Supra, thanks for the super fast delivery! I read the instructions on how to assemble it, but I see that it was already made. Thanks! All I had to do was slip it on. I've measured .727 volts is that good? I haven't gotten that tingly feeling like others have described.
Supra, I got all of the original materials that were specified and (Correct corrosion rod and Copper tubing suitable for passing water through.) i have been wearing it for two days and i feel absolutly nothing???

Any ideas? It is fairly tight and and both metal pieces are in good contact with my skin.

Could or someone else who this is working for elaborate on what it feels like when it's working?


BTW, how long did it take for you to notice any sensation or results?
goingfor8 said:
Supra, I got all of the original materials that were specified and (Correct corrosion rod and Copper tubing suitable for passing water through.) i have been wearing it for two days and i feel absolutly nothing???

Any ideas? It is fairly tight and and both metal pieces are in good contact with my skin.

Could or someone else who this is working for elaborate on what it feels like when it's working?


BTW, how long did it take for you to notice any sensation or results?

Dont worry man its working!!
Can I take a shower with the ring or should I take it off? How about jelqing and using baby oil, it's going to get all over the ring. Can I still wash it off with soap and water with out affecting the electrical current?
What The Fuck!!!! I Never Should Have Told You Guys About This!!!! Yall Are Getting Better And Faster Results Than Me...die You Bastards!!!

Well i got a voltage meter tonight on the way home. it will measure 5-50 volts.

I have no voltage registering. I tried all different combinations of touching the contacts to different areas of the copper, Zinc and skin and could not get any measurements at all.

What kind of VM's are you guys using to measure this.

goingfor8 said:
Well i got a voltage meter tonight on the way home. it will measure 5-50 volts.

I have no voltage registering. I tried all different combinations of touching the contacts to different areas of the copper, Zinc and skin and could not get any measurements at all.

What kind of VM's are you guys using to measure this.


the volt meter isnt sensitive enough. the voltage is under 1 volt. the min for your meter is 5 volts.
goingfor8 said:
Well i got a voltage meter tonight on the way home. it will measure 5-50 volts.

I have no voltage registering...

You won't get anything registering on that unit. The ring produces .8v at most, well less than the 5 volts necessary to be picked up by your meter.
I've wore it for over 24 hours, with no increase in testicle size or sperm count. I wore the metal rods placed top and bottom. Will I get bigger balls if I place like top and bottom, or is side to side better?
Hey mike2003,

Miracles just take a little more time, be patient. I followed the advice of Supra; at night I have the metal rods at the top and bottom, the rest of the time they are at the sides.
Iíve seen some remarkable changes just after one week.

Good Luck,
Well, since we don't know where you are, and you can't find any of them anywhere, it's going to be awfully hard for us to help you there. Why don't you want to order over the internet? That looks like it's going to be your best bet.

To twincross: I'd like to see a picture of the materials you bought. Also, do you remember which aisles or sections (ex:plumbing, electrical, etc.) you found each of the things you bought was in? And does the vinyl tubing work as well as the latex tubing? Thanks.

Also, was the square bend hook made of zinc or just zinc plated?
mike2003 said:
I've wore it for over 24 hours, with no increase in testicle size or sperm count. I wore the metal rods placed top and bottom. Will I get bigger balls if I place like top and bottom, or is side to side better?
LOL sperm count? so you actually had been tested before putting the ring on and 24 hours later, or you counted all 5 million of em using your home microscope kit? rofl
fuck I made that fuckin thing, using food grade copper like it says, and I wake up the next morning with the area that was in contact with the copper sore as hell. What the fuck happened?? I also noticed that there was a shiny outer layer, most of it has worn off revealing a dull looking metal, do I have the right copper tubing?? what the hell was that shiny coat??
It wasn't that anything got worn off. The copper gets tarnished. Just scrub it with some steel wool and it should come clean. You'll probably have to do that once every other day or so.

It isn't so much about the electricity (although that helps the process) as it is about the zinc and the cockring effect.
i just talking about effects for the rest of the body...would bracelets and anklets improve the electrical currents running throughout the body?
jonniehiem said:
i just talking about effects for the rest of the body...would bracelets and anklets improve the electrical currents running throughout the body?

I think youve got something there. I thought I had a line on zinc rod longer than 6" for a bracelet. Fell through. Let me know when you find a supplier for 99.99 zinc rod over 6" long.

slapnuts534 said:
i live in ontario canada, is there a hardware store or something around the house that may have zinc?

I have solid zinc and copper rods 99.95% purity. How much do you need to make your ring? I live in Vancouver. You should PM me.
I saw that AncientChina noticed that his muscles became hard after starting with the ring, the same thing has happened to me. I haven't been to the gym in two weeks because of a nasty cold and still my muscles are getting harder and harder and it feels like they're growing!

I got my new, longer set of tubing from Supra a few days ago, since my previous tubing was too short I couldn't wear the ring at night. Now I've started out with pretty loose tubing and it feels great! I wonder what will happen now that I can wear my ring 24/7?

A while ago someone said that he was getting a weird copper taste in his mouth when he started to use the ring, has anyone else noticed this?

I have got a constant sweetish kind of taste in my mouth, somewhat like the glue on envelopes! :bouncings
I guess that this has nothing to do with the ROP though. rofl
jonniehiem said:
i just talking about effects for the rest of the body...would bracelets and anklets improve the electrical currents running throughout the body?

That wil not work becuase the zinc ions effect the tesicles and effect the penis and testies in that direct area
swedeguy said:
I saw that AncientChina noticed that his muscles became hard after starting with the ring, the same thing has happened to me. I haven't been to the gym in two weeks because of a nasty cold and still my muscles are getting harder and harder and it feels like they're growing!

I got my new, longer set of tubing from Supra a few days ago, since my previous tubing was too short I couldn't wear the ring at night. Now I've started out with pretty loose tubing and it feels great! I wonder what will happen now that I can wear my ring 24/7?

A while ago someone said that he was getting a weird copper taste in his mouth when he started to use the ring, has anyone else noticed this?

I have got a constant sweetish kind of taste in my mouth, somewhat like the glue on envelopes! :bouncings
I guess that this has nothing to do with the ROP though. rofl

It is almost impossible for you to get so much copper absorbed in your system to actually taste it. Maybe it was blood or something else you tasted in your mouth. How does copper tastes??. I believe that the only reaction you get in your body is the effect of low voltage and extremely low current that stimulate your genital area. Everything else could be spychosomatic. No offence.
I don't think people understand. IT ISN'T REALLY THE ELECTRICITY THAT IS SO GOOD!! It's the zinc ions and the constriction. The electricity just makes it possible for the zinc to get into your system much more quickly. That's all the electricity does. So putting it on your ankles is only going to get zinc into your ankles. It won't make you a super athlete.
I made the ROP with one zinc rod and one copper rod on the sides and latex tubing on top and bottom.

My question is, Do I need some kind of connecter between the rods? ie. metal wire
Do you guys use the saline or water as suggested?
Hey NeXus,

As 9cyclops9 already mentioned you need the electricity to go through your tissue. So donít connect the rods.
I use the Ring of Power without any saline or water. Supra has posted the results of these saline and other experiments some time ago. The dry method is easy and just as good or even better.

NeXus said:
I made the ROP with one zinc rod and one copper rod on the sides and latex tubing on top and bottom.

My question is, Do I need some kind of connecter between the rods? ie. metal wire
Do you guys use the saline or water as suggested?

No water, no wires, just skin
If you had something connecting the two metals besides skin, it would skip your sac completely. You want it to go through the sac, so your package needs to be the only thing connecting them.
AncientChina said:
Hey swedeguy, I am glad you noticed the same effect muscle wise. I also felt stronger all over and as if I had a bit more energy, but the muscle increase is not some part of my imagination. Hell during that time even my Jaw muslces, when you clentch down were much larger...they still are.

I can see why Supra uses the ROP during physical workouts also.....
Definately I have to agree. Getting amazing pumps, I just started back 3 weeks ago and the pumps are awesome. I haven't added anything else yet.
The only thing I don't like about the ROP is having to take it off for sleeping.
Not because its uncomfy but, when I wear it to bed I have really wild dreams.
And I sleep very lightly. When I take it off I fall back asleep and sleep much sounder. Kinda had the same thing happen when i took clenbuterol. So, I wear it 16-17 hrs a day instead. Also, I find my penis way more spongy and stretchy. This is a good thing!!!! rofl Then again maybe like Swedeguy, its a Swedish kinda thing.......
Don't worry Supra, I'll work with you to figure things out.
Remember, when in doubt I stall, postpone, and delay. But never bluff...
Hmm, i'm still waiting for an affect from mine. So far all i've got is a teeny rash near the base of my penis where the copper is. When I take it off for a few moments to switch my balls dont droop down just kinda ride high. oh well, I gotta give it till monday afternoon its only been 96 hours with it.
Stormblade said:
Hmm, i'm still waiting for an affect from mine. So far all i've got is a teeny rash near the base of my penis where the copper is. When I take it off for a few moments to switch my balls dont droop down just kinda ride high. oh well, I gotta give it till monday afternoon its only been 96 hours with it.

I did not understand about your balls
its like the ring kinda pushes the package up
and then when I take it off they just sit there like that
eventually they droop a wee bit down but my testicles always kinda rode high
Almost 2 weeks with this thing on and I must say, I LOVE IT! I haven't done any testicle health routines or ball jelqing or anything like that in the past month or so (I know I need to start back up) but my balls are growing! A lot! They hang down almost all the time and they are definitely bigger. Plus I'm shooting more than I ever have before. My sex drive is through the roof. I went from masturbating once a day or every other day to now most days I do it twice because I'm so freaking horny! lol

But really I love this thing. I don't even know it's there most of the time, which is good. I keep my post girth workout pumps for a really long time now, usually several hours. The only negative thing I've noticed is that the tubes on my right nut are sore all the time. Maybe its because I'm nutting so much haha. But I think maybe I need to adjust how I wear it a bit. I'll try some different ways and see if it gets better.

All hail the ring of power!
Hey 9,
I am impressed to hear your improved sex drive wearing the ROP, but at your age you should have enough jizz naturally not require any further help. Please do not overdue it, otherwise you will wear down your system and may even experience some ED in the near future, just like us old gizzards.. Save it for those special ocassions you need to impress that horny GF.
shojii said:
Definately I have to agree. Getting amazing pumps, I just started back 3 weeks ago and the pumps are awesome. I haven't added anything else yet.
The only thing I don't like about the ROP is having to take it off for sleeping.
Not because its uncomfy but, when I wear it to bed I have really wild dreams.
And I sleep very lightly. When I take it off I fall back asleep and sleep much sounder. Kinda had the same thing happen when i took clenbuterol. So, I wear it 16-17 hrs a day instead. Also, I find my penis way more spongy and stretchy. This is a good thing!!!! rofl Then again maybe like Swedeguy, its a Swedish kinda thing.......

OMG! I've also had CRAZY dreams! I thought it was because of the cold I've had or something, have been waking up every 3-4 hrs just amazed of what I've been dreaming... I think that I should try sleeping without the ring a couple of days or so and see what happens.