shavenasian;468668 said:
Stupid question time - if I already have the SG, what do I need to order to get this device to connect to the SG?
Click on shop in top right corner. Then click penismaster pro. Then on left menu u will see the upgrade kit. That's all u need. 140 euro though... still a bit too much for my likeing but i'm tempted!
This thing looks so awesome. I never had the success of the VLC that everyone was telling about - but this thing just looks so comfortable.
I just got the Upgrade Kit 1. Came with the Socket missing so I can't connect it to a stretcher.

Although I have to say this thing is a disaster if you have any girth. It doesn't glide in like the video shows. The suction ball doesn't have enough force to draw my glans in and you can't hold the suction ball, the part itself and stuff your penis in all at once. The lube is not very slippery: it's a thick silicone based substance and becomes sticky very quickly.

I'm going to keep trying, but I've as yet to get this thing on successfully. The one time I thought I had it, my penis slipped right back out.

So far I'd say you got to have way less than 5 inches of flaccid girth, but that's just a guess because my glans is 5 inches flaccid.

I will keep trying and let you know.

Keep trying. I don't think your girth should be a problem, as I am just shy of 5". First, make sure you dont have any sizers on the device since you won't need it to be smaller. You just have to make sure that you have the ball fully squeezed, turn to unlock the chamber, put your head tightly to the opening, let go of the ball, and assist the head into the unit while the suction pulls. Once there, allow the glans to just sit there for a 2-3 seconds and then twist to close the chamber again prior to removing the ball from the device. You should not be able to pull and remove your glans. This thing can take lots of pull, but do not go beyond the recommendation or else you may get blisters since it is vacuum-based. For some reason if you cannot get the ball to work, they do have an adapter to help with suction via a suction line. I really do think that you should be able to get the ball to work. I don't know if this helps any, but thought I would give it a shot. Good luck. I still love this thing!
I love the principle, but I don't think it's very well executed. For example, the valve is a joke. It's not really a valve it's just a screw-down which if screwed too far can end up inside the ball. (You then take apart the ball to get it out.)

I will try your ideas, thanks.
We must have a different model or something. On mine, the screw cannot be screwed further down as it stops at the plastic head piece. I guess you could possibly use a pair of pliars or extreme torque to screw it down too far, but this would be pointless as you would probably break the plastic head piece. Mine just screws down tight where it definitely is a hard end feel. There is no way on mine the screw-down valve could end up inside unless it is broken.
Sorry, but this thing is impossible for me. I'm going to have to return it. My thoughts so far:

1. The opening is entirely too small.
2. The bulb either will not draw (stays compressed after I let go) or it draws immediately and there is not sufficient vacuum to draw in the glans.
3. After forcing the glans in eventually, it pulls out very easily. I have managed to get it in several times, but even a small amount of force causes the glans to slide back out.
4. It requires three hands: preferably hands that don't end up covered in lube...
5. Because of the "sluice" design, the insertion hole moves around which exacerbates the difficulty of pressing the glans in.
6. The valve leaks and cannot be tightened adequately upon bulb removal because it has locking stops. So if it wasn't 1/4 quarter turn from 100% tight when application began, then it cannot be tightened on removal.

I will make a video if I can post it somehow. Maybe you guys who are getting it to work can make suggestions.
I wonder if you have a faulty unit?? I have never had to force my glans inside the chamber--the suction pulls it in and I just assist in allowing it to be pulled in. 2 hands are sufficiently easy as one holds the head of the penis and the other holds onto the suction ball. Something just sounds as though maybe something is wrong with your device, or possibly, the rubber parts have not been put on correctly? I do know that the "sluice" has to cover above the rubber membrane that covers the head piece. I don't know what else to tell you. Something just sounds wrong.
On the valve, I meant if you unscrewed it too far it falls off and ends up inside the bulb. Tightening does work to seal, but I was remarking on was the fact it has to remained timed. The threading must remain timed to close down on removal or it leaks. I'll chalk that up to learning curve.

I'm going to replace all the latex rubber parts, but I can't see any fault with them. Without inserting the glans the bulb does draw in the latex piece and it holds like a balloon inside the head piece.

My only conclusion at this point is my glans is too large for the device to function properly. I'll keep trying. Anybody know how a video can be uploaded?
I think you have to upload it to another server that allows that kind of graphic material and the put the link in here.. Try vimeo or something. That's my best guess :)
DLD did you ever contact these guys and try to get the price down for us. I really want to try this because I gave up on the vlc but want to still use an ads. I just think 180 is pretty steep
That would be awesome as I'm seconds away from ordering it. But you can get an 18 percent discount if you send in your invoice from your purchase of another extender.. :)
Neither had I so I wrote them. Now I have to send a pic of my extender + a code that I received on my mail. Im not sure if this discount is for the upgrade kit also though.
let us know if the discount is also for the upgrade kit will u squash? I want this thing!
Isn't xhamster a �naked people movies� site?

Also, it is definitely the case the device is too small. I wish they had a larger size. I was curious as to how one size fit all. Short answer: it doesn't.

I've emailed them about returning it. Let's see how that goes... a lot can be determined by how a company treats you when you have an issue.
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Of course I saw that, it came on the DVD and it's on their website. Relative to the size of the device he's not really as big as you must be thinking.

I'm going to mess around with it again this weekend but after that if I can't get it to work it goes back.

The reason I think glans size is so important here is that once I have managed to insert the glans it pulls out with very little force. Therefore I'm thinking there isn't enough room inside to create the necessary vacuum expansion to keep it in. Just a guess.
Okay - good luck then.

For those of you who are interested I am getting this device as I am beginning a new log. I now have about 6 months where I will be working from home, so I have a lot of time Penis Enlargement'ing, working out and writing with you guys :)
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