bigdex28;507435 said:
Petersouth, have you considered taking viagra or cialis with the PGE1? I've been looking over some posts over at �other PE site� and one of them said that the original patent by Dr Adams included using a PDE inhibitor along with PGE1 to increase the strength of the erections.

See example 6 and 7 in the original patent at this link:

No I never thought about it. As a matter of fact I haven't thought about Penis Enlargement much in a week.

I want to get back to doing it and I want to start every day but I'm rethinking things. Not with viagra though, it hurts enough already.

I use a pill called ejaculoid to increase the blood flow a bit but I'm not looking for a whole lot more. Ouch.
petersouth;507594 said:
I want to get back to doing it and I want to start every day but I'm rethinking things.

Please don't tell me you're considering stopping because of the massage parlour girl!
Haha no. Well it is partially true in that I stopped banging hookers. Before I was just spending my whole Saturday driving to MPs and the good ones are kind of far away. Don't get me wrong there are others I can go to but I don't want to waste money and time on stupid whores anymore and relationship does not interest me so that is that.

Now I have other things to do like practicing for my comeback to music business. I want to get out there playing again, not for women but for myself. Saving money on hookers is also part of it but not the main reason.

I told some ex girlfriends about my Penis Enlargement and a couple seem interested. I'm maybe seeing one of them this weekend so I'll bring the syringe and show her how it works. She's married but I don't think it matters, last time we talked she says "I love you" and was giving me a lot of compliments. I'm supposed to hang out with her and her friend from out of town. I think I can do whatever with her.

When you create a void it tends to get filled, then sex happens automatically but otherwise I would blow her off because she's not that great. I will probably also fuck this older woman who is a friend of mine. I'm meeting her for dinner Wednesday so maybe I will fuck her so I have to clean my pig stye of an apartment instead of needle dicking for hours.

So now I'm trying to figure out how this fits in my life time management wise. I have more demands at work and I'm trying to do other things now.

When I do start up again it will be probably every day for shorter duration so I can Bathmate every day erect and manual stretch. I think if I can do that for the next month + 5 days I will get to 7. Right now I have dropped back to 6.5 even.

So hopefully I start again tomorrow.
I have to say though, I don't think I care if I ever get laid again. I may not even show up for that thing with the ex and her friend because it's a long drive and I may take a nap instead.

Hookers were my last connection to females.

I lost interest in marriage 27 years old
I lost interest in relationships 30 years old
I lost interest in fuckbuddies 35
I lost interest in hookers 38

What's left?

One thing that I still have an interest in and have always been interested in is �naked people movies�. Man I would love to be in �naked people movies� movies, or even direct them. But I bet if I did it for a year I'd get sick of that too.

That is about it, other than that I have very difficult time getting motivated for a woman to do anything. In a way it's great and liberating but it's a little strange.

Yesterday I masturbated with that stupid sleeve I bought, I used vaseline and held the tube on top of my desk in a towel so it wouldn't slip and pretended I was doggy styling a girl. Honestly it felt better than pussy except for the mental aspect but I've done it so many times I don't miss it that much.

So motivation is very low right now, that is the reality.

If I continue with this it will be purely for ego reasons, to have a big ole cock for vanity basically.
Clean your apartment and practice guitar with an erection. That's what I do.

If you're worried about the time management, just strictly do a PGE1 protocol. No exercises. Or don't worry about the exercises, just fit a few in if you end up having time. Last night I did a dose and was too tired to wait for it to go down to do manuals so I went to bed and woke up this morning with a big fat flaccid, then did the stretches. I think even if you just do the doses and fit in minimal exercises here and there when you go to take a piss or whatever, you'll still gain. Not like before, but I think just having 90%-100% engorgement for that amount of time in itself will cause growth.

I hear what you're saying about women, I feel like that too a lot. Feels great when I don't care about anyone else. But I'm too horny all the time for that to stick. I'd say maybe one day a week I don't care about fucking, the rest that's all I think about. Although, I know that with a lot of girls, immediately after sex I would feel like shit, like it was a waste of time and I'd be disappointed. Especially since it seems the transition from her saying hi to me, to me forcing her down on my penis seems like a complex physics equation with too many unknown variables. Seems like for that to happen, I need to first gain friends and get myself into situations where I am partying with said friends where females are present... Fucking impossible for an asswipe like myself. I was looking online at escorts and sometimes I see ones that are smoking hot, might try that when I gain size.
petersouth;507780 said:
Hookers were my last connection to females.

I lost interest in marriage 27 years old
I lost interest in relationships 30 years old
I lost interest in fuckbuddies 35
I lost interest in hookers 38

What's left?

Yo, that is exactly me...I am really laughing out loud because it is so true. My last interaction with a female was a hoe! :) I am like 45 or 46 now, I pretty much lost interest in everything but working, weed and wine:) Not in that order:) I wonder sometimes as I sit here if I will ever have sex with a girl ever again, like; Is this as good as it gets? I have such a small circle of interest that I fear I may be obsolete to a female. I don't even try any longer. I was in my Starbucks a few months ago and the hottest 28-29 year old was hitting on me big time, I could only feel anxiety and prayed that she would go away. I just don't have that "thing" any longer. I really hope it is a phase but 46 years old & climbing and alone starting to feel kind extremely familiar. I really forget what the presence of a woman and a relationship is. I am lonely and I do miss sex but somehow it seems increasingly difficult to get a girl or even the desire to do so. Like I said above, I hope it is a phase.
hepcat;507940 said:
Seems like GFE escorts are the way to go!:)<:(>:(<:(?:(

It's nice for a while. Then you realize the money you are blowing and you think "why should this bitch who has no education or ambition in life make so much more money than me?". Then, mentally, it's over. I do not want to give them anything.

I like the idea of sex with a woman but very few of the samples I'm presented with. The few that I do like don't like me because I have some respect for them. Then I am disgusted by them and they start liking me. lol

That was what broke the straw for me last time, it kind of killed the fantasy. Not that I wasn't paying for sex but these girls have a carefully crafted facade that makes you feel they are somehow different. Over time you see the similarities and the cracks in the facade where they slip up and you see the real person. Grasping, grabbing, greedy, manipulative.

This woman at work the other day showed me a $1200 dollar basketball ticket or something. Maybe she was trying to impress me because she's asked me out for drinks before. I gave her an amused look that said "I know how you got it". She's got 3 kids, I have no illusions about what she wants. She only asks me because her marriage market value is so low and she has kids to feed, that's why I looked at her like she told the corniest joke in the world.

Sure many guys would be excited an attractive woman wants them but I feel NOTHING but mild amusement and disgust because I know I have what every woman wants and it's only money and status. Maybe that's why I'm getting so much attention lately.

When you really start to become indifferent they want you but at that point you don't want them. That's the joke and it's always on you. It's only on them when the last ounce of sex appeal is gone but you don't get to enjoy it because there is nothing left.
doublelongdaddy;507929 said:
Yo, that is exactly me...I am really laughing out loud because it is so true. My last interaction with a female was a hoe! :) I am like 45 or 46 now, I pretty much lost interest in everything but working, weed and wine:) Not in that order:) I wonder sometimes as I sit here if I will ever have sex with a girl ever again, like; Is this as good as it gets? I have such a small circle of interest that I fear I may be obsolete to a female. I don't even try any longer. I was in my Starbucks a few months ago and the hottest 28-29 year old was hitting on me big time, I could only feel anxiety and prayed that she would go away. I just don't have that "thing" any longer. I really hope it is a phase but 46 years old & climbing and alone starting to feel kind extremely familiar. I really forget what the presence of a woman and a relationship is. I am lonely and I do miss sex but somehow it seems increasingly difficult to get a girl or even the desire to do so. Like I said above, I hope it is a phase.

That's funny, I get the same feeling wanting them to go away. I think there are more of us than people realize but under normal circumstances guys wouldn't discuss it. You can't.

The small circle of interests I can relate to, perhaps now you are only interested in what you actually like. I used to look for ways I could be interesting to women. Dancing is an obvious example, there are a few guys who enjoy it but most are only doing it to meet or keep a woman.

The things that interest me require a high level of skill so the audience will always be limited but among women it is .025% of the population. The only part they like about it is if people are clapping so they know which rod to fellate.

Most women have no interesting about them at all, men just cater to them no matter what. But once the hormonally induced fog wears off you see them objectively and that's the end.

It's probably more than hormones though, if they put me on T injections I'd just jerk off more.

I did a quick Bathmate session this morning 5 or 10 minutes and got a good pump before work

I tried an injection in the evening and it just plain hurt. Maybe it was the morning session that did it or all the jerking off in the past few days because trying to inject when you are turtled up really HURTS.

So I'll lay off it until tomorrow and hope it improves enough to inject without massive pain.
Petersouth you said that the only joy you get now is �naked people movies� but it could be that the �naked people movies� that has caused your lose of interest in women. You could be so desensitized that normal sex just doesn't do it for you. You could try doing a �naked people movies� detox for a couple of months plus quitting masturbation for a couple of weeks maybe longer (not easy I know). It could help your pe efforts too as you'll have more and better erections. �naked people movies� makes me hate my wife. When I don't watch it I get so turned on by her.
bigdex28;508042 said:
Petersouth you said that the only joy you get now is �naked people movies� but it could be that the �naked people movies� that has caused your lose of interest in women. You could be so desensitized that normal sex just doesn't do it for you. You could try doing a �naked people movies� detox for a couple of months plus quitting masturbation for a couple of weeks maybe longer (not easy I know). It could help your pe efforts too as you'll have more and better erections. �naked people movies� makes me hate my wife. When I don't watch it I get so turned on by her.

I think it is the personalities of the women and lack of any common goals that make me run to �naked people movies�. I have nothing in common with any woman, our goals are in conflict.

I'm disinterested in women because I know they don't want sex from me or even companionship, they want me to marry them, buy them a house in the suburbs, buy them an SUV, etc.

And I want no part of any of that shit.

You are right though, the sex is also boring but if I quit watching �naked people movies� I could end up in another relationshit.
hepcat;508057 said:
Peter, how old are you now? I just wanna see what's in store for me.<:(

I'm 38 and I can tell you right here and now there is NOTHING out there. Nothing but women looking for husbands (meal tickets). So if you aren't married by your mid-late twenties you will have nothing but washed up single mom MERCENARIES to choose from.

But if you do get married you are well and truly fucked, I consider myself fortunate that I was spared that fate.

Those are your choices so you can choose to get pissed in the face or shat upon your head. Now what is it gonna be?

I wouldn't mind a nice girlfriend but that will never happen at this point, maybe when I get older but then the women will be really ugly. I guess that's why older guys drink so much.

Women my age already look like they could be my mother, they age like shit.
Lol. That's part of the reason I stopped focusing on making money, because I don't want to pay her way. But now that I really think about it, I had it right all along. Make money, spend it on amusing myself, don't pay attention to women. Stay masturbating to �naked people movies�.

The only downfall to that was I hated myself for being nothing more than a common whore you talk about. My only ambition in life was to see how much money I could make each day off the working class slaves. So I figured being a real man is sucking life's dick everyday, just like all the rest.

Now I make fuck all, live with my parents, work everyday and work out/Penis Enlargement. I feel better about myself because I am stronger, better looking and more of an asshole and have a bigger dick, but I also feel bad about myself because I make no money, I am at the bottom of the shit heap again. And I still don't get laid.

I really hate the idea that I need to be something to get a woman. I really hate the idea that they want me for house + kids, but they want the crack dealer thug for black cock, taboo sex, because I'm not enough. It makes me want to be nothing. It makes me want to be more of an asshole than I already am. But then, I look at myself, and I want to become something for myself. But I'm unsure that I am mentally stable enough to accomplish anything worthwhile, and I just don't seem to care. Having no sex all your life fucks you up.

I guess what I should have done is gone after my current goals when I was making money, but hindsight is 20/20. It must really get worse with age, because when I was in school, girls liked me. It had nothing to do with a house. But now, it's all a big game.

I really think the selfish route is the best way to go. Worry about yourself, work to live, not live to work. I don't want a house. I don't want liabilities, I don't want a fucking adult daughter who I sleep with. I really hate the idea of one night stands and meaningless sex, but maybe that's the best there is? Either that, or back to being a filthy addict again. Of course, I'd need to get a really good job for that to happen.

My main problem is I want only one woman, and once I find one I like, I become fixated on her. Meanwhile, she is with tattooed shirt-taker-offer-in-public and I am once again a fool.

To be fair, I've only had this goal-oriented mentality for a year now. I guess finding something worthwhile to do with my life is the challenge.

Lots of people get married and have kids because it is the easiest way to "find meaning" and stop trying. You can continue to work your shitty job everyday because you need to "feed you kids". Nobody argues with that. Just like the woman whoring herself out to "feed her kids". Ya, right. Like any asshole with some money sense and a full time job couldn't manage to feed children. Maybe she shouldn't have shat out 3 if she couldn't afford it without having to give her pussy up. I don't know who is worse, her or her husband?

One thing is for sure, I know what I DON'T want to be. Her husband. Imagine being helpless, your testicles are possession of a fucking woman. I'd rather be strung out the rest of my life.

Quality of life is really poor. More people, more money, more profits, nothing is ever enough, media tells us this. I never could wrap my mind around how people can get married and it work.

Your posts really depress me Peter because my view of life is as shitty as yours, and it has been for quite some time. The difference is you have found a career that interests you and you are in charge of your life.

Getting old is shit. I guess the only thing I can do is try to be an opportunist like everyone else and just take each moment as it comes, take each slut as she comes. Never worry about finding one that I actually would care to be with. By the time I make something of myself, I'm going to be so fucking bitter towards them for keeping me thirsty for so long that I will want nothing more than to spit on them after I've cummed in their face. Why the fuck do I have to be everything when they just have to exist?

Maybe I just need to get laid and I won't worry about any of this?
MikeShlort;508228 said:
Lol. That's part of the reason I stopped focusing on making money, because I don't want to pay her way. But now that I really think about it, I had it right all along. Make money, spend it on amusing myself, don't pay attention to women. Stay masturbating to �naked people movies�.

The only downfall to that was I hated myself for being nothing more than a common whore you talk about. My only ambition in life was to see how much money I could make each day off the working class slaves. So I figured being a real man is sucking life's dick everyday, just like all the rest.

Now I make fuck all, live with my parents, work everyday and work out/Penis Enlargement. I feel better about myself because I am stronger, better looking and more of an asshole and have a bigger dick, but I also feel bad about myself because I make no money, I am at the bottom of the shit heap again. And I still don't get laid.

I really hate the idea that I need to be something to get a woman. I really hate the idea that they want me for house + kids, but they want the crack dealer thug for black cock, taboo sex, because I'm not enough. It makes me want to be nothing. It makes me want to be more of an asshole than I already am. But then, I look at myself, and I want to become something for myself. But I'm unsure that I am mentally stable enough to accomplish anything worthwhile, and I just don't seem to care. Having no sex all your life fucks you up.

I guess what I should have done is gone after my current goals when I was making money, but hindsight is 20/20. It must really get worse with age, because when I was in school, girls liked me. It had nothing to do with a house. But now, it's all a big game.

I really think the selfish route is the best way to go. Worry about yourself, work to live, not live to work. I don't want a house. I don't want liabilities, I don't want a fucking adult daughter who I sleep with. I really hate the idea of one night stands and meaningless sex, but maybe that's the best there is? Either that, or back to being a filthy addict again. Of course, I'd need to get a really good job for that to happen.

My main problem is I want only one woman, and once I find one I like, I become fixated on her. Meanwhile, she is with tattooed shirt-taker-offer-in-public and I am once again a fool.

To be fair, I've only had this goal-oriented mentality for a year now. I guess finding something worthwhile to do with my life is the challenge.

Lots of people get married and have kids because it is the easiest way to "find meaning" and stop trying. You can continue to work your shitty job everyday because you need to "feed you kids". Nobody argues with that. Just like the woman whoring herself out to "feed her kids". Ya, right. Like any asshole with some money sense and a full time job couldn't manage to feed children. Maybe she shouldn't have shat out 3 if she couldn't afford it without having to give her pussy up. I don't know who is worse, her or her husband?

One thing is for sure, I know what I DON'T want to be. Her husband. Imagine being helpless, your testicles are possession of a fucking woman. I'd rather be strung out the rest of my life.

Quality of life is really poor. More people, more money, more profits, nothing is ever enough, media tells us this. I never could wrap my mind around how people can get married and it work.

Your posts really depress me Peter because my view of life is as shitty as yours, and it has been for quite some time. The difference is you have found a career that interests you and you are in charge of your life.

Getting old is shit. I guess the only thing I can do is try to be an opportunist like everyone else and just take each moment as it comes, take each slut as she comes. Never worry about finding one that I actually would care to be with. By the time I make something of myself, I'm going to be so fucking bitter towards them for keeping me thirsty for so long that I will want nothing more than to spit on them after I've cummed in their face. Why the fuck do I have to be everything when they just have to exist?

Maybe I just need to get laid and I won't worry about any of this?

Agree with just about everything you said except bold part. I hate my job and I'm pretty much stuck.

The only saving grace is I have skills that are in demand and nobody can fuck with me, for now anyway. I have my own place and enough money to do whatever and I'm grateful for that because I used to be in debt up to my eyeballs and flat broke. However this is about as good as it gets.

I got what you said about having to be superman. If I achieve my goals in music which is pretty much equal to climbing everest then some bitch who did fuck all aside from being born ok looking will deem me worthy of being a real boyfriend for her. Great right? In this economy leaving the job I have to pursue that is close to suicide. Nobody will be there to catch me when I fall, I risk everything. She risks nothing.

I have an unusual name and a few weeks ago I was at lunch with some colleagues and one of the women who is not too bad said with my name if I got a motorcycle I'd do very well. I said "wow, that's really tempting". lol

Let's see 9k motorcycle buys me how much sex? All that just so someone will act like they give a shit about me, so tempting.
This is why a big cock is so crucial. Imagine, having an 8.5"x7" in your pants. Any social situation you can pull it out and win. You could be homeless with no teeth and if some CEO of a fortune 500 company walks by with his smoking hot wife and you pull out your huge pecker, he will feel like shit and she will subliminally want to fuck you and look at her mate with less worth. You will be better than the guy who worked his whole life, fucked over so many people, did so much dirty shit to get where he is at just by whipping it out.

It's so simple. Nobody can be superman. Sure, there will always be good looking guys who have lots of money and who also have a huge penis. But they will be fucking actresses, models and the girls who go to exclusive sex clubs.

All you need is a huge cock. Think about it. In that situation with the motorcycle. She says "If you had a motorcycle, you'd do pretty well". You say "Ya, especially with this nine inch hog I already have between my legs". Then look her dead in the eye so she knows you're not bullshitting. Do you think you will need a motorcycle to fuck her and anyone she brags to about you?

Its so fucking basic it's insane. I thought this up when I had been awake for a long time. I covered every angle. I basically came up with this:

"Why do men get women? They either have lots of money or a huge cock. I don't ever want to pay a woman's way. How can I get women to chase me and fight over me without having to shell out any money? Well, how do all those black guys I know do it? I see how these girls act when a big penis is involved. It's so simple. All I need is a big penis, and I will never, ever have to shell out any money to have a woman by the throat."

I act like a fucking social parasite at work on purpose, the only place I have contact with women. I say the most awkward things to make people uncomfortable and to make it clear that I don't care what they think of me. Yet I've still seen girls looking at my crotch to see what's there. I went out of my way to make it clear to all of them that I am not a worthy choice for a boyfriend or even someone to have sex with, yet they still acknowledge my presence. Now, imagine I had a 7 inch flaccid bulge down the right leg of my work pants when one of them took a peek. You think she wouldn't tell the rest? I could run around yelling "I rape boys" and they would still want to fuck me. All the douchebags who are 5 years younger than me with smoking hot girlfriends, social skills, educations, friends, the right clothes, the right tattoos, who have nothing but potential to become the ultimate provider are automatically beneath me. I don't have to compromise shit. All I have to do is nail one of the girls. Then it's over.

Same thing works in any situation. Say you find a girl you really like. Ya, you'll have to work for her. Having that huge cock will subliminally make it so you force yourself to believe you are the best for her and she will pick up on it. Yes, you will have to do some bullshit to get dates with her, but as soon as you have sex, you win. You don't have to do shit. She will be buying you things. All because of your huge cock.

I've heard girls talk about it countless times. A man with a huge penis is more valuable than any man with money because their instincts go crazy at the thought of it.

It's all so simple. It's the only true way to avoid the house + car + child bullshit without having to jerk off every night. You could be 50 years old and as long as a woman knows you're hung, she will still fuck you for free.

That's why you shouldn't stop your PGE1 protocol. I was upset when you said you were rethinking things. Never lose sight of the fact that a big penis wins in North America. Why do you think white men are scared to death of black men when it comes to women? I don't know how many married men are lying awake in bed right now because their wives are on a trip to an island inhabited by black men. They will probably have flowers and jewelry for her when she comes back so she will stay. Fuck that. You want to be fucking 19 year olds when you're 45? Get that dick to 8.5x7, post pictures of it on slut-finding websites and wait. Think of some creative way to let them know. Fuck, have a t-shirt printed out that says "I am hung like a 250lb black man".

Penis size is equal to or greater than having money when it comes to getting sex. It's really such a basic concept it's hilarious. People will literally pay you to have sex if you have a big penis and can perform. The hard part is getting that big penis.
I hear what you are saying Mike, DLD may want to chime in on this.

I have no doubt it helps if you are in a position to show it off, my corporate job is not really that position.

I had said that to this woman I could have just lost my job or she would start hating me, I don't really want her either.

It would be nice to have a selling point where you didn't have to pay for it or be in a relationship to get sex, that was the whole reason I started. Works well with my chosen vocation - nothing like standing on stage with a guitar and a huge cock.

You have to be very large to pull that one off tho.
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Wow, this thread got really deep and a little depressing.

You guys are both single and not responsible for anyone's well-being. Great! You have the freedom to change your life if you really want to. I have no idea what would make you happy. Hell, I don't even know what makes me happy, but I know that life is better when you stay motivated and positive.

Why not change things up a bit? Get more involved with music somehow. Buy a Porsche. :)
Kirin;508341 said:
Buy a Porsche. :)

That gives you an extra 3" in length and 1" in girth....The day I bought my Porsche my penis was 3" erect but after I jumped in the car I has a steady 6 incher:)
Kirin;508341 said:
Wow, this thread got really deep and a little depressing.

You guys are both single and not responsible for anyone's well-being. Great! You have the freedom to change your life if you really want to. I have no idea what would make you happy. Hell, I don't even know what makes me happy, but I know that life is better when you stay motivated and positive.

Why not change things up a bit? Get more involved with music somehow. Buy a Porsche. :)

I am changing things up, I'm not bothering with women because there's no payoff and wastes time and money.

Cars are next biggest waste of money, women like cars, go figure.
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