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      kriskros replied to the thread Hello, this is Kris.
      I am grateful I met you all here. Really. It takes too much discipline for decent results and i am not the best at this but i will try...
    • K
      kriskros replied to the thread Hello, this is Kris.
      I just did the original 5x5x3 with MOSRED (10 mins before 10 mins after) 3 to 4 times a week, with extended periods of resting...
    • K
      kriskros replied to the thread Hello, this is Kris.
      A guy told me about emsella chair for pelvic floor. Does anyone know it ?
    • K
      kriskros replied to the thread Hello, this is Kris.
      My only problem is stamina. after penetrative sex if j get tired (heart, abs etc) my erection gets soften quite a bit.
    • K
      kriskros replied to the thread Hello, this is Kris.
      I do not know how to explain. I can't find logical explanation. It does not make any sense. While I was doing PE I never saw any gains...
    • K
      kriskros replied to the thread Hello, this is Kris.
      Just read a report from phalback (that miraclous device) they now state on their site that they help with ED and erections. So much hype...
    • K
      kriskros replied to the thread Hello, this is Kris.
      Yes but the plong program has pshots for some reason (that i do not understand)
    • K
      kriskros replied to the thread Hello, this is Kris.
      Yes but, will you gain those 0.5' inches in girth? I mean, is it possible? If it is ...it is really convenient.. You get my point? Also...
    • K
      kriskros replied to the thread Hello, this is Kris.
      Hello Guys, I have stopped PE quite a time now, but I am curious about one thing. Recently, I read a post where a guy, was using...
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