Are you interested in a actually low-cost positioning? Manage complicated with our offer, go bad in this day to our site - just without delay reasonable such an make available: pozycjonowanie tanie It was years on not till hell freezes over go on again. Because of you.
Ok guys... Ive read all the threads about [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and Im still kinda searching for that perfect fit. Im not as large as most of you guys so Im assuming its not the SIZE of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] causing my issues.
Ive been using it for about 2 weeks now, almost everyday, sometimes 2 times a day. However, I cant seem to pump past 160-170 without feeling a lot of discomfort at the base and balls. So I tried a suggestion I read somewhere regarding putting a silicon glove or sleeve at the base. This has alleviated the rings left by the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] but has not helped much with the discomfort. When I pump to 170ish I often feel like its tearing the skin at the base. Ive used Vaseline at the base to help a little but still the discomfort remains. I also stretch my balls as much as I can stand before and during the pump but I still feel a fair amount of discomfort on my left nut. It seems like the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is pushing my balls into the sack as far as they will go and there is no more room for them.
These issues are restricting me from doing the deep stretches since it usually feels like its going to suck a ball in.
My question is... is this just something I need to work through and get my cock used to? I kinda thought it would be used to it by now so Im a little surprised that Im still having issues like this. Any advice would be appreciated.
onMyWayTo8;411840 said:
Ok guys... Ive read all the threads about [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and Im still kinda searching for that perfect fit. Im not as large as most of you guys so Im assuming its not the SIZE of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] causing my issues.
Ive been using it for about 2 weeks now, almost everyday, sometimes 2 times a day. However, I cant seem to pump past 160-170 without feeling a lot of discomfort at the base and balls. So I tried a suggestion I read somewhere regarding putting a silicon glove or sleeve at the base. This has alleviated the rings left by the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] but has not helped much with the discomfort. When I pump to 170ish I often feel like its tearing the skin at the base. Ive used Vaseline at the base to help a little but still the discomfort remains. I also stretch my balls as much as I can stand before and during the pump but I still feel a fair amount of discomfort on my left nut. It seems like the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is pushing my balls into the sack as far as they will go and there is no more room for them.
These issues are restricting me from doing the deep stretches since it usually feels like its going to suck a ball in.
My question is... is this just something I need to work through and get my cock used to? I kinda thought it would be used to it by now so Im a little surprised that Im still having issues like this. Any advice would be appreciated.

Maybe try doing the Testicle Health Stretch before pumping, this will loosen the connective skin at the scrotum and hopefully take some pressure of the base.
Thanks for the advice DLD. I also read somewhere to try a cock ring around my sack. Ill try em both tonight before I pump.
Although, Ive never been good at getting the cock ring around my nuts without snapping one of them and then proceeding to find something to punch out of anger and pain! LOL
onMyWayTo8;411916 said:
Thanks for the advice DLD. I also read somewhere to try a cock ring around my sack. Ill try em both tonight before I pump.
Although, Ive never been good at getting the cock ring around my nuts without snapping one of them and then proceeding to find something to punch out of anger and pain! LOL

You can use a soft hair wrap, an [words=]ace bandage[/words], theraban, there are many alternatives to a cock ring (which I do not suggest you use on your scrotum). Take you time and learn what will work best.
Ok, so i think i finally have bin pursued into this [words= ]Bathmate[/words] thing. However, like most i am having a difficult time choosing which one to get.

I am about 7 3/4 in bone pressed, but what has me worried is that i am 6 in. in girth (1/2 in for clearance if i am correct), and i don't know how much of temp gains i should take into account.

any help would be appreciated.
noone8830;412669 said:
Ok, so i think i finally have bin pursued into this [words= ]Bathmate[/words] thing. However, like most i am having a difficult time choosing which one to get.

I am about 7 3/4 in bone pressed, but what has me worried is that i am 6 in. in girth (1/2 in for clearance if i am correct), and i don't know how much of temp gains i should take into account.

any help would be appreciated.

Is 6" your post girth workout size? If your temporary girth increase after training is 6.5" or above go for the [words= ]X-40[/words] as you will have little room to grow.
noone8830;412716 said:
no 6 is my base before pe. so it seems the larger will be my best shot then.


It is important to take that into the equation as you will expand by up to an inch.
Hi DLD and company,

I just bought a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] yesterday, and I have two questions:
1) Is there any trick to getting the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] to stay on in the shower? I find it easy to use in the tub, but the air keeps slowly leaking out when I try to use it in the shower. I can't get a good seal no matter what I do. Maybe it's my pubic hair getting in the way? Should I shave it off? Does this make Penis Enlargement stuff easier?

2) When you alternate jelqing with using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], do you use any lube or not? If so what kind? Soap? It seems to me like it would be a pain to use something like baby oil and then have to wash it off each time before you use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] again.
hey hey,
im using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for about 2 weeks now and its really amazing how big the cock gets after a 20 min. session.. im looking forward to some great results in the next few month woohoo.

just 1 thing makes me confused.. maybe my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is broken? the button on top of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] to release suction dont works for me. i can press it hold it press it many times and nothing happens. after my 20 min. session i have to move the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] in a strong way to the left or right to release the vacuum.
this isnt normal eh?
you penis has lengthened and gained in girth, it remains that way because of the extra tissue created by cell division under pressure, (or something like that explanation ?) and once created, apparently remains
I've used [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 2 month, I've win about 2cm. Have stopped using it. Results stay, but my erections are not as hard as they used to be.
Do anyone encountered the same problem as I do?
The_Real_Randy;421799 said:
I've used [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 2 month, I've win about 2cm. Have stopped using it. Results stay, but my erections are not as hard as they used to be.
Do anyone encountered the same problem as I do?

ERection strength has little to do with your gains, it has a lot to do with your pelvic floor muscles and jelqing. Strong erections come from a health jelqing routine and a solid kegel routine.
Does [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and the [words=]Size Genetics[/words] (JES [words=]Extender[/words]) works good together?
Hi guys,
Didn't know where to post so I just decided to try here. When I pump with my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] I've been noticing that I can only pump up to 170 and it wont pump anymore. It's just getting stuck, It wont pump out anymore air or anything. Any suggestions?
mooseman;433277 said:
Hi guys,
Didn't know where to post so I just decided to try here. When I pump with my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] I've been noticing that I can only pump up to 170 and it wont pump anymore. It's just getting stuck, It wont pump out anymore air or anything. Any suggestions?

Check out my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] routine DLD [words= ]Bathmate[/words] Girth Blasters, they will get you over this hump.
I have two questions or concerns. First when i use my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] I always get rings at the base of my penis like the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] rubber bottom is pinching the base. I have tried adjusting the location and angle of attachment but nothing prevents that from happening i have even tried the penis sleeve recommended by several on the board and I found that did not help either. In fact the sleeve only went half way down my penis and I dont have a real thick penis maybe 5.25 fully engorged and i only got expansion above the sleeve on the top half of my penis. So that was disappointing as well. So basically my question is does anyone have advice as for how to prevent those rings at the base of my penis?

Question number 2. By the 3 or 4th 5 min round of pumping my testicles are aching while i am in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I make sure they are not sucked into it but they still ache because of the tension created by the pump is pulling the sac very tight. Is this normal to have minor discomfort? Also I have tried clamping to prevent the testicles from getting sucked into the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and that works quite well, but still does not stop the discomfort. It is kind of like the sensation when you get hit in the balls or the slap each other during an activity just to clarify the level of discomfort.

I appreciate any advice and help you guys have. These forums are great and have helped me grow a longer, thicker, and stronger penis.
I had a question, im going to order a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] today but i need to know how it looks on the bank statement of purchase, My girl is buying it for me and she needs to know if it says something like 'Bathmate- Big cock pump' or anything like that haha
rugger420;437320 said:
I had a question, im going to order a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] today but i need to know how it looks on the bank statement of purchase, My girl is buying it for me and she needs to know if it says something like 'Bathmate- Big cock pump' or anything like that haha

UPL Incorporated:)
rugger420;437320 said:
I had a question, im going to order a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] today but i need to know how it looks on the bank statement of purchase, My girl is buying it for me and she needs to know if it says something like 'Bathmate- Big cock pump' or anything like that haha

thats a great girlfreind
if you use it outside the bath, apply some vaseliene to the rubber bit, the [words= ]Bm[/words] is useless outside the bath unless you apply it, once applied its excellent and the resultant expansion via suction is out of this world, plus your erection quality within a week will be like that of a teenager.
I've used my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] maybe 7 times so far within 9 days. I started manual stretching a week or two before that, only jelq'd a few times before. I have been doing kegels for a few months off and on though.. more on lately.. I'm pretty strict about getting them in every day, even if it's not at the same hour. As far as a "routine," it varies. I'm still kind of settling in on what I like, and I'm not too strict about it anyway... for example, today I did like two minutes of manual stretching, 6-7 mins in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], 50 jelqs, 6-7 more minutes in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], 100 jelqs, then around 8 minutes in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and a few more jelqs. I kind of just throw whatever I can at my dick in the free time I have for the day.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've been gaining. I'm not strict about measurements.. I don't care about flaccid stretch or any of that. I started out around 7.25" x 4.75" months ago. I always thought I had hard erections until I started kegeling. That alone helped get me up around the 7.5" x 4.9" mark. Since I incorportated the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], stretching, and jelqing, I'm up around 7.6" x 5.1". I used to read results and think, "Fuck, .1" in a month??? That sucks." Then you actually get to it and realize how big of a difference .1" is in your hands. Just figured I'd share that I'm another satisfied (for now) [words= ]Bathmate[/words] user.
Good perspective! Penis gains are like investing in gold, small returns but steady...over time they add up big-time but with the penis you will never lose value!:)
So I have my [words= ]X-40[/words] [words= ]Bathmate[/words], used it last night, works great, and I am so glad I got the [words= ]X-40[/words] and not the [words= ]X-40[/words]. FYI, I am 7" at the base, 7.5" EBPL.


I have a question.

I hang 20lbs 1 hour daily from my fauxskin (restored foreskin) and I had a small cut on my dick. I then pumped for 20mins, and the morning after (this morning) wokeup and that cut had gotten bigger and was bloody/scabbing.

Is it not a good idea to pump with any kind of cuts? How can I pump with a cut? Put a condom over my dick when I pump?? Would that work?
I totally agree about supporting DLD, he works hard to get us discounts, and without him we wouldn't have all this incredible information. It is everyones dream to be able to increase their size, and most conventional people try and squash those dreams. In reality it is possible. Thanks DLD.
almost a FULL year of working like a monster with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I initially worked for months with the [words=]extender[/words] with NO results. I continued on girth worth with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. After just shy of a year I have NO permanent growth. My dick is discolored. The base to halfway up is darkkkk brown with a line across the middle and the top is normal color. It's quite embarrassing. I get some growth directly after pumping but after a few hours it goes away. It is strictly fluid around the hard inner part of the penis. if you squeeze it it's squishy. NEVER does the hard part of the penis grow during pumping. I have used it about 5 days a week for 10 months or so. ZERO gains. So I'm a bit confused how people here are claiming such awesome gains. The only thing I can say its good for is if you KNOW you're getting some pussy in an hour and before she comes over you can pump. THEN it works great. My girl said several times "holy shit your dick looks huge" but by the next day it's gone. As for the [words=]extender[/words].... forget it it's terrible. I'm not here to bash anything or anyone, but this is my take on "Penis Enlargement" I have had no gains and frankly every picture i see of peoples "gains" looks suspect. pictures never showing the full penis with a ruler or different lighting things like that. So I will abandon [words= ]Bathmate[/words] (unless im getting pussy) and I will abandon manual. My final thing I will try is hanging. If that doesnt work then Penis Enlargement is either complete bullshit and this site is about making money or I'm the one person in the world who cant gain even a quarter inch no matter how hard I work for an entire year!! My dick looks UGLY. I used to get told by girls my entire life how "pretty" my dick was. Nice color, perfect shape, hard as a rock. And since I've done this my girlfriend of 5 years says my dick looks ugly. It's mis shaped, it shoots off to the left a little bit now, the color is all fucked up, And to be completely honest.... it almost looks smaller than it used to. By measurements its exactly the same... but it doesnt look as stiff and youthful as it did before I started. Would love some feedback from people here. I'm still interested in gaining... its a dream of mine. All i want is 2 inches on length .... even ONE and i'd be happy. and maybe a half inch on girth and i'd be happy. I have gotten neither. Thank you.
That is really discouraging, I was counting on this working. Did you by any chance gain any weight during this period? Also, did you do any jelking and stretching with your hands? I assumed the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] by itself would cause some growth, as well as the stretcher.
nah bro. no weight gain. I'm a 6 ft. 210 pound muscular guy. I work out every day. I have a 6 pack. I do tons of jelqing with the pumping and stretching. The [words= ]Bathmate[/words] causes GREAT growth within the hour after pumping. after that forget it. trust me. i have NO reason to lie....i was PRAYING for this to work. I dont have a small dick its actually above average... but i wanted a certain amount of growth. didnt happen in almost a year.
I'm not surprised that nobody who is a regular or a mod on this site has replied. It seems anytime you dont fully believe everyone's claims on here you get bashed. I have TONS of pictures to prove it if you'd like. of my dark purple dick. of the black line circling around it halfway up the shaft. of my measurement being exactly the same now as a year ago. Of my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] that the padding basically ripped off the bottom due to daily usage. of my [words=]extender[/words] which does nothing but make my dick head purple and cold. Where's the responses here people? What can I do to get rid of my purple dick??? why aren't I making any gains?
So whats the deal guys, why isn't anyone helping this guy out. Seems like a good dude, looking for some direction. Please restore some faith here. If this works and I am assuming it does, they you guys are doing an invaluable service and DLD should be given a medal. Why do you think this isn't working for him?
whats the difference between [words= ]X-40[/words] and [words= ]X-40[/words]? i know this question was probably asked before but im going to be buying one soon and i need too know what i should invest in?
DaleMcD;474683 said:
So whats the deal guys, why isn't anyone helping this guy out. Seems like a good dude, looking for some direction. Please restore some faith here. If this works and I am assuming it does, they you guys are doing an invaluable service and DLD should be given a medal. Why do you think this isn't working for him?

Thanks Dale.... no. nobody will help you out on this site unless you completely agree with everything they're saying. If you dont get any growth then you "must be doing something wrong" even if you're doing exactly what they say to do. Or "spend more money on this" I have an [words=]extender[/words] and a [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I've been going at this since last May. And I have ZERO permanent growth. I dont even know what to say at this point. ZERO faith in this web site and zero faith in any of this actually working. I'm sure i'll get shit for this usually people say "well look how much so many of us have grown... are you calling us all liars!!??" well no... but most people's before and after pictures fucking suck... so frankly we really dont know if anyone has actually gained shit. I've seen ONE photo of DLD in the entire year i've been on here.... sure his dick looks huge... but where is the 6 inch beginning pic? and how do we know it's him.... if i owned a site like this i'd have a SINGLE thread for PROOF POSITIVE pics. not bullshit pics... i mean i would MAKE people who had gains take Penis EnlargementRFECT pictures.

Ok man--I'll take a shot--and you are probably NOT going to like this answer but it is giving it to your straight.

Let it go. Take a break from it for a while. Take 30 days.

Dont do ANY Penis Enlargement in that time.

Maybe even 60.

When you decide to do Penis Enlargement again, do the DLD [words=]newbie routine[/words]. Nice and slow. Don't rush it.
koooky;475223 said:

Ok man--I'll take a shot--and you are probably NOT going to like this answer but it is giving it to your straight.

Let it go. Take a break from it for a while. Take 30 days.

Dont do ANY Penis Enlargement in that time.

Maybe even 60.

When you decide to do Penis Enlargement again, do the DLD [words=]newbie routine[/words]. Nice and slow. Don't rush it.

I did the [words=]newbie routine[/words] to the T.... ya know the one where he sayd "I wouldnt be surprised if people gained an inch in a month doing this routine... its hardcore" yep... how bout a year?
I was really skeptical when I started. I've been at it for almost a month and I'm making gains all over the place. Not as much in length, but Girth, Vascularity, and EQ for sure. It works. It all works. Everyone is different though. When I got into bodybuilding my fresHydromaxan year in High-school I went from 165 to 183 extremely quick, and everyone thought I was on sterioids because I was a soccer player and was bigger, stronger, and faster than just about anyone on our football team who had been training for years. My vascularity is really what shocked people though. I had pipes for veins. What I'm trying to get at, is people progress at different rates. Maybe you aren't doing something "wrong", however if you haven't made gains in a year, somethings up. Its hard for me to believe that you have an [words=]extender[/words], a [words= ]Bathmate[/words], and do manual exercises and are seeing NO gains, when I jelqed for 2 weeks and threw in a few kegels and started noticing a difference. I wanted to direct you here . . . Tons of proof that this works there. Also, if you look around on the forums there is a section dedicated to Penis Enlargement related injuries that will solve your purple penis problem. I'd PM RedZulu about making gains. He really knows his shit, seems to be very active, and would be more than willing to help.
Tomek;475392 said:
I was really skeptical when I started. I've been at it for almost a month and I'm making gains all over the place. Not as much in length, but Girth, Vascularity, and EQ for sure. It works. It all works. Everyone is different though. When I got into bodybuilding my fresHydromaxan year in High-school I went from 165 to 183 extremely quick, and everyone thought I was on sterioids because I was a soccer player and was bigger, stronger, and faster than just about anyone on our football team who had been training for years. My vascularity is really what shocked people though. I had pipes for veins. What I'm trying to get at, is people progress at different rates. Maybe you aren't doing something "wrong", however if you haven't made gains in a year, somethings up. Its hard for me to believe that you have an [words=]extender[/words], a [words= ]Bathmate[/words], and do manual exercises and are seeing NO gains, when I jelqed for 2 weeks and threw in a few kegels and started noticing a difference. I wanted to direct you here . . . Tons of proof that this works there. Also, if you look around on the forums there is a section dedicated to Penis Enlargement related injuries that will solve your purple penis problem. I'd PM RedZulu about making gains. He really knows his shit, seems to be very active, and would be more than willing to help.

Bro I was an all-american athlete in high school. Football and track. I still hold records at my old school ten years since I graduated. I'm into bodybuilding too. I was always bigger faster and stronger than everyone. I can take 6 months off of the gym and still look better than most people who bust their ass. then two weeks back in the gym and I look like I've been lifting for a year. And i've never touched a single supplement let alone steroids! I dont even take creatine! So you DOUBT... that i have an [words=]extender[/words] and a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and i'm not making gains... would you like a picture of my [words=]extender[/words] and my [words= ]Bathmate[/words]? my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is EASILY seen that I use it... the padding is ripped off and had to be glued back on 3 times already. SURE if you pump EVERY DAY you "make gains" because you always have that constant fluid build up from pumping. My dick looks fucking enormous after I pump.... but a few hours later it's back to normal.
haha Jesus man calm down. You actually sound extremely similar to myself genetics wise. My family is filled with excellent athletes. Uncle was 2nd in the world for freestyle (wrestling) Best in the country in Greco, and Freestyle, and is in the hall of fame. My dad got a full ride to Northwestern for wrestling. My Aunt was on the womens National team for soccer. My great Grandfather was on the Czech National team for soccer. I actually dropped Bodybuilding after my fresHydromaxan year to focus on soccer. Ended up going to the Netherlands to play against a handful of professional teams from their top league when I was 18. Saw that I could make it, but decided that I would rather Head out to Colorado to be with my girlfriend of 4 years that I intend to marry, while pursuing business. Pissed a lo of people off, and was a rough decision for me, but I know its what is best for My girlfriend and I, and the family we will likely have. I was just trying to give an example. I wasn't saying I doubt your athleticism or your ability to use a [words=]penis pump[/words] LOL. I know what a 6ft 210lb dude with a ripped core looks like, and I know that as genetically gifted as you most likely are, it took a hell of a lot of work to get where you are now. I can also tell that you take your training intensity here LOL. Which is cool. Thats how you get stuff done. But I'm trying to help you. You asked for help. I directed you to the forums that pertain to Penis Enlargement related injuries, and gave you the name of someone who can and will help you. Also, When I was talking about athletics, I wasn't saying hey look at me I'm a great athlete and genetically gifted and look at my gains lol. If it came across that way, I apologize. I'm just saying, after a year of trying this shit with no gains, it would be wise to consult someone who really knows what they're doing, considering I have seen tons of people making gains in as little as 1 month. PM RedZulu. Hes all over the boards.
Go to the link I provided you with, find someone with results similar to the ones you want, and ask them politely what you need to do to get results like them. They'll help. Anyone posting before and after pics there are most likely serious about Penis Enlargement and would be willing to help.
Tomek;475402 said:
Go to the link I provided you with, find someone with results similar to the ones you want, and ask them politely what you need to do to get results like them. They'll help. Anyone posting before and after pics there are most likely serious about Penis Enlargement and would be willing to help.

If i came off like I had an attitude I apologize. I didnt mean to. I was actually being nice. I was just saying like body type doesn't really hold weight on this issue. LUCKY for me i have an above average dick to start... it actually looks bigger than it is. which is great for me. but i expected SOMETHING after all this time. I'm not giving up. I just dont think the [words=]extender[/words] is all it claims to be. and I think the pump doesnt give permanent gains. I dont see how as all the gains I get from the pump are fluid... EVERY time. the HARD tissue of my dick never gets bigger after pumping.... i can squeeze my dick and it has like a padding around it after pumping.... after a few hours that padding is gone and its back to normal. The [words=]extender[/words] doesnt give enough pull to create growth in my opinion either.
The internet does that lol. Hard to pick up on what people are saying sometimes. I wasn't implying that there is a correlation between size and potential for your dick to grow though. Might've looked like that, but it wasn't intended. I'm actually starting off above average also. Zoloft just Fucked up my EQ BAD and I wanted something to fix that. I'm around 7.5 (7.75 occasionally) BPenis EnlargementL, and an erect girth of somewhere between 5.25 and 5.5. I was just really frustrated with my EQ, found this site, and thought hell, If I can fix my EQ, and add some length and girth in the process why not? lol. I could honestly care less about length at this point but I do want to add girth. My overall goal is being 10x6-6.5. What manual exercises were you doing, and what was your routine like out of curiousity?
It truly is lucky to not be starting with a below average dick though haha. It is a blessing. Imagine your frustration if you had a little dick and did this for a year without gains haha. I'd be ready to rip someones head off.
I appreciated your comments Tomek, please keep in touch with me. I think you made your point but did it in a respectful way to JerseyFresh. You said things in a nice way, and also tried to be helpful. I am new to this too, so would appreciate your keeping in contact with me and letting me know about your progress, maybe message me if you would. How old are you now, I was just wondering because I think some may gain just because they are so young and still growing. My birth certificate says I am pretty old, although in my head I am still 30 something, I had lost almost an inch and am determined to get that back and then add some. I have gained a little back but I had also lost weight and am still losing and I know that helps with the gains.
Thanks Dale :). I Might have come off as a little condescending, but I didn't mean to. I will give monthly updates to everyone and will most likely post pictures as I progress (have to find my damn camera charger first). I'm 19 years old, and I'm pretty positive I stunted my growth when I was younger haha. Don't worry I can almost guarantee you'll gain as long as you're willing to commit yourself to this. I'm most likely going to post videos of some of the exercises that are really helping me also. I do an unusual [words=]Slow Squash Jelq[/words]+Isolated Compression squeeze superset that is hard to explain, but I think a lot of people would benefit from it. It tired my dick out pretty badly when I first started doing it, and I recently burst a few capillaries on my head because I do it at a very high erection level, but now that its better conditioned, its easily my favorite exercise. Helps with head expansion, girth, vascularity, and overall EQ especially when coupled with a TON of kegels. I think this is a great thread for newbies to collaborate and talk about what is and isn't working for them though. I'll be giving updates every time I notice something beneficial, and every time I injure myself so you guys can avoid it :) lol.
Tomek;475543 said:
Thanks Dale :). I'll be giving updates every time I notice something beneficial, and every time I injure myself so you guys can avoid it :) lol.

Every 10 minutes hopefully:)
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
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    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!