02/5/2010 | X-40: Day (89) - Retired from normal use | X-40: Day 9

Session: 20 minute X-40
Method: Bath
Max Length: 187
Girth: 50
Supplements: MultiVitamins + ROP + TSPR

I used the Bathmate X-40 first thing when I woke up after doing 600 jelqs. I kept the pressure low and kept pumping slowly. I managed to get through the 20 minutes with only a couple of re-adjustments and the comfort was much better than the previous days. I went in erect and still had some girth from the session the day before.

I didn't get any puffiness or FR. Hopefully the discomfort will go away after continued consistent use. I've probably used it only a couple of days in a row now.
Well done man you have great determination , how much have you gained till now in length and girth?
Sounds like you are making the transition pretty well and with little issue...Good work
Dick_Slinger;414676 said:
Well done man you have great determination , how much have you gained till now in length and girth?

Hi Dick_Slinger. With the Bathmate and recently the SG I have gained a total of 30mm inside of the Bathmate when pumping from 160 - 190. I have gained almost 1" in erect girth since starting from 4 3/4" to 5 7/8". I didn't measure erect length which I will next time.

If I measure while standing up NBPFL I have gone from 6" to 6.5" (I attribute this mostly to the SG, and I'm sure the Bathmate has helped as well). Bathmate is great for girth while I'm using the SG for length.
doublelongdaddy;414717 said:
Sounds like you are making the transition pretty well and with little issue...Good work

Thanks DLD. The discount through MOS for the SG is to thank for my length gains. Without that I wouldn't have bought it and seen these gains!
02/6/2010 | X-40: Day (89) - Retired from normal use | X-40: Day 10

Session: 20 minute X-40
Method: Bath
Max Length: 188
Girth: 53
Supplements: MultiVitamins + ROP

I tried a different routine today starting with the X-40 before using the X-40. I've officially outgrown the X-40 after less than a minute of use. I couldn't pump anymore, and the marks on the base of my penis from the gaiter were extremely deep and uncomfortable. Using both X-40 and X-40 back to back makes the X-40 feel tiny.

I moved on to the X-40 and pumped comfortably to 180. I re-adjusted once and re-pumped 2-3 times. An improvement over the previous day with less discomfort. I hit a max of 188 and decided not to push it. I'm now looking at the Bathmate for a good pump and not trying to go for max length with a super strong pump since I now have the SG to work on length. That and the Bathmate X-40 gets uncomfortable with the pump at 190+.

I didn't jelq before using the Bathmate today and have some FR as a result. It's not too bad with random spots of puffiness, but I will jelq before using it from now on to maximize the effectiveness of the pump.

In the X-40 I always pumped to as much pressure as possible, but this just isn't possible with me and the X-40 at least not right now. I'll still try to reach max length each time but I won't make it the only goal and if it's too uncomfortable I'll back down a bit and try the next day. The X-40 is definitely a different beast compared to the X-40.
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when you say you re-adjust and re-pump 2-3, are you taking it off and then putting it back on?
twins172_up;414800 said:
when you say you re-adjust and re-pump 2-3, are you taking it off and then putting it back on?

Hey twins172_up. Re-adjust means taking it off completely and starting again. Re-pump means releasing some pressure and re-pumping again, usually losing 20-30mm or so.
02/7/2010 | X-40: Day (89) - Retired from normal use | X-40: Day 11

Session: 20 minute X-40
Method: Bath
Max Length: 185
Girth: 50
Supplements: MultiVitamins + ROP

Similar results to the previous day. I started without jelqing and entered the X-40 erect. I had to re-adjust once and re-pump a couple of times. I'm still not able to go to maximum pressure without discomfort. I'm hoping it will just take some time to get used to.

The discomfort mainly comes from the gaiter pulling my testicles towards the bottom. If it wasn't for that, it would probably be okay. I'll keep using it at medium pressure and see if the comfort improves.
02/8/2010 | X-40: Day (89) - Retired from normal use | X-40: Day 12

Session: 20 minute X-40
Method: Bath
Max Length: 187
Girth: 51
Supplements: MultiVitamins + ROP + TSPR

I used the X-40 after the gym today. I re-adjusted a couple of times today as well as re-pumping. I found a better position which was more comfortable and was able to keep the X-40 on for a longer continuous time. Some improvement over the last couple of days.
You'll find its all worth it when the grow manifests itself into new permanent growth. I was hitting the Bathmate from January 2010 till the end of December and gained in length & girth. I cant use it atm because flat mates accidentally trashed all my Penis Enlargement gear as they were stored in bing bags hidden with other stuff, so looked like trash! Just the clamp for me atm. Sounds as though your really nailing it.
Dick_Slinger;414676 said:
Well done man you have great determination , how much have you gained till now in length and girth?

Hi Dick_Slinger. I've gained +0.75" in erect girth, and about 0.5"+ in erect length using the X-40, and recently the SG since January.
Inside the Bathmate I started at around 160 in the X-40 and am now maxed at 190 in the X-40.
The SG I started at 6.5" stretch from base to tip, and at a month later I'm not at 7.5"+ stretch from based to tip (while wearing the SG pointed downwards).
REDZULU2003;415235 said:
You'll find its all worth it when the grow manifests itself into new permanent growth. I was hitting the Bathmate from January 2010 till the end of December and gained in length & girth. I cant use it atm because flat mates accidentally trashed all my Penis Enlargement gear as they were stored in bing bags hidden with other stuff, so looked like trash! Just the clamp for me atm. Sounds as though your really nailing it.

I've been reading good stuff about clamping lately and that it's great for gaining. Hopefully you'll return the the Bathmate soon!
02/10/2010 | X-40: Day (89) - Retired from normal use | X-40: Day 13

Session: 22 minute X-40
Method: Bath
Max Length: 189
Girth: 52
Supplements: MultiVitamins + ROP + TSPR

After days of painful X-40 use, I finally had a great session today. I had 2 days off from the Bathmate and a day from the SG and it must have done something. I woke up with great EQ today without using the ROP which tells me my penis has healed from Penis Enlargement adequately.

I used the SG for approximately 5 hours today, took a break, and used the X-40. I went in semi-erect and pumped to about 170. After a couple of minutes I pumped more and just took it easy. I experienced only mild discomfort and was able to do the whole 22 minutes without re-adjusting! Finally. This is similar to when I was using the X-40 and started to experience pain until I grew into it a bit more.

Very good session today and I hope this continues for the next one.

Before I thought if you have enough girth, you could start off in the X-40 but it really is a whole new beast. I also thought they should have a midway model but the gain transition just takes a little while. I can't say for sure, but it looks like I'm settling into using the X-40 after a couple of weeks.
02/14/2010 | X-40: Day (89) - Retired from normal use | X-40: Day 14

Session: 22 minute X-40
Method: Bath
Max Length: 190
Girth: 55
Supplements: MultiVitamins + TSPR

Can't believe it's been 4 days since my last post. I had several days off because I was just too busy to Penis Enlargement and it did some good. I look larger and fuller even though I haven't used the SG or Bathmate recently.

I used the SG for 5 hours and used the Bathmate after a 1 hour break. I entered the X-40 flaccid and didn't start the timer until the pump was at 75% pressure. The session was great with minimal adjustments. It looks like I'm getting used to the X-40 and the discomfort is minimal now. There's still some discomfort from the pressure and the X-40 pressed against my pelvic area and testicles but not to the point where I had to re-adjust as I did before.

I also hit 190 again which was my old maximum in the X-40 when I first got it. I'm hoping another week of using it will further minimize the discomfort and allow me to pump all the way to full pressure and make some more Bathmate gains.
02/15/2010 | X-40: Day (89) - Retired from normal use | X-40: Day 15

Session: 23 minute X-40
Method: Bath
Max Length: 191
Girth: 56
Supplements: MultiVitamins + TSPR

I used the X-40 after 5 hours of SG and a small break. I entered erect and pumped quickly to 180. After a couple of minutes I was able to reach 190 and new there was more room to go. I had to re-adjust twice and re-pumped a couple of times and was stuck at 190. With about 6 minutes left, I decided to remove the Bathmate X-40 and start the pump from the beginning. The sensation of the pump was super intense as I was already engorged. I felt a strong tingling all over my penis and a rush of blood circulation. I was able to pump to 191 and felt that I could do more, but the X-40 wouldn't would budge. It was completely pumped against my pelvic region.

I didn't want to go too much past the 20-25 minutes due to the possible FR. I finally passed 190 which is very exciting. 200 seems even more possible now and if my growth stopped there I would be extremely pleased with the Bathmate and SG. I'm sure the SG has a lot to do with this and my length gain and the Bathmate has a lot to do with overall gain. 9 more mms until 200! Can't wait for tomorrow's session.
J1L;416142 said:
I didn't want to go too much past the 20-25 minutes due to the possible FR. I finally passed 190 which is very exciting. 200 seems even more possible now and if my growth stopped there I would be extremely pleased with the Bathmate and SG. I'm sure the SG has a lot to do with this and my length gain and the Bathmate has a lot to do with overall gain. 9 more mms until 200! Can't wait for tomorrow's session.

Great news, I am very excited for you! You have worked so hard and it is paying off.
doublelongdaddy;416200 said:
Great news, I am very excited for you! You have worked so hard and it is paying off.

Thanks DLD. You're a constant motivator. :)
02/16/2010 | X-40: Day (89) - Retired from normal use | X-40: Day 16

Session: 20 minute X-40
Method: Deep Bath
Max Length: 191
Girth: 52
Supplements: MultiVitamins + TSPR

After 5.5 hours of using the SG and some rest, I used the Bathmate X-40 to get the circulation going and maximize gains. I went in fully erect and also ran a bath with a ton of water but not on purpose. I entered the X-40 fully erect and the pump sensation was really strong. There was barely any air inside the Bathmate since I was pumping almost fully suBathmateerged. It took me 7 minutes to be able to go to 190+ and I had to re-pump several times. The pressure was just too much which is great because I usually feel like I can take more but can't pump anymore.

Even tough I have to re-adjust and re-pump from time to time, the discomfort is less today. Finally getting used to the X-40 and it's starting to work better as I get used to the larger size and difference from the X-40. I haven't touched the X-40 not even for DLD Bathmate Hardcore Stretches. I'll give it one more go in a day or 2 after I fix the comfort ring again but I think I may have outgrown it.
02/21/2010 - X-40: Day 17

Session: 20 minute X-40
Method: Bath
Max Length: 191-192
Girth: 53
Supplements: MultiVitamins + TSPR

I'm not getting as much time and consistency as I want with the Bathmate or SG. I did manage to use it today after a 5 day break and the results are good. I still get mild discomfort, but nothing re-adjusting or re-pumping won't help. I re-adjusted twice and re-pumped several times.

I was able to reach 192 today, but more of a solid 191 after 16 minutes. Nice to see that the gains are still possible and coming. The pump pressure was pretty strong today, and is better if I re-pump from scratch during the full session as the increased girth helps increase the pressure. I find that staying in the X-40 without re-pumping isn't has effective. Even though I enter the Bathmate semi-erect it's still not as effective as re-pumping which I'll make a part of my routine now at the 7-10 minute mark.

The X-40 is still working great and my slower gains are my own fault for not making Bathmate sessions a priority.

I measured my girth today and am 6.5" at the base and 6" at the mid-shaft which is an incredible gain I never thought I could achieve. I started at 4.75" after very inconsistent and light Penis Enlargement attempts for years. When I started Penis Enlargement seriously in the last year with manual exercises I went to 5.25" and the Bathmate and SG took me the rest of the way to where I am now.

It's interesting because I still don't feel I'm that large even when the tape measure shows 6". It seemed like such an impossible gain to make before (I just wanted to get to 5.25"), but now that I'm here I think 7" girth is possible. Don't let the numbers fool you or deter you. The gains are very realistic and achievable with consistent Penis Enlargement.
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