I just busted the biggest and yellowest load ever. Could be due to the ROP ;)
theDude said:
Do the rods need to be cleaned to work better or just for appearance?
I'm no electrical engineer, but I imagine that getting rid of the oxidation also reduces impedence. In other words, you get higher voltage, and more zinc ions along with it.

theDude said:
Also, how importance is the tightness of the ROP around your package? Does the tightness matter as long as the tubes are touching the skin?
It only matters that the metal rods touch insofar as the voltage and zinc ions are concerned. Having a good latex fit helps keep blood in your shaft, so you keep a post-workout pump for much longer. It also reduces the chance that the ring will fall off at an inopportune moment. Optimally, you should be able to squeeze your pinky finger underneath the latex.

theDude said:
I've had mine for two weeks now and have noticed a longer flaccid hang and my balls seem bigger. My erections seem to be a little harder, but I've seen none or very little increase in the size of my load when I cum. Should I be seeing increases in my load yet or do I need to allow more time? Thanks.
I'd give it some more time. I think I read a couple instances where it took a month to see a volume increase.
does anyone else here have a slight irritation near side of your penis exactly where the tube meets the rod? Ive developed a slight itch on both sides, could be a sanitation issue or soemthing? I have yet to clean my rods but i dont think thats the case.. btw i don adjust my ring when i sleep i find it doesnt bother me with the rods on the sides at night.
How long have you had it? If you're still fairly new to the ROP it might take a few more days before you get used to having something rubbing there. Maybe you should try not wearing it at night until the irritation stops.
just a few days now. yeah im gonna let the irritation subside first before wearing it again.
How do you guys get your testosterone levels tested? I have a RoP on on the way and would like to get my levels tested before I start to use it.
I did ask my Dr last year if I could get my testosterone levels tested and she said no.
I am in the UK and wonder if there is a test kit available at at chemist/pharmacist?

Also can anyone tell me if there are any negative side effects from having high testosterone levels? Like hair loss and acne for instance.
You can order a test kit over the internet. There were some links posted either here or in the other main ROP thread. It measures the testosterone content of your saliva, so there's no needles or anything invasive.
Thanks for that info wants9.

I did read through 2 entire posts on the RoP last night and did not notice any links in them.

I am having a good search on google for any UK sites selling the kits.

are you in the USA?

Congrats on some good gains there. What was your start date?
Guys, I was just wondering if any of you feel more awake and better rested since using the ROP? I have a job that requires me to wakeup very early and I am usually wiped out by the time I get off work. Now I am able to still stay up late and get stuff done without taking any naps and still wakeup before dawn and am full of energy and well rested. I have been taking viatimins, ZMA, NO2 and using the ROP. So one or some combination of these has really improved my quality of life. Another improvement is I have depression and social anxiety issues. I literally had a constant pain and anxiety in my chest and stomache for about 12 years. Now it is gone, and it feels weird to feel so good. I am just trying to figure out why so I can keep doing it.
I just found this on a website describing what happens when your Test increases. And this is EXACTLY what happened to me. I was very irritable and aggressive ( I thought I was manic or something), then a few days ago, just this whole sense of well being came over me.

"The obvious and most accurate way to check your testosterone levels is to do a blood test, but there are telltale signs and symptoms that indicate your testosterone is increasing. The following list shows the most common of these indicators. You could have some or all of them.

First 2-4 Weeks:
ï Insomnia
ï Increased aggression
ï Irritability
ï Increased sex drive
ï Oily skin

After 2-4 Weeks:
ï Increased muscle mass
ï Decreased body fat
ï Increased sense of well-being
Wow, I knew I was a bit more aggressive from the test increase from the ring...but those post month effects are kicking in now too. This thing never fails to amaze me.
Hey for the science behind the ring that post u guys linked me too didnt talk about how when putting zinc and copper against your skin at the same time produces electricity or whatever. Can you link me to something that talks about that please
Its just like a battery man, its really no science involved, it just works. What is important is the Bio Electric universe
I am getting my testosterone levels tested before I start to wear my RoP and then maybe a month later just for interest.

I have wanted to know my levels for a long time now. I think they may be high as I seem to have a lot of the symptoms.
I'm a hairy git, add muscle easily, irritable, high libido, oily skin.
I have not been wearing my ring for 2 months, I just got my test levels checked monday, and I will get checked again in another 2 months. I will let you know the results of all this.
Supra said:
Its just like a battery man, its really no science involved, it just works. What is important is the Bio Electric universe

Anyone who wants to start up a business: first get a lesson from Supra about service!!!! lol

This ROP just makes me really curious about how it works
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