Month three has seen me
scale back my workouts a bit. I have taken a few more days off this month, but still gaining. I've not been able to get an accurate measurement on girth, but it looks like I've gained probably another .50" on mid-shaft, and base girth. This estimate is from measuring base, mid-shaft diameter and the size of my penis as I'm pumping. At the starting point three months back, I was at 1.9" diameter on the base, and now I'm at 2.6" diameter. My head diameter (in the tube) has increased from 2" to 2.3" in the last three months. In the [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] my erect girth is now hitting what I believe to be about 9.25" at the base. I've had more trouble getting the [words= ]X-40[/words] off the past two weeks and the gator is digging deeper into the base. I have been able to enter the [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] about 80% erect a few times this month and I believe it has helped me to see new and better results. I expect to work on cementing these gains in over the next two months. I'd like to get to the point where I can pack the tube (to the point of getting deep rings) within the first 12 minutes I'm in the it.
I feel Mike (and others) are correct in the assumption that entering erect will bring better gains. I will keep experimenting with kegals in (and out) of the [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] as a means to help acheive partial erections (before going in) and hold better pumps in the tube during my sets. Still almost no fluid and I feel the short 6 X 6 minute sets contribute a lot to that, but likely its a combination of factors.
I've gained another .25" in length as well over the course of the last month for a three month total of 1". The .25" length gain came about two days after a very heavy leg and hip workout leading Mike and I to speculate that increased blood flow and possibly higher levels of testosterone and overall androgen levels resulting from the workout might be causes. I now feel after more research, (and observation of my body) that Mike is likely correct in his feeling that its mostly increased blood flow that's responsible. I had an extremely good pump in my penis on that workout as well with girth coming out of the tube about .25" higher than I had ever seen before. There are a couple of tips I'll share that have helped me. First, in getting an accurate idea or measurement of your penis in the [words= ]
Bathmate[/words], its important to know that your penis needs to be at or very near the top of the tube. If its more toward the middle or the lower side of the tube, that is when there's a tremendous magnifying effect and it looks much bigger than it is. Second, you can use a trouble light placed below you (if you are seated in a chair) and a hand-held mirror to see what is going on within the tube. This works really well to see into the bottom portion and I used this method to find out if I was bottoming out the lower part of the [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] at the Corpus Spongiosum. I could also partially see into the gator part of the [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] using this technique. As of today: 5/27 I have 72 hours of total time logged in the [words= ]
Overall, its extremely hard for me to believe that I would acheive gains of this magnitude. I can't wait to see what the next three months bring!
Guys, if you're inclined, try some experimentation of your own. Do some real good leg, hip, workouts and then the next day (or two) watch real closely how your [words= ]
Bathmate[/words] sessions go and see if you can tell a difference in blood flow. It may be a way to greatly speed gains if used with intention.