So close! Awesome work thus far!
Day 31/13 - 10/03/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 174
Width: 5.1
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

I took my weekend rest days early and got back to it on Sunday. Started with 600 jelqs to warmup. I was only able to get to 174, but it usually takes me another day after resting to continue from where I was at the end of the previous week. I eliminated the comfort issues from last week by simply not trying to make the Bathmate fit better. I was rotating the pump slightly after every pump to loosen the area around the gaiter. That was actually making things worse and work less effectively.

Now I pump from the default position and don't try to move the Bathmate too much for any type of adjustment. This works MUCH better. I did the standard pump and release but noticed at 174 and 20 minutes into the session, I really wasn't feeling the pump so much. I knew I could get a better length and receive a better pump as well so it will have to be left for next time.

I also took a break from wearing the ROP and TSPR supplements on my days off. Too much of anything is never good.
Day 31/14 - 10/05/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 183-184
Width: 5.5
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

I had another unplanned day off but got to the Bathmate earlier than usual. As with the previous post, all comfort issues have been eliminated and I've also gone back to a regular bath, no longer filling the tub extremely high. I found this helps as well though the gaiter is still suBathmateerged in water for the whole session. Started with 800 jelqs before using the Bathmate.

I was able to get to 180 within 10 minutes of the session. Straight pumping, no pump and release since the last session didn't feel as strong as I wanted. I kept pumping but only managed to get to 183-184. Not solid 184. I went 25 minutes this time to see if I could achieve a length max record of 185 but no go. The pump was better this time but could still have been more. Maybe I'm getting used to the Bathmate? Definitely gaining as it was hard for me to his 180+ before but it's happening more often now.

I know the Bathmate is working as the last time I used a condom, it was a lot tighter than usual. The softer more elastic skin is less apparent with more Bathmate use as well.
Day 32/15 - 10/06/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 182-183
Width: 5.1
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

700 jelqs to start at 70% erection. An incredibly good session hitting 170 within 2 minutes and 180 at 6 minutes in! This is very good and again hitting 180+. Gains have definitely been made. The pump was also a lot stronger today as I'm no longer sensitive to the pump pressure. I do the DLD Bathmate stretches during my session now (which I couldn't before because the pump and the stretching was too painful). Not an issue now. I've been doing the stretches for several sessions now but forgot to post.

Also doing some standard stretches for a couple of minutes before my jelq session warm up but nothing super intense. I hit 182-183. Very happy with this result and the pump was better today. Feels great to be 180+ for more than a couple of minutes at the end of a session. I have a feeling that the second round of gains are coming. Also hit 2 weeks (14 days) of use in 3 weeks (resting on weekends). The Bathmate seems to be doing everything it claims.

Looking back since I first received the Bathmate, I've gone from a 160 max to 184 max. That's almost an inch in less than 2 months or so with a long break in between my 2 runs so far. Incredible. I'm sure the gains will slow down as I gain, but their claims of + 1-3" is completely realistic. I've tried the pills, and Penis Enlargement before, but nothing has provided gains as quick as the Bathmate and Penis Enlargement. At first I was hesitant and thought "there's nothing to lose, and it's only money" but now I'm very glad I got the Bathmate.

I'm thinking 9" could even be possible at the end of next year. I originally wanted to get to 8" but thought that would be hard to achieve and would take a long time. I also thought that would be the physical limit for my body but now 9" seems totally achievable. Maybe I'm also lucky that I've been able to hit 180+ the last 2 sessions. If I can hit it for the rest of the week my confidence will be higher that I've cemented gains.
Very nice thread and precise
i also have my 3rd day into Bathmate and all i can say is that is amazing.i am focus on getting more length and proprtional some more girht gain,but my major goal is getting more length question to all Bathmate users which are having done longer than me,is better to go into Bm errect or flacid to get more faster length gains?
cristianbuta;400849 said:
Very nice thread and precise
i also have my 3rd day into Bathmate and all i can say is that is amazing.i am focus on getting more length and proprtional some more girht gain,but my major goal is getting more length question to all Bathmate users which are having done longer than me,is better to go into Bm errect or flacid to get more faster length gains?

I go 100% erect and after a few minutes it subsides to about 80%, this is when I pull out and do a good set of Slow Sqaush Jelqs, become 100% erect again and do some more pumping. I repeat this 3 times.
Day 33/15 - 10/07/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 181
Width: 5.2
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

600 jelqs to start. Got to 170 in under 2 minutes and was stuck at 181 from 6 minutes onward. No matter what I couldn't get the length to go any further or the pump to be any stronger.

I haven't started the timer until I actually feel a pump for the last week. I used to start timing right away but if I don't feel too much then I figure it's not doing anything. I didn't have TSPR supplements until after my session. This could account for the lack of max length today?

We'll see how it works during recovery when sleeping. Overall an okay session. The pump was stronger than the last couple of days by about 20%. Hoping to get back to 183 tomorrow.

DLD how can you tell if you're still erect in the Bathmate? Is it a feeling from experience? When I'm in the Bathmate with a good pump I can't tell.
J1L;400956 said:
DLD how can you tell if you're still erect in the Bathmate? Is it a feeling from experience? When I'm in the Bathmate with a good pump I can't tell.

I can sort of feel it but when it doubt I simply do a kegel flex and watch for the tube to bounce.
Day 34/16 - 10/11/2010

Session: 21 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 179
Width: 5.2
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

900 jelqs to start. I was expecting to get to 173-174 which is the usual length after 2 days of rest but I managed to get to 179 at 10 minutes in. No matter what I did, I couldn't get passed this number. I tried rocker pumps and though some water came out (down to drops) it didn't help with length. Strangely, the pump wasn't as strong as usual after resting 2 days, where I usually am sensitive to the pressure.

Also took 2 days off from the ROP and TSPR supplements. Looking forward to tomorrow. If I'm +5mm longer than usual after a break, hopefully this will apply to the regular session as well with a maximum of 189. I'm optimistic that I'll at least break my previous record of 183-184 in this weeks sessions. Cleaned the ROP today. I use scotch bright pads now (the green ones) and it's as good as new.
Day 35/17 - 10/12/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 180
Width: 5.1
Supplements: ROP and The Secret Potency Report

Started with the usual jelqs to 700. I managed to hit 170 within 1 minute and 180 within 6 minutes where I remained for the rest of the session. The pump was stronger than the last several sessions which was encouraging since I thought the Bathmate was wearing out or not doing as good of a job as before. This tells me there's gains to be made and that the Bathmate is still effective.

I didn't hit +5mm over my previous record, but I'm able to hit 180 consistently now and much earlier in the session. I think I'm going to move on to bundled DLD stretches for the next while to get past my current length max of 184mm.
J1L;402089 said:
I think I'm going to move on to bundled DLD stretches for the next while to get past my current length max of 184mm.

Excellent exercise!
So, have you concluded entering flaccid > erect, for length gains?

What permanent gains do you think you have made so far?
bukkake;402402 said:
So, have you concluded entering flaccid > erect, for length gains?

What permanent gains do you think you have made so far?

I enter erect and usually subside to about 80%. So far for me I have gained a solid cemented .25" in girth and the same in length (a bit more).
Day 35/17/1 - 10/21/2010

Session: 20 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 183
Width: 5.0
Supplements: None

As you may notice I am back to Day 1 for consecutive use. Too busy among other things. I returned with no exercises prior and was able to get to 170 very quickly (under 4 minutes), then to 180 in under 10 minutes. At less than 15 minutes in, I hit 183 and continued there back and forth to 180 or so while continuing to pump.

I've made over 0.8" gain since the first day of using the Bathmate (for a total of 53 days) and can visually see the difference when aroused. I would say 0.5" real world gain. I started doing some DLD bundled stretches on and off here and there. No specific Penis Enlargement sessions.

Noticed less girth than usual but only a small amount. Hoping to get in regular DLD bundled stretches along with a return the TSPR supplements. ROP is on after the Bathmate session.

Hopefully the 10 days off helped with gains. I'll know more later this week.
That is some insane expansion.
Day 35/17/1/1 - 11/03/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 187 (Previous max of 184)
Width: 7.0 (Because of FR)
Supplements: TSPR + exercise!

If you follow my posts, you'll realize that I've started at Day 1 again after half a month of rest. I've been unable to do any Penis Enlargement or use the Bathmate because of many reasons. Fatigue, health, stuff like that.

In the same time, I stopped taking the supplements suggested by The Secret Potency Report and stopped exercising and got as much sleep as possible. I started using TSPR several days ago in order to prepare for Bathmate use and Penis Enlargement again. During my whole time off, I did DLD bundled stretches on and off but nothing serious or any sit down sessions.

Today I returned to the Bathmate with several days of TSPR supplements and a trip to the gym (haven't gone for at least a month). Did 15 minutes of cardio and a continuous circuit of light/med weights. I got into the Bath and pulled out the Bathmate expecting similar results as before. Within 1 minute I was at 170 which seemed pretty quick, and at 3 minutes in I was at 180. It was at this point I thought I would hit my max of 183 average. To my surprise I made it to 187 solid. It could have been 188 but I don't like to count partials. I felt a better pump than usual and also went in the Bathmate erect which I usually don't do.

I'm not sure if it's the rest, the supplements, the exercise or all of them but the gains are there! I had minimal comfort issues today and even, consistent pumps all the way to the end of the session. It was a bit too much at the end for sensitivity but probably because I haven't used the Bathmate for a long time. The fluid retention was huge and my entire penis was as thick as a red bull can. Probably because of my first day back and that I also went 25 minutes (instead of the usual 20) to see if I could make it past 185 which I did.

I can't wait for the next session and that's as soon as the FR buildup heals (hoping it won't take more than a day off at the most as it's a LOT more than usual).

Bathmate WORKS. Gains ARE permanent. Best purchase I've EVER made and a MUST for anyone looking to enlarge their penis. If you are super dedicated and can keep up with exercise, a good diet, a regular Penis Enlargement routine, plenty of sleep, and a longer rest period once in a while, I think you can make really really great gains. Every time I return it keeps getting better and better.
J1L;404171 said:
Day 35/17/1/1 - 11/03/2010

Session: 25 minutes
Method: regular bath
Max: 187 (Previous max of 184)
Width: 7.0 (Because of FR)
Supplements: TSPR + exercise!

If you follow my posts, you'll realize that I've started at Day 1 again after half a month of rest. I've been unable to do any Penis Enlargement or use the Bathmate because of many reasons. Fatigue, health, stuff like that.

In the same time, I stopped taking the supplements suggested by The Secret Potency Report and stopped exercising and got as much sleep as possible. I started using TSPR several days ago in order to prepare for Bathmate use and Penis Enlargement again. During my whole time off, I did DLD bundled stretches on and off but nothing serious or any sit down sessions.

Today I returned to the Bathmate with several days of TSPR supplements and a trip to the gym (haven't gone for at least a month). Did 15 minutes of cardio and a continuous circuit of light/med weights. I got into the Bath and pulled out the Bathmate expecting similar results as before. Within 1 minute I was at 170 which seemed pretty quick, and at 3 minutes in I was at 180. It was at this point I thought I would hit my max of 183 average. To my surprise I made it to 187 solid. It could have been 188 but I don't like to count partials. I felt a better pump than usual and also went in the Bathmate erect which I usually don't do.

I'm not sure if it's the rest, the supplements, the exercise or all of them but the gains are there! I had minimal comfort issues today and even, consistent pumps all the way to the end of the session. It was a bit too much at the end for sensitivity but probably because I haven't used the Bathmate for a long time. The fluid retention was huge and my entire penis was as thick as a red bull can. Probably because of my first day back and that I also went 25 minutes (instead of the usual 20) to see if I could make it past 185 which I did.

I can't wait for the next session and that's as soon as the FR buildup heals (hoping it won't take more than a day off at the most as it's a LOT more than usual).
Bathmate WORKS. Gains ARE permanent. Best purchase I've EVER made and a MUST for anyone looking to enlarge their penis. If you are super dedicated and can keep up with exercise, a good diet, a regular Penis Enlargement routine, plenty of sleep, and a longer rest period once in a while, I think you can make really really great gains. Every time I return it keeps getting better and better.

Great man im way happy for you! I just wanted to say thanks for making your Journal! Ive been reading your Journal since before i started mine and you really inspired me to take the next step and purchase a Bathmate. I too am sooo happy i did! I 100% agree that it was the best purchase i have ever made. My goal is to get past 185 too (max so far is 183). Wish me luck and keep the updates coming!
No luck needed! Enjoy the gains!
IronMike20;404174 said:
Great man im way happy for you! I just wanted to say thanks for making your Journal! Ive been reading your Journal since before i started mine and you really inspired me to take the next step and purchase a Bathmate. I too am sooo happy i did! I 100% agree that it was the best purchase i have ever made. My goal is to get past 185 too (max so far is 183). Wish me luck and keep the updates coming!

Try the TSPR supplements. A bit pricey, but I think it will give you a high chance to get past your current max quickly. Goji Berries, Cacao Nibs, and Maca Powder (gelatinized is best but even more expensive). 2 Tbsp of the berries and nibs per day, and 1 Tsp of the Maca. Combine all at once in a smoothie or chew the Berries and Nibs and mix the Maca with a drink.

I've also had great results exercising before using the Bathmate so that will help as well.

Good luck!
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