Do not use vasiline Use Johnsons Baby oils gel for lube, stay with the latex, it works the best

I wear mine while I jelq as well.
Use Johnsons Baby oils gel for lube

I thought oils were just as bad to use as vaseline in proximity to latex, which is why you're not supposed to use them when having sex with a condom.
I use that with my Ring and have no problem what so ever.
I got my ring today, thank you Supra for the quick delivery! :D

It took a while to get it on (mostly because I was afraid that I would ruin the ring by putting too much pressure on the tubing) but now I'm all sett! It's on really tight, I was a bit surprised by this since I thought I had a moderately small package.

Even now after only 15 minutes I've started to feel small tickles in the lower parts of my scrotum, don't know if it's because of the ring though...
I must say that I am awfully intrigued by this ROP. Couple questions though...

1) Do you guys have a problem keeping this thing on during the day? Is ok to keep it on snug enough in order for it not to fall off?

2) What does your penis feel/look like when you take this off. I wouldn't plan on wearing it 24/7, so am wondering what to expect when I don't have it on?
I does not fall off ever, and you do not even feel it on.

After a certain length of wearing the ring it will offer greater results after taking it off. Recommend wearing 24/7 for a couple weeks.
This has totally fixed my low test to high estrogen from the bad steriod cycle I did as well.
I am currently trying to double the power on this thing, will let your guys know!
Originally posted by Supra
I am currently trying to double the power on this thing, will let your guys know!


hough hough hough!!:)
Supra, and anyone else using the ring, do you find the latex hose getting discolored? Mine is, kind of dark and spreading down the tubing. Don't know what is causing it. any ideas?

Originally posted by Fillerup
Supra, and anyone else using the ring, do you find the latex hose getting discolored? Mine is, kind of dark and spreading down the tubing. Don't know what is causing it. any ideas?


Yea mine is almost black, I dont care. Everyone's gets like that. That how latex is, from use with water, skin, sweat, all of that. Look at latex gloves after about two times of using them they get discolored. Does not affect the ring though at all.
My latex tubing is still nice and pretty and yellow. However, if it ever wears out, it is dirt cheap and easy to replace. No probs keeping it on at all. It's supposed to fit snug against the skin. SNUG, not constrictorizin summut tight.
Ok, one question I haven't seen addressed here:

How tight should the fit be (for the DIY'ers)? Say that you measure 7" flaccid around your cock and balls - do you make the Ring of Power 6" in circumference, or do you just go by feel (since the elasticity of the material might be different depending on where you get it from)?
Originally posted by Blade
Ok, one question I haven't seen addressed here:

How tight should the fit be (for the DIY'ers)? Say that you measure 7" flaccid around your cock and balls - do you make the Ring of Power 6" in circumference, or do you just go by feel (since the elasticity of the material might be different depending on where you get it from)?

Yea I just go by feel, it needs to be tight enough to wear the rods are flush with the skin at all times to make a complete circut, but not to tight to wear it is uncomforatble. Just go by feel.
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