
Well-known member
This is the best device for erection strengthening, impotence, low testosterone, more blood flow and faster healing in my opinion. Tom Hubbard had a great idea. Everyone needs one, I wear it 24/7. This device cause electricity to flow around your entire gentile bunch. Companies commerical produce these for outrageous prices that do not even work as good and are not comfortable. If you do not want to pay there ridiculous prices I will build you one for $100 less. Plus they will not refund you your money, even If they say they are going to!

The one at that web site only produces .12-5 volts and is very uncomfortable. The one I make produces .7-.8 volts and is way more comfotable.

This thing rocks, my erections are getting stronger firmer and I have more blood down there all the time. I cannot even feel that I have it on. 99.95 pure zinc rod and copper those two together combined with your skin produce unlimited electricity, no batteries required.

Electricity is widely used in medicine in one form or other. It helps body scans, assists bone healing and tissue regeneration and it retrains muscles. It can re-invigorate mind and body as well as stimulating blood circulation; and that is perhaps its most useful function of all.

It will raise you testosterone, make your Testicles bigger, make you produce more sperm, cum like Peter North, and increase your fertility rate. Give you a huge flaccid hang, rock hard erections, and prevent post orgasm shrinkage, and faster healing from Penis Enlargement. I think that it blows any penis pill or supplement out of the water..Permanatly. It will do anything a pill will do, and 10X more, I have gotten greater girth from it and it has ever all given me greaters gains. It supplies your body with the Bio-Electric power that unleashes your own body's power and boots it greatly. Any penis pill or supplement that you can take will be nothing in comparison to what this can do.

I have already received Permanent gains from the ring. My flaccid Penis is permanently bigger, I do not experience post orgasm shrinkage. My girth has pushed past 6" and stays the same even if I do no Penis Enlargement for weeks. My erections are just as strong with it on or with it off, and I can go days without wearing it without loosing effects. My semen production is huge, my loads are always above 15 times with or with out the ring because I have worn it so much.

My Story
I did steroids and a bad cycle at that and totally messed my whole body up, I got ball shrinkage to the max, tons of acne, and high estrogen levels because my body was not producing test or anything to lower the estrogen. I even had penis shrinkage due to the impotence I got from the low test and high estrogen, I could not get hard. I was a total and complete mess for a year after I got of the cycle. I did not do good drugs like clomid, HCG or Nolvadex that messed me up even more. Lucky I found this ring and it has giving me back everything I lost, and a lot more than I ever dreamed.

My testosterone has gone from went from 458nl to 954nl from a blood test results after wearing 1 month. My testosterone has skyrocked to higher levels than I ever saw, my estrogen went all the way down. Now I feel like I am on a constant steroids cause I am getting more ripped and big than I ever did while I was working out 5-6 days a week for an hour a day lifting really heavy and hard with free weights and eating a clean diet. Now I work out 3-4 days a week with just 20-30 minutes of moderate weight lifting with my bowflex and look 100% better.

I just have a great feeling all day. I feel good, great about life and am happier. My balls are big again, I have rock hard erections, I shoot Peter North Loads. When I cum I shoot about 17-20 times not I used to only be about 5-6. I can fill a whole shot glass. Have a nice healthy looking penis full of blood, and a big flaccid hang; I owe everything to this Ring of Power.

Its great for stretching and hanging to keep the blood flow in your penis moving. I wear it all day, in the shower, while swimming, lifting weights and especially during Penis Enlargement and all night. It never comes off and you cannot feel it.

Ring of Power Benifits

1. Bigger Flaccid Penis, Bigger, larger, firmer testicles.
2. Faster healing and recovery for Penis Enlargement
3. More Blood circulation to the genitals, giving you rock hard and and sustained erections in stregth and size.
4. Sexual performance magnified, and elimination of partial impotence and sexual problems.
5. Increases Libido and sex drive, due to Testosterone Boosting effects
6. Sperm production increased, stronger ejaculations and thicker more health ejaculations.
7. The problems of incontinence due to weak muscles controlling the bladder and other sphincter problems, the muscles are strengthend.
8. Pre mature ejacuation less of a problem
9. A Natural way of improvement of overall health, self-esteem, mood and outlook on life, and sexual gratification.
10. A all natrual way to get all of these benifits without having to take drugs, pills or injections.

My Latest updates
My Latest Amazing Lab Results and New info on the Ring of Power

The Greatest Ring of Power Story ever
Higherone's Testamony

Users Results
User Comments and Results

Buidling ROP/BZ out of Pennies
Why Pennies Do not Work for the ROP/BZ

Science on Electro-Therapy
Science/Bio Electrical Universe

Voltage Tests Results Produced With/Without Saline
Voltage Test Results

PM me for ordering info.
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Yea but that would defeate the purpose of the ring, its supposed to have batteries first, second you would not be able to wear it in the shower, third I would make it uncomfortable, and fourth its just easier with the zinc.
Yeah I know! The problem is, I don¥t live in th US and I want to know in what sort of shops I can get it so I can buy it here in Austria...

I have two questions.........1) Could i buy those rods at a home depot or lowes, or no because of the purtiy........2) I looked at the site for the directions but both of the rods say they are zinc dont you need a copper rod? Sorry if the questions have an obvious answer i just dont want to buy the wrong stuff.

Thanks for the info. I was able to find all the necessary parts at the mcmaster site. One question though. What should be the length of the copper tube and the zinc rod? I don't believe the site specifies. Thanks for your help.

Great Post Supra!!!!!!!!!!

That ring seems great and simple to build...well worth it if it is effective.

I went to the Tom's page and there seems to be 2 designs for the ring, Tom's and the design sent in by the other fella. Which design did you build? I'm planning on making one too and want to know which one you've had success with.

Keep it UP
To PaloMalo

I built both versions the one at the top, dont get confused it shows him wearing it around the scrotum but then in the article on how to build it says fit cock and balls completely through, thats what you want to do. Wear it like a cock and ball ring

The other one at the bottom I built as well, it is not good and dont try it, it I way to complicated to drill zinc the right way, Idid it after using up a foot of zinc, what a waste. I have one though but the other one is way more comfortable. Build that one at the top.

The length of each bar needs to be 2'' and then use you make the tubing whatever size you need to. Keep in mind it needs to be tight fit, the copper and zinc need to be flush with the skin at all times.
Originally posted by Supra
BTW: Dont put water or saline solution in the ring, it will eat away at the super glue and you will wet your pants, if anyone else can think of a way to keep that from happening, I am all ears.
I think you need the water/saline inside to complete the circuit.

Dis-similar metals such as copper and zinc will produce an electrical potential and ion migration given a transport agent such as bodily acids. But unless you complete the circuit, current won't flow.

So you need your copper, your zinc, and your dick between them as the battery cell. Then the saline solution in the tube connects the copper back to the zinc and completes the electrical circuit.

The natural mosture of your skin and the skin contact complete the circut. I have not used water in mine and have gotten fine results.

The water only boosts the voltage from .6 to .8 volts. Not a big different, you only need about .1-.3 volts go get results

When I hvae a volt meter I test the ring while I have it on. I have it on and I am getting .7 volts. Simple.
Interesting Supra, what type of "results" are we talking about anyway?
Originally posted by Supra

The natural mosture of your skin and the skin contact complete the circut. I have not used water in mine and have gotten fine results.

The water only boosts the voltage from .6 to .8 volts. Not a big different, you only need about .1-.3 volts go get results

When I hvae a volt meter I test the ring while I have it on. I have it on and I am getting .7 volts. Simple.
Well, we have to distinquish between current (amperage) and voltage. A battery just sitting there has a voltage across it. But until you put something in the circuit, like a [words=]FleshLight[/words] bulb, there is no current flowing.

I don't say current flowing matters or not, as I don't know. But the original design calls for a current path, obtained by filling the tube with a saline solution (resistive conductor.) So the original designer wanted both voltate and current to be in operation.
Not true. Again if you read it that is at the end of the article and he says that if you want to amplify the voltage to .8 you ad salien solution. I have already talked to Tom plenty of times about this and he says you do not need the salien solution to make it work.
The results I have had from this ring are amazing. My number of spurts has gone from about 7-8 to about 15-20. And will continue to do so. My post workout hang is always pumped. My flaccid hang always has more blood in it. It makes me have a nice bulge in my pants. My errections are stronger and I am beggingin to have multiple orgasms. Also my testosterone is increases a lot.
Its like I am some kinda supplement, like androsteine or somehthing cause my workouts more intense and my body is becomiong very lean. Dont ask me how it. You can't really feel the current. Sometimes it tickles if you get hot and sweaty. The voltage does something to the production of semen, sperm and testosterone levels.
And it is volts, I hooked my volt meter up to it and it read .6-.8 volts. I dont care about current or amps, neither does my body or anyone else. If it works, it works. I dont think Tom really cares either.
How about U make me one of those rings and I'll pay U for it? They sound very interesting. PM me so we can work something out.
The cost of me to make it is about $15-$20 dollars. I think I will sell for aobut $50.00 american. Due to material costs shipping, labor and time spent.
Originally posted by Supra
And it is volts, I hooked my volt meter up to it and it read .6-.8 volts. I dont care about current or amps, neither does my body or anyone else. If it works, it works. I dont think Tom really cares either.
Heh. There is going to be some leakage current. It would just be a stronger total current if you provided the saline loop.
Well Like I said eailer if you can figue out a way to keep the salien solution from eating away at he super glue then by all mean enlighten all of us and tell that you have figuered it out as well, caue I have not they have not and neither has Tom Hubbard. When I wear it with salien solution, it always comes undone and makes me wet my pants, so if you dont mind that, then go ahead. If you can figure out a way to make it stay together and I can make it I will make you one for free, how bout that?

P.S I think if it made that big of a different dont you think would do something about it? My offer still stands though!
I received all my supplies from on friday and made my ballzinger on saturday. It took me all day to figure out the best way to wear it.

I first put it on around the whole package with the rods going down the sides. But then I made it too loose so the nuts kept on slipping out. So I tightened it up a bit and the nuts stopped slipping, but it caused a little discomfort.

Then I tried wearing it around the whole package with the rods going across the top and bottom. This was much better but after a while it caused discomfort also.

I finally settled on wearing it just around the balls with the rods going across the top and bottom. I find this arrangement to be much more comfortable and it creates a much less of an unnatural bulge.

Now for the results after only a day of use...

I had blown my load the night before and usually if I nut two nights in a row, it's not much in volume and it just sor t of dribbles out. But when I came last night, it actually caught me by surprise... not so much the volume, but more the force of it.

There was a slight increase in volume, nothing to write home about. But there was this one squirt in particular which was actually audible. I heard it as it exited and it made a "splat" sound as it hit me high on the chest. It probably would've sailed clear over my head if i had my wanker pointed up instead of laying pretty much flat against my stomach.

I can't wait to see the long term effects of this. I'll keep everyone posted.

So your wearing it around the balls only, interesting. I tried that not much luck, plus I would not be able to wear my ball streching equipmnet. Tom did show that that was one way to wear it. You might want to figure out how to waer it around the whole unit cause it hits the penis arteries and it send voltage around the entire genitle bunch? Instead of just the testicle. casue you want more blood flow as well and the testicles wont really do that. Just a suggestion though.
Hey Mike did you put saline solution in the ring, if you did let me know, and what exactly you did!
I vote that SUPRA keeps his Penis Enlargement equipment and opens the first Penis Enlargement museum:D
I think I just might. I have to much stuff man. I wanted to sell all of it but I have a history with it. LOL.rofl
Hey Mikey, have you had any trouble os far with that set up? Also does it slip off?

Would like to hear lots of feedback. Your the first person since I put all of on here that has built it, and seems like its already working!! Good luck keep me posted!:gluedtosc
Originally posted by Supra
Well like I said earlier if you can figue out a way to keep the saline solution from eating away at the super-glue then by all means enlighten all of us
Well, there is nothing magical about a saline solution as a conductor.

So any old conductor would work. Perhaps a bit of thin stranded copper wire run from the copper contact to the zinc contact.

You could spiral it up a bit like a spring to give it stretchy ability. Shove it inside the rubber tube on one side. You don't need it to go all the way around 360 degrees. 180 is enough.
I found a convenient source of zinc metal. Cheap carbon-zinc batteries. Not alkaline, they have steel casings. But the cheapest carbon-zinc cells have zinc casings.

You'll have to cut it apart and clean it up. Best to use a new cell, because otherwise the inside surface is pretty corroded and you'll probably want to sand all that stuff off.

I just opened up a AA cell which was not new but not dead either. I did have to clean the inner surface pretty well with sand paper.

The zinc case is pretty soft. It usually has a paper or cardboard outer layer. You can cut the zinc pretty easily. I cut mine apart with an Xacto knife. Once I got it rolled out in a sheet, I was able to sand it up, and then cut it to whatever size I needed with a plain old scissors.

In sheet form you can then shape it how you wish, but I rolled it around a screwdriver to make a tube like shape.

Remember though, use cheap carbon-zinc cells only. Alkaline have steel shells. NiCad or NiMH have (probably) nickel shells, etc.
So using the above zinc section (about 1" x 1/8") and a similar section of copper tubing, I threaded some cut up rubber bands through them, and put it around my unit. I also measured 0.7 volts.

Since I had the copper tubing as scrap, and a carbon-zinc cell already, and, of course some rubber bands, total cost to me was $0.00. :)
bobbdobbs, great suggestion.

So have I got this right?, is it one tube (1") of zinc from a battery casing and one tube of copper tubing (1") linked by elastic.

Do you wear it with the tubes at the sides or one tube at the top and the other underneath.

Also, would it be of any greater benefit having multiple shorter tubes (say, three of each alternating) rather than just one of each?

tbirdy, I'd imagine you could use some microbore copper tubing from most diy centres or plumbing stores. It's used for connecting gas fires (here in the UK anyway :) ) althought you'd probably have to buy it in 10 metre rolls. However, it is fairly cheap.
Guys...I'm no science stud but I wouldn't fuck around with batteries, especially to put some of the battery parts up against my willie :)

There are definitely hazardous materials inside of batteries and I'm not sure but perhaps the zinc in the battery can get contaminated too. I know where I live they ask you not to throw batteries away and to instead recycle them in a special bag they have.

But who knows maybe the shit in the battery will turn you into a superhero with a magic johnson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:rocker: :rocker: :rocker: :rocker:
I am not going to endorse any of that. That seems a little crazy. I know this ring works the way I made it. You all can do what you wish. Good luck

P.S. I dont want to get zapped penis or battery acid on my unit.rofl
If cutting up a battery scares you, you could try THIS

It's cheap at $2.89 for a 4"x 5" sheet and could be shaped like bobbdobbs described.

I've just ordered a sheet from a UK art supplies site and when I get hold of some copper tubing, I'll give this device a try.
Originally posted by bobbdobbs
From a strictly electrical engineering standpoint, if you can't get the zinc but can get the copper, you could just use copper contacts and actually connect a small battery (like a carbon-zinc AAA cell) to produce the voltage, rather than rely on the galvanic reaction of the copper/zinc/body acid.

The current out of the battery would be so small that the thing would last for years.

would that work, just use the copper and the battery as the ring?
Originally posted by fallen_one23
would that work, just use the copper and the battery as the ring?
Well, electrically it would be similar. However, the migration of zinc ions into the skin might be part of the effect. Zinc injestion (pills) is known to benefit testosterone production.
Originally posted by SlamInTheLamb
bobbdobbs, forgot to there any hazardous materials inside the battery when opening it up? should I be wearing gloves?

The black stuff inside is caustic, so you don't want to leave it on your hands very long. Wash it off with soap and water.
Originally posted by PaloMalo
I know where I live they ask you not to throw batteries away and to instead recycle them in a special bag they have.
Carbon-zinc and many types of alkaline battery are not considered environmental hazards. NiCad's, any mercury containing batteries, lead acid and some others are considered environmental hazards.