Should I make it wet or just rub it down dry? and supra why dont u go online anymore...
Christ I'm more impressed by your woman than the rop lol I've been with my woman for 21 yrs and can't remember when I came on her face,and man 6 nights in a row I gotta get a divorce I'm obviously missing out here....anyway congrats on your success
you guys. I just went to the 99 cent store and bought some "steel wool". First off funny story. I get to the cash register and the lady knows me and asks what these are for. Uh oh. I mean seriously wut would i be doing with a huge bag of 99 cent steel wool. I told her I was throwin a barbecue lol I dunno how that makes any sense so it was funny. THIS SHIT CLEANED MY ROP LIKE NOTHING OTHER!!! Yesturday I tried scrubing it with some scrubbing thing, and didnt see a difference. Just now I cleaned the ROP with this steel wool shit and DAAAMN it went from black copper and a surface of black shit on the zinc to VERY SHINY on both sides, even cleaner then when I first bought them. cough supra cough. anyways, steel wool all the way!
My fears came true today. I was playing basketball at the gym, when I touched my balls and noticed ONLY ONE OF THEM was going through the ROP! uh oh. I thought oh well its on pretty tight ill be fine. ABout 5 minutes later I went for a shot and as I went up, the ROP went down and hit the floor, and the funny thing was I didnt even notice cuz I ran to get back on defence. I touch my balls when im on defense cuz somethin felt funny and fuck my ROP was on the ground on the other side of the court. When I was on offense again i picked it up and went to the side and put it in my bag and luckily no one saw it or at least they didnt care to say anything.... WHEW!
I have been wearing my ROP for awhile now and I love it.

How do you guys clean them to get the metal nice and shiny again. I wear mine every night and it is getting a little funky.

BeBobBox said:
you guys. I just went to the 99 cent store and bought some "steel wool". First off funny story. I get to the cash register and the lady knows me and asks what these are for. Uh oh. I mean seriously wut would i be doing with a huge bag of 99 cent steel wool. I told her I was throwin a barbecue lol I dunno how that makes any sense so it was funny. THIS SHIT CLEANED MY ROP LIKE NOTHING OTHER!!! Yesturday I tried scrubing it with some scrubbing thing, and didnt see a difference. Just now I cleaned the ROP with this steel wool shit and DAAAMN it went from black copper and a surface of black shit on the zinc to VERY SHINY on both sides, even cleaner then when I first bought them. cough supra cough. anyways, steel wool all the way!
I am so confused about all of this because the parts of the metals that touch my body are becoming extrememly shiny. The copper especially has become a mirror like finish ONLY on the part that touches the ol balls. HydromaxMMMMM I think my metals are broken
Bigbadbison said:
I have been wearing my ROP for awhile now and I love it.

How do you guys clean them to get the metal nice and shiny again. I wear mine every night and it is getting a little funky.


BeBobBox said:

Hey, thanks man. That was a quick reply. I am off to get some steel wool.

Mine was really clean when it first came. Dude, maybe you got a "re-furbished" one. LOL j/k
Bigbadbison said:
Hey, thanks man. That was a quick reply. I am off to get some steel wool.

Mine was really clean when it first came. Dude, maybe you got a "re-furbished" one. LOL j/k

lol thats sooooooooooooo nasty!
If you guys got the choice of gettin a free "used" ROP or a brand new one for $100(lets say), which one would you choose?

lol lol lol
guess wut fuckin happened today.. my rop fell off again today, but this time while I was playing tennis. I had to run over to my bag and put it away. ONce again, luckily no one said anything. whew
why dont you take it off for athletics? i know that shrinkage is worst during athletics, but i still wouldnt wear it playin basketball.
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