Ok, so I finally found the high quality rods (99.9% purity) of 3/8 of an inch diameter, cut in 2in long sections for both Zinc and Copper.
Now, for the Latex Tubbing, I have no idea for the ID. How big/small should it be? With that information I will be able to make an order and have it shipped here in France.

Thanks in advance. Cheers!
Hello Matterf of Size

I'm kind of new to the site, well never registered before and I was wondering if the ring of power you recommend Supra is that one? : http://www.erecthard.com/order.php Or just another one (one you build or something, or if it's available for sale directly) & in that case if you could PM me with all the details please. I'd appreciate it a lot, cheers.
Hello Supra
I wanted get in touch with you to talk about how can I buy the ROP, I sent a PM to you I don't know if you got it.
Has anyone experienced insomnia from using the RoP? I know a side effect of high doses of minerals (and heavy metals - copper and zinc are both) in some people can cause issues sleeping.

Also, how often should the rods be cleaned/buffed? I notice mine are fading quickly after i put the scouring pad on them ~24 hours. How long do most people take to notice the first results? How long until maximum benefit is observed?
shalooong;587377 said:
Has anyone experienced insomnia from using the RoP? I know a side effect of high doses of minerals (and heavy metals - copper and zinc are both) in some people can cause issues sleeping.

Also, how often should the rods be cleaned/buffed? I notice mine are fading quickly after i put the scouring pad on them ~24 hours. How long do most people take to notice the first results? How long until maximum benefit is observed?

I clean mine once a week. I never had any sleep issues, I felt like I sleep better with increase in testosterone.
I started using my own ROP 48h ago... haven't felp any difference or alteration in any field so far.
I will be reporting any update as they come.

Zoid7011;599040 said:
Has anyone heard from Supra lately?

DLD may have at some point. Someone asks this question every now and then. i asked it in the past. I think DLD knows what is going on with him and expects he will be back on here someday when he has whatever in his life that is going on taken care of
youknowme123321;599080 said:
DLD may have at some point. Someone asks this question every now and then. i asked it in the past. I think DLD knows what is going on with him and expects he will be back on here someday when he has whatever in his life that is going on taken care of

Oh alright. Hope all is well.
Haven't heard from Supra since I placed my order a week ago. Getting close to recalling my order.
I bought 2 of these R.O.P.'s off the official site. I've only been wearing one for the past 3 days, but are they going to work or should I look for something else?
Supra;25918 said:
This is the best device for erection strengthening, impotence, low testosterone, more blood flow and faster healing in my opinion. Tom Hubbard had a great idea. Everyone needs one, I wear it 24/7. This device cause electricity to flow around your entire gentile bunch. Companies commerical produce these for outrageous prices that do not even work as good and are not comfortable. If you do not want to pay there ridiculous prices I will build you one for $100 less. Plus they will not refund you your money, even If they say they are going to!

The one at that web site only produces .12-5 volts and is very uncomfortable. The one I make produces .7-.8 volts and is way more comfotable.

This thing rocks, my erections are getting stronger firmer and I have more blood down there all the time. I cannot even feel that I have it on. 99.95 pure zinc rod and copper those two together combined with your skin produce unlimited electricity, no batteries required.

Electricity is widely used in medicine in one form or other. It helps body scans, assists bone healing and tissue regeneration and it retrains muscles. It can re-invigorate mind and body as well as stimulating blood circulation; and that is perhaps its most useful function of all.

It will raise you testosterone, make your Testicles bigger, make you produce more sperm, cum like Peter North, and increase your fertility rate. Give you a huge flaccid hang, rock hard erections, and prevent post orgasm shrinkage, and faster healing from Penis Enlargement. I think that it blows any penis pill or supplement out of the water..Permanatly. It will do anything a pill will do, and 10X more, I have gotten greater girth from it and it has ever all given me greaters gains. It supplies your body with the Bio-Electric power that unleashes your own body's power and boots it greatly. Any penis pill or supplement that you can take will be nothing in comparison to what this can do.

I have already received Permanent gains from the ring. My flaccid Penis is permanently bigger, I do not experience post orgasm shrinkage. My girth has pushed past 6" and stays the same even if I do no Penis Enlargement for weeks. My erections are just as strong with it on or with it off, and I can go days without wearing it without loosing effects. My semen production is huge, my loads are always above 15 times with or with out the ring because I have worn it so much.

My Story
I did steroids and a bad cycle at that and totally messed my whole body up, I got ball shrinkage to the max, tons of acne, and high estrogen levels because my body was not producing test or anything to lower the estrogen. I even had penis shrinkage due to the impotence I got from the low test and high estrogen, I could not get hard. I was a total and complete mess for a year after I got of the cycle. I did not do good drugs like clomid, HCG or Nolvadex that messed me up even more. Lucky I found this ring and it has giving me back everything I lost, and a lot more than I ever dreamed.

My testosterone has gone from went from 458nl to 954nl from a blood test results after wearing 1 month. My testosterone has skyrocked to higher levels than I ever saw, my estrogen went all the way down. Now I feel like I am on a constant steroids cause I am getting more ripped and big than I ever did while I was working out 5-6 days a week for an hour a day lifting really heavy and hard with free weights and eating a clean diet. Now I work out 3-4 days a week with just 20-30 minutes of moderate weight lifting with my bowflex and look 100% better.

I just have a great feeling all day. I feel good, great about life and am happier. My balls are big again, I have rock hard erections, I shoot Peter North Loads. When I cum I shoot about 17-20 times not I used to only be about 5-6. I can fill a whole shot glass. Have a nice healthy looking penis full of blood, and a big flaccid hang; I owe everything to this Ring of Power.

Its great for stretching and hanging to keep the blood flow in your penis moving. I wear it all day, in the shower, while swimming, lifting weights and especially during Penis Enlargement and all night. It never comes off and you cannot feel it.

Ring of Power Benifits

1. Bigger Flaccid Penis, Bigger, larger, firmer testicles.
2. Faster healing and recovery for Penis Enlargement
3. More Blood circulation to the genitals, giving you rock hard and and sustained erections in stregth and size.
4. Sexual performance magnified, and elimination of partial impotence and sexual problems.
5. Increases Libido and sex drive, due to Testosterone Boosting effects
6. Sperm production increased, stronger ejaculations and thicker more health ejaculations.
7. The problems of incontinence due to weak muscles controlling the bladder and other sphincter problems, the muscles are strengthend.
8. Pre mature ejacuation less of a problem
9. A Natural way of improvement of overall health, self-esteem, mood and outlook on life, and sexual gratification.
10. A all natrual way to get all of these benifits without having to take drugs, pills or injections.

My Latest updates
My Latest Amazing Lab Results and New info on the Ring of Power

The Greatest Ring of Power Story ever
Higherone's Testamony

Users Results
User Comments and Results

Buidling ROP/BZ out of Pennies
Why Pennies Do not Work for the ROP/BZ

Science on Electro-Therapy
Science/Bio Electrical Universe

Voltage Tests Results Produced With/Without Saline
Voltage Test Results
Should I believe you shoot 16 to 17 times ??.?
MistrJay;621332 said:
I bought 2 of these R.O.P.'s off the official site. I've only been wearing one for the past 3 days, but are they going to work or should I look for something else?

Any Experience with the the Ring of Power ?
If any of you are able to acquire one, plz let me know. I have been going through threads trying to find someone that received one recently but have not been able to locate anyone.
^ No man you're thinking of a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]bathmate[/words]. The ROP is supposed to increase blood flow through electricity.
Only been wearing mine a few days but even on day 1, I noticed my flaccid hang was longer. Also, my dick doesn't turtle when i walk around like it normally does
Really curious about how this works. The rods are nickel and copper, right? How does that create a magnetic field? And if it re-directs more electricity to the dick/balls, does that mean it's taking electricity away from parts of the body to create that surplus?

EDIT: Nevermind, found the link explaining it

Wondering in what other ways this kind of technology could be used. Never in my life until now have I heard about using magnetism to redirect the body's electricity to help certain parts function better. I didn't even know it worked like that. I'm really interested in this
Last edited:
I purchased a RoP from that guy on Megabiz, and after a month I have not noticed any gains or improvement whatsoever. I have contacted Supra about his, really hope this works. I have to stop spending money on PE!
The Ring of Power - Boost Testosterone, Sex Drive and Muscle Mass with the Ring of Power

The Ring of Power - Boost Testosterone, Sex Drive and Muscle Mass with the Ring of Power

This is where i got mine from and it works GREAT!!! Took a couple of days to figure out how tight it should be but once i did..... WOW!!!! I didn't really feel much at first so to get the right measurement i clamped it down until i felt the rods on my inner penis, not to the point of cutting off circulation but yet you feel the rod. After a simple adjustment and it works great!!! Two days after the adjustment and my balls are way bigger, my flaccid hang is better, and i have increased sensitivity and libido. I clean it every few hours and it seems to help. Mine gets tarnished really quick it seems.

I was thinking that in order to make cleaning easier i could get some plastic caps to put around the two ends of the rods. Instead of taking the tubing off all I would have to do is take the rods out..... next time im at home depot i guess lol.
Lots of guys who wear regular cockrings also report the same benefits as with the rop. Even on the third last post it say he didn't feel anything until sizing the ring correctly
also got a ROP from Megabiz.net after reading about it here several weeks ago. thought it would be $25 worth of BS but what the heck. after putting it on and using it for several days I noticed first that flacid was enlarged indicating improved blood circulation. I know what a cock ring does to me and this is "not" a clamping result. I used my VOM and found that after a while there is a DC current flow from rod to rod of just over 1volt DC. The bigger flacid has to be from voltage and metal type because I do not have mine on tight at all, just enough for the rods to rub the sides of my penis.The Blakoe website calls all other devices but their's a scam that will produce no voltage/power but I know that is totally wrong with the ROP. The copper rod is a tube and the zinc rod is solid. If you don't like the rubber tubing or getting it to hold together I think you could use some wide elastic band and tie the rods to the strap and use a snap or small button? One thing that really has helped me with using my [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words] and the Air clamp from PEweights is the silicone tube that I got on Ebay, I think from the LG hanger man. You can cut a short length of the silicone tube(1" or 1 1/4" diameter" about 2 1/2 to 3" long and then fold it double. Open it up with your fingers with the middle fold towards your belly and slide it on as far as possible. Then take the top layer and unfold it towards your belly allowing the tube to go to the base. When you [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words] the pressure will really enlarge the head and make you longer in the tube as the pressure doesn't act on the tube covered shaft as much. Also works good for putting the air clamp on top and you can double the silicone sleeve to make the air clamp squeeze tighter. you can also leave the silicone sleeve on doubled to hold the blood and also you can roll the sleeve into a very snug cock ring. Hope that helps. I also tried for first time to wear the ROP at night and also have sex. At 70 y.o. I am having to work to keep it working and also take supplements. the generic Tadalafil(cialis) caused me blurry and double vision in left eye so I stopped using it. The ROP made my penis work more like normal and definitely harder and last longer with it on than without,yeah!
What's the best way to clean my ring of power I noticed I don't get the same feel as when I 1st got it a few days ago. The instructions I got said to use steel wool as a last resort
How the F* are ya'll getting the thing to stay on though? Mine comes apart when I wear it, no matter what. I've tried glue, tape, rubber cement, marine glue, etc. NOTHING will keep it right.
Hey supra and other ROP user.
At first I have to thank you for bringing the ROP to my attention. I has helped me greatly, yet since like 2 weeks ago I started to have red swollen skin on my pubic area. I used bebanthen, but it only got mildly better. Any ideas what I could do?
12InchInc;704670 said:
I use copper, silicone and zinc. I suspect the silicone hoses somewhat opened up the skin, since I experienced soak soreness.

You should check with those doctors that give allergic reaction test to know whats bad for you. It's worth it because it can save your life knowing what can fuck up your body.
Hey guys,

If anyone could please link me to the directions for making an ROP that would be greatly appreciated. I've messaged Super about buying one off him, but after an initial reply he hasn't go back to me. In his defense I don't think he's logged on to the forum since then.

I'm really keen to try the ROP out :)
Bump. If anyone could help me out here ill be really grateful.

Affron;714907 said:
Hey guys,

If anyone could please link me to the directions for making an ROP that would be greatly appreciated. I've messaged Super about buying one off him, but after an initial reply he hasn't go back to me. In his defense I don't think he's logged on to the forum since then.

I'm really keen to try the ROP out :)
Sounds strange about small rods; wasn't there a wider diameter available? Mine are 0.385 inch, both copper and zinc rods. So are both rods, copper and zinc in that 0.125 range?
I guess you could pack them up, but I don't know how well it would work. Try it, perhaps send a picture of the result!

Postage from where I live is so high to the States or pretty much anywhere outside my region (Scandinavia), otherwise I could hook up a brother or two, although I think I'm running low on the silicone hose.
I see! Let me know about your results with the material you're getting for the moment. Shipping in Scandinavia shouldn't be that much. You can drop me a private message later on.
Ok Im getting 0.5 volts. First day today. Lets se what happens.

I took a test test haha for 2 month ago and Im going to take it in one month.

I hade 14 the last time. That is in The lower middle
I gave up on this thing. I can't figure a way to get the freakin copper and zinc to say in the tube. It'll fit snug for maybe 4 minutes tops then just pop off. EVERY TIME.
chinchillables;729328 said:
I gave up on this thing. I can't figure a way to get the freakin copper and zinc to say in the tube. It'll fit snug for maybe 4 minutes tops then just pop off. EVERY TIME.

Moonshinekiller recommended glue; I'd recommend against. Could be an issue with the tubing (not snug enough perhaps?) or is it too snug on your unit when you wear it?
I've used a rough grit sandpaper to make the rod ends "grainier", so there should be more chance of the ROP keeping together.

I know it's a real bummer for the ROP to pop off! I haven't worn mine for a longer time now, but the one I had and was using was modified in a way.
Ah, found the post about it; http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/alternative-and-experimental-penis-enlargement/3101-the-ring-of-power-49.html#post542161

Stay in the game, don't give up!
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