karmi;478519 said:
hey dickleaker....long time no speak buddy!!!!!!! i had a few problems to deal with because...well my house is being changed around so i have no privacy now....so ive stoppped with the pmp for about 3-4 weeks.....but the gains have been very generous to....i now realise i have a 7 inch cock opposed to the 6.89 i had a few months ago.....now what i can tell people is that in order to get the length you want you HAVE TO GEEP USING NON STOP tere was a time where i was on 7.3-4 inches but now that i have stopped i did not cement the gains. girth was unbelievable too.

now i have started a new thing for myself now...since as though i have started work again i can afford a few things. i have decided to use pmp at night when asleep....i know i know...dont do it you will die! lool dont worry ive been a master of this already with some unbelievable help. i dont have ANY time to use during day apart from 2 hours and that my dear friends is simply not enough. so night time was the only option and im proud of it. i have recent put MY maximum tension where it is pulling ALOT but JUST low enough not to give me any blisters or anything else and i have done this for a week now. i then purchased numbing creams and apply alittle to the areas that cause burning sensations which gets me to a point of defeat....but when i apply this i sleep like a baby and also when i wake up around 8 hours later......yes i have it still on...i take off the pmp my head looks great and i swear to god i have never shot cum so far in my life yesterday...it actuall hit above my towel rack when i was sitting down....dont ask.

it looks massive...longer and helthier..

the numbing creams i use does no harm to anthing and i have purchased 8 tubes of 20g numbing cream for £15 which is FUKIN UNBEIEVABLE!!!!!!!!! thats enough to last me for a long time.

anybody who is using pmp do not give up it is and incredible tool......and also if your are planning on having sex theres is a gooood side and a bad side

1. your dick will be the best erection shape and form and will look like it can fuck your chicks stomach in and yes....i have done so lol
2. you actually last alot longer in my opinion

bad side....one really and this may affect number 2...your head will be fuking super sensitive so you might cum when felt with light breeze lol

good luck people and if anybody has gained from the pmp speak now!!!!

you too Scott....youve been my mentor for a while....hows the pmp going for ya????

Which Numbing Cream did you get and where from? sounds like a great idea! never thought of that. So I take it you apply it to the head and stuff?
I've found that if I get *any* kind of pain, it is a sign that I need to adjust something or take a break.
One example, I eliminated some discomfort by using one pair of the split rings, to decrease the diameter of the Chamber.
Another example, if I have some foreskin "creep", into the sluice/chamber, then it lets me know after awhile, so I can draw it back out. Relief !
Most of the time, I am almost unaware I have my PMP on.
penimaster kindly donated me the xl sluices to try pack of 5 with diagphram, my slight increase in girth has been giving me problems with the standard sluice at the underside of glans area frenuluum,

i feel they have made the xl too big an intermediate between standard an xl would have been perfect for me, with the xl its possible for air to creep in and cause slippage with me, but makes it ultra comfortable

not having that pain on the underside of glans, after a few days using this i now have a solution that works for me, i double the xl sluice up, add one to the ring then another, which reduces the opening gap of sluice perfectly,

great seal now no slippage and very comfortable on the underside, nothing like the pain that would build after many hours using standard sluice, just to add i'm sticking with the standard diaphragm still and use the xl combo.
fonic, one user over at the Penis EnlargementGym, stretched a regular sluice over a C battery, heated it with a hair dryer, which, he said, causes the latex to "relax", and have a larger inside-diameter.
I've not tried that, but wanted to pass that along for your consideration.
Dangler;478584 said:
fonic, one user over at the Penis EnlargementGym, stretched a regular sluice over a C battery, heated it with a hair dryer, which, he said, causes the latex to "relax", and have a larger inside-diameter.
I've not tried that, but wanted to pass that along for your consideration.

Thanks, i tried that to no avail, was still to restricting on the underside of glans even after stretching/heating with the standard sluice, although not ideal having to double the xl,

having the option to now go on as long as i want without using numbing cream is incredible, if anyone can help with a solution for half my glans being bright red i would very much

appreciate this, if i stop it heals quick and entire glans goes back to normal, but start it up and bam back to half glans being red, i read someone else post on a separate thread having same issue

using a vacuum device, anyone else have this problem, its hard trying to hide this, i'm really stuck on a fix for this.
My Penimaster finally came in the mail 55 days after I order those people suck with delivery but the product looks good bout to try it hopefully I do it right
Dang I ordered mined 55 days ago and just got it yesterday see if the catch switch carriers just a heads up on what to expect as far as delivery's
doublelongdaddy;478352 said:
We are talking with them now about a special for MOS customers.
I belive the head sensitivity comes from it being covered, like foreskin if you dont have it. I had a thought about slack skin , like restoration . If any of you have ever used a BIB you know he suggest feels stronly on divide and conquer. Stretch skin first in a more dedicated fashion to make room for growth . When I use my PMP down the penoscrotal webbing rubs against the inside of the spring ballance ring. I first tried ball stretchers to prevent turkey neck and was trying to stretch the webbing down away from the penis , now I belive it needs to be done from the other end with a tlc-x tugger or a plain tlc tugger in conjunction with the ball stretcher to prevent the tlc from borrowing skin from the scrotum. Just a thought
I don't know if anyone paid attention to my post on the new redesigned diaphram and larger sluices from MSP Concept but, they are sending me a trial of both and they are available on their website. Penis EnlargementGYM also has a Penimaster Pro group if anyone is intrested . Personally I think it should be here where most of the discussion happens.
Kind of wishing I had the hose im having no luck with this pump ball it keeps pushing me out as i take the pump ball off any tips?
tparker84;478594 said:
Dang I ordered mined 55 days ago and just got it yesterday see if the catch switch carriers just a heads up on what to expect as far as delivery's

I am still waiting on a response but I do have the affiliation set up. I sent them another letter today, hopefully we will hear back soon.

<IMG SRC="https://www.internetzahlung.de/affiliate/scripts/sb.php?PID=PM0440A&amp;a_bid=c536d04b" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1" BORDER="0"><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/ flash/swflash.cab#version=4,0,0,0" ID=ad_banner_example1 WIDTH=336 HEIGHT=280>
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They are usually good with replying but I think the last week or so I also haven't got a reply assuming there having technically issues maybe
doublelongdaddy;478651 said:
I am still waiting on a response but I do have the affiliation set up. I sent them another letter today, hopefully we will hear back soon.

<IMG SRC="https://www.internetzahlung.de/affiliate/scripts/sb.php?PID=PM0440A&a_bid=c536d04b" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="1" BORDER="0"><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/ flash/swflash.cab#version=4,0,0,0" ID=ad_banner_example1 WIDTH=336 HEIGHT=280>
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tparker84;478650 said:
Kind of wishing I had the hose im having no luck with this pump ball it keeps pushing me out as i take the pump ball off any tips?
My take on it, is that you start with the valve closed on the tip oif the chamber.
Squeeze the bulb, attach it to the end of the chamber. Poke your glans in, release the bulb.
Suction draws the glans in.
Turn the bulb while it is still attached, to close the valve on the tip of the chamber.
Then you turn the bulb to unlock it from the valve.
Maybe study which way opens & which way closes the valve.
Which way locks the ball on, which way unlocks the ball.
Direction of turning is key.

something like:
1.squeeze all the air from the pump ball
2.put it on the glans chamber end
3.turn it to the left while holding the ball squeezed
4.let go of the ball

I have limited dexterity & ended up redoing the plumbing w/ quick disconnects.
I like this it looks like a good use if i don't want to order the hose or feel like waiting on it
6to8;469995 said:
Here is a photo of the poor man's Penis Enlargement-Pro. Tubing is from lab supply store and very cheap. It is 1/4" outside diameter and about 1/8" inside diameter. The one way air check valve was from a local pet supply store. There are some that have a flap and spring inside. They are no good. Higher pressure messes them up. This one inside looks like a rubber duck's bill. It has never leaked air. I simply run the tube through the leg strap and back to the Penis Enlargement-Pro nipple. There I put a couple turns around it with the rubber band I have attached and put a loose knot to hold it there. There are 101 ways to connect the tubing to whatever you want to attach it to. You can also get fuel tubing from your local hobby store that sells RC planes and cars if you can't find the surgical tubing. It also works but is not at stretchy as the surgical tubing. It is good for stronger pressure but I thing the surgical tubing is better as it stretches more and doesn't create as much pressure when you move and temporarily tug on it. I had an issue with the condom thingy coming off the device. I put a thin rubber band around the Penis Enlargement Pro grove over the condom thing and it never slips off now.

I enjoy the feeling of the Penis Enlargement Pro tugging on my penis. Will see after a few months if it does anything. I started out 10+ years ago under 6" and hit 8" a couple years or so ago. Then I didn't really do any consistent Penis Enlargement and fell back to 7.5" - 7.75" range. Starting up again hoping to get past 8". Would like to hit 8.5" EBP. Not sure why, just a challenge I guess.

As far as lube (air sealant) I was using a small amount of water based sex lube. However, because it is so slick, sometimes some skin would get sucked in. I just switched over to using some pure silicone grease. I know it is non-toxic. I don't think it irritates skin either. Trying out today for first time. If my dick turns red and gets a rash I'll let you you. So far feels fine. It makes an excellent seal and is on the sticky side but not in a glue sense. Just image a very thick grease.

Hope this helps.

Silicone grease I'm testing now:

This one is not good:

This one is a good air check valve:

Link to "spare parts":

I ordered the sluice ring but the main part already came with one attached, so it was a waste of $21 buying the ring. I'm guessing they all come with the sluice ring but can't say for sure.
Reduce the tension a bit you weed smokin pussy hound.
fonic;478590 said:
Thanks, i tried that to no avail, was still to restricting on the underside of glans even after stretching/heating with the standard sluice, although not ideal having to double the xl,

having the option to now go on as long as i want without using numbing cream is incredible, if anyone can help with a solution for half my glans being bright red i would very much

appreciate this, if i stop it heals quick and entire glans goes back to normal, but start it up and bam back to half glans being red, i read someone else post on a separate thread having same issue

using a vacuum device, anyone else have this problem, its hard trying to hide this, i'm really stuck on a fix for this.
Dickleaker;478738 said:
Reduce the tension a bit you weed smokin pussy hound.

LMAO....sharp as a tack bro!!! i only do 1100g max can't really go any lighter without it feeling like nothing, seems like one of these problems thats never going away while using the device,

i'll have to continue to bang in darkness till i find a solution. on the plus side the xl sluice are damn comfortable once you configure them to suit your size.
Great to see you bro!!!

hope you are doing well...try using a bit more lube and vitamin E cream works as well.
fonic;478747 said:
LMAO....sharp as a tack bro!!! i only do 1100g max can't really go any lighter without it feeling like nothing, seems like one of these problems thats never going away while using the device,

i'll have to continue to bang in darkness till i find a solution. on the plus side the xl sluice are damn comfortable once you configure them to suit your size.
Antone using the penimaster upgrade kit but with size genetic base? If so has anyone figured out a way to stop the bars from rotating when turning the screws because if you noticed it doesnt turn when in the sg gland holder THANKS
Yup .

Wrap some tape around the the part of the PMP that goes over the bars.
tparker84;478812 said:
Antone using the penimaster upgrade kit but with size genetic base? If so has anyone figured out a way to stop the bars from rotating when turning the screws because if you noticed it doesnt turn when in the sg gland holder THANKS
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