Originally posted by tbirdy
pls suggest a convenient source of copper :)
US pennies are copper clad (over nickle I believe.) It's the contact point with the skin that matters, so the cladding should be sufficient. I'd clean them up good, though with a wire brush or something.
No offense bobbdobbs, but this is getting way more complicated and scietific and confusing than I wanted it to get. I do not want the other members here to get confused by all of this different additions that are trying to made to the origional Blakoe ring. If you do not think my idea is sound go here www.blakoe.com But I would like the other guys here to be able to buy or build something that they are comfortable with. Thanks for your input. I just dont want anymore confusing, I am getting about 20 pm's a day now about different questions, and I cannot answer them cause I am not supporting these different ideas that you have put on here. The Blakoe ring requires none of this extra stuff, no batteries or water or wires or anything, I dont hink all of this is really nessasry. All it is is a peice of zinc, copper and latex tubing. Is all of this nessasy? I support this ring casue it has worked wonders for me, and I want others to have the same benifits I have had from this simple, sound idea, nothing else. Thanks.
Originally posted by Supra
No offense bobbdobbs
None taken. I've steered clear of your "for sale" thread. But this thread actually started out about some third party's device. My comments are directed at the replication of that. I am an electrical engineer by trade and so I do have some knowledge of the fundamentals of electrical flow.

Hopefully readers will note that BobbDobbs is not Supra. :)
Thats cool man, I just dont what people to start gettign confused by to may different things. Thats cool you a engineer. I bet your really smart in this area. Thanks for understanding.
Hydromaxm, ok I'm starting to understand now, bit confusing.

Supra and bobbdobbs seem real good at this ring, could you guys show us pictures of the different steps in assembling it, ya know, with a hot girl showing us the different supplies and steps in making it? loljk

but lemme ask if I got it right here:
2 US pennies
1 1" long copper tube
1 1" long zinc tube
latex hose (variable size)
copper wire (variable size
rubber bands

but what would I use for contacts on the zinc, or do i just don't use contacts and run the spiral copper wire through the whole thing?

:fight: still confused do you guys think I'm stupid?
I dont know what you need all of that, all you need is one peice of zinc, one peice of copper and latex tubing all the directions are posted!! What do you need pennies and wires and all that junk for? And rubber bands? Look at my picture posted and read the directions.
I cant help you if you dont follow the directions I am sorry! I know what I make and know it works, this is why I did not want any additional designs, it get to complicated.
sorry about that Supra, I was just a little confused on how the design worked, and I agree that all the other designs are just more complicated, but should be credited for as perhaps improving it. for anyone new to it, stick to the simple design, find your own ways to improve it and share it, but thats another topic.
Supra...thanks for the idea...I just finished building my Blakoe ring using the Hubbard instructions. It was simple. Just ordered the zinc through the link. It was like $4.00 shipping so the total was around $10 and it took 2 days to arrive. And I bought the other materials for around $10 and thats because I had to buy 10 feet of copper pipe for like $7.00 when all you need is 2". So I still even have extra materials left. I'll probably build a backup one :) or get crazy and wear like 2 of 'em...hahaha

It took me exactly 10 minutes to build it because I have no hardware skills. All it involved was sawing off 2" pieces of each pipe and cutting the latex tube with scissors.

I suggest everyone interested in this get one of these rings. They are simple. Go for it. Dedicate a few hours to buying the materials and building it. Its worth it because it emphasizes how important you are taking the Penis Enlargement!!!!!!!!!

:rocker: :rocker: :rocker: :rocker:
Man the results keep getting better for me, my bllod is now more moving than ever I am getting erections for no reason and while I hang after I am done with a set my dick is still really pumped with blood and doesnt look like its about to fall off. man I love this thing.
Ok the ring needs to be tight guys! Not loose or snug, tight! Only one pinky needs to be able to fit under the ring and your skin!
Thanks for the words of encouragement!! I do not appritiate the negative cooments, if you want one you can buy one from me and I will build you one or you can make one, but there are no freebies here! It does work, and thats that!
I am testing out this "Marine GOOP" for the Ring of Power. It supposed to go well with bonding latex to metal, so we will see if it works I will let you guys know.
The Bioelectrical Universe - A must read for everyone!

The Bioelectrical Universe Is More Important Than Most People Every Imagined

You wanted facts and proof that the "Ring of Power" works, here you go. The "Ring of Power" gives you exactly what your body needs for this to take place, extra volts and electricity. Our bodies run on electricity. Everything you do from moving your arm to running as fast of you can, its all from your neuro pathways that use electricity. Hope yall enjoy. Good reading to. I learned a lot and took me a while to dig this up of the net. Read it all its really great.

Where does the differentiation between biochemical, bioelectrical, electro-magnetic, subtle, and etheric universes begin and end? Georges Lakhovsky, in his book, "The Secret of Life" postulates: "Every living being emits radiations. The nucleus of a living cell may be compared to an electrical oscillating circuit. This nucleus consists of tubular filaments, chromosomes and mitochondria, made up of insulating material and filled with conducting fluid containing all the mineral salts found in sea water. These filaments are thus comparable to oscillating circuits endowed with capacity and self-inductance and therefore, capable of oscillating according to a specific frequency."

"The fight between the living organism and microbes is fundamentally a war of radiations. If the radiations of the microbe win, the cell ceases to oscillate and death is the ultimate result. If, on the other hand, the radiations of the cell gain the ascendant, the microbe is killed and health is preserved. Broadly speaking, health is equivalent to oscillatory equilibrium while disease is characterized by oscillatory disequilibrium."

In his book, "The Phenomena of Life" Dr. Crile states, "All living cells are electric cells functioning as a system of generators, inductance lines and insulators and that the role played by radiation and electricity in living processes is no more mysterious in man than in batteries and dynamos. Electrical energy plays a fundamental part in the organization of the growth and function of protoplasm."

"Man is a radio-electrical mechanism. When life ends, radiation ends. It is clear that radiation produces the electric current which operates adaptively the organism as a whole, producing memory, reason, imagination, emotion, the special senses, secretions, muscular action, the response to infection, and normal growth, all of which are governed by the electrical charges that are generated by the shortwave or ionizing radiation in protoplasm."

Dr. Nordenstrom claims, "to have discovered an unknown universe of electrical activity in the human body, the biological equivalent of electrical circuits. These circuits are switched on by the normal activity of the body's organs; voltages build and fluctuate; electric currents course through arteries and veins and across capillary walls, drawing white blood cells and metabolic compounds into and out of surrounding tissues. This electrical system works to balance the activity of internal organs and, in the case of injuries, represents the very foundation of the healing process. Disturbances in this electrical network, may be involved in the development of cancer and other diseases."

The idea that electric currents can stimulate bodily repair, alert defense mechanisms, and control the growth and function of cells is not a new one to medicine. Bioelectromagnetics dates back at least 200 years.

Classical medicine certainly doesn't deny that there are myriad electrical forces at work within the body, in addition to chemical ones exerted by hormones and enzymes, and physical ones like the pressure of the blood in the arteries and veins. Every human thought and action is accompanied by the production of electrical signals along the fibers of the nervous system. Indeed, life wouldn't exist at all without a constant flow of ions across the membranes of cells.

If Nordenstrom is right, these circuits may explain many fundamental regulatory processes in the human body, and even the seemingly inexplicable therapeutic effects of acupuncture and electromagnetic fields. (Discover Magazine, April 1986, "Electric Man," pages 22-37).

Each organ of the body produces and consumes energy that contributes to the maintenance of the overall life support system. An energetic equilibrium is essential to a healthy, functional body. To maintain this equilibrium, energy must flow freely through the channels at the proper strength and balance. If illness occurs, the flow of energy throughout the body is blocked and impaired at various points. The goal of different therapies offered by Dr. Martin is to help patients eliminate blockages which will facilitate the healing process and the restoration of homeostasis.

Source: http://www.rolfingdallas.com/bioele...ter-article.htm

Test results are in for the "Ring of Power"
I have been wearing the test ring glued with the saline solution; I used the Marine GOOP, the idea from Porky 8.

I made three versions, one with saline, one without, and one with the zinc rod drilled through to have the saline go all the way around, an idea from Porky8 as well.

Test results from three different times of the day each

Without Saline unit produces: AM: .7 volts PM: .756 Volts PM: .770 volts

With saline solution: AM: .767 volts PM: .777 volts PM: .745 volts

Drilled Zinc rod with saline: AM: .766 volts PM: .756 volts PM: .723 volts

Well from this I cannot really see any difference. It is all the same; it does not matter from my opinion. It is easier to make and maintain without the saline solution.

First you donít need to mess with Marine GOOP, itís messy sticky and junks up the Ring of Power.

Second the saline solution rots the latex tubing as well.

Third the voltage difference is minute. My father is an electrical engineer and a mechanical engineer; he said it makes no difference at all with the minute amount of difference. He pointed out that one of the tests the voltage was higher with the one without the saline solution than with. It is all the same, he says anything over .7 volts coming off of this is really good, and you are never really going to get any more power out of it.

Fourth, I got all of my results from the one without the saline solution, and the original one by www.blakoe.com only produces .12-.5 volts and people get great results off of that one. And that one is hard inflexible and uncomfortable. Ouch!!

And finally do you really want to wet your pants in public, because thatís what would happen if it came off, it would look really bad, and the chances of it coming off with the saline solution are way higher than without. I have never had it come off before without the saline solution. But I have the with it in there and its not fun.

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I want to start using the ring of power, but What am I going to tell women when it is time to have sex?

I thought of somthig that might work but I wanted to get some opinoins first.
If I was to locate a Zinc ring and a Copper ring could I just wear them both? How would I test the volts?

Also I take ZMA every night so I already have a large amount of Zinc in my body.
Or maybe using zinc and copper wires then twisting them together screw on balls like those found on large piercings.

What about coating steel with zinc from what I have found you can buy stuff in a aerosol can that will coat metal with a 95% zinc coat.

I think somthing that looks tribal wouldn't scare off the ladies too much.
Take it off when ou have sex or tell them that Its a cock ring! No a zinc and copper ring would not work. Because the electricity has to travel across the skin the whole unit.
I'm not sure if I understood that last line.
"Because the electricity has to travel across the skin the whole unit."
If I had 2 rings why wouldn't the electricity travel across the skin?
I'm not sure if I understood that last line.
"Because the electricity has to travel across the skin the whole unit."
If I had 2 rings why wouldn't the electricity travel across the skin?
No it would not. Look at the picture of it, your unit goes between the copper and zinc bar. If you have two rings that are solid copper and zinc the electricity will only go back and forth between them and not across the skin from one bar to another.
ok, so it won't work because if the rings are touching each other they will bypass the skin?
I've seen the pics of the ring you made and the bloake ring.
The only thing I think is different about what I am purposing is thta the metals are touhing.

How do you measure the volts?
Do you just put the red lead of you're multimeter on your penis?
I use a volt meter while I am wearing it. Your rings will be touching so they bypass the skin to make a complete circut, therefore cutting out the electricity passing through the skin, redering it useless.
Has anybody found a place that sells zinc rods that isn't online? Also, is there zinc in any household items that I could break open or something? Thanks.
so it won't work because if the rings are touching each other they will bypass the skin?

I'm no electrical engineer, but if I remember my 7th grade science correctly, electricity travels the path of least resistance. So, if the metals are touching each other, the electrons just travel straight over, instead of through your penis and testicles as you'd force them to go through if the metals were on opposite sides of a single ring.
Your are exactly right. Since they dont touch each other they go through the skin completing the circut.
Has everybody ordered their zinc through mcmaster? The prob is that i still live with my parents and i cant think of a reason for ordering a 6" zinc rod and im not telling them what it's really for. Anybody seen them at hardware stores or can think of a reason for ordering a zinc rod?
Originally posted by wants9
I'm no electrical engineer, but if I remember my 7th grade science correctly, electricity travels the path of least resistance. So, if the metals are touching each other, the electrons just travel straight over, instead of through your penis and testicles as you'd force them to go through if the metals were on opposite sides of a single ring.
Actually, electricity travels over all available paths. The less resistance in a particular path, the more current.

However, as resistance lowers, current increases, which increases the load on the power source. This causes it to drop in voltage (due to internal resistance of the power source.)

So in a "short circuit", current is very high in that path, dropping the voltage which also effects all other paths, so their currents reduce considerably.

OHydromax's law:

Current = voltage / resistance.

Resistance = voltage / current.

Voltate = resistance * current.
Originally posted by Supra
Why would they open your packages?
They wouldn't but I don't have a credit card and I don't think they would just hand over theirs without knowing what I would be buyijng. Any thoughts?
I do not know were to get them any other way, either from me or the internet. I accept money orders as well.
Originally posted by theDude
They wouldn't but I don't have a credit card and I don't think they would just hand over theirs without knowing what I would be buyijng. Any thoughts?
You can always get a bank account with a visa check card. You can order anything off the internet then.
I have tryed doing this ROP using my Cable clamp.
Have it clamped all the way around the penis and balls on setting 3 after a girth session, move it up to setting 5 for allday...it works great, I am fuller and thicker while in it, I am still testing it yet.

Either-way I like my C''C'' set-up like this, my balls look bigger , everything looks bigger.

Its great after a girth session cos it keeps it all swollen for longer.

I will keep yaz all posted.
nah, I dont bother.
It still works however.
I use it for keeping the swelling in after a girth session.
I think it'll still work alright.
I would imagine it was the circulation increase, the rich DHT blood in my cock after a session and while edging also would have helped the process.

But I aint saying ''dont get supras ring'' far from it.
I rec'' highly to get it, I might get one when I get my credit shit sorted out, I am just pissing about with my clamps finding any new things I can.
