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Ok guys... Ive read all the threads about [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and Im still kinda searching for that perfect fit. Im not as large as most of you guys so Im assuming its not the SIZE of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] causing my issues.
Ive been using it for about 2 weeks now, almost everyday, sometimes 2 times a day. However, I cant seem to pump past 160-170 without feeling a lot of discomfort at the base and balls. So I tried a suggestion I read somewhere regarding putting a silicon glove or sleeve at the base. This has alleviated the rings left by the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] but has not helped much with the discomfort. When I pump to 170ish I often feel like its tearing the skin at the base. Ive used Vaseline at the base to help a little but still the discomfort remains. I also stretch my balls as much as I can stand before and during the pump but I still feel a fair amount of discomfort on my left nut. It seems like the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is pushing my balls into the sack as far as they will go and there is no more room for them.
These issues are restricting me from doing the deep stretches since it usually feels like its going to suck a ball in.
My question is... is this just something I need to work through and get my cock used to? I kinda thought it would be used to it by now so Im a little surprised that Im still having issues like this. Any advice would be appreciated.
onMyWayTo8;411840 said:
Ok guys... Ive read all the threads about [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and Im still kinda searching for that perfect fit. Im not as large as most of you guys so Im assuming its not the SIZE of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] causing my issues.
Ive been using it for about 2 weeks now, almost everyday, sometimes 2 times a day. However, I cant seem to pump past 160-170 without feeling a lot of discomfort at the base and balls. So I tried a suggestion I read somewhere regarding putting a silicon glove or sleeve at the base. This has alleviated the rings left by the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] but has not helped much with the discomfort. When I pump to 170ish I often feel like its tearing the skin at the base. Ive used Vaseline at the base to help a little but still the discomfort remains. I also stretch my balls as much as I can stand before and during the pump but I still feel a fair amount of discomfort on my left nut. It seems like the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is pushing my balls into the sack as far as they will go and there is no more room for them.
These issues are restricting me from doing the deep stretches since it usually feels like its going to suck a ball in.
My question is... is this just something I need to work through and get my cock used to? I kinda thought it would be used to it by now so Im a little surprised that Im still having issues like this. Any advice would be appreciated.

Maybe try doing the Testicle Health Stretch before pumping, this will loosen the connective skin at the scrotum and hopefully take some pressure of the base.
Thanks for the advice DLD. I also read somewhere to try a cock ring around my sack. Ill try em both tonight before I pump.
Although, Ive never been good at getting the cock ring around my nuts without snapping one of them and then proceeding to find something to punch out of anger and pain! LOL
onMyWayTo8;411916 said:
Thanks for the advice DLD. I also read somewhere to try a cock ring around my sack. Ill try em both tonight before I pump.
Although, Ive never been good at getting the cock ring around my nuts without snapping one of them and then proceeding to find something to punch out of anger and pain! LOL

You can use a soft hair wrap, an [words=]ace bandage[/words], theraban, there are many alternatives to a cock ring (which I do not suggest you use on your scrotum). Take you time and learn what will work best.
Ok, so i think i finally have bin pursued into this [words= ]Bathmate[/words] thing. However, like most i am having a difficult time choosing which one to get.

I am about 7 3/4 in bone pressed, but what has me worried is that i am 6 in. in girth (1/2 in for clearance if i am correct), and i don't know how much of temp gains i should take into account.

any help would be appreciated.
noone8830;412669 said:
Ok, so i think i finally have bin pursued into this [words= ]Bathmate[/words] thing. However, like most i am having a difficult time choosing which one to get.

I am about 7 3/4 in bone pressed, but what has me worried is that i am 6 in. in girth (1/2 in for clearance if i am correct), and i don't know how much of temp gains i should take into account.

any help would be appreciated.

Is 6" your post girth workout size? If your temporary girth increase after training is 6.5" or above go for the [words= ]X-40[/words] as you will have little room to grow.
noone8830;412716 said:
no 6 is my base before pe. so it seems the larger will be my best shot then.


It is important to take that into the equation as you will expand by up to an inch.
Hi DLD and company,

I just bought a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] yesterday, and I have two questions:
1) Is there any trick to getting the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] to stay on in the shower? I find it easy to use in the tub, but the air keeps slowly leaking out when I try to use it in the shower. I can't get a good seal no matter what I do. Maybe it's my pubic hair getting in the way? Should I shave it off? Does this make Penis Enlargement stuff easier?

2) When you alternate jelqing with using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], do you use any lube or not? If so what kind? Soap? It seems to me like it would be a pain to use something like baby oil and then have to wash it off each time before you use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] again.
hey hey,
im using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for about 2 weeks now and its really amazing how big the cock gets after a 20 min. session.. im looking forward to some great results in the next few month woohoo.

just 1 thing makes me confused.. maybe my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is broken? the button on top of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] to release suction dont works for me. i can press it hold it press it many times and nothing happens. after my 20 min. session i have to move the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] in a strong way to the left or right to release the vacuum.
this isnt normal eh?
you penis has lengthened and gained in girth, it remains that way because of the extra tissue created by cell division under pressure, (or something like that explanation ?) and once created, apparently remains
I've used [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 2 month, I've win about 2cm. Have stopped using it. Results stay, but my erections are not as hard as they used to be.
Do anyone encountered the same problem as I do?
The_Real_Randy;421799 said:
I've used [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 2 month, I've win about 2cm. Have stopped using it. Results stay, but my erections are not as hard as they used to be.
Do anyone encountered the same problem as I do?

ERection strength has little to do with your gains, it has a lot to do with your pelvic floor muscles and jelqing. Strong erections come from a health jelqing routine and a solid kegel routine.
Does [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and the [words=]Size Genetics[/words] (JES [words=]Extender[/words]) works good together?
Hi guys,
Didn't know where to post so I just decided to try here. When I pump with my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] I've been noticing that I can only pump up to 170 and it wont pump anymore. It's just getting stuck, It wont pump out anymore air or anything. Any suggestions?
mooseman;433277 said:
Hi guys,
Didn't know where to post so I just decided to try here. When I pump with my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] I've been noticing that I can only pump up to 170 and it wont pump anymore. It's just getting stuck, It wont pump out anymore air or anything. Any suggestions?

Check out my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] routine DLD [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Girth Blasters, they will get you over this hump.
I have two questions or concerns. First when i use my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] I always get rings at the base of my penis like the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] rubber bottom is pinching the base. I have tried adjusting the location and angle of attachment but nothing prevents that from happening i have even tried the penis sleeve recommended by several on the board and I found that did not help either. In fact the sleeve only went half way down my penis and I dont have a real thick penis maybe 5.25 fully engorged and i only got expansion above the sleeve on the top half of my penis. So that was disappointing as well. So basically my question is does anyone have advice as for how to prevent those rings at the base of my penis?

Question number 2. By the 3 or 4th 5 min round of pumping my testicles are aching while i am in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I make sure they are not sucked into it but they still ache because of the tension created by the pump is pulling the sac very tight. Is this normal to have minor discomfort? Also I have tried clamping to prevent the testicles from getting sucked into the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and that works quite well, but still does not stop the discomfort. It is kind of like the sensation when you get hit in the balls or the slap each other during an activity just to clarify the level of discomfort.

I appreciate any advice and help you guys have. These forums are great and have helped me grow a longer, thicker, and stronger penis.
I had a question, im going to order a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] today but i need to know how it looks on the bank statement of purchase, My girl is buying it for me and she needs to know if it says something like 'Bathmate- Big cock pump' or anything like that haha
rugger420;437320 said:
I had a question, im going to order a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] today but i need to know how it looks on the bank statement of purchase, My girl is buying it for me and she needs to know if it says something like 'Bathmate- Big cock pump' or anything like that haha

UPL Incorporated:)
rugger420;437320 said:
I had a question, im going to order a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] today but i need to know how it looks on the bank statement of purchase, My girl is buying it for me and she needs to know if it says something like 'Bathmate- Big cock pump' or anything like that haha

thats a great girlfreind
if you use it outside the bath, apply some vaseliene to the rubber bit, the [words= ]Bm[/words] is useless outside the bath unless you apply it, once applied its excellent and the resultant expansion via suction is out of this world, plus your erection quality within a week will be like that of a teenager.
I've used my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] maybe 7 times so far within 9 days. I started manual stretching a week or two before that, only jelq'd a few times before. I have been doing kegels for a few months off and on though.. more on lately.. I'm pretty strict about getting them in every day, even if it's not at the same hour. As far as a "routine," it varies. I'm still kind of settling in on what I like, and I'm not too strict about it anyway... for example, today I did like two minutes of manual stretching, 6-7 mins in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], 50 jelqs, 6-7 more minutes in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], 100 jelqs, then around 8 minutes in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and a few more jelqs. I kind of just throw whatever I can at my dick in the free time I have for the day.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've been gaining. I'm not strict about measurements.. I don't care about flaccid stretch or any of that. I started out around 7.25" x 4.75" months ago. I always thought I had hard erections until I started kegeling. That alone helped get me up around the 7.5" x 4.9" mark. Since I incorportated the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], stretching, and jelqing, I'm up around 7.6" x 5.1". I used to read results and think, "Fuck, .1" in a month??? That sucks." Then you actually get to it and realize how big of a difference .1" is in your hands. Just figured I'd share that I'm another satisfied (for now) [words= ]Bathmate[/words] user.
Good perspective! Penis gains are like investing in gold, small returns but steady...over time they add up big-time but with the penis you will never lose value!:)
Hello, im new to this forum and I have couple of questions.
Do you think that the [words=!!!]length master[/words] is valueable to Penis Enlargement along with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] ?
i'm new to Penis Enlargement and I already have 21cm in length, didn't measure my girth but I'd like to reach approx 25cm in length.
what would you recommend me to buy to reach this goal?
Thank you
dadab12;454210 said:
Hello, im new to this forum and I have couple of questions.
Do you think that the [words=!!!]length master[/words] is valueable to Penis Enlargement along with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] ?
i'm new to Penis Enlargement and I already have 21cm in length, didn't measure my girth but I'd like to reach approx 25cm in length.
what would you recommend me to buy to reach this goal?
Thank you

Both are great instruments but I think you would be wiser using the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] and The [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and work up to the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words]. The [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] is very advanced and best used by those who have done Penis Enlargement for a while.
doublelongdaddy;454220 said:
Both are great instruments but I think you would be wiser using the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] and The [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and work up to the [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words]. The [words=!!!]LengthMaster[/words] is very advanced and best used by those who have done Penis Enlargement for a while.

Thank you, i'll definately buy the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], I tried to order the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] but apparently they don't ship to Israel so there is nothing I could do at the moment right?
dadab12;454223 said:
Thank you, i'll definately buy the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], I tried to order the [words=]SizeGenetics[/words] but apparently they don't ship to Israel so there is nothing I could do at the moment right?

I am going to try to put an ebay auction up so users like yourself can buy.
TheBlackSloth;455962 said:
They don't happen to have these in sex shops yet do they??

I would not trust a sex shop, way too many fake Bathmates going around.
:/ I'd love one it's not the price I could save it's that I'm 18 and my dad is stillnon my bank account from when I was younger and being a dad he looks up my statements which shows my purchases. So....... I'd rather not explain that one to him. :(
TheBlackSloth;456158 said:
:/ I'd love one it's not the price I could save it's that I'm 18 and my dad is stillnon my bank account from when I was younger and being a dad he looks up my statements which shows my purchases. So....... I'd rather not explain that one to him. :(

Send cash and I can order for you.
Decided i would join up to this forum as i have been doing Penis Enlargement for about 10 months now and just recieved my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] a few days ago.
I'v gone from about 6.7 inches in length to about 7.2 inches since i started Penis Enlargement so its been a good experiance so far. So far my schedule is i will use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] in the AM and then again in the PM which gives your penis a great looking pump which goes after a while but hopefully in time it will start to give permanent gains in girth and maybe some added length. It can be quite uncomfortable at times to use but its not too bad and 20 minutes isn't much of a hassle. Do you think you will get better gains entering the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] flaccid or erect? I normally just loosen up my penis a little then slide it in and it stretches out to 190mm after some pumping.
I was just wondering if the number scale on the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is an accurate way to measure your penis when your fully pumped because according to that im 190mm which would be 7.4 inches.
it is somewhat accurate, yes. 0.2 inches over BPenis EnlargementL is not unheard of.

Just hold a ruler next to your [words= ]Bathmate[/words] to know for sure.
Since this product has been out a whole now. From experiance is it better to use this flaccid or erect? Which would give the greater gains.
Chris1234;458297 said:
Since this product has been out a whole now. From experiance is it better to use this flaccid or erect? Which would give the greater gains.

I like going in hard and settling in to about a 90% state. SOme guys are going completely flaccid and doing well. I think the best plan of action is to experiment and see what works best for you. Either way you are going to become larger:)
Well been using this for 5 days now and while i understand it takes a while to see any perminant gains this thing is a godsend to use before sex. It makes me so much thicker even though its only temp but my girlfriend definatly isn't complaining lol. Hope they end up as perminant gains.
Chris1234;458692 said:
Well been using this for 5 days now and while i understand it takes a while to see any perminant gains this thing is a godsend to use before sex. It makes me so much thicker even though its only temp but my girlfriend definatly isn't complaining lol. Hope they end up as perminant gains.

YUPPenis EnlargementRS!!!!! Great before sex...INSTANT INCH:)
doublelongdaddy;458773 said:
YUPPenis EnlargementRS!!!!! Great before sex...INSTANT INCH:)

yeah thats definatly one of the best things at the moment about this item lol. I was just wondering With reguards to the Penis Enlargement that i do. Would it be best to do my girth exercises before i use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] or afterwards?
I did 20 mins of [words= ]Bathmate[/words] this morning followed by Jelqs and then your girth blasting [words=]SSJ[/words] exercise and the expansion was massive at the time. Is that the best way to do it instead of the other way around?
I suggest you mix them together in super-sets. If your total [words= ]Bathmate[/words] time is 20 minutes you could break that into four 5 minute sets of BathMating with [words=]SSJ[/words] for 5 minutes in between each set. I know you will see even better expansion.
Just another quick question for DLD.
When i have my off days is it best not to do any penis work at all?
As in no [words=]extender[/words] and no [words= ]Bathmate[/words]......just let it rest completely because at the moment im doing [words=]extender[/words] work and [words= ]Bathmate[/words] work even on my off days and im wondering if thats too much.
I was wondering if this is a fault with my [words= ]Bathmate[/words]..... I was using it tonight and no matter how much of a suction i got i would see air bubbles coming from the valve and the water in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] getting less and less. Is this a faulty valve? i took it off and attatched it twice more but the same thing was happening i would create the vacuum and then i would see air bubbles comming up from where the valve is and going up the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] then notice the water getting less and less.
Chris1234;459490 said:
I was wondering if this is a fault with my [words= ]Bathmate[/words]..... I was using it tonight and no matter how much of a suction i got i would see air bubbles coming from the valve and the water in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] getting less and less. Is this a faulty valve? i took it off and attatched it twice more but the same thing was happening i would create the vacuum and then i would see air bubbles comming up from where the valve is and going up the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] then notice the water getting less and less.

Hello Chris, I suggest you read through some of the different ways to improve circulation in teh [words= ]Bathmate[/words] forum, there are a lot. The Wine Vac Modification seems to be excellent for this job.
I think its a fault because i have had no problem with it at all untill tonight, iv just tryed again twice and the same issue both times, air bubbles coming from the valve and suction being lost.
Since iv had this for over a week now and not had any issues at all now all of a sudden it keeps doing that it seems like its a fault?
Iv just tryed it again and the problem seems to be once i pump it up to create a vacuum i can hear air from the valve area like when you press down on the valve to take off the suction. I definatly think its a fault as no matter what i do now i cant get it to work but iv had no problems before tonight.
Chris1234;459510 said:
I think its a fault because i have had no problem with it at all untill tonight, iv just tryed again twice and the same issue both times, air bubbles coming from the valve and suction being lost.
Since iv had this for over a week now and not had any issues at all now all of a sudden it keeps doing that it seems like its a fault?

Perhaps you got something in the valve that may be causing this. You can take the valve off and clean. There is a video in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Forum. Are you sure you are not loosing air from the base? Have you trimmed your hair? Have you tried a little bit of vaseline at the seal?
Im fully shaved downthere so thats not an issue, iv taken it off and dryed/cleaned it. The air sound is definatly coming from the valve area i can hear air hissing from it and see bubbles coming from there and going up the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] really fast then im losing more and more suction. I never had this for the first 6 or so days using it. Its just something that happened last night and since then the same thing happenes every time to the point i can't actually use it now.
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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