well you have written about your Penis Enlargement adventures and others have bought it when you write anything here you should back it up, i wonder how many people have burst blood vessels in their penis and done other kinds of permanant damage by useing your 6 min by 6 min routine 3-4 times a day.
Junglefever;484816 said:
well you have written about your Penis Enlargement adventures and others have bought it when you write anything here you should back it up, i wonder how many people have burst blood vessels in their penis and done other kinds of permanant damage by useing your 6 min by 6 min routine 3-4 times a day.

Everyone needs to take responsibility for themselves. If you burst your vessels cause of following a penis routine from the internets then its YOUR FAULT alone!
Hi Junglefever,

Whatever you believe is fine with me. I could not care less. I'm here to help if people have questions, but I agree with dickerschwanz, each of us must take responsibility. I've only told people what's worked for me.


Junglefever;484816 said:
well you have written about your Penis Enlargement adventures and others have bought it when you write anything here you should back it up, i wonder how many people have burst blood vessels in their penis and done other kinds of permanant damage by useing your 6 min by 6 min routine 3-4 times a day.
Junglefever;484816 said:
well you have written about your Penis Enlargement adventures and others have bought it when you write anything here you should back it up, i wonder how many people have burst blood vessels in their penis and done other kinds of permanant damage by useing your 6 min by 6 min routine 3-4 times a day.

Penis Enlargement is a personal quest that only requires proof to self to happen:) In all my years, with all my proof, all my interviews, all of my articles, all of my videos and pictures, even being measured by a third party and men still do not believe. You can't prove Penis Enlargement to someone, they need to prove it for themselves. Some of our greatest gainers are men who did not believe this stuff works.
Well said Mike! I Penis Enlargement for myself, not for others. When I do post pictures, it will be because I desire to. It will not be to satisfy someone's curiosity, or to prove anything. I have nothing to prove.


doublelongdaddy;484856 said:
Penis Enlargement is a personal quest that only requires proof to self to happen:) In all my years, with all my proof, all my interviews, all of my articles, all of my videos and pictures, even being measured by a third party and men still do not believe. You can't prove Penis Enlargement to someone, they need to prove it for themselves. Some of our greatest gainers are men who did not believe this stuff works.
Ill give you the benefit of the doubt whats your size like know? what is your current routine? and have you reached your goals? i believe we are similar in size girth wise, im 7.25 girth mid-shaft pic on pic proof section, i wonder how much i gain on this 6x6 x 2, do you think the 6x6 routine done 3 times is neccessary or is twice good enough?
Listen dude....you'll find that people will be MUCH more receptive toward you if you give them respect in the first place rather than attacking them. If you give respect and appreciation, most will go the extra mile in assisting however they can, (not to mention its a much nicer way to interact with people) Ponder that a bit.

My current routine is: 20 minutes of length work, followed by 10 minutes of jelqing. A few minutes to a few hours later I do 20 minutes in the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words], followed by 15 minutes of jelqing.

Size now is about 7.75 to 8" midshaft. Length has not changed much lately. I have not quite reached my goals, no. I'm hoping to by September.

I do not know if the 6X6 routine would work for you or not. My suggestion is to simply try it for a month or so. Experiment with it and notice if it seems to give better expansion or not. Keep written records.

I do not think the 6X6 (several times per day) is necessary to get good gains. It DID work for me and it worked well. I have no way of knowing however if something else may have worked better. I know that in the beginning, I did not get good results from a single 20 minute session and this was why I started experimenting. I now am getting good results from just one 20 minute session.

Keep experimenting with different things and record your results. I do feel its important to keep a log of each days sessions, and this is why I say keep written records.

Good luck and have fun.


Junglefever;485257 said:
Ill give you the benefit of the doubt whats your size like know? what is your current routine? and have you reached your goals? i believe we are similar in size girth wise, im 7.25 girth mid-shaft pic on pic proof section, i wonder how much i gain on this 6x6 x 2, do you think the 6x6 routine done 3 times is neccessary or is twice good enough?
Hey dont take it personal. I do not like to be nice to people i do not know, my moto is, dont be nice to people because they might as you for money. I also dont like people i dont know to be nice to me either because i might ask them for money. If i asked you a question first then i could not criticise you so i criticised you first and then asked you a question but you took it as an insult. But since you answered my question i cant really critcise you anymore. But hey at least i didnt ask you for money. I also dont have money to give away. Good look in reaching your goal.
Thanks, good luck with your goals as well.


Junglefever;485301 said:
Hey dont take it personal. I do not like to be nice to people i do not know, my moto is, dont be nice to people because they might as you for money. I also dont like people i dont know to be nice to me either because i might ask them for money. If i asked you a question first then i could not criticise you so i criticised you first and then asked you a question but you took it as an insult. But since you answered my question i cant really critcise you anymore. But hey at least i didnt ask you for money. I also dont have money to give away. Good look in reaching your goal.
Why have you not used the slow squash jelqs? these seem far better than normal jelqs. Also why dont you try Dld's 5 min [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] followed by 5 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words] etc routine?
You could do 6 min [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] with 6 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words] x 3 sets
I have indeed used [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s. I don't like them as well as the regular jelq's. I experiment, find what I like and what gives me gains, and I stick with those things.


Junglefever;485345 said:
Why have you not used the slow squash jelqs? these seem far better than normal jelqs. Also why dont you try Dld's 5 min [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] followed by 5 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words] etc routine?
You could do 6 min [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] with 6 min [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words] x 3 sets
That might be because you cant get your hands around your flute maybe it could work better if you used a flute ring the best are the adjustable ones, it takes a special skill to rouse the snake thats why women run this world because they are so good at playing the flute.
Could be. I'll take that suggestion under advisement.


Junglefever;485840 said:
That might be because you cant get your hands around your flute maybe it could work better if you used a flute ring the best are the adjustable ones, it takes a special skill to rouse the snake thats why women run this world because they are so good at playing the flute.
Dan_Clizer;485346 said:
I have indeed used [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words]'s. I don't like them as well as the regular jelq's. I experiment, find what I like and what gives me gains, and I stick with those things.


I love the amazing compression and controlled expansion of Slow Squash Jelqs, they are the one girth exercise that seems to have pretty much unlimited intensity.
Heres what I do. I have my iphone and have adult entertainment near the sink and when I get a full erection I enter the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] and pump over the sink to max comfortable pressure. When I enter flacid I can only pump up to 120-130 but when erect I csn max out 180. Once your pumped up to max.. You cant loose your boner. Now of course when you let the pressure go.. You will have to start all over again. Thats why I am very carefull to not loose my pressure.
Heat97;492040 said:
Heres what I do. I have my iphone and have adult entertainment near the sink and when I get a full erection I enter the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] and pump over the sink to max comfortable pressure. When I enter flacid I can only pump up to 120-130 but when erect I csn max out 180. Once your pumped up to max.. You cant loose your boner. Now of course when you let the pressure go.. You will have to start all over again. Thats why I am very carefull to not loose my pressure.

When I first started I used to tape pictures to the walls:) Times have really changed!
Junglefever;492334 said:
I wonder if they invented the I phone to remedy this.

I know it would have come in handy when I first started Penis Enlargement:) I was still taping pictures up until 2005:)
runningignus;649864 said:
Bump bump bump bumpy bumpy bumpity bump bump

lol search is fixed. Back to searching

Yes, I have heard that the search was fixed, so happy. Also pictures and user profiles should be working again too.
Page 8 of the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words] section? This should be a sticky thread. Bump to bring it back to the top.
pjp2002;737534 said:
Page 8 of the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]Bathmate[/words] section? This should be a sticky thread. Bump to bring it back to the top.

Thanks for bumping, i got a lot from the thread.

Not sure i can wait 6 months to buy the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]BM[/words]!!!
bty84;737536 said:
Thanks for bumping, i got a lot from the thread.

Not sure i can wait 6 months to buy the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98]BM[/words]!!!

So win one in a month! Get involved with the monthly contest!
Dan, I tried your method tonight and worked up to 8 sets. I have been using the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] for about 4-5 weeks and like you I have tried longer sessions and then I switched to 3 sets at 5 minutes each with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]SSJ[/words] and I think I gained .125-.25 in girth over a few weeks time. However, tonight was the best session I've ever had. I finished the session with a 1 inch stretch or expansion in girth. I'm sure alot of it is fluid retention but it's by far the the best session I've ever had. I am very encouraged by these results. THANKS DAN!!!

First let me say welcome back Dan I haven’t seen you in a long time! Seems like everything is going well. So happy to have you back.

I’m so glad that you tried to pass me 5×5×3, there’s no better girth routine. If you want to read more about it and learn more tips on how to get better expansion, gains and healing check out SRT.
This sounds too good to be true but i definitely never tried this method. Anyone else try it?
This sounds too good to be true but i definitely never tried this method. Anyone else try it?

Yes many have made similar gains in the same timeframe, some ever quicker.It really depends on the person training and how their penis reacts. I gained 2 inches in six months but I also trained like a madman. Seven days a week and we were from Florida eight hours a day. I was very committed to making the biggest game as possible and the smallest amount of time. I can imagine that it would sound too good to be true but just take a glance through the Picture proof section and see for yourself.

I hope that you can prove it to yourself just by doing a solid routine for 3 months and seeing how much size you can gain. Once you realize your first gain the adrenaline goes crazy and dopamine is released in your brain and you get so excited because you know for yourself PE works. It really is a monumental place to get to. I wish you the best and God bless you.
This thread should be made readily available for everyone to see. This is the thread that really taught me how to use the bathmate. When the time comes for me to focus on girth, I will be needing this thread.
This thread should be made readily available for everyone to see. This is the thread that really taught me how to use the bathmate. When the time comes for me to focus on girth, I will be needing this thread.

We had to stop sticking threads because they were taking up too much of the forum. What I can suggest is that you just bump this thread every few days and it will stay alive.
I have a quick question.

Here is a bit of my story. I started with bathmate 2 years ago with X30 and then bought X40 also but my gains were barely noticable. In X30 I was reaching 18 CM entering erect. And I didnt us X40 until this week.

This past week I started 2 days on 1 day off with 5x5 minutes and will try to build up to 6x6. And I must say there are some results. What happened today was I went for a quick morning session while showering and put on X30 to see the difference. I entered flaccid and was shocked. After 2 pumps I was at 18.5 CM that I coudnt reach before in Erect state and not only that. After applying max pressure I went up to 19.5 CM and there was barealy any place left in X30.

That's why I have a question. Should I do my 6×6 minutes in X40 or X30? What do you think?
Hey dont take it personal. I do not like to be nice to people i do not know, my moto is, dont be nice to people because they might as you for money. I also dont like people i dont know to be nice to me either because i might ask them for money. If i asked you a question first then i could not criticise you so i criticised you first and then asked you a question but you took it as an insult. But since you answered my question i cant really critcise you anymore. But hey at least i didnt ask you for money. I also dont have money to give away. Good look in reaching your goal.

Two more questions from me. I am doing 5x5 minutes. And will slowly increase to 6X6. My question is should I do them flaccid or is it better errect? Also what exercises do you think will help me the most for length, from your experience?
Two more questions from me. I am doing 5x5 minutes. And will slowly increase to 6X6. My question is should I do them flaccid or is it better errect? Also what exercises do you think will help me the most for length, from your experience?

Prefer going in erect or at least 70% erect otherwise I feel I don't get as good a pressure by time he's ballooned up
Two more questions from me. I am doing 5x5 minutes. And will slowly increase to 6X6. My question is should I do them flaccid or is it better errect? Also what exercises do you think will help me the most for length, from your experience?

The length master is a length device, you can buy it. But if girth exercises is all you care about and you still want length, you can add some jelq to your girth routine.
Two more questions from me. I am doing 5x5 minutes. And will slowly increase to 6X6. My question is should I do them flaccid or is it better errect? Also what exercises do you think will help me the most for length, from your experience?

What I do is go in 100% erect and after a few moments I’ll subside to about 90 to 95%. The optimum level would be between 85 and 95%. With the length the fastest way to go is using SRT.

A Lengthmaster is a must have, this device does so many things to bring length. You can do bundles, rolls, or any other stretch using two hands. When you have two hands freed up it gives you a lot more power by grabbing those handlebars and stretching with all you have.

If you’re interested in healing as far as length goes I seriously advise the SiliStretcher. This device can keep you elongated 24 hours a day. Many men sleep with it so they can get 6 to 10 hours of passive stretching while they sleep. Passive stretching is so important to healing. It’s also an awesome device for active gaining.

Lastly remember to wear a cock ring after your girth sessions so you can retain that pump as long as possible.
Goodness! I cannot believe that I've found this thread! DLD you are such a legend, I've heard of you from my time in the seduction community 12 years ago. I can't believe you're still here man!
My background with PE is very very limited in terms of experience, my longest stretch was about a month with the bathmate, 20 mins a day as advised. I quickly lost interest and totally forgot about it. I have gone on similar stretches of about 2-3 weeks, 2 days on 1 day off and the results were barel noticible.
I have thought a lot about it in the last couple of years. I have done tons of research in that time frame and I have narrowed down to a coulpe of things. I would like you're opinion on it, and of course your advice.

I am a Grower and therefore I think I should be traing at at least 60% erect. Starting at 6" length and 4.75" girth (mid-shaft). My plan is to start with a 30 morning sesh with the BM 5mins x 3, coupled with some SSJ and Jelqing. Then, try and land in as my "booster sessions" as I can. (BM only 5mins x2). Two days on and One day off. What are your thoughts?

Also, a key discovery I think for me, as a grower is that I need to keep my penis in the extended state (elongated but not erect) for as long as possible (to prevent the Tunica from shrinking during recovery). What do you think?
This is exactly why I think you're All Day Stretcher is a God send! I have been looking for something like this for a while now!! Can't wait to get one.

BTW, I came up with the routine on my own and then happened to find this thread! I am not kidding, I still can't belive it!

Anyway, looking forward to your reply.

Goodness! I cannot believe that I've found this thread! DLD you are such a legend, I've heard of you from my time in the seduction community 12 years ago. I can't believe you're still here man!
My background with PE is very very limited in terms of experience, my longest stretch was about a month with the bathmate, 20 mins a day as advised. I quickly lost interest and totally forgot about it. I have gone on similar stretches of about 2-3 weeks, 2 days on 1 day off and the results were barel noticible.
I have thought a lot about it in the last couple of years. I have done tons of research in that time frame and I have narrowed down to a coulpe of things. I would like you're opinion on it, and of course your advice.

I am a Grower and therefore I think I should be traing at at least 60% erect. Starting at 6" length and 4.75" girth (mid-shaft). My plan is to start with a 30 morning sesh with the BM 5mins x 3, coupled with some SSJ and Jelqing. Then, try and land in as my "booster sessions" as I can. (BM only 5mins x2). Two days on and One day off. What are your thoughts?

Also, a key discovery I think for me, as a grower is that I need to keep my penis in the extended state (elongated but not erect) for as long as possible (to prevent the Tunica from shrinking during recovery). What do you think?
This is exactly why I think you're All Day Stretcher is a God send! I have been looking for something like this for a while now!! Can't wait to get one.

BTW, I came up with the routine on my own and then happened to find this thread! I am not kidding, I still can't belive it!

Anyway, looking forward to your reply.


i’m still here, a bit more gray and my bones hurt a little bit more, but I’m still Kickin. I’m so happy that you found this thread and you were inspired to make this happen. I really like that you have read through this thread I would also like you to check out the SRT thread. See if I can help you with putting your routine together. Once you have something put together please post it and I can go through it with you to make changes and improvements if necessary. I’m really looking forward to this and I’m so glad that you found the brotherhood.
Having a bathmate is incredibly important to the enlargement process when used in the proper way. Traditional pumping really only brings water retention but when You pump in the correct way you see proper growth via the tissue.. I have a new routine coming out soon soon that shows the best way to use this equipment in the enlargement process.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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