Just have to say Karmi GREAT WORK!!!

You totally get the SRT theory and the way to extend with the PMP.Proud of you dude...you are a great student ;)

The ultimate goal here should be to keep your penis extended for 16 hours or 18 hours if you only sleep for 6 .
If you can use an extender for the full 16 hours that is the best scenario.
Next best is a combination of the extender and a wrap or extending with an elastic strap either from penimaster ($60 -WTF) or the elastic strap from TLC tugger.com at a mere $7.That is what I am using.

Use the highest tension that you are able to maintain that gets you the 16 hours.

Obviously start low ...the goal is the 16 hour mark. Increase the tension if you can over time.
However the goal should always be total time clocked in per day NOT the tension.It is a major attitude shift for us to think this I know.
Tension is secondary ,if you can reach the 16 hours ,then baby step the tension up but you still have to reach the 16 hour mark...this will be the INDICATOR of how high the tension should be.Make sense??

Irspow...Karmi raises a good question!
Is there anything we can supplement with for increased cell growth???

Good luck guys!

I won't attempt the sleeping part of the night yet because my experiments have not yielded any success.

karmi;474491 said:
you mean measuring right under the glan when in the pm?

well i measure by putting my hands and see hown accurate it is to when i hold it when im erect. so in my case, when im rock hard, i can put both my hands and i have my glans sticking out too, so when im stretched in my pm, i can put two hands which REACHES right underneath my glans, so yh, my glans are inside the pm, and that means i am more or less stretching at my erect length for 7-9 hours straight.

elieve me dude, do what me, dickleaker and what irspow said, a few days ago i got a blister from th pm from stretching AT my EL and now, heheheh, im stretching the same but easier with no blisters, no discomfort and FOR 7-9 hours straye dude. its a miracle. right now im wrapped in the bandage around 6 .7 inches so yh dude, its great. its like walking around with a flexible boner!!!!!! lool

glad to have motivated you dawg (dunno why i said dawg, im from england lool shoul be dog) just follow for a few weeks and youll love it!

p.s you should start wrapping now, that way its way easier to get into the pm, and easier to stay comfortable.....TRUST ME!

anything else??

personal message me if you can that way its direct, coz im using my phone and its a hassle to look for the comment you just typed lool but it dont matter if you do.

ask me OR my main man DICKLEAKER, that guy had the fukin PM on for 16 hours STRAIGHT DUDE!!!! so yh me n him are defo following irspows words of wisdom right now who initially acked up DLD's SRT theory so DLD and IRSpow are to be the thanked for the theory and KARMI and DICKLEAKER are your followers and TEST dummies in a way but we are didicated and at the end of the day, it dont matter what size you are, the ain reason for the p.e world is to GAIN so if any gains are made, get the hardest arection you can and fuk a woman in th mouth and celebrate dude, it should motivate you to get more and adpt like us all here.

by the way dont look at your measurements evry week or month....do it every 2-3 months, inmy case im not measuring until may 1st, because if i dont see any gains next week or months it might dent my motivation and make me doubt alot. so keep that in mind

keep it up.

Family have brothers.....army has brothers....and now P.E'ers have brothers in arms.
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Couple questions

How do you wrap in the PMP?
Is anyone go through the silicone sluce rings quickly?
What is that green hose and nozzle for?
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Supra;474596 said:
Couple questions

How do you wrap in the PMP?
Is anyone go through the silicone sluce rings quickly?
What is that green hose and nozzle for?

There is no wrapping for the PMP bro, unless you mean with a warm towel or something.
I'm still using the original latex sluce that came already on mines.
That's an alternative pump incase the bulb doesnt work out for you.
Mine keep ripping!!!!! How have yours not ripped, how long you had it?
Also what are the smaller ones that look like a cork?
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How are you attaching the elastic strap, and how are you gauging the tension? You are definitely the man. Since I have read the posts on attempting to stretch as long as possible, I am only up to ~10 hrs straight max in the SG (I find I can last these hours only with tension at the 3rd mark from the bottom --how about you?). I am also having a hard time making it past this time frame due to difficulty hiding it during the working hours. How are you doing this? With the strap? Any help would be appreciated. This setup has definitely made the most sense to me and I definitely already see progress. Thanks for you keeping us all informed and motivated.
Supra;474624 said:
Mine keep ripping!!!!! How have yours not ripped, how long you had it?
Also what are the smaller ones that look like a cork?

Had mines for 3 Weeks before I broke it. I logged some decent hours in on it and my latex stayed in tact. The smaller latex goes around the opening of the head piece. I believe that's the piece of latex that prevents blisters.

I had 2 VLC tuggers so I ripped out the clip from the end of one of them and use the other clip at the end of the strap from TLC tugger.I don't gauge it .I just make sure my cock is stretched out more then it normally would be.I also go by feel and can tell you it feels great!!!
When I remove it to piss my flaccid is very long and inspiring! So our jobs now will be paying us to grow our cocks but they won't know it.It keeps a smile in my mind all day ;)

Good for you at 10 hours...could you go 16 hours or is time the limiting factor?

If time is not and you can't go 16 hours that would mean the tension is still too high.

Whatever tension you can do to make the 16 hours is your starting mark.
You would go up from here once you get used to it /your cock grows!

So your next step is to get the elastic strap from Ron and use it covertly when you can't be in the SG.

Congratulations on your progress you are seeing man...thats inspiring for all of us to hear!!!

My father taught me to always ask this question of myself " what can I do to help".
Trying to live up to his wise words.
tennisguy;474625 said:

How are you attaching the elastic strap, and how are you gauging the tension? You are definitely the man. Since I have read the posts on attempting to stretch as long as possible, I am only up to ~10 hrs straight max in the SG (I find I can last these hours only with tension at the 3rd mark from the bottom --how about you?). I am also having a hard time making it past this time frame due to difficulty hiding it during the working hours. How are you doing this? With the strap? Any help would be appreciated. This setup has definitely made the most sense to me and I definitely already see progress. Thanks for you keeping us all informed and motivated.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah, time is just the limiting factor due to not having the strap for work. Even with the strap, the headpiece is still not too big to be seen through pants? Anyway, thanks again. Before long, we will hopefully have our giant cocks!
No problem TG!

Get a strap dude ...they are $7 from Ron.
Get some looser fitting pants ...a bigger cock is more important than tight pants!

From my short time doing this routine I have no doubt about getting a bigger cock.Mine is bigger when erect and flaccid from only 1 week.I am pretty much happy with my size right now which is great accomplishment for a guy who felt average and embarrassed only a year ago!!

This shit works.

Been thinking about DLD today and if you are able to read our posts want to wish you the best and hope to see you back here soon.You are missed !!!!
9inchtail;474626 said:
Had mines for 3 Weeks before I broke it. I logged some decent hours in on it and my latex stayed in tact. The smaller latex goes around the opening of the head piece. I believe that's the piece of latex that prevents blisters.

So it goes around you glands as you go inside the PMP?

Dickleaker;474635 said:
No problem TG!

Get a strap dude ...they are $7 from Ron.
Get some looser fitting pants ...a bigger cock is more important than tight pants!

From my short time doing this routine I have no doubt about getting a bigger cock.Mine is bigger when erect and flaccid from only 1 week.I am pretty much happy with my size right now which is great accomplishment for a guy who felt average and embarrassed only a year ago!!

This shit works.

Been thinking about DLD today and if you are able to read our posts want to wish you the best and hope to see you back here soon.You are missed !!!!

How big are you now?
How do you wear it 16 hours a day with work? And how do you get the strap that ron has to make it work with the PMP?
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here is a video of how to assemble the pmp from there website
when I try using it with the diaphragm my penis will not suck in, when I don't use it It will what is happening? What is the diaphragm purpose and why do I need to use it?
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Read the manual ,it will tell you why they designed the latex diaphram.It is to protect your glans from the pressure and distribute the pulling forces so you don't cause any damage to your glans or get blisters.

You can always pump the ball again if your penis is not sucking in.

The guys i have helped who had the same problem were squeezing the ball AFTER they put it on the chamber.
You need to squeeze it first ,then put it on the chamber,then turn it to the left ,then release it.

This should work . If you still are not sucked in,take the ball off and squeeze it again and repeat .
Supra;474654 said:
when I try using it with the diaphragm my penis will not suck in, when I don't use it It will what is happening? What is the diaphragm purpose and why do I need to use it?
Supra;474640 said:
So it goes around you glands as you go inside the PMP?

How big are you now?
How do you wear it 16 hours a day with work? And how do you get the strap that ron has to make it work with the PMP?

IDK ...big! haha. I haven't measured and won't for 5 more months.By eyeballing my erection tho it is the biggest its ever been in my life and I am impressed!

The 16 hours is a combination of SG/PMP and elastic strap (from TLC tugger)/PMP.
The strap has a clip on the end .You can make a simple wire loop around the end of the PMP and hook it on.
Dickleaker;474658 said:
IDK ...big! haha. I haven't measured and won't for 5 more months.By eyeballing my erection tho it is the biggest its ever been in my life and I am impressed!

The 16 hours is a combination of SG/PMP and elastic strap (from TLC tugger)/PMP.
The strap has a clip on the end .You can make a simple wire loop around the end of the PMP and hook it on.

Can you take some pics with it on and off? I need moto
What is your FSL in the PMP? You have been using this for 5 months?
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Dickleaker;474658 said:
IDK ...big! haha. I haven't measured and won't for 5 more months.By eyeballing my erection tho it is the biggest its ever been in my life and I am impressed!

The 16 hours is a combination of SG/PMP and elastic strap (from TLC tugger)/PMP.
The strap has a clip on the end .You can make a simple wire loop around the end of the PMP and hook it on.

I did that, I do it the same way without the diaphragm as I do with it, I cannot get suction into the PMP.
Do you use the diaphragm ?
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PM'd you Supra
Supra;474666 said:
I did that, I do it the same way without the diaphragm as I do with it, I cannot get suction into the PMP.
Do you use the diaphragm ?
Well it only took 3 weeks, but I finally got a tracking number response! Of course it hasnt even left Germany, but at least I have something... Not the worst part of the waiting game begins haha

In the meantime, has anyone noticed any sort of increased or decreased head sensitivity since switching to this method? That was my main problem with the noose or velcro. The VLC helped with that part but never really gave me a good stretch.
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