BathmateEurope;373081 said:
You must be kidding, read the warning label that comes with the condom :)

I thought the same thing
I was kidding. My [words= ]Bathmate[/words] made it here today. Just got home and there it was on the table (still packaged of course) and my little girl asking to open it. :) Will weigh in after my first session.
irafreak1;373163 said:
I was kidding. My [words= ]Bathmate[/words] made it here today. Just got home and there it was on the table (still packaged of course) and my little girl asking to open it. :) Will weigh in after my first session.

Little Girl? Child or girlfriend? :)
quick question guys.

ive used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] afew times now but im not sure where im ment to try and pump too , when i first enter im sure im at about 150 on first pump then wait 5 mins and pump to 160 then another 5 mins pump to 165 then last pump to 170, hurts abit too, totaling 20 mins, i get really bad red spots all over my shaft and my shaft seems slightly blue and the fluid build up is huge, im guessing im over pumping but im not sure of what im ment to aim for, ive read that when pumping you should be going half inch below your bpel which would be 150 in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] has im about 6.25 bpel but i thought the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] gave lengh as well as girth so going below my bpel isnt going to make me gain lengh is it? i really want lengh but i also really want girth 7.5 lengh bpel and 6" girth would be a dream current girth is around 4.75" so need extra.

any advice would be great,
thank you.
syler;373582 said:
quick question guys.

ive used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] afew times now but im not sure where im ment to try and pump too , when i first enter im sure im at about 150 on first pump then wait 5 mins and pump to 160 then another 5 mins pump to 165 then last pump to 170, hurts abit too, totaling 20 mins, i get really bad red spots all over my shaft and my shaft seems slightly blue and the fluid build up is huge, im guessing im over pumping but im not sure of what im ment to aim for, ive read that when pumping you should be going half inch below your bpel which would be 150 in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] has im about 6.25 bpel but i thought the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] gave lengh as well as girth so going below my bpel isnt going to make me gain lengh is it? i really want lengh but i also really want girth 7.5 lengh bpel and 6" girth would be a dream current girth is around 4.75" so need extra.

any advice would be great,
thank you.

You may want to check out my new Bathmate routine, it deals with fluid retention and the expansion and comfort are great.
tryed it mate but after the first 5 minutes of [words= ]Bathmate[/words] i still get the red dots and its not acouple either , it looks like someone has been sticking a pin in my shaft for the full 5 minutes, also the [words=]ssj[/words] i really liked but after only a few short minutes i had a fluid build up that scared me to death i thought it was going to pop, it was like a huge water blister round and it seemed to be looking at me as if to say, carry on cunt and im gonna splat all over your face. anyway back to the red dots there is that many that i can only seem to use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] every 48 hours because there still there but i want to get the most out of it by using every day.

can someone tell me how much i should be pumping too, im not big at 6.25 bpel but can stretch my flacid to around 6.60 to 6.75 now 6.25" is 158.75mm in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] but i can pump my max at 170mm in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] but that is 6.69" goin on half inch bigger than i am bpel so im confused to what im ment to do, please help.
cheers syler
I think you should follow the manufacturers guidelines and go EASY & GENTLE in the pump for awhile. 20 minutes is also the maximum time they recommend. Sounds like to me guys are rushing this when they have no prior experience and expect miracles to happen overnight and if it doesn't, than it'll be branded as a scam. Learn the basics, get experience, take your time, learn and grow.
REDZULU2003;373896 said:
I think you should follow the manufacturers guidelines and go EASY & GENTLE in the pump for awhile. 20 minutes is also the maximum time they recommend. Sounds like to me guys are rushing this when they have no prior experience and expect miracles to happen overnight and if it doesn't, than it'll be branded as a scam. Learn the basics, get experience, take your time, learn and grow.

Good advice. The [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is that much fun that you want to do it all day but some restrains need to be shown. Red dots are going to happen in pumping and will disappear after a few hours.
Dear Members,

Reading the few last posts, I can't agree more with DLD and Red, look at the video at and you know instantly why and how it works and how to use it. But to get your discount, you need to follow the link in DLD and Red's post because otherwise you wont get a discount. Its just for experienced Penis Enlargement users, not the average Joe :)

Dear Members,

Just a pointer regarding our fraud screening that some of you might have experienced; There is a phenomenon called VPN, and when our Merchant Bank detects it, and it almost always does, it barrs us from shipping it; so when you place an order, please be so kind to switch it off so that it dosn't look like you are placing your order 7000 miles away :)

Another pointer is; If you do not order in USD for United States; then the order gets cancelled as described earlier in an earlier post. It all has to do with shipping and regulations so please do not try to cheat our system, it is there for a reason.

Your friend

BathmateEurope;373938 said:
Dear Members,

Just a pointer regarding our fraud screening that some of you might have experienced; There is a phenomenon called VPN, and when our Merchant Bank detects it, and it almost always does, it barrs us from shipping it; so when you place an order, please be so kind to switch it off so that it dosn't look like you are placing your order 7000 miles away :)

Another pointer is; If you do not order in USD for United States; then the order gets cancelled as described earlier in an earlier post. It all has to do with shipping and regulations so please do not try to cheat our system, it is there for a reason.

Your friend


Thanks Ag!
BathmateEurope;373935 said:
Dear Members,

Its just for experienced Penis Enlargement users, not the average Joe :)


this thing is supposed to be for everyone wanting a larger penis not experienced pe users only now if that was on the main page of your website then im sure you wouldent have sold 10% of the total you have actually sold, there is no clear user guide and that is why im asking the question and im sure others want to no also but dont ask, i can pump to 170 and as i understand the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is ment to only pump to the desired amount for each individual so your saying im rushing into it is crap and if the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] would only allow me to go to say 150 then fare enough but it dosnt so whats right, i have asked a couple of times now if im doing it right and explained my personal situation but no clear answer apart from im rushing in a non direct manner. [words= ]Bathmate[/words] if you dont no anything about your own product then i suggest learning and actually coming here and giving good advice rather than jumping on the back of someone elses reply.
syler;373959 said:
this thing is supposed to be for everyone wanting a larger penis not experienced pe users only now if that was on the main page of your website then im sure you wouldent have sold 10% of the total you have actually sold, there is no clear user guide and that is why im asking the question and im sure others want to no also but dont ask, i can pump to 170 and as i understand the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is ment to only pump to the desired amount for each individual so your saying im rushing into it is crap and if the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] would only allow me to go to say 150 then fare enough but it dosnt so whats right, i have asked a couple of times now if im doing it right and explained my personal situation but no clear answer apart from im rushing in a non direct manner. [words= ]Bathmate[/words] if you dont no anything about your own product then i suggest learning and actually coming here and giving good advice rather than jumping on the back of someone elses reply.

Dear Syler, (live that screen name btw),

We at [words= ]Bathmate[/words] strive for perfection and excellency, both when it comes to our products and our customer support.

If you have the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] [words= ]X-40[/words] model, then you should use it until you reach the maximum at 20cm mark. That is because the cylender is tight and gives you the maximum in length; first you gain girth, then you grow! If you would go to the [words= ]X-40[/words] now, it would do little good and that is the communiqué I have been trying to get across in my various posts.
[words= ]X-40[/words]: 11 to 20 CM length
[words= ]X-40[/words]: 20 CM and beyond.

There will be in the near future a model between [words= ]X-40[/words] and [words= ]X-40[/words], because we have learned that the leap is big, specially for those that have not used the [words= ]X-40[/words] to the max.

I am hoping to have a printable user guide for "What [words= ]Bathmate[/words] you should buy" soon on-line, just waiting for graphics to finish it off and verify with engineering.

Kind regards,

A model in the middle would be genius, this would take care of a very big part of the market.

Ag, Just got my large model today, thank you. I will shoot a video for you guys tonight showing an open box.

Syler, chill out man.

I can understand that you might be pissed off at only being able to use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 5 mins and then complaining of red dots, but I will tell you that this is normal for your penis to be like this, particularly if you havn't pumped before. I myself had never pumped before so using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] was a new experience for me. The first time I went to use it (and the second time) was like a new world - I didn't know what to expect. I read the user manual before my first go and followed the instructions correctly, despite this, no instruction manual can actually help you feel the sensations of actually performing the session. For this reason, I was prepared to accept any sensation that came along during my session, so long as I had followed the instructions, as I did.
I will tell you that I could definately feel the pressure and at first it was a discomfort. But you get used to it. I understood that, heck, this is my penis being expanded larger than it is used to, so I should expect some unusual sensations right? I went for 20 mins (no more...this is what is recommended) and was like "wo fucking hell" when I saw the size I had expanded to. Yes i had fluid build up. After a few hours, when most of the pump had died down, yes I had red dots. But think about it, your penis is being expanded larger than it's used to. You are breaking down tissue. Your penis is full of blood. The red dots are just evidence that it's going correctly is how I view it.

I've been using it for about 3 weeks now and still, the first five minutes are uncomfortable, but I like that sense of discomfort. Tells me it's performing. I still get fluid build up (when i return my foreskin over the head, the fluid reminds me of Bubba from Forrest Gump) - but it mostly goes after a few hours. I still get red dots - penis is still expanding, but this is normal for a penis expanding beyond it's limits.

I would suggest to you, to fully create a vacuum once you are inside, so that no more water can be expelled from the tip, and ride out the first five minutes, go the full twenty. Release the pressure a bit if it really is too much, but aim for that 20 minutes and don't be worried by anything that results from the session.

That's my experience, that's my advice. Let us all know.
Red spots are a normal, temporary thing in Penis Enlargement. When pressure and blood meet there is going to be bruising and spots.
Just a question for people who have used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]...I'm roughly 8 by 5.5 and I just placed an order for the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] today. What can I expect to gain in lets say 8 months or before september....i'm trying to get bigger for college ;)
bjv;374230 said:
Just a question for people who have used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]...I'm roughly 8 by 5.5 and I just placed an order for the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] today. What can I expect to gain in lets say 8 months or before september....i'm trying to get bigger for college ;)

First of all, congratulations! Most are seeing gains the first time thy use it, albeit temporary gains at first they will stick eventually. Working in manual work will bring gains even faster. You are going to fall in love with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]...truly amazing 
yeah bjv, I don't think anybody has used [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for long enough yet to give accurate, proven feedback; join in the experiment. All I can say is that it feels like something positive is happening and i've been going 3 weeks, today is the only day that i have not [words= ]Bathmate[/words]'d due to serious two tone cock after yesterday's session. I'm going wait another week before I measure, so hard to resist.
the1parr;374255 said:
yeah bjv, I don't think anybody has used [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for long enough yet to give accurate, proven feedback; join in the experiment. All I can say is that it feels like something positive is happening and i've been going 3 weeks, today is the only day that i have not [words= ]Bathmate[/words]'d due to serious two tone cock after yesterday's session. I'm going wait another week before I measure, so hard to resist.

Hey the1pass,

We did trials about a year ago on five different skin colored men ranging from whiter than white to an african male and everything in between. The result was that after the initial standard 6 week program, the darker the tone of the person, the more two colored penis "syndrome" they got. Examination 6 months after showed all discoloration gone.

Hope this helps a bit,


I've rested a day and the discolourartion has gone. On tuesday (two days ago) when i pulled out of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] after jus 10 minutes (had to end session abruptly) my cock was seriously dark in places and i felt i'd maybe pushed it too hard. I had serious overload of red dots and some were actually bleeding through the surface so that I could literally wipe the blood. It was only tiny pinpricks, but still I felt an indication that my penis wasn't conditioned enough yet. Like I said though, one day of rest and it looks back to normal now.

I had been doing the 20minutes and no longer everyday as recommended in the instruction manual, but I think i'm going to just do 15 for a week.

Let me know what you think.
the1parr;374328 said:

I've rested a day and the discolourartion has gone. On tuesday (two days ago) when i pulled out of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] after jus 10 minutes (had to end session abruptly) my cock was seriously dark in places and i felt i'd maybe pushed it too hard. I had serious overload of red dots and some were actually bleeding through the surface so that I could literally wipe the blood. It was only tiny pinpricks, but still I felt an indication that my penis wasn't conditioned enough yet. Like I said though, one day of rest and it looks back to normal now.

I had been doing the 20minutes and no longer everyday as recommended in the instruction manual, but I think i'm going to just do 15 for a week.

Let me know what you think.

I have never heard of anything like this... You are actually bleeding from your pores? This sounds very strange.
Wo seriously DLD, in all your years, you have never come across this?

100% on my life, I actually bled from my pours. It was as if the red dots that come to the surface, burst through. There were only couple, not like my whole dick was a bloody mess. If it happens again, I will take a photo.
the1parr;374345 said:
Wo seriously DLD, in all your years, you have never come across this?

100% on my life, I actually bled from my pours. It was as if the red dots that come to the surface, burst through. There were only couple, not like my whole dick was a bloody mess. If it happens again, I will take a photo.

Never...I would like to see it if I could.
Placed my order on Wednesday and it already says its handed over to the U.S. postal service for delivery.....Either they are hella-fast or they are just saying that to get my hopes up haha
bjv;374538 said:
Placed my order on Wednesday and it already says its handed over to the U.S. postal service for delivery.....Either they are hella-fast or they are just saying that to get my hopes up haha

For both of my models (X-40 and [words= ]X-40[/words]) took 5 days flat.
just got to thinking....if one was to due the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 20 min then use an [words=]extender[/words] for about 30..would that bring length and girth pretty fast?
I just ordered a transparent [words= ]X-40[/words] [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. Can't wait.

Hope my wife doesn't open the package before I get my hands on it. I've got the feeling it's going to be difficult hiding the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] from her, let alone while using it.
So around what time of the day does it usually arrive, because i don't want my parents to open it and spoil my soon to be massive package....haha
the1parr;374345 said:
Wo seriously DLD, in all your years, you have never come across this?

100% on my life, I actually bled from my pours. It was as if the red dots that come to the surface, burst through. There were only couple, not like my whole dick was a bloody mess. If it happens again, I will take a photo.

This does happen... I think rare occasions tho
Will I get my money back when I've grown out of the [words= ]X-40[/words]?
newbie09;374723 said:
Will I get my money back when I've grown out of the [words= ]X-40[/words]?

lol...give it a shot
a question for the guys who have been doing pe for years , dld , red etc oh and Agust.

i ordered a friend a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and he has recieved it and used it afew times now but he ask's me how do i no this will work for permenant gains in lengh/girth, he says that every site he seems to visit about penis pumps seem to lead to the conclusion that its just a short term effect and that pumping doesn't give permenant gains,i did tell him untill ya try then you wont no but still. so my question is to dld, red , Agust , and everyone else that has been doing pe for a decent amount of time can you honestly , hand on your heart tell me and my friend and everyone else wanting to no that you honestly believe that using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 15 mins aday for a number of months say 6 months at a starting size of 160mm the size calculator says 2" gain in lengh? now come on guys honesty is the key i want true opinions, u guys have been pulling at ur cock for years and all sorts of weird shit to gain inches just seems too good to be true and normaly is when you get that feelin , but need ur honest opinion. thanks. ive bought it anyway so no bother there and as i said got the mate one also so £120 to batemate there between us.
to answer your question, if you are committed to using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] you will get permanent gains eventually, it can take more than 6 months.

but a more sure way to get permanent gains is to use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] in conjuntion with methods found here on [words=]MOS[/words], using these methods with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] will give you permanent gains 99% of the time and can gain them faster than just using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] by itself. Ive read enough on this site that any pump or [words=]extender[/words] or hanging supplemented with manual methods will give you the best gains and insure you permanent gains.

now here is what my routine will be once i get my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] + fastsize

in the morning

-fastsize - 2-4 hour stretching
- [words=]Newbie Routine[/words] Method

Mid day
- [words= ]Bathmate[/words] 10 mins
- 150 jelqs
- [words= ]Bathmate[/words] 10 mons
- 150 jelqs
syler;374763 said:
a question for the guys who have been doing pe for years , dld , red etc oh and Agust.

i ordered a friend a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and he has recieved it and used it afew times now but he ask's me how do i no this will work for permenant gains in lengh/girth, he says that every site he seems to visit about penis pumps seem to lead to the conclusion that its just a short term effect and that pumping doesn't give permenant gains,i did tell him untill ya try then you wont no but still. so my question is to dld, red , Agust , and everyone else that has been doing pe for a decent amount of time can you honestly , hand on your heart tell me and my friend and everyone else wanting to no that you honestly believe that using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 15 mins aday for a number of months say 6 months at a starting size of 160mm the size calculator says 2" gain in lengh? now come on guys honesty is the key i want true opinions, u guys have been pulling at ur cock for years and all sorts of weird shit to gain inches just seems too good to be true and normaly is when you get that feelin , but need ur honest opinion. thanks. ive bought it anyway so no bother there and as i said got the mate one also so £120 to batemate there between us.

Pumping, in general, gives permanent gains over time. Pumping also brings fluid retention that may confuse the user into thinking these gains should be permanent but they are not. Over time, pumping alone, will bring permanent gains in girth and length but it will take time, like any other form of penis enlargement. Penis enlargement takes time and whatever form you choose to use will determine how quickly you can gain. With that said, the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is very different than a traditional dry pump. It used water as it's primary source of compression. It feels much different than traditional pumping and the after effects of swelling (or expansion) seem to be of tissue more than fluid buildup. There is some build up but when used with my new workout, DLD [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Girth Blasters seem to have a two fold effect. A.) The primary exercise used, Slow Squash Jelqs, seem to equally disperse any and all fluid buildup when used in a superset environment. B.) The after effects of this workout brings extreme girth expansion, mostly tissue swelling.

Any single form of penis enlargement will bring gains at a rate determined by the effects on the penis by means of how much intensity you use. It has become very apparent that the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] , when used in a superset environment, has the potential to bring girth gains at a much higher rate. Girth is ALL ABOUT extreme expansion for as long as you can, every moment spend (safely) beyond the natural girth of your penis you are increasing girth. When I use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] in the above routine my girth is far beyond natural and it stays that way for a few hours. If a clamp is used after workout, that pump will stay around even longer. Just like the FastSize [words=]Extender[/words] prolongs the period of time the penis can stay in a elongated state, the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] increases the time a penis can remain in an expanded state beyond normal. So, devices can be used alone, but a wiser way to approach these items is by incorporating them into a natural penis enlargement routine.

The idea in penis enlargement is to make gains as soon as possible, if this is your goal, and budget approves, by ALL MEANS, use these supplemental forms of penis enlargement. They do work and they can work even harder when used smartly. But, and this is very important for everyone to know, Penis Enlargement is not a quick fix, it is not an overnight cure, it will never bring 3" in 30 days, BUT it not need to take any longer than it should. If you can incorporate the various, effective forms of penis enlargement into your day you can make record speed gains. An inch in a month is not impossible and is is not as rare as many think. I have seen many guys make an inch gain in a month and this was because they were doing something new with their penis. Whether they were just starting out or a vet who revamped his routine, they made UNBELIEVABLE GAINS.
thank you for your input phaseshift, would like to track your progress of the routine your going to use.

thank you dld for a very informative reply, you really do give newbies high hopes.

the thing that the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] has that no other pe device i have hurd of is the promise to give permenant gains with only 15 mins aday and for anyone wanting a bigger chopper it sounds awsome, alot of us have kids and a missus to live with and going up stairs and pullin/bending/stretching the little man for an hour or so at a time just isnt an option, thats the Bathmates biggest selling point imo.

dld could you give a routine of your own for maximum gains in lengh and girth in the shortest time possible, i meen in time to preform not time to reach 2", i no you done a routine for girth with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and [words=]ssj[/words] but when i tryed it , i got a big bubble of fluid that i thought was going to pop and that shit me up so not tryed since, i do have an [words=]extender[/words] but hardly ever used it has its hard to get the hours free to wear it, ive also made the jelq device found on thunders but used it only acouple times has i had pain in the gland for about aweek after using it. ( i do no its a marathon and not a sprint and will take my time )
anyway thanks for your reply, hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks Syler.
if you don't have enough time to use the stretcher or do manual stretching, you can do it with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] while in the shower.

have the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] on at maximum suction and pull on it in every direction for 30 seconds each, this way you can work on length at the same time. Once you take the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] off you can do some jelqs to help in the girth process, so you can do these while in the shower.
I found a really good stretch with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] the other night. Like phaseshift said, put maximum pressure. Pull the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] out away from your body. Once it's away from your body, rotate it left until you feel the pull on the tendon on the right side. Do the same the other way. When I did it I had to be very careful because just a little rotation really got my tendon burning. I could easily see how you could rip or seriously pull the tendon, so move slowly.

When I say rotate, i mean spin it clockwise and counterclockwise as if you were trying to rotate it around the centerline of your shaft. So the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stays in the same spot except for the spinning action.
RockstarSoldier geeeez man read alittle ask afew questions and at least give it ago before coming out with that bollox lol
You cant break the tendon with a pull on the pump as described, not being funny here but the tendon is extremely strong indeed you wouldn't believe. The burning probably was the ligament where it triangle out at the base from left to right. Sure though stretching with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is very intense and I love it allot.
Just saw that my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is arriving penis literally elongated 5 inches... it was hilarious....give or take 4 excited to join the revolution!!!
bjv;374887 said:
Just saw that my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is arriving penis literally elongated 5 inches... it was hilarious....give or take 4 excited to join the revolution!!!

YAY! What a good feeling, like a new mercedes arriving:)
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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