Wow, finally had the chance to read through this whole thread I am very impressed. It is one of the best documented progress logs I've seen; informative and inspirational. Thanks for keeping such incredible updates J1L it is written very professionally, it was a pleasure to read. I learned so much reading through I would have never learned otherwise. 11 pages is HUGE and you have no rush for completing your goals, please don't forget to come back and update us on how your progress has come along in March 2011 and enjoy what you have already done. It is important not to burn out on exercising and give the penis plenty of time for healing and rest. Someone please tell me why this thread is not a sticky!?
Turnover;422426 said:
Wow, finally had the chance to read through this whole thread I am very impressed. It is one of the best documented progress logs I've seen; informative and inspirational. Thanks for keeping such incredible updates J1L it is written very professionally, it was a pleasure to read. I learned so much reading through I would have never learned otherwise. 11 pages is HUGE and you have no rush for completing your goals, please don't forget to come back and update us on how your progress has come along in March 2011 and enjoy what you have already done. It is important not to burn out on exercising and give the penis plenty of time for healing and rest. Someone please tell me why this thread is not a sticky!?

I agree! One of the best logs on MOS.
03/17/2010 - X-40: Day 1 (23)

Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 192
Girth: 51

I randomly used the Bathmate X-40 and managed to hit close to the regular measurements after 20 minutes. I noticed a minor bit of fluid retention since I haven't used it for so long. Pump pressure was good and I had to re-adjust several times to get a good session going. It's definitely easier when you use it more often.

I'm mentally preparing myself to hit the Bathmate X-40 on a regular basis in the next couple of weeks in addition to getting back into the SG routine. I would also like to use the Male Extra pills I received with the SG to supplement this commitment. I'll be taking the weekends off so other than that it will be a 38 day commitment.

I'll research the Male Extra ingredients and make sure they're safe before using them.
Turnover;422426 said:
Wow, finally had the chance to read through this whole thread I am very impressed. It is one of the best documented progress logs I've seen; informative and inspirational. Thanks for keeping such incredible updates J1L it is written very professionally, it was a pleasure to read. I learned so much reading through I would have never learned otherwise. 11 pages is HUGE and you have no rush for completing your goals, please don't forget to come back and update us on how your progress has come along in March 2011 and enjoy what you have already done. It is important not to burn out on exercising and give the penis plenty of time for healing and rest. Someone please tell me why this thread is not a sticky!?

Thanks for the kind words Turnover. Everyone on the board inspires me as well with a lot of great posts and information.
J1L;422650 said:
I'll research the Male Extra ingredients and make sure they're safe before using them.
MaleExtra is a product for men who seek to have bigger penis, harder erection, increase stamina in sex, and a better sex life without having any bad side effects. MaleExtra is a guaranteed male enhancement system and a complete penis enlargement.

Main Ingredients

Pomegranate 70% ellagic acid 500mg – This is the first and only company today that uses pomegranate 70% ellagic in their formula. MaleExtra providers intend to give their costumers the results they promised the quickest possible way. And by having pomegranate in the formula makes things work really well.
L-Arginine 500mg – This is an important amino acid that produces nitric oxide which is the one responsible of producing hard erections.
Muira Pauma 150mg – Based on studies, Muira Pauma increases male sex drive and also helps maintain hard erections. Based on Dr Waynberg studies, men who takes muira pauma increases frequency of sex, experiences more morning erections and intensified libido.
Methyl Sulfonyl Methane 100mg – MSM is said to provide addition to overall health of the penis. When there are deficiencies in MSM, the newer cells are getting weak and deformed. But what MSM do is, it restores flexibility of cell walls which results to enabling the fluids to pass through the tissues smoother.
How does Male Extra differ from other products?
MaleExtra is better than other products because it is the only product known that contains 70% pomegranate ellagic acid which is known as a natural viagra. This component helps maintain a hard penis.
This has a male virility formula which is improved by experts. MaleExtra does actually tell their costumers what their ingredients are which other penis enhancers don’t do. Unlike MaleExtra product, others fill their capsules with crappy ineffective ingredients such as roots of plants. They usually resort to cheaper ingredients that don’t really work.
How to take MaleExtra effectively?
MaleExtra is advised to be taken 3 tables per day every morning. By doing this, you will be able to get the recommended 1500mg per day. This will definitely help you reach your objectives faster. It is also advised for the users to follow the exercises provided by MaleExtra which is needed for the penis to grow bigger in a shorter period of time.
Dick_Slinger;424231 said:
How much real world gains have you experinced so far?

Hi Dick_slinger. I think I answered this question earlier in this thread and you can search for the exact numbers if you would like.

Off the top of my head I've gained 0.5-0.75" of erect girth (the last bit came from using the Bathmate X-40 in conjunction with the Size Genetics Extender).

I went from a starting Bathmate measurement of approximately 160-165? and was hitting 194 when I stopped. Real world erect length gains approximately 0.5 - 0.75".

Definite, noticeable gains have been made and the Bathmate does in fact work. These gains are permanent, but like any gains even in bodybuilding, maintenance routines help.
hey J1L, congrats on those gains :)
They're definitely impressive.

I'm wondering if you could say something about when and why you switched to the X-40. Did you get the X-40 right away?
194 should still fit a Herc, so I'm wondering if you're unusually thick or I could maybe directly go for the X-40 myself, saving 100 bucks for the Herc, hehe :)
SirKyle;424420 said:
hey J1L, congrats on those gains :)
They're definitely impressive.

I'm wondering if you could say something about when and why you switched to the X-40. Did you get the X-40 right away?
194 should still fit a Herc, so I'm wondering if you're unusually thick or I could maybe directly go for the X-40 myself, saving 100 bucks for the Herc, hehe :)

The biggest issue with going into the Bathmate X-40 too soon is if there is too much room in the tube pressure becomes difficult. I made a mod for this using a small stress ball to fill up the negative space while pumping that will help.
SirKyle;424420 said:
hey J1L, congrats on those gains :)
They're definitely impressive.

I'm wondering if you could say something about when and why you switched to the X-40. Did you get the X-40 right away?
194 should still fit a Herc, so I'm wondering if you're unusually thick or I could maybe directly go for the X-40 myself, saving 100 bucks for the Herc, hehe :)

I switched to the X-40 because I was getting gaiter marks around the base of my penis and it was causing blisters which made me have to stop using it for days at a time to heal.
Bathmate is introducing some pleasure ring attachment that should eliminate this problem. It works by restricting how much the base of your penis can expand in the Bathmate and if this were available earlier, I could probably still use the X-40. I just fixed the comfort ring on my X-40 by gluing it back on (again). I'll try some wrap on the base to see if this works.

Before I took a break from the X-40, I was starting to get similar marks on the base of my penis again. Might just be my body and the way my skin gets sucked into the gaiter. I did gain really good base girth this way though at 6-6.5" EG.

The X-40 as DLD mentioned may be too much to get the pressure built up if you're new to using a Bathmate. The opening size can also be daunting and tough for new users, even more experienced users.

I still would have gotten the X-40 even if the pleasure rings were available as it did a lot for my base girth and it's good to break up your routine and try out new methods.
04/11/2010 - X-40: Day (24) 1

Session: 15 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 187
Girth: NA

After a much needed physical and mental break I'm back to using the Bathmate. I repaired my X-40 foam padding with the glue outlined in another post, but it's not the right glue to use. It works but something more malleable when dry is better.

I started off with the X-40 and a plastic wrap around the base as I had issues plugging the base up. This seemed to help but after 5 minutes I stopped. I was able to pump but barely and the plastic wrap left a heavy impression at the base of my penis.

I think the pleasure ring may end up doing the same thing. If you're wrapping around the base, the wrap needs to be at LEAST an inch in length or you'll end up with similar problems again. Even then I would rather move to the X-40 which is what I did.

It's been a long time, probably months since I used the Bathmate regularly. The X-40 is still huge and produced an incredibly strong pump. Back to back against the X-40 there is a huge difference in size, pump pressure effectiveness, and solidity. I only used it for another 10 minutes since it was my first day back and fluid retention tends to show up. I didn't get to my previous max length in the 190s, but wasn't far behind. 187 at the max. I could have pumped further but I took it easy.

It's amazing how effective this device is after a long break. I could really feel the blood circulation and rush of blood to the entire penis while using it. Feels similar to a first use before you get used to it.

I'm going to retire the X-40. I'm tired of re-gluing the foam pad and have definitely outgrown it. There's no point in me using it anymore unless I get those comfort sleeves but there's no points since I have the X-40.

I hope to continue back to a regular routine now and work towards the next goal.
Have you tried the penile sleeve fix for the base pain? It seems to be the universal fix for this issue.
doublelongdaddy;424608 said:
Have you tried the penile sleeve fix for the base pain? It seems to be the universal fix for this issue.

Hi DLD. Haven't tried this yet since I have the X-40, but if I didn't I definitely would. Might need it soon though. I'll check it out.
04/12/2010 - X-40: Day (24) 2

Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 193
Girth: 53 diameter

Good second day back with the X-40. I hit 193 at the max, but felt there was more room to go. Didn't feel as strong of a pump today but I pumped completely suBathmateerged yesterday which accounts for the difference. Still getting some FR since I'm starting up again but It will go away quick enough.

I can also see my base girth starting to return. It had subsided during the time off from using the Bathmate and SG. I'll try for a stronger pump tomorrow and work to passing my old max length which I think will be achievable in a week if I can keep the daily use going. I need to hit the 200 mark soon.
J1L;424409 said:
Hi Dick_slinger. I think I answered this question earlier in this thread and you can search for the exact numbers if you would like.

Off the top of my head I've gained 0.5-0.75" of erect girth (the last bit came from using the Bathmate X-40 in conjunction with the Size Genetics Extender).

I went from a starting Bathmate measurement of approximately 160-165? and was hitting 194 when I stopped. Real world erect length gains approximately 0.5 - 0.75".

Definite, noticeable gains have been made and the Bathmate does in fact work. These gains are permanent, but like any gains even in bodybuilding, maintenance routines help.

Thanks for the reply buddy i appreciate it how long did it take to get the initial permanent gain of 0.5 inch? with a month? thanks
Dick_Slinger;424950 said:
Thanks for the reply buddy i appreciate it how long did it take to get the initial permanent gain of 0.5 inch? with a month? thanks

A couple of months? 2-3 maybe? I used the Bathmate for approximately 4-5 months total before waiting on the X-40 and taking a break shortly after that. The girth gains seemed to come quicker.
J1L;424956 said:
A couple of months? 2-3 maybe? I used the Bathmate for approximately 4-5 months total before waiting on the X-40 and taking a break shortly after that. The girth gains seemed to come quicker.

Same here but I stopped at .25"....I love my Bathmate but it wont stop making my penis larger!
05/06/2011 - X-40: Day (26) 1

Session: 15 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 192
Girth: 50 diameter

Finally had a chance to get back into the Bathmate. I can tell that I haven't used it as I'm not as full/large as before when I was using it on a daily basis. The good news is that after one session back, I'm already close to where I was before when I stopped using it. This tells me the growth from the Bathmate is permanent but like working out at the gym must be done regularly to maintain a full/pumped look.

I had zero fluid retention probably from the jelqs I did earlier in the day. Surprising that I was able to hit 192 quite easily as well since I usually can't get that length first session back after a long time away from the Bathmate. Maybe this is some growth from the SizeGenetics.
05/07/2011 - X-40: Day (26) 2

Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: New! - 197
Girth: 58 diameter

FINALLY I've gotten past the plateau that plagued me for WEEKS in the Bathmate. I was stuck at 194 for SO long for weeks, I think even months. I was using the SG with the Bathmate but seeing the same number for weeks at time really took it's toll and crushed my morale.

I felt like I wasn't gaining anymore so I stopped using the Bathmate and SG to take some time off. I returned to using the SG with some improved techniques over the last couple of months (though very inconsistently due to lack of available time for it). I just got back into the Bathmate X-40 yesterday and was able to hit a new record today of 197! 200 seemed so far away but it's so close. 200 was also my long term goal when I started with the Bathmate and SG. Anything beyond 200 is a bonus.

I attribute the length gains to the SG more than the Bathmate, but with more length there will be more girth gains as well. The X-40 will definitely help in increasing overall volume.

I'm not sure if this is a factor to the gains as well, but I've started drinking a ton of water now. 8-12 glasses a day.
J1L;429773 said:
FINALLY I've gotten past the plateau that plagued me for WEEKS in the Bathmate. I was stuck at 194 for SO long for weeks, I think even months. I was using the SG with the Bathmate but seeing the same number for weeks at time really took it's toll and crushed my morale.

Yes! Nothing like making it over that hump! I remember being stuck at a size and it seemed forever until I started to gain again. I remember just putting everything away for a couple days and really get my mind out of the funk. When I came back I started to gain again.
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