bonesawiseready;431040 said:
what are your gains from the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]? how long have you been doing it for?

I used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] [words= ]X-40[/words] for a solid 4 months or so before going on a break and waiting for the [words= ]X-40[/words] to show up. Once I got the [words= ]X-40[/words], I haven't had time to keep a super steady routine like I did with the [words= ]X-40[/words].

My gains are listed in this thread in numerous places many times. Please check there for numbers.

Despite the numbers and gains, the question everyone wants answered is "Does it work, how long does it take, and how much can you gain?"

A: Yes it works. With a steady, consistent routine you WILL gain in both GIRTH and LENGTH. Girth comes a lot easier than length with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] in my personal experience. In fact, gaining girth can "shorten" your length in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] due to pressure and expansion.

A: It takes at least several weeks to cement any gains. By cementing that means if you stopped using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] after your gains will it stick around. You will gain day 1 but if you stopped using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] that temporary larger expansion will go away. I was using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] [words= ]X-40[/words] for 3-4 months straight with only weekend breaks.

A: How much you gain depends on your body type, how consistent your are, and how intense your sessions are. I'm a hard gainer so for me to gain anything it takes a lot of time, consistency and intensity. I've read of people gaining inches in 2 months. That's not me. Maybe that's you. Maybe it's not. Is using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] a time waster then? Definitely NOT. It works and I'm satisfied with the gains from these devices.
Hi J1L
I wish to comment on gains. On some other threads in other forums, it is brought up that your Tunica (sp?) , i.e. the cords which run both lengthwise and radially can be from one to three layers thick. I think in terms of the cord within a car tire which provides the strength to the rubber casing. OK, if you were born with three layers then it will take much longer to stretch in length because of so much resistance to expansion. The tunica remain soft after a session for up to 8-10 hours and hence you can benefit from the extra sizing for most of the day but if you pumped in the a.m. and then after your night's sleep, the cords have pulled back in to where one started, so back at it again. Some users may be able ton expand in a month or so while others may need up to a year. I believe I must have three layers. I am stuck or on a plateau.
Kimodo;431370 said:
Hi J1L
I wish to comment on gains. On some other threads in other forums, it is brought up that your Tunica (sp?) , i.e. the cords which run both lengthwise and radially can be from one to three layers thick. I think in terms of the cord within a car tire which provides the strength to the rubber casing. OK, if you were born with three layers then it will take much longer to stretch in length because of so much resistance to expansion. The tunica remain soft after a session for up to 8-10 hours and hence you can benefit from the extra sizing for most of the day but if you pumped in the a.m. and then after your night's sleep, the cords have pulled back in to where one started, so back at it again. Some users may be able ton expand in a month or so while others may need up to a year. I believe I must have three layers. I am stuck or on a plateau.

Take a break, change your routine, do a type of exercise you usually never do or get a catalyst (like [words=]Size Genetics[/words] or other device) to help out. This worked for me and I'm also a hard gainer that was recently stuck on a plateau. Good luck!
05/14/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day (30) 1

Session: 25 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 198
Girth: ? diameter

I reset the days counter since it's been almost a week when I last used the [words= ]X-40[/words]. Really need to get a consistent day to day routine going but I just can't find the time right now.

The session was great with very strong pressure. I started the session after using my [words=]SG[/words] for 1.5 hours and entered the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] erect. There wasn't any air in the chamber and resulted in an incredibly strong pump. I hit 190 within a couple of minutes and had to work my way to 198 throughout the session re-pumping every 7 minutes.

Now that I'm settling in to [words= ]Bathmate[/words] use again with little to no FR, it's much more effective and I'm no longer getting temporary ridiculous girth gains. Visually it's not as impressive as the Coke can girth, but exercise-wise it's much better for gains.

I used to get great morning EQ when using the [words=]SG[/words], but haven't as much lately. Now that I started using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] again, the morning EQ is good again. Proof that your body adapts and needs change to stimulate growth. It could also be that the [words=]SG[/words] is more effective now that I'm getting better at using it and the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session helps restore blood flow for quicker healing.
I have a [words=]SG[/words] from last summer. It seemed that whenever I used it, all it did was give me pain and stretch my penis just under the glans. My little guy started to look like Ichabod Crane or a giraffe if you don't recall who Ichabod was. Ok. I'll hawk it out while relaxing later today and see what happens.
Kimodo;431433 said:
I have a [words=]SG[/words] from last summer. It seemed that whenever I used it, all it did was give me pain and stretch my penis just under the glans. My little guy started to look like Ichabod Crane or a giraffe if you don't recall who Ichabod was. Ok. I'll hawk it out while relaxing later today and see what happens.

You can modify the head piece with soft cloth so it takes some of the direct intensity away.
Kimodo;431433 said:
I have a [words=]SG[/words] from last summer. It seemed that whenever I used it, all it did was give me pain and stretch my penis just under the glans. My little guy started to look like Ichabod Crane or a giraffe if you don't recall who Ichabod was. Ok. I'll hawk it out while relaxing later today and see what happens.

Use cloth instead of the memory foam as DLD suggested (I use an 8.5" x 1.5" thin piece of cotton cut from an old t-shirt) and USE THE VELCRO modification. I know what you mean by giraffe. The problem is that you're not securing the glands directly to the end piece and as a result, you're getting slippage and dragging your glands back causing a kink in your penis. This is very bad for gains and comfort.

When you secure the glands to the end piece, the strap should be parallel to the end piece. If the comfort strap is getting pulled back in a "U" shape, you're not strapped in tight enough. The velcro modification will stop this. You also need to start with less rods. Makes sure you can strap in to the [words=]SG[/words] with the strap and end piece flush. Use the thumbscrews to adjust the length beyond where you started comfortably.

If you're trying to start off too long, you'll also get the pull back and slippage then the "giraffe". I'm not saying you're doing this, but it might be causing that kink (as it has for me before). Velcro + cloth + start off slow. Once you know how it feels with securely strapped with a good stretch, you'll never stop using it.

You don't have to use the cloth, the memory foam and velcro works as well but the cloth is a more secure. Good luck!
05/15/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day (30) 2

Session: 24 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 199
Girth: 52 diameter

I started today's [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session with 800 jelqs before entering erect. The pressure was very intense today and at 180 it felt like my penis was being crushed but in a good [words= ]Bathmate[/words] way. I had very little air in the chamber and continued to pump to 190. At 7 minutes in I re-adjusted for a more comfortable fit and again at 18 minutes in. I worked the rocker pumps and circular pumps very hard and was able to peak at 199 which I thought would be unachievable for this session due to the pressure at 180 earlier. Overall a solid session today with barely any FR and regular girth. If I can keep up the day to day use and consistency I feel big gains are about to be made as I'm not having any issues with [words= ]X-40[/words] as I had when I first got it with time to build up pressure and discomfort.

I still get some discomfort here and there but the pump sessions are solid and very intense.
J1L;431534 said:
Use cloth instead of the memory foam as DLD suggested (I use an 8.5" x 1.5" thin piece of cotton cut from an old t-shirt) and USE THE VELCRO modification. I know what you mean by giraffe. The problem is that you're not securing the glands directly to the end piece and as a result, you're getting slippage and dragging your glands back causing a kink in your penis. This is very bad for gains and comfort. !

When you secure the glands to the end piece, the strap should be parallel to the end piece. If the comfort strap is getting pulled back in a "U" shape, you're not strapped in tight enough. The velcro modification will stop this. You also need to start with less rods. Makes sure you can strap in to the [words=]SG[/words] with the strap and end piece flush. Use the thumbscrews to adjust the length beyond where you started comfortably.

OK, now I am INTERESTED. Please explain at the risk of doing it again, what you mean by cloth and velcro. What do you mean by velcro modification? Yes I do want to straighten it out etc,.
Last edited:
Kimodo;431704 said:
When you secure the glands to the end piece, the strap should be parallel to the end piece. If the comfort strap is getting pulled back in a "U" shape, you're not strapped in tight enough. The velcro modification will stop this. You also need to start with less rods. Makes sure you can strap in to the [words=]SG[/words] with the strap and end piece flush. Use the thumbscrews to adjust the length beyond where you started comfortably.

OK, now I am INTERESTED. Please explain at the risk of doing it again, what you mean by cloth and velcro. What do you mean by velcro modification? Yes I do want to straighten it out etc,.

SizeGenetics Velcro Modification
J1L, Back on May 15, you commented on successfully "using either the foam or cloth but the cloth is more secure". OK, I was always instructed to use the foam just below or behind the glans so the glans is showing completely, Is the cloth applied in the same manner, on the shaft just below the glans so the glans is sitting proud? I am anticipating this as it would provide a good tug on the shaft itself. Thanks for the picture of securing the velcro by the way.
Kimodo;431890 said:
J1L, Back on May 15, you commented on successfully "using either the foam or cloth but the cloth is more secure". OK, I was always instructed to use the foam just below or behind the glans so the glans is showing completely, Is the cloth applied in the same manner, on the shaft just below the glans so the glans is sitting proud? I am anticipating this as it would provide a good tug on the shaft itself. Thanks for the picture of securing the velcro by the way.

You can thank DLD. He posted the link.

As for the cloth, it's exactly as you described. Make sure when wrapped it's not too thick as this reduced the effectiveness of the stretch.
05/16/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day (30) 4

Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 197
Girth: 56 diameter

I started with 800 jelqs and some other girth exercises (I can't remember what it's called but your penis is partially erect, you hold the glands, bend the penis, and work the bend up and down).

The expansion was insane by doing these exercises beforehand. I couldn't get too 199 and even 197 was very difficult with the girth routine. I was able to add 4mms to my girth diameter out of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with zero fluid retention. I usually average around 50-52mm without any FR.

I'm going for length more than girth right now and this may work against it but the session was good either way. Really strong pressure from the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I did this right away after using the [words=]SG[/words] which wasn't a good idea since there was discomfort from the base of the [words=]SG[/words] chaffing against the testicles and the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] amplified this a bit.
05/18/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day (30) 5

Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 194
Girth: 52 diameter

Had lots of comfort issues today and I'm not sure why. The pump pressure was very intense and I wasn't able to pump as much as usual. I've noticed that my flaccid girth has increased quite a bit since getting back to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I had to constantly adjust and re-pump through the entire session many times. Just an off day maybe. I'll try for a better session next time.
05/19-20/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day (30) 7

Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 190-195
Girth: 52-51 diameter

Not much luck with the max length in the last 2 sessions due to girth gains and pump intensity. Instead of going for max length, I'm pumping as much as I can that's comfortable and letting the [words= ]X-40[/words] do its thing without forcing it. If I force it, it's not as comfortable and more re-pumping is needed.

I measured erect girth today at 6"! I was always close to 6" but not quite there. Taking a break from the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and coming back has helped with additional gains. The reason I took a break in the first place was seeing the same length for weeks on end while using the [words=]SG[/words] was bad for morale. Now I realize that I'm still gaining in length and in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] it's really working more on girth (at least for me anyway).

The several times I've taken a break from the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and come back my max-length is usually longer probably due to a reduction in volume from not pumping for a while. This helps me with gains mentally because I'm no longer discouraged by length measurements in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

The short term goal is no 6.25" in EG and a long term goal of 6.5" in EG. 7" in EG may be too much.
I agree-I've taken to not measuring very much lately other than stretched length in the [words=]extender[/words] (which is for purposes of additional gauge of tension and if it's a "good" session or not). I think it can have a bad effect on morale. 5H is a lot in one day, bet your dick was dead by the end of it, I know mine is.

Also, I too agree that 7" is likely too much for the typical girl on girth. They want to be filled up, not torn.
05/23/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day (30) 8

Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 194
Girth: 51 diameter

Not much [words= ]Bathmate[/words] use lately, but the one session I had before running out of time was really good. Zero FR and a strong pump throughout the whole session. I had to re-adjust every 7 minutes and just let the pump do the work. I didn't pump for high pressure or length, just to get the circulation going after using the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words]. I really want to get more time with the [words= ]X-40[/words] as I seemed to start hitting a good stride with [words= ]Bathmate[/words] use and the pump felt more effective than ever.
J1L;434334 said:
05/23/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day (30) 8

Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 194
Girth: 51 diameter

Not much [words= ]Bathmate[/words] use lately, but the one session I had before running out of time was really good. Zero FR and a strong pump throughout the whole session. I had to re-adjust every 7 minutes and just let the pump do the work. I didn't pump for high pressure or length, just to get the circulation going after using the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words]. I really want to get more time with the [words= ]X-40[/words] as I seemed to start hitting a good stride with [words= ]Bathmate[/words] use and the pump felt more effective than ever.

Sometimes taking a break is the best thing you can do!
06/08/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day (38) 1

Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 185-195
Girth: NA

Finally had some time to get back to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I've changed my approach to using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Instead of going for a maximum pump/pressure and length, I am pumping around 75-85% of maximum length and pressure and just letting the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] do it's job. I find this puts me in a better mental space since I'm not looking at the measurements for max length on a daily basis. I did something similar with the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] where I'm not pushing 100% and finding that the results of gains are going faster.

Hopefully it'll be the same with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I'll let the [words=]SG[/words] take care of length and use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for girth and overall volume but at a lower intensity.
Sometimes a change up in routine is all you need to get things moving faster. If the penis becomes used to any exercise that does not change in form or intensity the results may become stagnant. It is good to add pressure, increase intensity and even throw some random exercises in for good measure. Always switch-up, step-up and keep things moving.
06/10/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day (38) 2

Session: 25 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 185-195
Girth: 58

I had some time to use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] after 5 hours of various bridge stretches in the [words=]SG[/words]. They really help stretch girth and it showed when I used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] after. There was some fluid retention, but not a crazy amount and my penis was the thickest I've ever seen it. I kept the pump around 190 most of the time. I tried to pump to a really high pressure but didn't feel as much intensity as usual, but had much greater results. It may be because of the [words=]SG[/words] bridge stretches really working the stretch on girth.
06/13/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day (38) 3

Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 185-195
Girth: 56

Great session today and very effective after the [words=]SG[/words] bridge stretches. My girth is noticeable thicker after this [words=]SG[/words] exercise with barely any FR. This is helping with recovery and blood flow. I am no longer pumping to maximum intensity. I'm letting the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] do it's thing around 85-95% max pump. After the [words=]SG[/words] bridge stretches I feel like I can take a lot more pressure and sometimes over pump because of this.
06/14-16/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words]: Day (44)

Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 185-195
Girth: 52-56

Another catch up post. I'm continuing to use the [words=]SG[/words] at 80-90% intensity and getting really good sessions out of this. There's not a lot of discomfort and no pressure buildup problems with the [words= ]X-40[/words]. Still wanting to get in 5 days a week, but that's not happening.

The [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is more of a Penis Enlargement maintenance tool until I can get more time in it to make some gains.
Get it in when you can, it is not going anywhere:) Just leave it in a place where you will see it everyday so you will feel guilty for not using it:)
black-angus;438009 said:
i see some people are using it twice a day I wanna no wat u guys prefer i use it once for 20min session 1x a day

10 Minutes Jelq
10 Minutes [words= ]Bathmate[/words]
10 Minutes Jelq
10 Minutes [words= ]Bathmate[/words]:)
07/13/2011 - [words= ]X-40[/words] Day (44) 1

Session: 20 minutes
Method: Bath
Max Length: 185-198
Girth: 56

Finally had time to hit the [words= ]X-40[/words] after using the [words=]SG[/words] for several days in a row. I did 600 jelqs for a warmup and the pump was intense. I pumped very easily to 190 which usually takes me at least several minutes so I may have gained some length. I entered the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] fully erect and building up pressure was no problem. Barely any comfort issues either. I find the more volume you fill in the [words= ]X-40[/words], the more comfortable it is when in use.

Very good return session and I want to hit the Penis Enlargement hard again. Very motivated now especially with getting back into the [words=]SG[/words] and bridge stretching.
Back again using the BathmateG for 20 minutes a day, several times a week. In total, I've used the BathmateG for less than a year. I've picked up again after a long break and the comfort foam has fallen off. Same problem as my BathmateH, the water and use over time makes it fall off.

I'll probably order replacements from BathmateUK as a 3 pack with shipping ($30) is $10 than what they want here for 1 replacement pad ($20).

Usually using the BathmateG after jelqing or a [words=]SG[/words] session. I haven't used a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for a really long time and figured I would give the BathmateH a go. The base was plugged after a couple of minutes and I had to resort to the BathmateG. This is proof that the gains stick. Might have slightly less girth than when using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] regularly, but still retained most of it.

On average I'm hitting around 190-195cms without pumping the BathmateG really hard. Getting a strong, secure pump and the break seems to have done some good. I was tired of doing Penis Enlargement and am now motivated to do another round. If I have time I'm doing DLDs [words=]SSJ[/words] routine with the BathmateG.

Other than the comfort ring, I'm still happy with my purchase.
Did you find once you maxed out your [words= ]X-40[/words], and switched to the [words= ]X-40[/words] that you got even bigger temporary pump gains after a session, or did you find that since the [words= ]X-40[/words] is so much bigger, it gave less suction than the [words= ]X-40[/words], because the [words= ]X-40[/words] is literally hugging your penis?

My problem is the base of the [words= ]X-40[/words] is leaving rings in my penis, and I Know for sure that if the base were bigger, I'd be getting better base gains. So I ordered a [words= ]X-40[/words]. Just wondering if I'll experience the same suction and gains or better/worse?
I want to know about how discolored your dick is after all of this work! I am hesitant to start Penis Enlargement because I won't tolerate permanent discoloration. Is it inevitable with Penis Enlargement? What about if I only use [words= ]Bathmate[/words]??
MikeShlort;476973 said:
Did you find once you maxed out your [words= ]X-40[/words], and switched to the [words= ]X-40[/words] that you got even bigger temporary pump gains after a session, or did you find that since the [words= ]X-40[/words] is so much bigger, it gave less suction than the [words= ]X-40[/words], because the [words= ]X-40[/words] is literally hugging your penis?

My problem is the base of the [words= ]X-40[/words] is leaving rings in my penis, and I Know for sure that if the base were bigger, I'd be getting better base gains. So I ordered a [words= ]X-40[/words]. Just wondering if I'll experience the same suction and gains or better/worse?

From what I can remember, the temporary gain was bigger only because I plugged the
[words= ]X-40[/words] with the base of my penis. I was unable to pump anymore because of the blockage. If it wasn't for that I would have stuck with the [words= ]X-40[/words]. I also started getting torn skin from the ring impressions at the base of my penis and would have to take a break waiting for it to heal which threw off my routine.

Overall it's a great purchase. I don't think you can go wrong. It wasn't as easy to get a strong suction off the bat but after a couple of weeks, the pump was strong and solid probably from gaining size that I couldn't gain in the [words= ]X-40[/words]. DLD had a great idea to use small rubber balls like those on a keychain to help fill up the negative space to get a stronger pump. I didn't do this and just worked up my penis to size but it will help if you're looking for a stronger suction and pump.

Now that I'm adjusted, the pump is just as good if not better than the [words= ]X-40[/words] but without the rings, base of penis pain or torn skin. Good luck.
peppersss;477820 said:
I want to know about how discolored your dick is after all of this work! I am hesitant to start Penis Enlargement because I won't tolerate permanent discoloration. Is it inevitable with Penis Enlargement? What about if I only use [words= ]Bathmate[/words]??

My penis has changed in color since starting Penis Enlargement and is a constant change as you progress. It may affect some people more than others. If your goal is a bigger penis you have to accept that it will change in size and possibly color. I was worried about this at first but the gains are worth it. I really don't care because it doesn't look like it doesn't belong on my body other than the larger than normal size.
Just used the BathmateG today after some time off and I focused on measurement inside of it even though I said I wouldn't do that anymore. Reason being I've been using the [words=]SG[/words] regularly and wanted to see if there were any in [words= ]Bathmate[/words] gains and there was.

I checked my last posts with measurements and I topped out at 198 in the BathmateG after consistent use. I'm glad to say I hit 200 without any crazy pumping or rocker pumps. I was able to pump to 190 with ease. The [words=]SG[/words] has definitely added length and the BathmateG measurement shows the same result.

I saw the pics that RedZulu posted in his blog of DLD and it inspired me to get back to more Penis Enlargement and using DLDs [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretching routine. It's amazing that he can still make gains after all of the Penis Enlargement he's done. No reason why I can't add another inch quickly.

I pumped the BathmateG to 190-200 with ease and did a combination of stretches and just letting the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] do it's thing. I'm sure if I pushed it harder I can hit over 200 no problem. This is a huge bencHydromaxark for me because I could never quite reach 200 in the BathmateG. Now that I've broken the plateau I'm going to start hitting the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches daily to supplement my daily [words=]SG[/words] routine.

My new goal is to hit 210 in the BathmateG which used to be an unrealistic dream but is now completely within reason. Just shows you should never give up and even if you're doing a little bit of Penis Enlargement it will still give you results and lead you closer to what your goals. Just don't stop.
I was using the BathmateG at full pump doing an extended stretching routine for the whole 20 minute session. I have extreme fluid retention. It must be from the increased pump pressure from tugging on the BathmateG. I would recommend doing the stretches at a little below maximum pump pressure or halving the time of the session. I did 600 jelqs before using the BathmateG which usually eliminates and FR but the pressure must have been too much. Just a note for anyone else doing this.

It may also help if you do jelqs halfway through the stretch session.
Thanks for this info, I'm having trouble with fluid retention with my [words= ]Herc[/words] (still waiting for [words= ]X-40[/words] :/). I'll try jelquing in the middle of workout rather than just at beginning and end.
MikeShlort;478443 said:
Thanks for this info, I'm having trouble with fluid retention with my [words= ]Herc[/words] (still waiting for [words= ]X-40[/words] :/). I'll try jelquing in the middle of workout rather than just at beginning and end.

How long have you been using the BathmateH for and how consistently? Your penis should adjust after a week of consistent use. Also depends how hard you are pumping. I know you want maximum pump pressure for maximum results, but try going 80% max pump and building up to 100%. I know this helps for sure. I got FR because it was my first day back in weeks in addition to extreme stretching exercises. FR would be a lot less if I tried this after several days of regular use.
MikeShlort;478443 said:
Thanks for this info, I'm having trouble with fluid retention with my [words= ]Herc[/words] (still waiting for [words= ]X-40[/words] :/). I'll try jelquing in the middle of workout rather than just at beginning and end.

I find the best rhytHydromax is 5-8 minutes pumping followed by the same jelqing and I will do 3 sets. This keeps expansion high and retention low.
doublelongdaddy;478467 said:
I find the best rhytHydromax is 5-8 minutes pumping followed by the same jelqing and I will do 3 sets. This keeps expansion high and retention low.

Thanks DLD. I'm trying the Dan Clizer 6x6 method and getting great expansion results, but finding the bottom of my foreskin is huge the next day, tender and puffy. Same thing happened when I was doing my old routine (jelq, 10+ minutes pump, jelq, 10+ minutes pump). I really think that the problem is because the [words= ]X-40[/words] is too small for me now, and when I pump more, rather than expanding, it's just pulling the bottom of my foreskin to the top of the tube. I'm sucked right up against the plastic by the first or second pump, so there is nowhere else for me to go except up. And the way my penis is shaped, the bottom of my foreskin is what gets pulled. I've even been taking it easy on pumping pressure lately and still get this problem. Hoping once the [words= ]X-40[/words] gets here I can pump full without this problem.
J1L;478450 said:
How long have you been using the BathmateH for and how consistently? Your penis should adjust after a week of consistent use. Also depends how hard you are pumping. I know you want maximum pump pressure for maximum results, but try going 80% max pump and building up to 100%. I know this helps for sure. I got FR because it was my first day back in weeks in addition to extreme stretching exercises. FR would be a lot less if I tried this after several days of regular use.

Thanks for your response again J1L. I've been pumping pretty much every day since the end of January. I started out only doing two pumping sets, but longer times (up to 12 minutes) and I really pumped it hard. But now I lay off the pumping pressure but do more pumps (6 sets of 6 mins). I think a lot of it has to do with the fact I'm getting too big for the [words= ]X-40[/words]. I ordered the [words= ]X-40[/words] over a month ago because this was starting to happen but still waiting for it. I don't want to stop pumping though because I'll lose most of my gains. I've only been doing the 6x6 routine for a few weeks and had a few days off in there, so I'll build up like you say and hopefully that'll help.
Thanks again for your info about switching from [words= ]Herc[/words] to [words= ]X-40[/words], I know it will come in handy once I get the [words= ]X-40[/words], seeing as how much bigger it will be than the [words= ]X-40[/words]
MikeShlort;478503 said:
Thanks for your response again J1L. I've been pumping pretty much every day since the end of January. I started out only doing two pumping sets, but longer times (up to 12 minutes) and I really pumped it hard. But now I lay off the pumping pressure but do more pumps (6 sets of 6 mins). I think a lot of it has to do with the fact I'm getting too big for the [words= ]X-40[/words]. I ordered the [words= ]X-40[/words] over a month ago because this was starting to happen but still waiting for it. I don't want to stop pumping though because I'll lose most of my gains. I've only been doing the 6x6 routine for a few weeks and had a few days off in there, so I'll build up like you say and hopefully that'll help.
Thanks again for your info about switching from [words= ]Herc[/words] to [words= ]X-40[/words], I know it will come in handy once I get the [words= ]X-40[/words], seeing as how much bigger it will be than the [words= ]X-40[/words]

Same thing happened to me. Waiting for the [words= ]X-40[/words] and not being able to use the [words= ]X-40[/words]. Patience is a virtue in this case and when you greeted it I'm sure you'll be a lot happier. Do you have a [words=]SG[/words] too? I find this my favorite method for Penis Enlargement and I use it a lot more often than the BathmateG now because it's easier to set up. I still like the BathmateG but it take more commitment and time. If you're not getting a great pump in the BathmateH, try doing some DLD girth balsters and other exercises until you get the BathmateG. A change in routine is beneficial for gains.
MikeShlort;478503 said:
Thanks again for your info about switching from [words= ]Herc[/words] to [words= ]X-40[/words], I know it will come in handy once I get the [words= ]X-40[/words], seeing as how much bigger it will be than the [words= ]X-40[/words]

Wonder how many have made this switch???
One day off and back to the BathmateG the next day. Didn't get as much length in the pump as last time for two reasons I can think of. 1 used BathmateG after a huge workout and 2 the previous session was done after several plus hours in the [words=]SG[/words].

A lot less FR this time even with exercises while I adjust to using the BathmateG again. Going to try again tonight after several hours of [words=]SG[/words] to see if that is a factor in max length achieved during a session.

If the results are better after [words=]SG[/words] use I would definitely recommend this as a set of excercises as even a temporary 1cm gain while pumping is a huge gain.
After several more BathmateG sessions using the [words=]SG[/words] for several hours before pumping I've gotten between 0.5-1.0cm length gain. Doing DLDs [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretch routine also helps get in some extra length. If you are going for length I suggest this type of routine where you stretch for an extended period of time before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].
J1L;479612 said:
After several more BathmateG sessions using the [words=]SG[/words] for several hours before pumping I've gotten between 0.5-1.0cm length gain. Doing DLDs [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretch routine also helps get in some extra length. If you are going for length I suggest this type of routine where you stretch for an extended period of time before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

Expression will take off especially when users like yourself use it. Thanks for carrying the torch and spreading the word. [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Hardcore stretches are something all men should try, the ability to gain length when you follow these principles makes gaining so much faster with so much more potential.
Great post J1L. I am at the same point as you, trying to gain length with an [words=]extender[/words] and [words= ]Bathmate[/words].
I have a couple questions though regarding the DLD hardcore stretches.

First off, are you stretching right before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]?

When you are using the BathmateG and doing the hardcore stretch, are you testicles in the tube or out? I've been doing the stretches with the [words= ]X-40[/words] and I find when I pull on the tube, my testicles want to get sucked into the tube.

How hard are you pulling? Did you start with light force and work your way up?

Is it DLD's hardcore stretch routine you're following or did you add in anything?

And last, the 0.5-1cm length gain, did you measure this with a ruler while erect or are you measuring using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] length gauge?

I know these are a lot of questions, but I've always had trouble with length. I can't seem to ever break 7" so any advice you can give me will be a great help. Thanks a lot!
MikeShlort;479664 said:
Great post J1L. I am at the same point as you, trying to gain length with an [words=]extender[/words] and [words= ]Bathmate[/words].
I have a couple questions though regarding the DLD hardcore stretches.

First off, are you stretching right before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]?

I will try and do at least 300 jelqs beforee using the BathmateG. For length, yes it would make sense to stretch first.

When you are using the BathmateG and doing the hardcore stretch, are you testicles in the tube or out? I've been doing the stretches with the [words= ]X-40[/words] and I find when I pull on the tube, my testicles want to get sucked into the tube.

Never in the tube, won't fit. I tried.

How hard are you pulling? Did you start with light force and work your way up?

I pull as hard as possible but never to a point where it's painful. Haven't ever experienced pain from doing [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches.

Is it DLD's hardcore stretch routine you're following or did you add in anything?

I think straight up following DLDs routine from what I remember. Haven't used the BathmateG for ages.

And last, the 0.5-1cm length gain, did you measure this with a ruler while erect or are you measuring using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] length gauge?

Gauge and ruler. Ruler is best, gauge is just a quick check but there are too many factors that can slightly alter the reading.

I know these are a lot of questions, but I've always had trouble with length. I can't seem to ever break 7" so any advice you can give me will be a great help. Thanks a lot!

Reply is in the quote above under each question.

Get an [words=]SG[/words] to break 7" if you don't have one. Or you can do lots of manual stretching. The [words=]SG[/words] has been like gold to me and worth every penny. If you read my [words=]SG[/words] thread you'll notice it's the only device I still use due to my busy schedule. BathmateG is nice, but it definitely takes a back seat since length gains are my current primary goal.
[words=]SG[/words] has gained me .75"-1" since I started using it. NBPenis EnlargementL too. I'm a hard gainer though and have definitely put in over a year with the [words=]SG[/words]. It also takes time to get good at using it just like the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and BathmateG. I think my gains came easier when I stopped measuring. I focused on being consistent and using the techniques properly and not worrying about measuring. That's another reason I stopped with the BathmateG. Seeing the measurement all the time just became discouraging and I was at a plateau for what seemed like a long time. Focus on the journey not the goal.
Last edited:
J1L;515661 said:
SG has gained me .75"-1" since I started using it. NBPenis EnlargementL too.

SG has gained me .75"-1" since I started using it. NBPenis EnlargementL too. Fucking Incredible!
Wow thanks for replying to my question, that was ages ago, I haven't pumped since late April, around when I asked that.

You're lucky to have gained that much from [words=]SG[/words]. I've had one since January and I've only gained in BPFSL. .75" NBPenis EnlargementL is amazing. Well done.

So you're able to do hardcore stretches with the [words= ]X-40[/words]? You must have a huge cock? When I used it, I felt that it would not be possible to do them with [words= ]X-40[/words] due to my penis being so far from the edge of the plastic.

I have been extending for 9-10 months now, along with manual stretching. I have now added hanging into my routine slowly and my routine will become a proper Bib hanging routine. Hopefully that gets me that 1" NBPenis EnlargementL gain.

Thanks for answering my questions
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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