If you take out zinc from the unit, you take out most of the good effects. Zinc aids in testosterone production. I am sticking with the zinc.

The silver goes on the copper rod. The zinc is still part of the ROP. By using the silver instead of the copper, the galvanic potential is doubled. This means that you should see a substantially higher voltage as opposed to the copper-zinc ROP. If you look at the list of metals in my previous post, the copper was likely initially chosen because it was the metal that had the highest galvanic potential AND is readily available. I ordered the silver foil and have a ROP ready to try. I'll keep all posted on what the measured voltage is, and what effect it has.

Thanks for responding on one of my questions about whether Penis Enlargement was the primary influence or the ROP.
I got my order of the parts in today, but the idiots messed it up! My zinc rod is a half an inch thick! I think the copper is 3/8 too but I can't be sure. The latex fits over it just fine, but I can't seem to stretch it over the zinc.

Anyone got any extra zinc and need some copper (I have plenty left over)?

If I somehow manage to stretch the latex over the zinc, this shouldn't cause any problems, other than bulkiness, right?

Hopefully this is foreshadowing for the issues I'll have down the road when trying to put on condoms :)
No need to apologize. We are all in this together. :) I'll post whatever happens. If the woman that runs the craft shop that sold me the silver had a clue what I was going to use it for!!!

Supra, Tell me exactly how you measure the voltage. I have a digital voltmeter at home. Do you measure between the 2 rods ?
When I was in the process of buying the materials for the ROP I looked into buying a pure silver anode but my search came up with nothing. The copper will work just as fine IMO, it also plays the convenience card. I imagine the foil will also start to get irritating because eventually its surface will start to fold making it rough. Its a really good idea but until there is a more practical solution its not worth doing IMHO.
inamo said:
When I was in the process of buying the materials for the ROP I looked into buying a pure silver anode but my search came up with nothing. The copper will work just as fine IMO, it also plays the convenience card. I imagine the foil will also start to get irritating because eventually its surface will start to fold making it rough. Its a really good idea but until there is a more practical solution its not worth doing IMHO.

Yeah, no doubt that the copper is convenient and likely to be more trouble free. I am curious to know what voltage the silver reaches though. The higher the voltage the greater the zinc ion transfer. The silver foil should be in either today or Monday. In the meantime, I built up the copper-zinc ROP. It is a 3/8" oxygen free copper rod and the 3/8" corrosion inhibitor zinc rod from McMasters. I turned the zinc down to a little over 1/4" thick on a lathe. When I first put it on I measured .69V. This morning I put it back on after my shower and measured .86V. My plan is to use a 1/4" acrylic rod and wrap it with the silver foil and then swap out the copper rod on my current ROP. My thought is that the new ROP will be quite a bit lighter without the big copper rod. On your peeling comment, I have access to 3M468 presssure sensitive adhesive. The stuff is really strong and after 24 hours is very tough to remove. So I am hoping that peeling will not happen. I was thinking of running a thin bead of clear nail polish over the foil seam to keep the edge smooth. There are people that make their own jewelry and sell them at fairs and such. I bet that one could get a copper rod silver plated and that would eliminate any possibility of the foil peeling. I am going to look into it. Also there are plating shops in most cities that could do it.

I have to say that I am totally digging how the pump stays after the exercises. I should have made one of these long ago.
Hey guys I have a question that I was wondering if someone would know. How does the difference in voltage effect the body? I have heard that if you wear it just around your balls it produces more voltage than if you wear it around your whole package. Does more voltage mean more testosterone or more benefits and quicker results? Just wondering because I ordered one and was wondering what way to wear it and what way would give me the best results. Anyone knows feel free to explain. Thanks!
MJ3 said:
Hey guys I have a question that I was wondering if someone would know. How does the difference in voltage effect the body? I have heard that if you wear it just around your balls it produces more voltage than if you wear it around your whole package. Does more voltage mean more testosterone or more benefits and quicker results? Just wondering because I ordered one and was wondering what way to wear it and what way would give me the best results. Anyone knows feel free to explain. Thanks!

The voltage is created by the galvanic effect between to two dissimilar metals. The voltage created is also a function of the amount of contact that the metals have with your skin. If you increase the surface area of the contact the higher the voltage created.

Its not the voltage that increases the amount of testosterone, its the zinc ions that are transferred to the skin by the galvanic effect and subsequently absorbed into the body.
So the more voltage the more zinc ions are transfered to the body resulting in more testosterone? Did I get that right?
Well I just ordered mine today...I can't wait to get it. I had one that I only wore once and I loved the electricity I felt, ended up losing it in an unfortunate smelting accident :D Looking forward to my new one. I will give my full review in a couple days.

MJ3 said:
So the more voltage the more zinc ions are transfered to the body resulting in more testosterone? Did I get that right?

The more voltage, the more zinc ions transferred in a given period of time. What I get out of the higher voltage is that you can wear the ROP less than 24/7 and still get the benefits of a lower voltage ROP that WOULD be worn 24/7.

I don't know if there is a direct relationship to how much testosterone more zinc being transferred creates. I also don't know what happens if your body were to create more testosterone than it needs. For example, there are certain vitamins that once your body consumes what it needs, you piss the rest out of your system. I did read that there are negatives to having too high a testosterone level. For example, I read that abnormally high testosterone levels can accelerate prostrate cancer growth if one were to get prostrate cancer.
doublelongdaddy said:
Well I just ordered mine today...I can't wait to get it. I had one that I only wore once and I loved the electricity I felt, ended up losing it in an unfortunate smelting accident :D Looking forward to my new one. I will give my full review in a couple days.


After wearing mine for one day, I am not sure yet if I like the tingling. I keep thinking about movie comedy Hot shots part deux when they had one of the good guys strapped to a bedspring and cranked up the electricity to torture him :)
I may have missed something or maybe it was in anther thread, but why is it that the voltage is higher when it is just around your balls? Also, about how many inches did most of you cut the tubing so it stays tight around your sack? Thanks.
think you are wrong Mr., supra, and Mr., bobbdobbs is correct in his analysis of how this device works. You need a resistive medium to have current flow. When you have a battery and measure the voltage, it is shown on the meter, and of course there is current flow through the meter. E= I*R. or I = E/R. and of course when you have E*I = Power in Watts. If you place water in the device, it act's as the medium through which electrons will flow from Negative terminal to the Positive terminal. In this case from the Zinc to the Copper. Of course the skin has a resistance and current will flow through this medium. I built a similar device and have completed extensive tests on the device. I have found some of the benifits that you have mentioned, but in every case I get better results when water is placed in the tubes that form the rings. Also by driiling a 1/4" hole through the zinc one gets a better action and a higher voltage is produced. In the one that I tested a voltage of 1.4 volts DC was produced by a series combination of 2) zinc rods, then 2) copper tubes in the ring series, the .7 volts produced are additive.
Finally got my zinc sanded down and the latex fitted over it... got blisters all over my damn hands though! :)

Now I'm a tad worried that there's not enough exposed, in order to make sure the latex stays on, only about an inch of zinc is exposed. it is thicker though. Maybe I'll try to find a lathe and make another one that is longer, and make due with this in the meantime.

I've had it on for half an hour. It's around the whole package for now because I think the latex is too long and I'm afraid to take it off right now because it'll take a half hour ot put together again with my luck. My hands need a break.

It's more flexible than I expected, though that makes sense.

So far, no tingly feeling but I already feel like there's more blood down there. Maybe that's just the foreign object being down there giving it some kind of stimulation. Who knows. Hopefully it won't fall off overnight or anything. How long should it be before I feel it? And how long till I feel results? I of course am interested in all the benefits but in my situation getting some ball hang back as well as possibly some size is the top priority. When might I see a difference?
Hmm, after about a week I started feelin' tingles every so often on the tip. Also erections started getting crazy hard about that time too. I think the average is like 1 - 2 weeks to see the beginnings of the effects and about a month to realize the full individual effects that it will bring. Good luck!
I have a Thought/Question on this, that i dont think has been brought up...
But Could the voltages your sending in your body be dangerous? As we all know the brain sends electrical signals to the heart to keep it in a beating rytHydromax, could pumping external Voltages be hazerdous and interfear with the hearts rytHydromax?
any thoughts?
Hmmm, Supra are you still making these?

I would really be interested in buying one. The only problem is, I live in the UK and would have to send you the money by mail.
I noticed that there was 664 Replies to this thread so I figured I would add another to make it an even 665. :)

Go Supra, it's your Birthday, Go Supra, it's your Birthday, Go Supra, it's your Birthday, Go Supra, it's your Birthday, Go Supra, it's your Birthday!!!
Hi All,

I have been using the ROP for a week now and made an observation that I wanted to pass along. Currently I am doing a modified Phase 2 program. I am only doing girth exercises for now. Before ever using the ROP, I would always get swelling in the foreskin just below the glans (the doughnut effect). Except for weekends, I always do my exercises at 6am when I first get up and the swelling is almost always gone by noon time. Since wearing the ROP, I have noticed that the swelling lasts all day til past 5pm. I wear the ROP over the 'whole package'. One of the benefits of the ROP on the whole package is better flaccid hang. Presumably from the restricted bloodflow in and out of the penis. However, I think that after girth work that this is a bad thing. If the ROP is restricting blood flow then it is limiting nutrients getting to the penis to repair tissues that are affected as a result of the Penis Enlargement workout. This to me means limiting growth. So I have several recommendations that I am going to try..

1. Never wear the ROP over the whole package within 12 hours of girth work. I probably won't wear it over the whole package again.

2. Change from wearing the ROP over the whole package to only over the scrotum. I am going to build up a lightweight silver/zinc ROP to use for this. The silver/ zinc ROP will generate a higher voltage than the copper/zinc equivalent. This means a higher transfer of zinc ions into the body in a given period of time. This means that one should not have to wear the ROP 24 hours a day to get the same benefit. A lightweight version will be less likely to fall off because it weighs less. I would likely sleep with it on and not wear it to work for fear of it coming off and popping out my pant leg though. :)

An another idea I had would be to integrate the constrictor with the ROP. By that I mean to take a ribbon and tie a loop around the latex band of the ROP and loop it through the constrictor. The ROP would only be on the scrotum and would be kept from falling off unless the constrictor came off as well.

I'll keep you all posted and would like to hear thoughts about the bloodflow limiting growth premise..

Where would you get the silver rod from? How is your ROP falling off ?? I dont get it. How are these ROPs falling off? You guys must be getting them too tight and/or not putting enough latex over the ends of the metal rods. I push about 1/4" over the ends.
Can you get poisoning from the ROP. I think it is lead I'm talking about. Cause I think when lead builds up in you it is never removed. Someone in the news just died from lead build up in his system. So can this happen with the ROP?
markj911 said:
Hi All,

I However, I think that after girth work that this is a bad thing. If the ROP is restricting blood flow then it is limiting nutrients getting to the penis to repair tissues that are affected as a result of the Penis Enlargement workout. This to me means limiting growth.

I think that just depends on the way you look at it. It could be possible that the ROP may be restricting blood flow and is limiting nutrients getting to the penis. On another note this could be a good thing for those who are trying the.... whats the word.. the megaphallus thing or something like that where you edge/balloon for 2 hrs or so. Those who are doing that will be using constrictors sometimes anyway so why not just use the ROP and edge/balloon?
Jason1 said:
Can you get poisoning from the ROP. I think it is lead I'm talking about. Cause I think when lead builds up in you it is never removed. Someone in the news just died from lead build up in his system. So can this happen with the ROP?

Yea man all that lead that the pure copper and pure zinc are made of will get into your body and poison you to death. Watch out
Don't be a wise ass. They are not completely pure you fucking moron. I have a legitimate concern. If I'm wrong than I'm wrong but don't bust my balls about it.
Jason1 said:
Don't be a wise ass. They are not completely pure you fucking moron. I have a legitimate concern. If I'm wrong than I'm wrong but don't bust my balls about it.
Woah there, let's not start a flame war =P As for you concern, although the metals aren't pure, they are rated as food safe. Meaning they can be used in devices that go through them to deliver food/drink to us.

I'm not sure about the long term effects of wearing the RoP, don't think anyone is because it is a recent experiment that's lasted less than a year so far...or maybe even less than 6 months. But, there are some scientific people on here who can possibly get in to more specifics. Good luck!
markj911 said:
Hi All,

I have been using the ROP for a week now and made an observation that I wanted to pass along. Currently I am doing a modified Phase 2 program. I am only doing girth exercises for now. Before ever using the ROP, I would always get swelling in the foreskin just below the glans (the doughnut effect). Except for weekends, I always do my exercises at 6am when I first get up and the swelling is almost always gone by noon time. Since wearing the ROP, I have noticed that the swelling lasts all day til past 5pm. I wear the ROP over the 'whole package'. One of the benefits of the ROP on the whole package is better flaccid hang. Presumably from the restricted bloodflow in and out of the penis. However, I think that after girth work that this is a bad thing. If the ROP is restricting blood flow then it is limiting nutrients getting to the penis to repair tissues that are affected as a result of the Penis Enlargement workout. This to me means limiting growth. So I have several recommendations that I am going to try..

1. Never wear the ROP over the whole package within 12 hours of girth work. I probably won't wear it over the whole package again.

2. Change from wearing the ROP over the whole package to only over the scrotum. I am going to build up a lightweight silver/zinc ROP to use for this. The silver/ zinc ROP will generate a higher voltage than the copper/zinc equivalent. This means a higher transfer of zinc ions into the body in a given period of time. This means that one should not have to wear the ROP 24 hours a day to get the same benefit. A lightweight version will be less likely to fall off because it weighs less. I would likely sleep with it on and not wear it to work for fear of it coming off and popping out my pant leg though. :)

An another idea I had would be to integrate the constrictor with the ROP. By that I mean to take a ribbon and tie a loop around the latex band of the ROP and loop it through the constrictor. The ROP would only be on the scrotum and would be kept from falling off unless the constrictor came off as well.

I'll keep you all posted and would like to hear thoughts about the bloodflow limiting growth premise..


Does the ROP have to be this tight or is "snug" skin contact all that is necessary?
Sorry for the late reply. I made the silver rod from wrapping silver foil around a 1/4" delrin rod. What is very cool is that it weighs almost nothing compared to the 3/8" copper rod. I have measured a voltage as high as 0.98V using the silver/zinc so far. In terms of getting a silver rod, I am thinking of finding a silver plating place and sending them 1/4" copper rod stock cut to 2" length to get them plated. I work in high tech and can probably pull a favor with a PCB fab shop to plate them for free for me to test things out.

In terms of the ROP falling off, mine has not fallen off yet. The point is that I don't ever want it to. I wear boxers and if it came off would definitely fall out of my pant leg.

stillwantmore said:
Where would you get the silver rod from? How is your ROP falling off ?? I dont get it. How are these ROPs falling off? You guys must be getting them too tight and/or not putting enough latex over the ends of the metal rods. I push about 1/4" over the ends.
There is not enough lead in the copper and zinc to ever get worried about if you are using the materials that alot of us have read about. The ROP I built uses oxygen free copper from McMasters. I searched on the web for the chemical composition of oxygen free copper and found...

Oxygen Free copper is produced in several grades:
BS C103, Cu-OF and C110, Cu-OFE are melted and cast in an oxygen free atmosphere to give very low oxygen level, typically under 2ppm. For use in vacuum seals, e.g in glass vacuum tubes, the C110 grade needs to be oxidised on its surface at high temperature to gives good adhesion, but even small amounts of phosphorus can reduce the adhesion, so the level is kept below 3ppm.
Cu-OF has conductivity almost identical to ETP, but Cu-OFE is about 1.5% better. OFHC (a registered trade-mark) appears to be similar to Cu-OFE. HC means 'high conductivity' while OFE means 'oxygen free electronic grade'. Copper purity is typically 99.997% for both.

So if ALL of the remaining trace elements in oxygen free copper were lead (which is highly unlikely) then the lead content would be 0.003%. Lead in the copper used is not an issue.

As for the zinc, all of the ROPs that I have heard of use the pure zinc corrosion inhibitor rods from McMasters. Again lead is not a concern. ...

Jason1 said:
Can you get poisoning from the ROP. I think it is lead I'm talking about. Cause I think when lead builds up in you it is never removed. Someone in the news just died from lead build up in his system. So can this happen with the ROP?
skin contact only, mine is not tight...I am just scared that it could ever fall off. It would not be an easy thing to explain at work. :)

stiff4ever4u said:
Does the ROP have to be this tight or is "snug" skin contact all that is necessary?
stiff4ever4u said:
Does the ROP have to be this tight or is "snug" skin contact all that is necessary?

mine is snug enough so it will not fall off stretching, running and jumping, and comfortable (except sometime when i get a hard erection, but It's not too bad and i don't mind it
What section of home depot did you guys find the latex tubing? Also, how permanent is marine goop? If I put it on the metal and tubing, will I be able to take it off later on if I want to change the tubing? Thanks.