You are probably right Supra ! I hope so atleast :]
Still people please say where your latex tubing discolorations started.
Oh and there's another thing bothering me :
Not having a voltmeter at hand I don't know how far the electricity travels.
If you wear it on the sides, how large is the area affected by the electricity ?
Could you wear on the sides and measure electricty flow on the tip of your dick. Can someone try that ? Or is it like a straight line between the 2 rods going through the tissue ? Or is it traveling only on the surface ?
I have no knowledge on this , can someone explain?
Right now the best way seems to me to wear the rods at the sides. (Meaning left and right from penis base, touching the upper scrotum skin but not touching the penis at all) I feel a great deal of tingling when moist this way. Does this way of wearing it give all the desired benefits for the penis and the balls ?
Ok I'm not that stupid, anything good for the balls is of course good for the penis either. Stimulating the balls to produce more testosterone will eventually result in harder erections and increased penis size. No doubt !
However, I read somewhere on [words=]MOS[/words] that the electricity does even more than that : It is supposed to do some wonders for your veins. Something like making them stronger. I haven't found any evidence or something related to that on blakoes site.
I though about this because I wondered what is the superior method of wearing the ring (1.sides 2. top and bottom 3. Doesn't matter)
Wearing on top and bottom seemed as the superior method to me at first.
I tried wearing on top and bottom and noticed that even when very moist I didn't have any strong tingling sensation (not as strong as opposed to wearing on sides) WHY? I guess the distance is greater and the top part of my penis base definetly doesn't get as moist as the scrotum so probably the flow of electricity is lessened because of these 2 factors.
Well what happened after wearing on the sides can be read in my former post. I guess this is the superior way of wearing it.
That way you get all the 3 benefits you can ever expect fom it : (as far as I'm informed)
1. Testosterone (and other hormones) production is increased because of electrical stimulation and because of zinc ions traveling into the scrotum.
As a result of this you will get harder/more frequent erections an increase in size (mostly girth). You will have increased libido, more energy , basically everything good that comes with a testosterone increase = Great sexual and menthal health ! These effects are those , that you can expect after several weeks, maybe even month of nonstop usage !
2.Instant benefit : The ring obviously constricts the whole
package , thus putting a pressure on the veins on top and on the sides of the penis. The result is the same you get from just a simple
cockring = Prolonged effortless harder erections because of the slight restriction of blood-outflow.
Hmm ok, a normal
cock ring is worn tight as fuck , how how come I can wear my zinger so loose and get erections harder and fuller than with the best normal
cockrings ? Well, that bring us to benefit number 3 !
3 Instant Benefit : Even if you wear it on the sides it is still making not only your balls hang low and full as fuck but also your penis ? Thats because the electric flow (wherever it may go through or around, I don't know) stimulates bloodflow to THE WHOLE GENITAL AREA ! Thats right. All of it ! If you have more blood in the balls it automatically means you have more blood in the penis. I its cold , both shrivel up , and if its warm , both get plump and full and hang ! This explains why many users have a uusual warm feeling in their penises. Simple answer : Blood IS WARM , and if its there all the time in the balls + dick , drawn in by the electricity, slightly constricted by the latex - you NOTICE it !
That said , wearing around sides seems to be the best for all 3 benefits.
Wearing on top and bottom is basically the same however with lessened electric flow. I think we can safely assume ( and so does tom hubbard on his site ) that even a ring that goes around JUST the balls will give exactly the same LONGTERM benefits ! Only thing it would lack is the benefit of penis veins constrictions. Thats why Tom called the ring BALL ZINGER ! The benefits and the secrets behind all come from within YOUR OWN balls !
I hope my understanding is correct now and maybe this helps somebody. Feel free to comment/correct me if I misunderstood something.
Greets TBiRD