateau, how did you go about determining that you were no longer gaining? Do you have a specific method for checking your measurements?
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