Day 25/7 - 09/22/2010
- second number is for consecutive days, first number is for overall number of days since first using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]

Session: 20 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 177
Width: 5.0

I did 1000 jelqs in the morning and another 750 at night before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I'm continuing with my girth routine for now. As previously confirmed, entering the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] erect + aroused results in less maximum length due to a stronger pump.

I usually have trouble getting past the low 170s but was able to get to 177. This wasn't easy and took a lot of hard rocker pumps. I was pumping every last drop of water I could out of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and the pump was very intense. I think the extra jelqs may account for the extra length.

I've noticed a lot more girth when flaccid these days from using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and the results seem to last a lot longer than before. Instead of a couple of hours, the pump is going for over 12 hours. Fluid retention is no longer an issue since I've gone to 1 [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session per day and doing lots of jelqs before using it.
Excellent that you are settling into a good rhytHydromax with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], it looks to be really paying off.
Day 26/8 - 09/23/2010
- second number is for consecutive days, first number is for overall number of days since first using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]

Session: 20 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 177
Width: 5.0

600 Jelqs before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I was able to hit 170 in less than 4 minutes and was at 177 from 8 minutes until the end of the session. It didn't matter how much I pumped I couldn't get past 177.

Note that if you want a visual estimate of your progress, suBathmateerge the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] completely underwater. If it's out the of water you get too much distortion and a poor read.

Thanks DLD. I'm going to move on to your bundled stretches when I switch to my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] length routine at Day 14.
Day 27/9 - 09/27/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 174
Width: 5.0

Today's session was okay not great. Started with 600 Jelqs and struggled at 160. It took a lot to ignore the strength of the pump, comfort problems and re-adjustment several times. I finally got to 170 at 10 minutes into the session and pumped to 174 with no more room for movement even at the end of the session.

I took 3 days off instead of the usual 1 or 2 rest days and had intercourse a couple of times. This makes jelqing and the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] less effective. I find with recent sexual activity that Penis Enlargement is less effective (in my case). [words= ]Bathmate[/words] pressure feels much stronger and it could be that the penis isn't fully healed or in a state that can withstand the pressure of the pump. Tomorrows session should be better.
Day 28/10 - 09/28/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 175
Width: 5.0
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

www. potency. instantbreakthroughs. com/TSPR-FreeVersion. pdf
Take out the spaces. I was reading more about Penis Enlargement today after seeing the [words=]Penis Bible[/words] but there didn't seem to be any info about it. I saw some info on the forums here about Riccardo Gueli and his diet of superfoods. I've used [words=]Penis Enlargement pills[/words] before and have used herbal supplements before and have also seen the results of herbal supplements (on my ex-gf).

I went out to my health store right away and bought the three ingredients. Maca Powder, Cacao Nibs, and Goji Berries. To my surprise I could feel increased blood flow to my penis after 30 minutes. I decided to do my morning 800 jelq session and found my erection harder and at a higher angle than usual. I took this mixture with whole organic milk and I definitely noticed the results.

I think with this supplement, the ROP and [words= ]Bathmate[/words] there are some great gains to be made. I'm not really into hormone stuff, only things you can get from nature. The other mixture I was looking at was Lysine and Arginine to boost HGH but not sure if it's a good idea.

Before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] at night, I did 700 jelqs but the result wasn't as good as earlier with the supplement. I will try using the supplement 30 minutes or so before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] when I can and report the results.

I moved past 174 in length where I've been stuck the last couple of sessions to 175. If it wasn't for comfort issues, I could have probably gotten closer to 180. The pressure from the pump was very strong again and took some time to get settled in. The chamber was full of water with minimal air. I'll try more air tomorrow and see if that helps with the length and lessen the pump.

I was also going to try the supplement before bed, but Cacao makes your heartbeat faster and it probably won't help me go to sleep. Might be a good time to heal from Penis Enlargement though. Either that or first thing in the morning with a smoothie for breakfast.

A regular [words= ]Bathmate[/words] day, but a very exciting day for supplements. I know Riccardo is on this forum so thanks for releasing this information! It will definitely change my Penis Enlargement results.
jiggy99;399907 said:
wow thats alot of length gains for [words= ]Bathmate[/words]? didn't know its possible.

The [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is one of the best inventions of Penis Enlargement, when used the right way you will make gains very quickly.
My [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with Daily Updates - 29/11

Day 29/11 - 09/29/2010

Session: 17 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 182-183 (previous 181)
Width: 5.0
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

600 jelqs in the morning. 600 jelqs for the night session before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Having comfort issues for the last several days. Making it really difficult to keep the right state of mind and be relaxed for proper [words= ]Bathmate[/words] use. Instead of doing the pump and holding on since my session was filled with re-adjustments, I decided to do the pump and release method. Pump to max pressure, release a bit of air and pump again.

I was able to get to 182 with this method with 75-80% pump pressure. I wasn't able to go for the usual 20 minutes, but this tells me the elasticity of my penis and potential gains are still going up despite the issues. I've started light stretching before jelqing so that may have helped with the length increase in addition to TSPR supplements. Even if you're working mostly on girth, length is also being improved.

Very tired today. I'm sure the results will be better tomorrow. Positive session for more experimentation and length gains, not as good for an uninterrupted session.
Day 30/12 - 09/30/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: deep bath
Max: 183
Width: 5.4
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

Tonight's [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session was incredible. No major comfort issues helped a lot. I started with no stretching and 800 jelqs but I noticed that my penis seemed longer. When you jelq daily, you know where you're at but today seemed different. I wasn't as engorged as usual and attributed it to a visual trick where thinner also looks longer. Strangely, I felt like I could jelq for hours today at a 70% erection.

To my surprise I was able to hit a new length max. 183 solid (means it could be 184, but I want to be close to 185 before I call it that) at 17 minutes into the session. I kept pumping past 20 minutes just to see if I could go another mm, but I couldn't.

I got to 170 within 2 minutes using the pump and release method only several times. After that point it was regular pumps for the rest of the session. I attribute that the supplements I'm taking may have something to do with my 2mm gain over the last 3 days. Whatever it is, it's working.

A great session today. It feels great to be 2cm's away from 8 inches considering I'm oriental. I have full confidence that with continued use, the ROP and TSPR supplements, I'll be there a lot sooner than I would have thought possible. I'm guessing the results would be even better for easy gainers like the guys that can pack on muscle quickly or cut fat quickly.

If you don't have a [words= ]Bathmate[/words], stop reading this and order it off a link from this site. I got mine from the Canadian site and can vouch for their service. Best thing I've ever purchased. Same with TSPR supplements.
Day 31/13 - 10/03/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 174
Width: 5.1
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

I took my weekend rest days early and got back to it on Sunday. Started with 600 jelqs to warmup. I was only able to get to 174, but it usually takes me another day after resting to continue from where I was at the end of the previous week. I eliminated the comfort issues from last week by simply not trying to make the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] fit better. I was rotating the pump slightly after every pump to loosen the area around the [words=]gaiter[/words]. That was actually making things worse and work less effectively.

Now I pump from the default position and don't try to move the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] too much for any type of adjustment. This works MUCH better. I did the standard pump and release but noticed at 174 and 20 minutes into the session, I really wasn't feeling the pump so much. I knew I could get a better length and receive a better pump as well so it will have to be left for next time.

I also took a break from wearing the ROP and TSPR supplements on my days off. Too much of anything is never good.
Day 31/14 - 10/05/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 183-184
Width: 5.5
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

I had another unplanned day off but got to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] earlier than usual. As with the previous post, all comfort issues have been eliminated and I've also gone back to a regular bath, no longer filling the tub extremely high. I found this helps as well though the [words=]gaiter[/words] is still suBathmateerged in water for the whole session. Started with 800 jelqs before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

I was able to get to 180 within 10 minutes of the session. Straight pumping, no pump and release since the last session didn't feel as strong as I wanted. I kept pumping but only managed to get to 183-184. Not solid 184. I went 25 minutes this time to see if I could achieve a length max record of 185 but no go. The pump was better this time but could still have been more. Maybe I'm getting used to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]? Definitely gaining as it was hard for me to his 180+ before but it's happening more often now.

I know the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is working as the last time I used a condom, it was a lot tighter than usual. The softer more elastic skin is less apparent with more [words= ]Bathmate[/words] use as well.
Day 32/15 - 10/06/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 182-183
Width: 5.1
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

700 jelqs to start at 70% erection. An incredibly good session hitting 170 within 2 minutes and 180 at 6 minutes in! This is very good and again hitting 180+. Gains have definitely been made. The pump was also a lot stronger today as I'm no longer sensitive to the pump pressure. I do the DLD [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches during my session now (which I couldn't before because the pump and the stretching was too painful). Not an issue now. I've been doing the stretches for several sessions now but forgot to post.

Also doing some standard stretches for a couple of minutes before my jelq session warm up but nothing super intense. I hit 182-183. Very happy with this result and the pump was better today. Feels great to be 180+ for more than a couple of minutes at the end of a session. I have a feeling that the second round of gains are coming. Also hit 2 weeks (14 days) of use in 3 weeks (resting on weekends). The [words= ]Bathmate[/words] seems to be doing everything it claims.

Looking back since I first received the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], I've gone from a 160 max to 184 max. That's almost an inch in less than 2 months or so with a long break in between my 2 runs so far. Incredible. I'm sure the gains will slow down as I gain, but their claims of + 1-3" is completely realistic. I've tried the pills, and Penis Enlargement before, but nothing has provided gains as quick as the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and Penis Enlargement. At first I was hesitant and thought "there's nothing to lose, and it's only money" but now I'm very glad I got the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

I'm thinking 9" could even be possible at the end of next year. I originally wanted to get to 8" but thought that would be hard to achieve and would take a long time. I also thought that would be the physical limit for my body but now 9" seems totally achievable. Maybe I'm also lucky that I've been able to hit 180+ the last 2 sessions. If I can hit it for the rest of the week my confidence will be higher that I've cemented gains.
Very nice thread and precise
i also have my 3rd day into [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and all i can say is that is amazing.i am focus on getting more length and proprtional some more girht gain,but my major goal is getting more length question to all [words= ]Bathmate[/words] users which are having done longer than me,is better to go into [words= ]Bm[/words] errect or flacid to get more faster length gains?
cristianbuta;400849 said:
Very nice thread and precise
i also have my 3rd day into [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and all i can say is that is amazing.i am focus on getting more length and proprtional some more girht gain,but my major goal is getting more length question to all [words= ]Bathmate[/words] users which are having done longer than me,is better to go into [words= ]Bm[/words] errect or flacid to get more faster length gains?

I go 100% erect and after a few minutes it subsides to about 80%, this is when I pull out and do a good set of Slow Sqaush Jelqs, become 100% erect again and do some more pumping. I repeat this 3 times.
Day 33/15 - 10/07/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 181
Width: 5.2
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

600 jelqs to start. Got to 170 in under 2 minutes and was stuck at 181 from 6 minutes onward. No matter what I couldn't get the length to go any further or the pump to be any stronger.

I haven't started the timer until I actually feel a pump for the last week. I used to start timing right away but if I don't feel too much then I figure it's not doing anything. I didn't have TSPR supplements until after my session. This could account for the lack of max length today?

We'll see how it works during recovery when sleeping. Overall an okay session. The pump was stronger than the last couple of days by about 20%. Hoping to get back to 183 tomorrow.

DLD how can you tell if you're still erect in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]? Is it a feeling from experience? When I'm in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with a good pump I can't tell.
J1L;400956 said:
DLD how can you tell if you're still erect in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]? Is it a feeling from experience? When I'm in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with a good pump I can't tell.

I can sort of feel it but when it doubt I simply do a kegel flex and watch for the tube to bounce.
Day 34/16 - 10/11/2010

Session: 21 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 179
Width: 5.2
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

900 jelqs to start. I was expecting to get to 173-174 which is the usual length after 2 days of rest but I managed to get to 179 at 10 minutes in. No matter what I did, I couldn't get passed this number. I tried rocker pumps and though some water came out (down to drops) it didn't help with length. Strangely, the pump wasn't as strong as usual after resting 2 days, where I usually am sensitive to the pressure.

Also took 2 days off from the ROP and TSPR supplements. Looking forward to tomorrow. If I'm +5mm longer than usual after a break, hopefully this will apply to the regular session as well with a maximum of 189. I'm optimistic that I'll at least break my previous record of 183-184 in this weeks sessions. Cleaned the ROP today. I use scotch bright pads now (the green ones) and it's as good as new.
Day 35/17 - 10/12/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 180
Width: 5.1
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

Started with the usual jelqs to 700. I managed to hit 170 within 1 minute and 180 within 6 minutes where I remained for the rest of the session. The pump was stronger than the last several sessions which was encouraging since I thought the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] was wearing out or not doing as good of a job as before. This tells me there's gains to be made and that the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is still effective.

I didn't hit +5mm over my previous record, but I'm able to hit 180 consistently now and much earlier in the session. I think I'm going to move on to bundled DLD stretches for the next while to get past my current length max of 184mm.
J1L;402089 said:
I think I'm going to move on to bundled DLD stretches for the next while to get past my current length max of 184mm.

Excellent exercise!
So, have you concluded entering flaccid > erect, for length gains?

What permanent gains do you think you have made so far?
bukkake;402402 said:
So, have you concluded entering flaccid > erect, for length gains?

What permanent gains do you think you have made so far?

I enter erect and usually subside to about 80%. So far for me I have gained a solid cemented .25" in girth and the same in length (a bit more).
Day 35/17/1 - 10/21/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 183
Width: 5.0
Supplements: None

As you may notice I am back to Day 1 for consecutive use. Too busy among other things. I returned with no exercises prior and was able to get to 170 very quickly (under 4 minutes), then to 180 in under 10 minutes. At less than 15 minutes in, I hit 183 and continued there back and forth to 180 or so while continuing to pump.

I've made over 0.8" gain since the first day of using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] (for a total of 53 days) and can visually see the difference when aroused. I would say 0.5" real world gain. I started doing some DLD bundled stretches on and off here and there. No specific Penis Enlargement sessions.

Noticed less girth than usual but only a small amount. Hoping to get in regular DLD bundled stretches along with a return the TSPR supplements. ROP is on after the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session.

Hopefully the 10 days off helped with gains. I'll know more later this week.
Day 35/17/1/1 - 11/03/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 187 (Previous max of 184)
Width: 7.0 (Because of FR)
Supplements: TSPR + exercise!

If you follow my posts, you'll realize that I've started at Day 1 again after half a month of rest. I've been unable to do any Penis Enlargement or use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] because of many reasons. Fatigue, health, stuff like that.

In the same time, I stopped taking the supplements suggested by The Secret Potency Report and stopped exercising and got as much sleep as possible. I started using TSPR several days ago in order to prepare for [words= ]Bathmate[/words] use and Penis Enlargement again. During my whole time off, I did DLD bundled stretches on and off but nothing serious or any sit down sessions.

Today I returned to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with several days of TSPR supplements and a trip to the gym (haven't gone for at least a month). Did 15 minutes of cardio and a continuous circuit of light/med weights. I got into the Bath and pulled out the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] expecting similar results as before. Within 1 minute I was at 170 which seemed pretty quick, and at 3 minutes in I was at 180. It was at this point I thought I would hit my max of 183 average. To my surprise I made it to 187 solid. It could have been 188 but I don't like to count partials. I felt a better pump than usual and also went in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] erect which I usually don't do.

I'm not sure if it's the rest, the supplements, the exercise or all of them but the gains are there! I had minimal comfort issues today and even, consistent pumps all the way to the end of the session. It was a bit too much at the end for sensitivity but probably because I haven't used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for a long time. The fluid retention was huge and my entire penis was as thick as a red bull can. Probably because of my first day back and that I also went 25 minutes (instead of the usual 20) to see if I could make it past 185 which I did.

I can't wait for the next session and that's as soon as the FR buildup heals (hoping it won't take more than a day off at the most as it's a LOT more than usual).
[words= ]Bathmate[/words] WORKS. Gains ARE permanent. Best purchase I've EVER made and a MUST for anyone looking to enlarge their penis. If you are super dedicated and can keep up with exercise, a good diet, a regular Penis Enlargement routine, plenty of sleep, and a longer rest period once in a while, I think you can make really really great gains. Every time I return it keeps getting better and better.
J1L;404171 said:
Day 35/17/1/1 - 11/03/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 187 (Previous max of 184)
Width: 7.0 (Because of FR)
Supplements: TSPR + exercise!

If you follow my posts, you'll realize that I've started at Day 1 again after half a month of rest. I've been unable to do any Penis Enlargement or use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] because of many reasons. Fatigue, health, stuff like that.

In the same time, I stopped taking the supplements suggested by The Secret Potency Report and stopped exercising and got as much sleep as possible. I started using TSPR several days ago in order to prepare for [words= ]Bathmate[/words] use and Penis Enlargement again. During my whole time off, I did DLD bundled stretches on and off but nothing serious or any sit down sessions.

Today I returned to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with several days of TSPR supplements and a trip to the gym (haven't gone for at least a month). Did 15 minutes of cardio and a continuous circuit of light/med weights. I got into the Bath and pulled out the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] expecting similar results as before. Within 1 minute I was at 170 which seemed pretty quick, and at 3 minutes in I was at 180. It was at this point I thought I would hit my max of 183 average. To my surprise I made it to 187 solid. It could have been 188 but I don't like to count partials. I felt a better pump than usual and also went in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] erect which I usually don't do.

I'm not sure if it's the rest, the supplements, the exercise or all of them but the gains are there! I had minimal comfort issues today and even, consistent pumps all the way to the end of the session. It was a bit too much at the end for sensitivity but probably because I haven't used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for a long time. The fluid retention was huge and my entire penis was as thick as a red bull can. Probably because of my first day back and that I also went 25 minutes (instead of the usual 20) to see if I could make it past 185 which I did.

I can't wait for the next session and that's as soon as the FR buildup heals (hoping it won't take more than a day off at the most as it's a LOT more than usual).
[words= ]Bathmate[/words] WORKS. Gains ARE permanent. Best purchase I've EVER made and a MUST for anyone looking to enlarge their penis. If you are super dedicated and can keep up with exercise, a good diet, a regular Penis Enlargement routine, plenty of sleep, and a longer rest period once in a while, I think you can make really really great gains. Every time I return it keeps getting better and better.

Great man im way happy for you! I just wanted to say thanks for making your Journal! Ive been reading your Journal since before i started mine and you really inspired me to take the next step and purchase a [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I too am sooo happy i did! I 100% agree that it was the best purchase i have ever made. My goal is to get past 185 too (max so far is 183). Wish me luck and keep the updates coming!
IronMike20;404174 said:
Great man im way happy for you! I just wanted to say thanks for making your Journal! Ive been reading your Journal since before i started mine and you really inspired me to take the next step and purchase a [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I too am sooo happy i did! I 100% agree that it was the best purchase i have ever made. My goal is to get past 185 too (max so far is 183). Wish me luck and keep the updates coming!

Try the TSPR supplements. A bit pricey, but I think it will give you a high chance to get past your current max quickly. Goji Berries, Cacao Nibs, and Maca Powder (gelatinized is best but even more expensive). 2 Tbsp of the berries and nibs per day, and 1 Tsp of the Maca. Combine all at once in a smoothie or chew the Berries and Nibs and mix the Maca with a drink.

I've also had great results exercising before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] so that will help as well.

Good luck!
Day 35/17/1/2 - 11/04/2010

Session: 21 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 183/171
Width: 5.2
Supplements: TSPR + exercise

The FR I had from yesterdays first session back had subsided by the evening of today. Did 15 mins of cardio and proceeded to use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] after. I hit 170 very quickly and at 10 minutes in, reached 183. I was doing DLD [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches the whole time until one of my testicles got sucked into the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] so I had to stop and pump again. This was frustrating as I was hoping to hit 185+ for this session.

After re-adjusting and re-pumping, I held steady at 171 for the rest of the 21 minute session. As mentioned before, being larger (especially with this much expansion in girth) the pump pressure is a lot stronger and it's a lot harder to go for length gains.

Once I hit 190 and have those gains locked in, I'm going to start trying a 10 minute session to get the expansion, then do the re-pump to get more girth. DLD does this with DLD girth blasters in between the pumps and it seems to work really well. Looking forward to tomorrow where I'll focus on just length and try to hit the max of 187 again.
J1L;404337 said:
Once I hit 190 and have those gains locked in, I'm going to start trying a 10 minute session to get the expansion, then do the re-pump to get more girth. DLD does this with DLD girth blasters in between the pumps and it seems to work really well. Looking forward to tomorrow where I'll focus on just length and try to hit the max of 187 again.

Yup, that is the ticket for me!
Day 35/17/1/3 - 11/05/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 173
Width: 5.2
Supplements: TSPR

Not sure if these are good or bad results as I didn't break 180 this session. I tried having the TSPR supplements about an hour before the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session where I usually have it in the morning. I noticed that the girth near the base of my penis was much larger than usual during and after the session. This is true even the next day without using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. 173 from 10 minutes on no matter how much I pumped.

As mentioned in previous posts, more girth going into the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] results in less max length achieved and a stronger pump. I'm definitely fuller in girth on the 3rd day back than when I had a long break.

2 days off for the weekend and I'm interested to see the results for Monday.
It's 2 days off for the weekend from [words= ]Bathmate[/words] use and I noticed that I have what appears to be stretch marks. There are some dark lines around the base of my penis and some at the lower part of the shaft. They don't go all the way around, maybe a fifth to a third or the circumference.

Some of it is drying and coming off with no visible damage, the others look like it may take time to heal.

The good news is that expansion with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], TSPR supplements and exercise is allowing for larger expansion beyond anything I've ever experienced. Bad news is that there might be some scarring, discoloration or both from using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words].

I haven't used the ROP for a while, and I read that this can help with stretch marks so I may start using it again. Also read that Vitamin E and lotion with collagen can help as well so I may do both and see if it helps.
Day (35/17/1) 4 - 11/06/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 182
Width: 5.2
Supplements: TSPR + ROP

I was happy to hit over 180 today in a 20 minute session as the previous day was only 173. No exercise today and I had the TSPR supplements late in the day. I entered the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] completely flaccid with a non focused mindset. I think having the right mindset and adult entertainment or whatever to help you get in the mood has some benefits to improving a session. I hit 182 at 10 minutes in and noticed air bubbles coming out of the [words=]gaiter[/words] (from a pinhole sized hole I mentioned a while back). I think this might be affecting the effectiveness of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] as there's a definite leak. When I pumped without being suBathmateerged in the tub, water came out of the pinhole as well.

I checked my e-mail and noticed that I had in fact received a reply from [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Customer service headquarters (but it was in the SPAM folder so I didn't get it until now). I was instructed on how to claim warranty on my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] which seems to be a straightforward process. In terms of speed, the responses were acceptable and it's clear that [words= ]Bathmate[/words] headquarters stands behind a quality product and their warranty. I purchased my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] from the Canadian site, so once the warranty process is completed, I will post my experience with that as well.
Day (35/17/1) 5 - 11/07/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 182
Width: 5.2
Supplements: TSPR + ROP + Exercise

Used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] after hitting the gym today and was pretty excited about it. I went in erect and was at 170 in less than 2 minutes. At 5 minutes in I managed to get to 180 and eventually worked up to 183 at 10 minutes in for the rest of the session. A strong session and pump overall.

More stretch marks and minor skin tearing from the expansion so it's time to take a break and exchange my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] (pinhole leak in the [words=]gaiter[/words]) and I won't be posting [words= ]Bathmate[/words] updates until I get the replacement unit.
Day (59) 6 - 11/10/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 183-184
Width: 5.2
Supplements: TSPR + ROP + Exercise

I noticed my date/days were incorrect and that the numbers were getting confusing so I re-arranged the format to Day (# of TOTAL days of use) # of days in a row (which are included in the total). At this point I have 59 total days using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with 6 consecutive days (not including rest weekends).

I had some minor exercise before proceeding with Penis Enlargement and the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. To try and reduce the stretch marks I decided to perform 600 jelqs beforehand to warm up. Usually when I jelq first, there's less FR. What I have noticed these last 6 days is that the expansion of my girth is large every time I use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Before I started exercising again and using the TSPR supplements (just exercise) I would only get extreme girth expansion the first 1-2 days of using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] after any rest periods.

With the exercise routine and supplements, I'm getting this expansion every time which is leading to bigger gains faster. Today's session was great as I entered the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] erect and was at 170 in less than 2 minutes. At 6 minutes I was past 180 and continued to 183-184 for the rest of the session. The pump was much stronger than I've felt in a long time. I believe that has to do with the jelqing which I haven't done before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for months and filling the chamber more because of this.

I'm now at the point where the base of my penis fills the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] completely and I have rib marks from the [words=]gaiter[/words] after every session. The best part since getting the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is I can see a clear difference in girth and length now.

My recommendation is to exercise and use the TSPR supplements for quicker gains. I've definitely gained more effectively with better expansion with this routine over the last 6 days than without. I feel like the results and effects are much greater now.

If you're into bodybuilding supplements, taking Nitric Oxide before doing Penis Enlargement would probably be even better as it's similar to what the TSPR supplements do but stronger (They help dilate your blood vessels and improve overall blood flow) but the TSPR supplements are 100% natural where Nitric Oxide probably isn't.

I really don't want to part with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for the warranty return, but will use the break to do manual Penis Enlargement and add that to the current routine with the supplements for what I believe will be even quicker and greater gains.
since starting your [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. what gains have you made on your penis?

actual visable gains. not inside the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] gains?

very interested as i just ordered my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and cant wait to give it a blast :)
icecam;405238 said:
since starting your [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. what gains have you made on your penis?

actual visable gains. not inside the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] gains?

very interested as i just ordered my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and cant wait to give it a blast :)

I have made just over a .25" in length and will love it!
imzeus83;405234 said:

what's tspr?

The Secret Potency Report by Riccardo Gueli. He recommends the use of super food supplements to help with Penis Enlargement and general sexual health and from what I've personally experienced, it's amazing especially with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Since using the TSPR, I've made big gains in length and girth and notice far more expansion than usual.

Maca Powder (get gelatinized even though it cost more. dissolves easier in liquid)
Cacao Nibs
Goji Berries

Approximately 2 TBSPs a day (or a small handfull) of each except for the Maca at 1 TSP a day.

It will seem expensive ($60 total for a bag of each) that will last about a month. I don't use them on weekends to have some time off (also when I rest from Penis Enlargement) but it's worth it for me. It's now a permanent staple in my Penis Enlargement routine. I figured if it didn't work it's no big deal. You can blow $60 on a lot less.
Last edited:
icecam;405238 said:
since starting your [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. what gains have you made on your penis?

actual visable gains. not inside the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] gains?

very interested as i just ordered my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and cant wait to give it a blast :)

I've gained 0.5" in length and 0.25" in girth the last time I checked. I don't measure or check very often. Maybe several times a year and I'm noticeably bigger than I was the last time I checked. This is after 59 days of [words= ]Bathmate[/words] use (not consecutive days, just the overall total). It definitely does work and you'll be very glad you ordered one.
J1L;405632 said:
I've gained 0.5" in length and 0.25" in girth the last time I checked. I don't measure or check very often. Maybe several times a year and I'm noticeably bigger than I was the last time I checked. This is after 59 days of [words= ]Bathmate[/words] use (not consecutive days, just the overall total). It definitely does work and you'll be very glad you ordered one.

WOW! Congratulations....The best money you ever spent!
imzeus83;405234 said:

what's tspr?

Updating the portions of TSPR - The Secret Potency Report

20 Goji Berries
Handful of Cacao Nibs (1-2 TBSP)
Maca Powder (1 TSP)

All of the above no more than 3 times a day. Best time to take it is 4 hours before you sleep.
Supplement with Cayenne Pepper or Rosemary and Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy or Deep Breathing Exercises.
As you may have read, I'm waiting for a warranty replacement from [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Canada. Pinhole leak in the [words=]gaiter[/words] on the one I received. I'm waiting for stock as the color I want isn't available for a couple of days.

Customer Service is prompt (1 day replies) and [words= ]Bathmate[/words] UK is very polite and backs their high quality product which leads me to believe this was a minor defect and not common. [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Canada is in correspondence to update me when necessary.

I've gone back to more manual exercises and definitely notice a difference in length and girth from before using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Can't wait to get one back and it's definitely a must have for Penis Enlargement as the expansion and exercises aren't the same without it.

The good is that the stretch marks and some minor blistering from doing DLD [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches while at maximum pump are healed/gone. DLD, what pressure level do you do the stretches at? Does it have to be maximum?
Day (65) 1 - 12/09/2010

Warmup: 5 minutes [words= ]Bathmate[/words] + 600 jelqs
Session: 20 minutes [words= ]Bathmate[/words]
Method: Regular Bath
Max Length/Width: 180 / DNC
Supplements: Partial TSPR

Finally after almost a month, I received my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] under the warranty (2 years). This was only because they didn't have stock of the color I wanted. It also took me a week to mail out the requested parts. Theoretically I would have had a new [words= ]Bathmate[/words] in 2 weeks instead of 4.

Customer service was prompt, polite, and kept me up to date during the whole warranty exchange process. I was in contact with both BC Canada and [words= ]Ultramax[/words] in England. I received a new unit and the box was updated. It just shows how committed they are to providing a quality product. They didn't charge me for shipping. I only paid shipping for the parts return. If I used standard post it would have cost very little, but I used express with tracking just in case.

The TSPR supplements were giving me very slight heartburn so I stopped for several weeks. I just started again using only the Goji Berries and Cacao nibs to rule out the Maca Powder (which is known to have heartburn as a possibile side effect).

I started my session with 5 minutes of warm up using hot water and the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I find this is a great way to get started. After the warm up, I did 600 jelqs to prevent FR and noticed that my girth was a lot larger than several weeks ago. Probably from first use of TSPR supplements in a long time. I'll verify with measurements next tme.

For the 20 minute session I hit 180 with relative ease and kept pumping every 5 minutes. I wanted to take it easy on the first day back after a month off. I noticed that the pain from the [words=]gaiter[/words] around the base of the penis is high. Rib marks are all over the base after the session and I had some slight blistering. I heard you can get blisters from using pumps, and now I got them. Not sure what it's from exactly. A [words= ]X-40[/words] model would probably help with this, but the rest of it is too large for me.

For the next couple of weeks, I'm going to try using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] every 2nd day instead of everyday. I seems to get best results and noticeable growth from time off of Penis Enlargement and [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Hopefully this new routine will work better for my body type.

The [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is still just as great as the first day I got it. Glad to be back.
Glad you are back and I am so happy you had a good experience with [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and their CS! Now get to GROWING!
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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