doublelongdaddy;434415 said:It looks as though the kegel should be a part of everyones [words= ]Bathmate[/words] routineI will start to incorporate this technique into the various routines.
sizerp;434437 said:Great info in this thread. I can't wait to start trying kegels in my [words= ]Bathmate[/words].
Jaytea;434477 said:Hate to ask this question so late in this thread but since I noticed that Dan has stated that he uses shorter sessions instead of longer sessions with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], does this stand true for most people using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]? Don't know if I am wording my question right or not but basically if you go let's say just for the sake of this question, 45 minutes in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] or longer... could this detrimental to getting any type of gains? My thought process was that if you had longer sessions it would get you to gain faster? Is my theory off in the way I am thinking about this?
Dan_Clizer;434493 said:Questions are always welcome Jaytea. I just started experimenting to see what worked best for me. I wanted to do two things: minimize lymph fluid, and maximize internal expansion. The short sets of 6X6 minutes did that for me. I'm extremely happy with how well its worked. It doesn't work for everyone, so my advice would be to just keep experimenting to see what works the best for you.
doublelongdaddy;434529 said:6 in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words], 6 Jelqing?
Dan_Clizer;434541 said:Was that a question Mike? I've not tried short sets in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] followed by jelqing, in other words: super-sets. I just do 10 minutes of jelqing after I'm done with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] session. The [words=]SSJ[/words]'s were not something I could get the hang of yet, but as I melt a bit more of my fat pad off, I might give them another go.
Jaytea;434552 said:My damn fat pad is something I'm trying to get rid of as well, I think it hides more penis that I really have... sucks! I am hoping by combining push-ups and sit-ups this will help me get the fat pad down to a not so "fat" pad!
Jaytea;434552 said:My damn fat pad is something I'm trying to get rid of as well, I think it hides more penis that I really have... sucks! I am hoping by combining push-ups and sit-ups this will help me get the fat pad down to a not so "fat" pad!
Jaytea;434552 said:My damn fat pad is something I'm trying to get rid of as well, I think it hides more penis that I really have... sucks! I am hoping by combining push-ups and sit-ups this will help me get the fat pad down to a not so "fat" pad!
Turnover;434621 said:I heard they just made it a definition for "muffin top" in the dictionary.
Dan_Clizer;434556 said:Yes, I agree with you Jaytea, it needs to go! You are very right, it hides a lot of penis! I have come to discover that mine is and has been about .75" thicker than I thought it was, so all told, I'd have about 1.75" of additional usable penis if I could get the fat pad carved down to about .50"
I agree with tef1 though, its more of a diet thing. I think the overall body fat percentage must come down to around 10% (possibly lower) in order to have a .50" fat pad.
pjp2002;434633 said:Dan you hit the nail on the head. Can't really target body fat with exercises. Gotta bring down your total body far percentage. Diet and exercise.
PumpSon!;435786 said:Dan, what do you feel the benefits of kegelling in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] are, apart from the obvious PC muscle strengthening?
And about the leg workout helping gains, I'm not really willing to stop working my legs to see if expansion decreases, as I want to keep growing in more areas than my crotch!
But I am still increasing - Now hitting 200 each session - I find after 3 days on consistent pumping, I take a rest day and can pump further the day after..
I have been incorporating a sort of Hardcore Stretch, except I go in flaccid and just stretch outwards. I still feel the pull on the 'inner penis' so I'm sure it's still working. Only time will tell. I will measure myself on the start of July.
pjp2002;435881 said:Yeah, I'll +1 to the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] kegals. I have been slacking on my normal kegal routine but doing them a lot in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and my wood and during ejaculation EQ is hard as an oak tree.
what is your size now and how much girth ahve you gained thus far? also forget the [words=]extender[/words], try dld blasters, these bring gains so fast its unbelievable almost.Dan_Clizer;438314 said:Month four has seen me continue to average about one hour per day in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I've maxed out the gator and up the plastic to the 10cm mark. I'm still doing kegals like crazy and I love them! It has helped me to max out the [words= ]X-40[/words] in a very pro-active way rather than passive and that has really appealed to me. I've come to realize though that gains in length from this point with the [words= ]X-40[/words] alone probably are going to be very slow due to the fact I've maxed out the base.
So.....I've decided to get a [words=]traction[/words] device (probably the [words=]SG[/words] since Mike gets it to us for such a great price) and build a new base for it that will accommodate my flaccid girth. I may have to modify the top strapping part also so that the rods will line up properly. I cannot find a base unit that is large enough to fit even with the X4 [words=]extender[/words] set-up.
My plan is to gain another 2" of length and cement in the girth I've gained using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] over the next year using the combo of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and a [words=]traction[/words] [words=]extender[/words]. It will be great fun to add the [words=]extender[/words] to the mix! Thanks to J1L for the awesome log he's kept on his [words=]extender[/words] progress, that has helped me to decide it was the next step for me.
I'm looking forward to the extra base girth from it (plus cementing in what I have now) and the greatly improved erection quality as well! Likely in July I'll buy the [words=]extender[/words] and get started with it.
On a side note: Monday the 20th I was halfway through my third session of the day when I started to see a tiny bit of blood coming out my urethra. I stopped and took two days off. I have not yet figured out what happened. It appears as though the very tip of penis is sore right around the opening as if someone had botched up putting a catheter in me. I rinsed it well with peroxide and the two days off helped, but still sore. I went back to it slowly yesterday and today. I will keep the pressure lower as well as not do kegals for awhile just as a precaution.
Dick_Slinger;438329 said:what is your size now and how much girth ahve you gained thus far? also forget the [words=]extender[/words], try dld blasters, these bring gains so fast its unbelievable almost.
celttank;438344 said:Hey cizer i was just wondering do u do [words= ]Bathmate[/words] stretches or do u just pump and kegel?
fedora;438345 said:Thanks Dan for a very inspirational thread! I´m an experienced Penis Enlargement veteran, but only used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] slightly, mostly as a complement before a date later the same eveningGonna give your short X multiple sets a go, when i get back home from vacation tomorrow. Big congrats to the gains man!
fedora;438345 said:mostly as a complement before a date later the same evening![]()
doublelongdaddy;438359 said:
Dan_Clizer;438314 said:Month four has seen me continue to average about one hour per day in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I've maxed out the gator and up the plastic to the 10cm mark. I'm still doing kegals like crazy and I love them! It has helped me to max out the [words= ]X-40[/words] in a very pro-active way rather than passive and that has really appealed to me. I've come to realize though that gains in length from this point with the [words= ]X-40[/words] alone probably are going to be very slow due to the fact I've maxed out the base.
So.....I've decided to get a [words=]traction[/words] device (probably the [words=]SG[/words] since Mike gets it to us for such a great price) and build a new base for it that will accommodate my flaccid girth. I may have to modify the top strapping part also so that the rods will line up properly. I cannot find a base unit that is large enough to fit even with the X4 [words=]extender[/words] set-up.
My plan is to gain another 2" of length and cement in the girth I've gained using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] over the next year using the combo of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and a [words=]traction[/words] [words=]extender[/words]. It will be great fun to add the [words=]extender[/words] to the mix! Thanks to J1L for the awesome log he's kept on his [words=]extender[/words] progress, that has helped me to decide it was the next step for me.
I'm looking forward to the extra base girth from it (plus cementing in what I have now) and the greatly improved erection quality as well! Likely in July I'll buy the [words=]extender[/words] and get started with it.
On a side note: Monday the 20th I was halfway through my third session of the day when I started to see a tiny bit of blood coming out my urethra. I stopped and took two days off. I have not yet figured out what happened. It appears as though the very tip of penis is sore right around the opening as if someone had botched up putting a catheter in me. I rinsed it well with peroxide and the two days off helped, but still sore. I went back to it slowly yesterday and today. I will keep the pressure lower as well as not do kegals for awhile just as a precaution.
fedora;438365 said:Hehe, just another secret Penis Enlargement trick to recieve that extra WOW-effect from the ladies department![]()
Using Dan's routine I've been going in mostly flaccid, started experimenting with trying to go in erect.....I can't tell the difference either.celttank;438568 said:i went in erect first but the 2nd time it was taking too long to get hard so i said fuck it and went in flacid. I found out it doesn't make any difference. When u are flacid all u need to do is get in, pump it, wait a couple seconds and pump a bit more. I'd say do this about 10 times and u will get maximum expansion. It will look like u went in hard.
tcssmos;438524 said:Congrats again on your progress Dan. I've been using your system for a little while now with great results. I wanted to ask you, are you still entering flaccid or have you been trying to enter erect more? I personally have tried to experiment with both and I still am undecided about what's more effective. Seems like you, St. John, and a few others have had great results going in flaccid.
celttank;438564 said:Tried this tonight and got great expansion. I only did 6 6 minute repitions but i filled up the [words= ]X-40[/words] and the tip was a couple mm from the top. When i went to take it off i was scrapeing off the sides. Im guessing im going to need the [words= ]X-40[/words] soon... good news for my penis but not for my bank account considering i only got the [words= ]X-40[/words] 5 days ago. Only problem i see with this is that it takes so long to do. Would take me 2 hours to do 12 reps... But fuck it, it will be worth it in the end. Cheers cizer.
nickydicky;438951 said:Hey dan can u explain how u use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with bucket lik how u get water in and everything
nickydicky;438951 said:Hey dan can u explain how u use the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] with bucket lik how u get water in and everything
Dan_Clizer;438976 said:Hi nickydicky, I use two buckets and a gallon jug. One bucket with hot water, one bucket to expel water into as I re-pump & end each set and a gallon jug that has cold water. After the initial first set of getting the water temp right with the combo of hot and cold, I reuse the slightly warm water from my expel bucket for each of the last five sets, just adding enough hot water each time to keep it very warm. I put my chair half way into a large shower stall, so there is no concern with spillage.
doublelongdaddy;439049 said:Sounds like a dairy farm![]()
Dan_Clizer;439051 said:Yeah, good point Mike.........its always fun to make things much more complicated than need be![]()
doublelongdaddy;439070 said:Thats what us humans are best at!![]()
Dan_Clizer;438314 said:Month four has seen me continue to average about one hour per day in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]. I've maxed out the gator and up the plastic to the 10cm mark. I'm still doing kegals like crazy and I love them! It has helped me to max out the [words= ]X-40[/words] in a very pro-active way rather than passive and that has really appealed to me. I've come to realize though that gains in length from this point with the [words= ]X-40[/words] alone probably are going to be very slow due to the fact I've maxed out the base.
So.....I've decided to get a [words=]traction[/words] device (probably the [words=]SG[/words] since Mike gets it to us for such a great price) and build a new base for it that will accommodate my flaccid girth. I may have to modify the top strapping part also so that the rods will line up properly. I cannot find a base unit that is large enough to fit even with the X4 [words=]extender[/words] set-up.
My plan is to gain another 2" of length and cement in the girth I've gained using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] over the next year using the combo of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and a [words=]traction[/words] [words=]extender[/words]. It will be great fun to add the [words=]extender[/words] to the mix! Thanks to J1L for the awesome log he's kept on his [words=]extender[/words] progress, that has helped me to decide it was the next step for me.
I'm looking forward to the extra base girth from it (plus cementing in what I have now) and the greatly improved erection quality as well! Likely in July I'll buy the [words=]extender[/words] and get started with it.
On a side note: Monday the 20th I was halfway through my third session of the day when I started to see a tiny bit of blood coming out my urethra. I stopped and took two days off. I have not yet figured out what happened. It appears as though the very tip of penis is sore right around the opening as if someone had botched up putting a catheter in me. I rinsed it well with peroxide and the two days off helped, but still sore. I went back to it slowly yesterday and today. I will keep the pressure lower as well as not do kegals for awhile just as a precaution.
Dan_Clizer;439072 said:Yep, true that!
Dick_Slinger;439131 said:What is your girth now Dan?
When are the pics coming?
Also, have you tried dld blasters? they work great and give fast gains.
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend