icecam;428232 said:Thought is give this a bash.
I did 5sets of 6mins in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] flaccid.![]()
Why do you find flaccid so good?
icecam;428232 said:Thought is give this a bash.
I did 5sets of 6mins in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] flaccid.![]()
icecam;428498 said:I found when I went in Flaccid the first set kind of got it nice and plump then each session it kept climbing up and up the measure level.
When I use to go in erect I got a lot of fluid build up. Going in shorter session flaccid I didn't get loads of build up
Hammerhead13;428575 said:Wow Dan,
This routine is pretty sweet. I have done it for 2 days in a row with 5 sets of 6 minutes, and I have got incredible expansion. I have got some serious red dots on my unit so I am guessing that I am pumping too high of pressure too fast. I think I am going to slow it down a little. Thanks Dan, this is great.
DLD, I think you will like it...
Toby50;428656 said:I tried this today. Five 6 minute sets with about five minutes in between each set. I jelqued in between sets. I got about the same expansion as when I do 20 minutes straight but with a little less fluid. I think most of my expansion from before was just fluid. If today's session produced the same internal expansion as before, then this is true because after my session, I wasn't as swollen as usual. I'll try this again on wednesday maybe. Also, this was my first time using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] out of the shower. Keeping everything dry proved to be harder than I thought. I used a bucket for the water but still. This session took about an hour to complete. It's a hassle but if it works then I'll continue doing it this way.
Toby50;428667 said:Good advice. I'll try it next time. I'm definitely going to continue doing your routine. I noticed that the fluid build up went away almost completely after 4 hours. It's used to take about 8! This allowed me to pump again. But this time I did 20 minutes straight because I didn't have much time. This second session expanded me an extra .25" so it definitely helped.
doublelongdaddy;428543 said:Ima pull out my X-40 and give this a go. Someone mentioned it last week but forgot, tonight for sure! Thanks Ice
aclaim;428694 said:How Do you fit that monster in a [words= ]X-40[/words]??? ?![]()
Alex DeLarge;428821 said:I am into my 2nd week using [words= ]X-40[/words] and I have a problem with rings on the base of my penis and can not pump past 195 without pain.
I tried longer sessions but the shorter ones are way better so thanks Dan. After only 5-6 sets I expand to almost 6 inches in girth which is about and inch in expansion and I have very little fluid buildup
Gonna try to pump to 190 max every time to see the expansion since I can't go more because of the pain
Btw how come I have Rep Power: 1 , what did I do?![]()
doublelongdaddy;428828 said:I still have no clue what rep power is????
Alex DeLarge;428887 said:well shit it's your forum if you don't know I don't know either
icecam;428927 said:The lil star below everyone's post is a reputation. If you like someone's post you click it and it give them a rep.
Alex DeLarge;428821 said:I am into my 2nd week using [words= ]X-40[/words] and I have a problem with rings on the base of my penis and can not pump past 195 without pain.
I tried longer sessions but the shorter ones are way better so thanks Dan. After only 5-6 sets I expand to almost 6 inches in girth which is about and inch in expansion and I have very little fluid buildup
Gonna try to pump to 190 max every time to see the expansion since I can't go more because of the pain
Btw how come I have Rep Power: 1 , what did I do?![]()
Toby50;428915 said:I think rep power refers to how much we reply to post, no? Reply power? Like how fast and how often? Maybe.
Anyway. I did six 6 minute sets today and it expanded me A LOT. However, I can't seem to get past 175. Ive only been using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] this month so I'm sure that's why I haven't gotten past 175, no length work this month. But just because I haven't broke past that doesn't mean I'm not gaining girth right? Today I also noticed that I felt a new kind of pain. Or sensation if you will. When I first started using [words= ]Bathmate[/words], I could feel my cock expanding but from the outside. I'm assuming this was skin stretching because the skin used to be like a dark red color instead of the normal brown. That particular feeling lasted through my first month. These last 3 weeks that same sensation has not been so evident and I wasn't able to feel much going on down there in terms of expansion. Well, today was a new day because by the end of set 5, I could feel my cock expanding from the inside. As if someone was pulling the inside only and not the skin. I'm assuming this was the tunica that I've heard some of you talking about. It wasn't painful but I could definitely feel it and that's why I stopped after set 6. Does this sound familiar or should I be cautious?
icecam;428925 said:I done 6 x 6mins lastnite and my post girth went up from 5 1/4 to 6 1/4. Also was soo close to filling the [words= ]X-40[/words].
Loving my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] now with this routine![]()
Will keep this up until end of may. Then I will measure my unit...
icecam;428927 said:The lil star below everyone's post is a reputation. If you like someone's post you click it and it give them a rep.
Toby50;428988 said:Dld, I just gave u a star to find out. So if it doesn't change then 10 might be the max. Thanks a lot Dan. Your support is very inspirering.
tcssmos;428856 said:Hey Dan, can you elaborate on the pressure that you start with and how you move up incrementally? For example would you say you start at mid pressure then work up in increments of 10 on each set only to go to max pressure the very last set?
Toby50;428988 said:Dld, I just gave u a star to find out. So if it doesn't change then 10 might be the max. Thanks a lot Dan. Your support is very inspirering.
BigBanker;429055 said:Hi Dan, I have had 6 sessions with your routine. They have varied from 6 - 10 sets at 6 minutes each. I have done this everyday for the past 6 days. I am very happy so far and have had minimal discomfort. I was wondering how long it took for you to start to see the permanent gains? I do these sets all in one session. Should I break this up and do 5-6 sets twice daily vs. the one session? My fluid retention seems to be dissipating very quickly. I am just focusing exclusively on girth right now. I am between 4.75-5 in girth but yesterday I measured after the 10 set session and I was 5.75-6 in girth! It was awesome!!! But after the fluid dissipated and the swelling came down I think most of that expansion was gone. Will this change over time?
doublelongdaddy;429002 said:I added a star to you and it did not change your rating, I assume there has to be multi-clicks for it to register one.
irafreak1;429251 said:Dan when I read the initial post and saw 1.5 inch girth gain in 2 months I almost spit my water all over my laptop! That's incredible. I'm going to give these a try tonight. I'm glad about the flaccid entry as some nights It's a lot of work to get things back up to go in the pump again.
Also one of your recent posts seems to suggest you fill the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and use it outside the tub. Is this what you do?
afewmoreinches;429275 said:Have you gained any length since you started?
afewmoreinches;429313 said:How many days a week are u pumping?
afewmoreinches;429398 said:so whats the total time you in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]? an hour and a half?
afewmoreinches;429437 said:now your gains make sense lol.... your spending 4 1/2xs as much time in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] then instructed to.... bravo.....bra-vo! lol
Dan_Clizer;429438 said:Yes. I wanted to see if my body could take it. As the Tunica gets more and more pressure, there would be the the tendency to expand faster. Seems to have worked & still be working, but at the same time, I'm getting the intuitive feeling that I need to begin slowing down.
doublelongdaddy;429439 said:You have to go to the limits to find your sweet spot, I have done plenty of routines that pushed me to the limits but if I did not do this I would have never come up with the exercises/routines I have. Good show! Keep up the awesome work!
Toby50;429452 said:You guys need to max out the [words= ]X-40[/words] and continue to tell us what works! Haha
doublelongdaddy;429453 said:Max out the [words= ]X-40[/words]! That thing is like throwing a hot dog down a hallway!![]()
afewmoreinches;429467 said:Bahaahahahahahaha
But yeah good shit with the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]....theres no way i could do that for that long....not with my parents around....they already comment on how i take extremely "long showers".... and i only do the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] 4-5xs a week for 20min per session (usually in the bathroom for about 40 due to warm up etc etc).... Hopefully in the summer ill try to boost it to 2 sessions a day for 4-5days a week.
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend