BathmateEurope;373081 said:You must be kidding, read the warning label that comes with the condom![]()
I thought the same thing
BathmateEurope;373081 said:You must be kidding, read the warning label that comes with the condom![]()
irafreak1;373163 said:I was kidding. My [words= ]Bathmate[/words] made it here today. Just got home and there it was on the table (still packaged of course) and my little girl asking to open it.Will weigh in after my first session.
irafreak1;373277 said:Child 3 year old. Nah if my wife finds it she'll just roll her eyes.
irafreak1;373277 said:Child 3 year old. Nah if my wife finds it she'll just roll her eyes.
syler;373582 said:quick question guys.
ive used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] afew times now but im not sure where im ment to try and pump too , when i first enter im sure im at about 150 on first pump then wait 5 mins and pump to 160 then another 5 mins pump to 165 then last pump to 170, hurts abit too, totaling 20 mins, i get really bad red spots all over my shaft and my shaft seems slightly blue and the fluid build up is huge, im guessing im over pumping but im not sure of what im ment to aim for, ive read that when pumping you should be going half inch below your bpel which would be 150 in the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] has im about 6.25 bpel but i thought the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] gave lengh as well as girth so going below my bpel isnt going to make me gain lengh is it? i really want lengh but i also really want girth 7.5 lengh bpel and 6" girth would be a dream current girth is around 4.75" so need extra.
any advice would be great,
thank you.
REDZULU2003;373896 said:I think you should follow the manufacturers guidelines and go EASY & GENTLE in the pump for awhile. 20 minutes is also the maximum time they recommend. Sounds like to me guys are rushing this when they have no prior experience and expect miracles to happen overnight and if it doesn't, than it'll be branded as a scam. Learn the basics, get experience, take your time, learn and grow.
BathmateEurope;373938 said:Dear Members,
Just a pointer regarding our fraud screening that some of you might have experienced; There is a phenomenon called VPN, and when our Merchant Bank detects it, and it almost always does, it barrs us from shipping it; so when you place an order, please be so kind to switch it off so that it dosn't look like you are placing your order 7000 miles away![]()
Another pointer is; If you do not order in USD for United States; then the order gets cancelled as described earlier in an earlier post. It all has to do with shipping and regulations so please do not try to cheat our system, it is there for a reason.
Your friend
BathmateEurope;373935 said:Dear Members,
Its just for experienced Penis Enlargement users, not the average Joe
syler;373959 said:this thing is supposed to be for everyone wanting a larger penis not experienced pe users only now if that was on the main page of your website then im sure you wouldent have sold 10% of the total you have actually sold, there is no clear user guide and that is why im asking the question and im sure others want to no also but dont ask, i can pump to 170 and as i understand the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is ment to only pump to the desired amount for each individual so your saying im rushing into it is crap and if the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] would only allow me to go to say 150 then fare enough but it dosnt so whats right, i have asked a couple of times now if im doing it right and explained my personal situation but no clear answer apart from im rushing in a non direct manner. [words= ]Bathmate[/words] if you dont no anything about your own product then i suggest learning and actually coming here and giving good advice rather than jumping on the back of someone elses reply.
bjv;374230 said:Just a question for people who have used the [words= ]Bathmate[/words]...I'm roughly 8 by 5.5 and I just placed an order for the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] today. What can I expect to gain in lets say 8 months or before september....i'm trying to get bigger for college![]()
the1parr;374255 said:yeah bjv, I don't think anybody has used [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for long enough yet to give accurate, proven feedback; join in the experiment. All I can say is that it feels like something positive is happening and i've been going 3 weeks, today is the only day that i have not [words= ]Bathmate[/words]'d due to serious two tone cock after yesterday's session. I'm going wait another week before I measure, so hard to resist.
the1parr;374328 said:Agust,
I've rested a day and the discolourartion has gone. On tuesday (two days ago) when i pulled out of the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] after jus 10 minutes (had to end session abruptly) my cock was seriously dark in places and i felt i'd maybe pushed it too hard. I had serious overload of red dots and some were actually bleeding through the surface so that I could literally wipe the blood. It was only tiny pinpricks, but still I felt an indication that my penis wasn't conditioned enough yet. Like I said though, one day of rest and it looks back to normal now.
I had been doing the 20minutes and no longer everyday as recommended in the instruction manual, but I think i'm going to just do 15 for a week.
Let me know what you think.
the1parr;374345 said:Wo seriously DLD, in all your years, you have never come across this?
100% on my life, I actually bled from my pours. It was as if the red dots that come to the surface, burst through. There were only couple, not like my whole dick was a bloody mess. If it happens again, I will take a photo.
bjv;374538 said:Placed my order on Wednesday and it already says its handed over to the U.S. postal service for delivery.....Either they are hella-fast or they are just saying that to get my hopes up haha
the1parr;374345 said:Wo seriously DLD, in all your years, you have never come across this?
100% on my life, I actually bled from my pours. It was as if the red dots that come to the surface, burst through. There were only couple, not like my whole dick was a bloody mess. If it happens again, I will take a photo.
newbie09;374723 said:Will I get my money back when I've grown out of the [words= ]X-40[/words]?
syler;374763 said:a question for the guys who have been doing pe for years , dld , red etc oh and Agust.
i ordered a friend a [words= ]Bathmate[/words] and he has recieved it and used it afew times now but he ask's me how do i no this will work for permenant gains in lengh/girth, he says that every site he seems to visit about penis pumps seem to lead to the conclusion that its just a short term effect and that pumping doesn't give permenant gains,i did tell him untill ya try then you wont no but still. so my question is to dld, red , Agust , and everyone else that has been doing pe for a decent amount of time can you honestly , hand on your heart tell me and my friend and everyone else wanting to no that you honestly believe that using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] for 15 mins aday for a number of months say 6 months at a starting size of 160mm the size calculator says 2" gain in lengh? now come on guys honesty is the key i want true opinions, u guys have been pulling at ur cock for years and all sorts of weird shit to gain inches just seems too good to be true and normaly is when you get that feelin , but need ur honest opinion. thanks. ive bought it anyway so no bother there and as i said got the mate one also so £120 to batemate there between us.
bjv;374887 said:Just saw that my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] is arriving penis literally elongated 5 inches... it was hilarious....give or take 4 excited to join the revolution!!!
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend