
Jan 30, 2010
The Matters of Size Special Features a Free 15% upgrade in special parts!

CLICK HERE TO ORDER with MOS Discount PeniMaster and PeniMaster Pro

hey fellas,

i'm now using a device called penimaster pro, a vacuum based device that offers the ultimate comfort,

very easy to use on and off in seconds , absolute no slippage, you won't and cannot get blisters or fluid

build up, can be used as A.D.S or A.N.S safety and comfort is taken care of, cut or uncut it doesn't matter

its all good, from a personal point of view i couldn't have dreamed a better device up for my stretching

needs, with skin pulled back the device has a condom inside that wraps tightly on the entire glans with

the help of a small amount of adhesive you apply to bond to condom, so easy! no taping glans or any

other bullshizz required, i'm finding the stretch of my inner penis immense, loving it. if you have problems

currently finding something that works for you, i highly recommend this its going to be massive in the pe

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Trying it out now

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Fonic my man! That sounds awesome.Will def check this out.The SG/VLC is good but if there is something out there that is even better than I'm all for it! Thanks for letting us know ;)
fonic;467643 said:
hey fellas,

i'm now using a device called penimaster pro, a vacuum based device that offers the ultimate comfort,

very easy to use on and off in seconds , absolute no slippage, you won't and cannot get blisters or fluid

build up, can be used as A.D.S or A.N.S safety and comfort is taken care of, cut or uncut it doesn't matter

its all good, from a personal point of view i couldn't have dreamed a better device up for my stretching

needs, with skin pulled back the device has a condom inside that wraps tightly on the entire glans with

the help of a small amount of adhesive you apply to bond to condom, so easy! no taping glans or any

other bullshizz required, i'm finding the stretch of my inner penis immense, loving it. if you have problems

currently finding something that works for you, i highly recommend this its going to be massive in the pe

That's the same as an SS heavy duty, but for twice the price. These devices have been around for years. The SS HD can pull hard and is very durable. It's about 140 (the penis master is $275).
Err, I wanna buy it now, could someone confirm that this beats the SG with the VLC?! cause I can't help myself!!!!
I like the attachment piece versus the nooses and straps but the price is steep is for what you get.
&Moregains123 have you a link to the device your referring to please?
MoreGains123;467704 said:
That's the same as an SS heavy duty, but for twice the price. These devices have been around for years. The SS HD can pull hard and is very durable. It's about 140 (the penis master is $275).

you will find its a lot different to the ss heavy duty, i own both, the application for a start is far superior to the heavy duty. no taping or bullshit required.

far too easy to pull a blister with the heavy duty and that device requires higher vacuum, with the penimaster the lower the vacuum the better it operates.

the static does not have a condom inside to protect your glans from being damaged, please read all the info on the site or e-mail them before jumping

to conclusions, i have tried every device out there....simply put this is the most comfortable device while being safe and offers a great stretch.

i personally found the ss hd a horrible unsafe device to use and a pain in the arse to put on.

durable.......the only parts that will ever need renewed are the latex condoms, and they will last as far as i can tell, keep your nails trimmed when using

and alls good.
To say any device "requires" more force is not accurate. Guys have a tendency to use too much force because they're anxious for gains. This almost always leads to injury but definitely leads to Penis Enlargement frustration.

With the SS you don't have to tape or prepare your glans if you're not using high force. I use the SS heavy at a very low force and have no complications and can wear it for 3 to 6 hours at a time.

The idea of a condom in a vacuum has been around for years and has always been used by guys who use high forces: even with traditional pumping.

The idea of "the lower the vacuum, the better" isn't accurate either. The lower the vacuum, the lower the pull. The lower the pull, the longer the time. This device doesn't defy physics. Eventually it's too low to do any good. Also there is no way a vacuum can't cause lymphatic flow reduction: once again: physics. The condom protects the skin by spreading the load and can help in the more even distribution of build-up, but will not prevent build-up.

I understand you like it and that's great. I searched for a long time to find devices which work for me. Everybody is different and prefers different things. I own a hell of a lot of Penis Enlargement gear too.

At $275 it's way over priced and the features it boasts are not new or novel. The primary features can be achieved by: 1) purchasing condoms, 2) buying or making a vacuum head for any typical extender.

The fact it has almost a dozen parts, liquids and a specific application technique means it's not going to be fun when you have to use the restroom.

Their statement that the glans is not under force is contradictory to the goal. Without pulling from the glans with force, force cannot be transferred to the tissues we're trying to stretch. The glans simply cannot be removed from the equation without putting the force on another part of the penis and moving the issues from the glans to the new area. Force is force. Only force will induce growth. They can't be magically introducing force without causing force effects.
Wow, moregains123 this post was very intuitive and informative, you saved me 300 bucks and peace of mind, I'll stick with the SG VLC for now
It looks more sophisticated than the vlc, alas professionally fabricated/mass produced. That of course doesn't excuse the prices, but since I neither have the vlc or the static stretcher I'll look into it.
Alone the fact that a external pump is provided to supply the vacuum versus trying to figure it out while attaching the thing makes it more attractive to consider.

The bummer is that the upgrade kit nearly costs as much as their whole extender, and more than the whole sizegenetics mos offer...
I am contacting them about some of their attachments and such and to see if we can get them cheap:) I will also have Darren look at this thread and see if there is anything SG can do to create similar systems. The Extender is over priced as it is and the SizeGenetics is a much better price for a superior extender, it is the various attachments that interest me in the PM.

must admit your the first person i ever heard using the ss hd without tape and i'm on all the forums, you must have glans of steel!!!! fair play to you, each to there own,

i know how much you love the ss hd so i won't get into a debate about that, i'm only letting people know there is a great alternative, which offers unsurpassed comfort and

a great stretch, the device consists of a stretcher, a pump ball, glue and the headpiece which is all one part, not a dozen as you state. now if this is old tech why have i not seen it before.

the specific application........what? a tiny bit of bonding glue and a quick pump its done in seconds, the only thing quicker on and off is the tugger. lets face it most people where ads in home

so ill ignore the restroom comment. it would help if you actually were a user like myself and know the quality of this device, people are going to love this. quick on and off great stretch,

after 3 hours straight last night night at 1100g i felt the burn all the way to my asshole :)
doublelongdaddy;467853 said:
I am contacting them about some of their attachments and such and to see if we can get them cheap:) I will also have Darren look at this thread and see if there is anything SG can do to create similar systems. The Extender is over priced as it is and the SizeGenetics is a much better price for a superior extender, it is the various attachments that interest me in the PM.

hey dld,

i just checked my size genetics rods with penimaster rods they are different diameter, thats kind of crucial to work with there headpieces, maybe they could do something about that.
fonic;467863 said:
hey dld,

i just checked my size genetics rods with penimaster rods they are different diameter, thats kind of crucial to work with there headpieces, maybe they could do something about that.

So their upgrade kit doesn't work with the sizegenetics?

It seems an arbitrary restriction just creating a system with different rod diameter than everybody else just to increase sales >:(
Are they wider or narrower than the sg? If they are wider we could possible come up with something... Or either way around make a costume head piece.

I mean yes they already give you a discount if you purchase their extender second if you send them your invoice, but maybe they would be more forthcoming if presented with a concentrated costumer base like this forum.

thanks dld! :)
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