I think it's because of the thing where you said when your penis is shorter during an erection ,it's fatter. I'm the same way. If I have a real long erection, it will have a bit less girth than if it's a shorter erection.
MikeShlort;503879 said:
I think it's because of the thing where you said when your penis is shorter during an erection ,it's fatter. I'm the same way. If I have a real long erection, it will have a bit less girth than if it's a shorter erection.

May be due to extra length and the whole thing stretches out a little, who knows.

OK I'm back into things again.

12mcg shot felt very powerful, 6+ hour erection, it was not easy to get rid of. I had to take 4 sudafed, ejaculated twice and that took well over an hour to work.

I shot at around 1AM and it didn't go down until well after 7 in the morning. Technically this was more like 9/14 (today).

I stayed up all night with it, the reason being I had to go in early for work and that was the only time I could get my PGE time in.

So I went to work and did 3 sets of manual stretches a few hours later in the bathroom using toilet paper for extra grip. Everything was still very pliable. Sometimes I feel like my dick will come apart, it just keeps stretching more every few seconds.

When I got home I got in the shower and did 3 sets of behind the cheek stretches that I missed in the bathroom followed by some flaccid Bathmate stretches, it was not quite as intense as usual but I think it did ok. I could feel the stretch very well and I can tell that the PGE1 is still active or at least the collagen is still broken down.

My dick was blown up like a balloon after 2 sets so I knocked it off. Until tomorrow.
FYI - I just ordered a Ring of Power from Supra.

Glad he started making them again - at least I will get a real one.
Sorry for bumping into this (great) thread but I'm interested in the PABA + DMSO mix.....
According to the effects then it's best applied before doing a rountine like PMP or Bathmate right? It should allow extra expansion so ideal before right? Any benefits in applying after a routine?
Can we use DMSO directly in the skin regardless of the concentration??? I've heard of reviews were the DMSO can cause some skin burn???!!!
apolo;505803 said:
Sorry for bumping into this (great) thread but I'm interested in the PABA + DMSO mix.....
According to the effects then it's best applied before doing a rountine like PMP or Bathmate right? It should allow extra expansion so ideal before right? Any benefits in applying after a routine?
Can we use DMSO directly in the skin regardless of the concentration??? I've heard of reviews were the DMSO can cause some skin burn???!!!

That's ok but this thread is about Caverject, not paba and DMSO.
Wow, it has been non stop supplements and chemical Penis Enlargement going on here. I am with Dash, I think we need a section just for the various supplements, a place to name them describe them, give advice on dosage, side effects, benefits and other vital information.
petersouth;505977 said:
That's ok but this thread is about Caverject, not paba and DMSO.

i know but I posted here because other members talked about DMSO + PABA in this thread several times......
kingsnake;503592 said:
Ok the snake man reporting back with the dmso and paba answer. cough cough Ronielle cough said that if you buy the 8 ouch glass bottles of liquid dmso, just pour enough powdered paba in the bottle to saturate the dmso. After you do this, shake up the bottle. If you see some powdered paba sitting in the bottom of the dmso bottle after you shake it up real good, then that means that the dmso has reached maximum saturation with the paba.

When ever you want to apply some of your dmso/paba solution use a glass eye dropper to extract some of the dmso/paba solution out of the bottle into the eye dropper. Then you will drip the solution on to your penis until your entire penis is wet or covered with the dmso/paba solution. For those with peryonies desease or curves in there penis, apply an extra amount to this area so the dmso/paba will help break up and soften the scar tissue there. Let the dmso/paba solution sit on your dick for 20 to 30 minutes as it penetrates and dries through your dick to do it's job.

apolo what snake said.
doublelongdaddy;505984 said:
Wow, it has been non stop supplements and chemical Penis Enlargement going on here. I am with Dash, I think we need a section just for the various supplements, a place to name them describe them, give advice on dosage, side effects, benefits and other vital information.

Please do it.
If for nothing else, to piss off the Nazis at pegym.
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apolo;506048 said:
i know but I posted here because other members talked about DMSO + PABA in this thread several times......

They derailed my thread so now you're going to take your shot. I get it. What I don't understand is what the kick is.

People see something that is working quite well and interrupt a log specifically about it to ask theoretical questions about something else that MIGHT work because someone said a gay hooker said it did. That is literally what is happening. Guys want to talk about ANYTHING ELSE because they are terrified their dick might grow and they cannot stand the possibility.

Ronnette is alleged to have a nine inch dick which is not super impressive compared to some of the members here. He is also a gay hooker, think about that and read some of the threads on attraction and allowance. If you continue down this road you will become more like a gay hooker with each passing day, something to consider.

While you're chewing on that nugget of truth let me save people some trouble and unnecessary expense.

IGF-1 sucks, doesn't work. Thread after thread goes nowhere. Good for muscles, bad for your penis.
TB4 sucks unless you inject it into your body. It's great for coloring grey hair and helping muscle recovery. Nobody uses it alone for Penis Enlargement. There's a reason, it sucks. Disagree? Start a TB4 only log and prove me wrong, I say that rhetorically because nobody will.
Aderactim not only sucks my dick but the penis of the guy next to me which is awkward to say the least. What's the protocol here? Do I make small talk or is it like the bathroom or the elevator? Maybe I should whip out my "smart phone" and pretend I have 100 text messages waiting since I checked 3 seconds ago like very other loser out there. Try to find a thread here that says some guy over 15 got amazing gains from it.
PABA + DMSO sucks. It doesn't matter if you put it on before, after, standing on one leg, wearing a frilly pink skirt. It still SUCKS and not only does it suck but it moans like a gay hooker while it sucks.

And lastly PGE1 sucks. It's too hard, it hurts, you'll scar your penis causing you to place second in a coveted penile beauty contest before you wear your girlfriend's pussy out and have to get a new one. It requires refrigeration so you'll have to cut leg holes in a refrigerator and waddle over to your girlfriend's house which is very inconvenient compared to viagra. After all, just because it survived 3 days in a 90 degree post office storage facility doesn't mean it can last 30 minutes at 75-80 in a syringe.

You'll inject in your girlfriend's bathroom, break the 30g needle off inside of your dick, go the the ER, it will get infected and they will be forced to amputate your penis to save your life and your balls so you won't look stupid. Your girlfriend will give you the "love but not in love" speech 30 minutes later as you lay dickless and confused on a gurney and you will live the rest of your life as a fat, mannish looking woman and have to make friends with other fat, mannish looking women at church because no one else will talk to you. Your girlfriend will still want to "be friends" citing personality differences but restrict your contact to "email/facebook only". You frequently check your "smart phone" for her facebook updates in the elevator because you are awkward unless you have something you can pretend to be doing.

This is because you grew up as part of a borderline autistic generation raised on frequent mercury filled vaccinations resulting in limited social skills complicated by lowered self esteem fostered by a bizarre and unfortunate accident that all started when you read about the exploits of an anonymous man who calls himself "Peter South" on your "smart phone". Unable to distinguish fantasy from reality after ingesting 100s of gallons of flouridated drinking water you promptly removed yourself from the gene pool.

Meanwhile "Peter South" sits in his sprawling mansion in DC fondling his naturally huge, never PGE1ed phallus drunk with power and the knowledge that the voluntary eugenics plan is indeed off to a great start. Being white he calls up the local freemasons lodge to vote yay for the next war in Iran and request a 2m dollar negative interest loan from the federal reserve to hold him over until Monday.

Hope that helps.
Got it wrong nevertheless I won't take time to reply to your speech.....You don't know me from anywere so you assume so much and miss even more.
Hope you have the same reaction to other members. I love when someone is coerent.....Hope you can reach your goals.
apolo;506392 said:
Got it wrong nevertheless I won't take time to reply to your speech.....You don't know me from anywere so you assume so much and miss even more.
Hope you have the same reaction to other members. I love when someone is coerent.....Hope you can reach your goals.

Don't take it personally, I don't like people spamming up the thread because then it becomes useless. Imagine trying to read it to figure out what I did.

I hope you don't think I went off topic. ;)


12mcg PGE1 6 hours

This is a strong dose for me and very effective, I was up all night. After 4.5 hours I took 4 sudafed, took about an hour and a half to work.

Did 2 sets of manual stretches and 2 sets of Bathmate stretches due to lack of time. I hadn't planned on that long so I had to go to work.

It doesn't seem realistic to increase the frequency although I think someone else could, I just don't have the time. Skin irritation from the uncontrolled Bathmate expansion is also a factor. I'll try to stick to every other day because that's what I can get.
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When you say increase frequency, do you mean increase the number of days you inject or increase the dose per time you inject?

And also, when you say "1 set of Bathmate stretches" does one set consist of = down(straight, left right), straight out (so,l,r) and straight up (su,l,r). Also, how long are you pulling each stretch for? 30 sec?

MikeShlort;506418 said:
When you say increase frequency, do you mean increase the number of days you inject or increase the dose per time you inject?

And also, when you say "1 set of Bathmate stretches" does one set consist of = down(straight, left right), straight out (so,l,r) and straight up (su,l,r). Also, how long are you pulling each stretch for? 30 sec?


I meant the number of days although I'm not sure which is better, longer or more frequent.

One set is all directions for 30 seconds each although I don't do different directions pointing upward, it's a pain in the ass.
Petersouth, have you considered taking viagra or cialis with the PGE1? I've been looking over some posts over at �other PE site� and one of them said that the original patent by Dr Adams included using a PDE inhibitor along with PGE1 to increase the strength of the erections.

See example 6 and 7 in the original patent at this link:
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