shavenasian u need help? If so let me know.

This new lube i got is great, maybe even better than the orginal. It's more watery and it's great for wanking too. Silicone friendly also.
shavenasian;475497 said:
Just spent some time experimenting with it and the SG. Its easy enough in theory but in practice I am finding it difficult to get my cock head into the device with a good enough vacuum to keep it there whilst stretching. Will play around with it more tonight and will get some hours in.

One thing I've noticed while playing with it the past 24 hours is that you have to be careful not to use too much of the comfort gel things get too slippery and you just slip right out. Also dont use too much vacuum or you just get pain and no real hold.

Try wiping everything down and using a really small drop of the gel just on the inside of the latex
shavenasian;475484 said:
Guys after reading this thread, I expected to wait weeks for my order to come in. I ordered the upgrade kit etc on 2nd March, and it literally turned up 5 minutes ago - 6th March!!! So fucking pumped, I am going to find some time and experiment with this thing.
WTF are you in the US?
totootot;475556 said:
One thing I've noticed while playing with it the past 24 hours is that you have to be careful not to use too much of the comfort gel things get too slippery and you just slip right out. Also dont use too much vacuum or you just get pain and no real hold.

Try wiping everything down and using a really small drop of the gel just on the inside of the latex

Will try this - thanks man
celttank;475544 said:
shavenasian u need help? If so let me know.

This new lube i got is great, maybe even better than the orginal. It's more watery and it's great for wanking too. Silicone friendly also.

Thank you my brother - I suspect I know what I was doing wrong. I will play with it shortly, if I can't get it right then i will come back to my fiends on this thread. I have to be honest, I am a real fan of the VLC but I am so pumped about the PMP. The theory makes total sense, and as my friend Dickleaker has posted, coupled with SRT, you will succeed.

Celtic - which lube are you using? I have lots of different ones as I am a professional wanker - ha ha - so I might try some of the others ones.

Did you take the split adapters off? I got mine the other day and tried for 2 hours to get in but it was because it came with the adapters on it. Once I took them off I got it on easy
N8dogg - I got it to work - have got it on right now. Took a few minutes and a different lube ( using id lube), went straight in. The adapters weren't fitted, the problem I had was getting used to the "valve" and how much vacuum to use. I plan to keep it on for a few hours straight and see how it goes. I have to say, it is very comfortable plus the stretch is different to the vlc.
I just took the PMP off after 90 mins - very comfortable, plus my head is pumped up - very nice. Very promising.

Is anyone sleeping in this through the night other than Dickleaker?
I have done it the last week or so.. But i eventually wake up after 4-5 hours.. When i wear it during the day i take it off every 3-4 hours anyways.. I have a bit of a problem.. I dont know if this only applys for uncut people, but i am having trouble getting a perfect fit every time.. Sometimes i dont get the glans inside the chamber enough, which hurts the edge of the glans. If i get too much inside the skin on the shaft Right under the glans gets sort of folded/layered inside the chamber. And this hurts like hell when you try to take it off after a couple of hours and creates a bit of FR.. Anyone experience this?
Also after a session of maybe 2 hours, the latex parts starts to come loose.. Not like i Can take it off, but i Can move the outer ring maybe 1 inch back and forth.. I cant do that in the beginning of a session.. Also the latex parts inside the chamber sorts of comes out of the chamber evetually, so i Can see the edge of the glans.. Something tells me i have a leak somewhere.. Sorry for the messy text im on the phone and its 1 am:)
I had some Id water based lube that says it's ok to use with latex. I really like this more then what came with it. It seems to make it a little more comfy unless it's just in my mind lol. I'll try the silicone based Id when I run out
Hey SQ,

You will master this device ,just keep trying different levels of vacuum and rereading the manual and maybe even this entire thread .

I am still fine tuning things after 2 months of use .
I find it is better to have more vacuum than not enough.

I have to pump the ball 1 1/2 times to get the proper amount of vacuum for all my glans to get sucked inside and stay there .
I find if the vacuum is too low then some of my glans eventually gets pulled out and that is when I get fluid retention not at a higher vacuum when everything stays inside .If you pull the latex back a bit you can check that the corona of ur glans is still inside.Thats how i know everything is still good and I haven't lost any pressure .

You could pump the ball twice ,get your glans and some of your shaft inside and then release a bit by opening the valve and then closing it quickly.

Play around with it trying the things i suggested and something may occur to you that didn't before.

Check your latex pieces that is there is no small pinholes leaking air.

If you are getting fluid retention then remove the device after a couple of hours and and take a short break. Penimaster is also coming out shortly with bigger latex diaphrams which may be more comfortable for guys with bigger glans like myself,celttank and a few others.

good luck me if you want and i can try to pinpoint ur problem and help you out.

Squashbuddie;475586 said:
I have done it the last week or so.. But i eventually wake up after 4-5 hours.. When i wear it during the day i take it off every 3-4 hours anyways.. I have a bit of a problem.. I dont know if this only applys for uncut people, but i am having trouble getting a perfect fit every time.. Sometimes i dont get the glans inside the chamber enough, which hurts the edge of the glans. If i get too much inside the skin on the shaft Right under the glans gets sort of folded/layered inside the chamber. And this hurts like hell when you try to take it off after a couple of hours and creates a bit of FR.. Anyone experience this?
Also after a session of maybe 2 hours, the latex parts starts to come loose.. Not like i Can take it off, but i Can move the outer ring maybe 1 inch back and forth.. I cant do that in the beginning of a session.. Also the latex parts inside the chamber sorts of comes out of the chamber evetually, so i Can see the edge of the glans.. Something tells me i have a leak somewhere.. Sorry for the messy text im on the phone and its 1 am:)
This is my 5th day with this thing at 8-10 hours a day. I'm using it just at the lowest line of tension On the SG and after 2 hours my glans feel irritated by the vacuum. It is light years ahead of everythng else I've tried though. My glans may be just still getting used to this device but how long is everyone else going before having to take off and what tension you guys using?
n8dogg;475614 said:
I had some Id water based lube that says it's ok to use with latex. I really like this more then what came with it. It seems to make it a little more comfy unless it's just in my mind lol. I'll try the silicone based Id when I run out

Agreed - the stuff it comes with is a little to viscose and sticky for my liking. I used the silicone lube and it worked very well. ID also do a lube that warms up - which I use when I vacuum pump my cock - feels nice and tingly.
Dickleaker;475643 said:
Hey SQ,

I am still fine tuning things after 2 months of use .
I find it is better to have more vacuum than not enough.

Play around with it trying the things i suggested and something may occur to you that didn't before.

Penimaster is also coming out shortly with bigger latex diaphrams which may be more comfortable for guys with bigger glans like myself,celttank and a few others.

good luck me if you want and i can try to pinpoint ur problem and help you out.

Dickleaker - you are the master, and your words are wise. The key to all Penis Enlargement when using equipment/devices, is to keep trying and playing around, experiment. You will always contiunue to learn as you live in all fields - and this is very true with Penis Enlargement. Remember for most of the MOS brotherhood, the PMP is a relatively new device, the more we use it, the more tips and tweaks we will find.

And thats good news re the bigger chamber, as my glans are not on the small side.
n8dogg;475651 said:
This is my 5th day with this thing at 8-10 hours a day. I'm using it just at the lowest line of tension On the SG and after 2 hours my glans feel irritated by the vacuum. It is light years ahead of everythng else I've tried though. My glans may be just still getting used to this device but how long is everyone else going before having to take off and what tension you guys using?

N8dogg - I always use max tension and max stretch - I did 90 mins yesterday as an experiment after 4 hours in the VLC/SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender combo. I have a bad day today, so will only be able to Penis Enlargement for a few hours. I will try to get in 3-4 hours in the PMP and then try to sleep for a few hours with it on. I suspect that the glans will take some time to adjust. I do alot of vacuum pumping, so perhaps my glans will be less sensitive to the PMP. Not sure if you vacuum pump or not man, I dont mean Bathmate, dry air vacuum pumping. However, I know you will keep at it, and I am sure it will get better in time for you. Good luck
Dude you are a rock star at those hours!
I think you are just starting out with this so give your body som time to adjust to being inside a vacuum
for 10 hours.

Try for a slightly higher vacuum so more penis is inside.I find that helps for me...alot less FR,better pull from the extender,no slipping and less irritation...make sure you coat ur glans and behind it with lube for more comfort.

Good luck brother!

n8dogg;475651 said:
This is my 5th day with this thing at 8-10 hours a day. I'm using it just at the lowest line of tension On the SG and after 2 hours my glans feel irritated by the vacuum. It is light years ahead of everythng else I've tried though. My glans may be just still getting used to this device but how long is everyone else going before having to take off and what tension you guys using?
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