twins172_up;417514 said:glad to hear you getting the hang of the [words= ]X-40[/words]...i just got the [words= ]X-40[/words]...had about 3 sessions in it...i'm pumping up to 190mm...readjusting once or twice...i get the fluid build up...trying to figure out a way to stop that...but so far it feels good...i think i might have to get the [words= ]X-40[/words] in another month or so...but the [words= ]X-40[/words] is good for now...not tryingt over do it...good work
J1L;417934 said:I went in partially erect and that was most likely the problem. The [words= ]X-40[/words] is big and the more volume you can fill starting off, the better the pump and session is at least that's what I found when I use it. I was pretty frustrated with my Penis Enlargement sessions today. Will keep positive and hope for better results tomorrow.
doublelongdaddy;418000 said:You should try the stress ball method, it seems to be working well for another guy in your shoes. Basically just pick up one of the small, foam stress balls and pop it in the tube before you go in and the extra room is dealt with and the pump is amazing. Some balls are too big and mess with pressure, smaller ones are could even go with one of the square or triangle types to help avoid pressure loss.
J1L;418122 said:02/28/2010 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day 22
Session: 22 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 192
Girth: 55
Supplements: MultiVitamins
Had an okay session with the [words= ]X-40[/words] today. I didn't have a stress ball and tried a small plastic bag filled with air. It worked for a bit, but ended up blocking the pump after a while. I'll try and get a more suitable item.
The session went okay with a pump to 180 in just over a minute and 190 another couple of minutes after that. I had to re-adjust several times as I had some discomfort. At 10 minutes in I re-pumped from scratch and got a good position and was able to go for a bit longer without re-pumping.
I wasn't trying to pump too hard today and achieve maximum length, more just letting the [words= ]X-40[/words] do its thing. Some days I get more girth and less length and other days it's vice versa, today was more girth. Doesn't matter as long as gains are continuing.
jiggagold;418745 said:u should supplement with arginine, saw palmetto w pygeum, i find it very good for blood flow and sexual health, the saw palmetto w pygeum makes my dick leak like a runny faucet and i shoot monster loads.
J1L;420032 said:I'll be taking a break from the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for a while unless I end up using it which I'll post. I want to focus one length with the [words=]SG[/words] and seeing my length measured everyday from using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] isn't helping my motivation.
I'll definitely return to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] in a while.
Turnover;422426 said:Wow, finally had the chance to read through this whole thread I am very impressed. It is one of the best documented progress logs I've seen; informative and inspirational. Thanks for keeping such incredible updates J1L it is written very professionally, it was a pleasure to read. I learned so much reading through I would have never learned otherwise. 11 pages is HUGE and you have no rush for completing your goals, please don't forget to come back and update us on how your progress has come along in March 2011 and enjoy what you have already done. It is important not to burn out on exercising and give the penis plenty of time for healing and rest. Someone please tell me why this thread is not a sticky!?
Turnover;422426 said:Wow, finally had the chance to read through this whole thread I am very impressed. It is one of the best documented progress logs I've seen; informative and inspirational. Thanks for keeping such incredible updates J1L it is written very professionally, it was a pleasure to read. I learned so much reading through I would have never learned otherwise. 11 pages is HUGE and you have no rush for completing your goals, please don't forget to come back and update us on how your progress has come along in March 2011 and enjoy what you have already done. It is important not to burn out on exercising and give the penis plenty of time for healing and rest. Someone please tell me why this thread is not a sticky!?
[words=]MaleExtra[/words] is a product for men who seek to have bigger penis, harder erection, increase [words=]stamina[/words] in sex, and a better sex life without having any bad side effects. [words=]MaleExtra[/words] is a guaranteed male enhancement system and a complete penis enlargement.J1L;422650 said:I'll research the [words=]Male Extra[/words] ingredients and make sure they're safe before using them.
Dick_Slinger;424231 said:How much real world gains have you experinced so far?
SirKyle;424420 said:hey J1L, congrats on those gains
They're definitely impressive.
I'm wondering if you could say something about when and why you switched to the [words= ]X-40[/words]. Did you get the [words= ]X-40[/words] right away?
194 should still fit a [words= ]Herc[/words], so I'm wondering if you're unusually thick or I could maybe directly go for the [words= ]X-40[/words] myself, saving 100 bucks for the [words= ]Herc[/words], hehe![]()
SirKyle;424420 said:hey J1L, congrats on those gains
They're definitely impressive.
I'm wondering if you could say something about when and why you switched to the [words= ]X-40[/words]. Did you get the [words= ]X-40[/words] right away?
194 should still fit a [words= ]Herc[/words], so I'm wondering if you're unusually thick or I could maybe directly go for the [words= ]X-40[/words] myself, saving 100 bucks for the [words= ]Herc[/words], hehe![]()
doublelongdaddy;424608 said:Have you tried the penile sleeve fix for the base pain? It seems to be the universal fix for this issue.
J1L;424409 said:Hi Dick_slinger. I think I answered this question earlier in this thread and you can search for the exact numbers if you would like.
Off the top of my head I've gained 0.5-0.75" of erect girth (the last bit came from using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] [words= ]X-40[/words] in conjunction with the [words=]Size Genetics[/words] [words=]Extender[/words]).
I went from a starting [words= ]Bathmate[/words] measurement of approximately 160-165? and was hitting 194 when I stopped. Real world erect length gains approximately 0.5 - 0.75".
Definite, noticeable gains have been made and the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] does in fact work. These gains are permanent, but like any gains even in bodybuilding, maintenance routines help.
Dick_Slinger;424950 said:Thanks for the reply buddy i appreciate it how long did it take to get the initial permanent gain of 0.5 inch? with a month? thanks
J1L;424956 said:A couple of months? 2-3 maybe? I used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for approximately 4-5 months total before waiting on the [words= ]X-40[/words] and taking a break shortly after that. The girth gains seemed to come quicker.
J1L;429773 said:FINALLY I've gotten past the plateau that plagued me for WEEKS in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I was stuck at 194 for SO long for weeks, I think even months. I was using the [words=]SG[/words] with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] but seeing the same number for weeks at time really took it's toll and crushed my morale.
Kimodo;430771 said:I'll risk double entering.
J1L;430713 said:05/09/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day (26) 4
Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 197
Girth: 25 diameter
Good session with the [words= ]X-40[/words] today. I did 500 jelqs before using it and after several days back with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] the FR is gone. I pumped with 1 set at 20 minutes for as long as possible, adjusting only when absolutely necessary when there were comfort issues from pinched skin or testicles getting sucked into the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Excellent pressure today as well.
The [words= ]X-40[/words] has a black nib at the end that you push down to keep any air from exiting. I've been using this during the entire session to keep pump pressure at maximum. Before using this, I had to re-pump more frequently to keep my expanded length in the [words= ]X-40[/words]. Now it fluctuates very rarely with holding the nib. I'm not sure why the [words= ]X-40[/words] doesn't have one of these.
I modified my old [words= ]X-40[/words] sealing off the water release valve. It's hard to pump because you need some dexterity to push the release while pumping at the same time but you get much more constant pressure this way without any air escaping or minimizing it.
I'll try sets again next session to see if I can get back to my max length of 199 since a constant, single session yielded different results.
doublelongdaddy;430777 said:Why is this?
bonesawiseready;431040 said:what are your gains from the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]? how long have you been doing it for?
Kimodo;430771 said:Hi J1L
I just responded but don't see my comments so I'll risk double entering. Thanks for the update. By the way, my [words= ]Herc[/words] has the same relief valve as my [words= ]X-40[/words]. Are you sure about your [words= ]Herc[/words]?
BigBanker;430779 said:Hi J1L,
What are your net permanent gains from the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] so far? I'm wondering how long it takes to cement gains from the device. I've been going strong for about 5-6 weeks.
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend