I did get it to work somewhat. BTW, to remove the device: try putting the bulb back on (not squeezed), rotate the blub/valve and then squeeze the bulb. This forces air into the dome and should expel your glans easily.
I use the term 'conne,
ctive ropes' to talk about the connection from the end of the septum at back of the glans (the corona) all the way through to the bone, including any tough collagen in between (ligaments, septum, fascia and I include tunicae). When you feel that burn you are stretching the skeletal muscle which is also an erection-length hindrance. It's minor, but everything adds up to fight the blood pressure filling the penis. I found when I felt that burn it also indicated I was not pulling skin or much in the way of tunicae. You can test that by feeling the skin and tunicae for tightness. If they're relatively loose, yet there is a tight cord inside the penis: voila! Connective rope is being tugged almost exclusively.
Every device is horrible for one guy and great for another. Each of our brains seems to make sense of different designs. It took me a long time to pull only the rope with the Bib, but the first time I felt it was with the
SS heavy. I think this is simply because vacuum-based devices pull from the skin of the glans exclusively. Therefore, the only transfer point is the septum. Of course this is why vacuum became so popular years ago. But most guys became frustrated with them due to blistering so they never became the de facto standard. Also, attaching them can be a nightmare. The penismaster pro seems to have solved that problem for some guys and once again a device will be perfect for some guys.
I'm still staring at it trying to figure out how I might be able to get it to work for me. Based on its design I have altered my
SS heavy and used it for 12 hours yesterday without issue. I got the application time down to 4 minutes. So I think if you get the [words=https://www.internetzahlung.de/cc-aktuell/bestellung.php3?PID=PM0440A&Sprache=en]penimaster pro[/words]: 1) try it 2) if it works, stretch your penis 3) if it doesn't, they have a return policy.