
Did not do a good job injecting so today is a washout except to note that it looks like a gained 1/8 of an inch girth conservatively. It was actually a little more.

I made sure I was 6.5 length before measuring because sometimes it gets thicker if it's shorter. Then it is around 5.25.

I attribute this gain to the flaccid Bathmate pumping sessions after the PGE1 session or perhaps pumping before injecting to get more expansion as I sometimes do. It may have happened anyway but up until now I gained almost no girth. Erect Bathmate pumping while PGE1 was still active did not seem to affect girth at all.

I want to start experimenting with doing a full routine AFTER the injection has subsided. If that is how the gains happen then that window is where I should focus my effort.

Would possibly look like this

Injection 3-4 hours
DLD Hardcore Erect Bathmate Stretches for length
Flaccid Bathmate Pumping Session for girth
Manual Stretches

Manual Stretches (taking advantage of residual levels of PGE1 flexibility)

Repeat or take a break

I would also like to increase the frequency a little. Perhaps 2 consecutive days and a day off followed by 2 more.
11mcg 4-5 hours
Just took it and went to sleep, set an alarm, it was fine so I slept through the night. That was all I had time for

Did 3 sets manual stretches
Bathmate 10minute flaccid pumping

I can definitely feel that everything is more pliable in the morning after. I think that is why manual stretches normally don't produce results for me, I tend to be inflexible.

Plan to go again tonight.
My dick is still deformed and the skin still bruised up from this morning's session so I'll probably rest tonight (9/6)

I actually ended up doing 3 sets of DLD hardcore Bathmate stretches flaccid this morning and the expansion was incredible, the skin was all black and blue from overstretching. I was taking up the whole tube in the X-40. It's evening and I'm still deformed from water retention.

The hardcore stretches are normally not effective flaccid but you really feel them when PGE1 is present even if it is not still erect.
petersouth;501995 said:
I actually ended up doing 3 sets of DLD hardcore Bathmate stretches flaccid this morning and the expansion was incredible

That is awesome I just wish you were not getting bruised so much.
Try getting a Bathmate sleeve if you're getting those rings marks in your penis. They will eventually cause large discoloration. King Cobra told me about them. They sound like a great idea; he says he never gets ring marks in them when pumping and he can still pump for length in the X-40. Once you start getting to 5.5-5.75" "natural" girth, you should look into either a Goliatch Bathmate (8 inches circumference) or buying a bigger air pump (X-40 = 6.5 inches circumference, so something between 6.5 and 8 inches circumference, ideally 7.3"). That way you won't be restricted by the X-40' size, but won't be in the infinitely massive X-40 (X-40 actually starts working well once you get the hang of it)
MikeShlort;502380 said:
(X-40 actually starts working well once you get the hang of it)

It is a learning curve! When I first got mine it took about a week to get things straight but now it is perfect.
PM (update)

OK I said I wasn't going to do anything because my skin was raw but I took a nap after work and then it was much better. So I did a late session, 11mcg 4.5 hours so that makes 3 days in a row if you count the botched injection.

After that I did 3 sets of manuals and 3 sets of Bathmate stretches.

9/7 was rest day

9/8 I will continue so the pattern is 2 days on, 1 day off now.
BTW guys I got the sleeve I was talking about finally. It's a funny thing, very spongy but tight. The hole is very small so if I put my erect penis into it and then let it go flaccid it holds it extended. Not easy to get it in there without lube though if you have any girth at all.

I don't think you could lose circulation with this because the material is so soft and flexible, it may work. Will try it tonight.
I have been using tri-mix, dmso, and paba for the past 10 months and i have made massive gains. I jelq for 30 min per day and i administer the tri-mix 5 days per week. I made a cream from dsmo and paba and use that to soften the collagen in my penis. I have also used the SG extender the past 3 months for 2-6 hours per day. I have gained: .90" in erect girth and 1.9" in erect length in 10 months. This protocol works. The key is jelqing after the 3-4 hour erection has subsided. If you have a low pain tolerance this isnt for you lol
timber1981;502507 said:
I have been using tri-mix, dmso, and paba for the past 10 months and i have made massive gains. I jelq for 30 min per day and i administer the tri-mix 5 days per week. I made a cream from dsmo and paba and use that to soften the collagen in my penis. I have also used the SG extender the past 3 months for 2-6 hours per day. I have gained: .90" in erect girth and 1.9" in erect length in 10 months. This protocol works. The key is jelqing after the 3-4 hour erection has subsided. If you have a low pain tolerance this isnt for you lol

Holy shit. Fucking killer, those are the exact gains I am looking for....

Thank you very much for your input. I will try that immediately.

I use Verapamil, which helps prevent collagen buildup and fibrosis. Is this the same as the DMSO and paba mix? Also, when do you apply the topical cream? Before the injection or after, or just randomly throughout the day?

What is Tri-Mix, DmSO and Paba???? Could anyone please tell me because I dont have a clue about what that is...
MikeShlort;502509 said:
Holy shit. Fucking killer, those are the exact gains I am looking for....

Thank you very much for your input. I will try that immediately.

I use Verapamil, which helps prevent collagen buildup and fibrosis. Is this the same as the DMSO and paba mix? Also, when do you apply the topical cream? Before the injection or after, or just randomly throughout the day?


I'm not sure what Verapamil is, but I can provide input on the dmso and paba. Basically what I did was buy a DMSO/Aloe vera cream online, and I bought Paba in bulk powder form online, both are legal substances and available to the public, and I mix 2000 mg of powder with the cream and apply it to my entire penis and pelvic bone area, just above the penis. I individually mix this dosage every day to make sure im using the corrrect amount. You can't just take a bunch of paba powder and mix it in the jar. About an hour before I am going to administer my tri-mix, I apply the cream and let it soak into my skin for about 30 minutes. I then wash my penis off and clean it with antibacterial soap. I then use a heating pad to prep my penile tissues.

giving the mix an extra half hour to completely absorb into my penis seems to make the collagen and tissues in my penis much more susceptible to expansion, along with the applied heat.

But to anyone who is interested in this protocol, I wouldn't even think about attempting it until you have done DLD's newbie routine and have a good 6 months of Penis Enlargement under your belt. The extended erections are incredibly hard, and become painful after about 2.5 hours. You need to do Penis Enlargement first to condition your penis correctly.
MartinGlad;502511 said:
What is Tri-Mix, DmSO and Paba???? Could anyone please tell me because I dont have a clue about what that is...

Trimix is an injectable drug used to treat erectile dysfunction. It is made up of three vasodiolators: alprostadil, papaverine, and phentolamine. It has to be injected directly into the CC of the penis.

DMSO and PABA are compounds that are considered potentiators. they remodel the connective tissues that help define the size and shape of the penis, as well as increases solubility of collagen. Basically they weaken the collagen cross-linkage that makes up the connective tissues of the penis, making it easier to expand and lengthen the tissues. DSMO not only softens collagen, but it can transport any chemicals through the skin, so you have to make sure your penis is completely clean before applying it.

There is members on other boards who are primarily focused on weight-hanging, and they have used DMSO and PABA to dramatically speed up their gains.

these two compounds can be used with any type of Penis Enlargement that anyone does. Its not limited to chemical penis enlargement. It will speed up gains for everyone who does regular Penis Enlargement, Pumping, Clamping, Hanging, ect.

I would not go over 4000 mg per day of PABA. At that high of a dosage it tends to make body tissues really soft, which can make joint and tissue injuries much easier. I used to take oral PABA, but now I just buy it in a powder form and let the DMSO carry it through my skin into my penile tissues.

I hope this answered your questions.
Thanks Timber, I appreciate your help.

I forgot to ask you though:

What level of erection do you jelq at? Is it 90-100% or is it more around 50-70%? The reason I ask is because I've heard theories that jelqing at a lower EQ is beneficial because that is when the tissue is most pliable.

Thanks again for your input
Yes the key is what you do after the erection

I think I will reach 6.75 by months end, that will be 3/4 inch in 2 months.

Today I was measuring and when I got it really hard it would poke past 6.5 closer to 6.75 but only when I got it super hard. That tells me more is coming.

I would think any kind of stretching is more important than jelqing for length, no?

My goal by years end is 8, I don't care what girth is that can happen next year.
MikeShlort;502640 said:
Thanks Timber, I appreciate your help.

I forgot to ask you though:

What level of erection do you jelq at? Is it 90-100% or is it more around 50-70%? The reason I ask is because I've heard theories that jelqing at a lower EQ is beneficial because that is when the tissue is most pliable.

Thanks again for your input

Im guessing i hover between 50-60%. My cock is usually so sore after being hard for 3 hours, its painful to jelq any harder than that. I usually turn on the tv, find a show that interests me, set my phones timer for 30 min. My jelqs are 4 second strokes. I dont count jelqs. I just space out and watch tv and it has just become a natural part of my day, every day. Counting jelqs just gets old imo.
Things didn't go so well today.

The Korean bitch did not like the extra size, she was mad because she can tell I used something again and last week she said not to. In the shower she ask why stiff already and I say you're making him nervous, she said he making me nervous. After sex she say you keep eating the biagra come take too long hurt me, you pay extra now on or no deal. She also suggested I use some kind of cream to make it "beeger" she say "I not stupid I know you do something". I didn't even pump today, just used the PGE1 and it was so tight it hurt me, the length was also way too much. I tried leaving an inch or two out and I was gentle but the girth alone was a deal breaker. I think I have some serious gain between this week and last week.

The strange thing she made me pay extra after she told me to call her again. Call me and talk to me I miss you but btw I want more money to fuck you, maybe she was just mad. Well I am done with this ho business. I'm glad this happened, now I can save some money. I think it's time for me to get back to doing what I do, I do not want to give these bitches any more of my money.

Just goes to show be careful what you wish for.

Now I am at a crossroads where I am getting too big for the smaller women. I have to think about how much bigger I want to get.

I can't believe I feel bad because my dick is too big. lol

I did 3 hours PGE1 11mcg banged this ho, went to the mall, walked around with a hardon not giving a shit, got some chicken and rice, ate it, drove home, did 3 sets of flaccid stretches and the DLD hardcore stretches only this time flaccid. It still works. Now I have a dick that looks like the hindenburg and I have to stay up all night working. Life sucks some days.

11mcg no longer cutting it, time to move up to 12.

By the way that masturbation sleeve I got does not work, I can't fit my girth into it at all any more and that problem will only get worse. It's fine if you are under 5" girth, otherwise forget it.
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Next I go Japan make rodzilla movie.

Call me honey, hysterectomy extra.
Good stuff fellas. Yep a little birdy, cough ronielle cough said the same thing. That the key is jelqing at 75% erection level after your dick has subsided from the pge1 erection since the pge1 delinks the cologen with in the tunica and leaves it in a weaken state more subceptible to manipulation.

Im still waiting on my pge1 and tb500 in the mail. I already have two glass bottles of 70% dmso solution and one bottle of 99% dmso solution as well as a huge ass bag of powdered PABA for the potentiators/ topical application.

Timber1981 is definitely right about the positive effects of dmso and paba. For those of you guys that won't ever put a needle in your dick with pge1, yall should at least use dmso mixed with powdered paba to help inhance whatever Penis Enlargement workouts yall are doing.
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