I pretty much did that today and my cock came out like a fucking soda bottle. Never seen it look like that before. I was so happy!! I need to persevere with this if there is ANY chance of that becoming permanent. It was all fluid retention but wow, I felt amazing. Sore, but amazing.

You can’t really determine how much of it is water retention and I think you might be cheating yourself out of true tissue gains by saying that. I’m so happy to hear that you are making this method work but to make sure you keep it within the confines of SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory I suggest that you follow the 5×5×3 to be sure you’re seeing excellent tissue expansion. Congratulations though, it’s so awesome when we learn to use these tools the right way.
I could not believe the girth!

What are the positive indicators of growth with pumping, can anyone tell me what to look for?

Increased EQ and better flaccid hang, for longer periods after a session, seem like starters - but what are the signs to look out for further down the line as growth occurs and gains are being cemented?

I feel like I've hijacked this thread a little bit, sorry.
I could not believe the girth!

What are the positive indicators of growth with pumping, can anyone tell me what to look for?

Increased EQ and better flaccid hang, for longer periods after a session, seem like starters - but what are the signs to look out for further down the line as growth occurs and gains are being cemented?

I feel like I've hijacked this thread a little bit, sorry.

A positive indicator is continuous expansion beyond your normal girth. Overtime this number should get greater and greater as you cement current gains and make new ones. Your penis will begin to feel heavier, more weight. Due to heavier girth comes a longer flaccid length. EQ may actually suffer a bit at times but that is part of the process.
Boo for EQ suffering.

Another good session today, but the flaccid increase didn't last as long as yesterday.

Fiirst few sessions were a chore, but I find myself really enjoying it now. The feeling of the pump is good, and seeing the result is awesome. Dreaming of cementing that gain.
Boo for EQ suffering.

Another good session today, but the flaccid increase didn't last as long as yesterday.

Fiirst few sessions were a chore, but I find myself really enjoying it now. The feeling of the pump is good, and seeing the result is awesome. Dreaming of cementing that gain.

Cementing size is all about continuously training, forever reaching for bigger measurements. As you gain temporary size it will become permanent as you train and as it becomes permanent you’ll start to gain even more temporary size and so the process goes.
Good to know. Thanks DLD.

Say....is there a general consensus on how to utilise the Bathmate to achieve optimal growth?

As in, lower pressure for longer duration vs higher pressure for shorter duration?

I imagine the latter method is more likely to cause problems with your unit, in terms of discoloration, donut effect etc. But what's the science in terms of tissue growth etc? Can anyone provide info or links please? I would keen to develop a better understanding of what's going on down there.
Good to know. Thanks DLD.

Say....is there a general consensus on how to utilise the Bathmate to achieve optimal growth?

As in, lower pressure for longer duration vs higher pressure for shorter duration?

I imagine the latter method is more likely to cause problems with your unit, in terms of discoloration, donut effect etc. But what's the science in terms of tissue growth etc? Can anyone provide info or links please? I would keen to develop a better understanding of what's going on down there.

90% of the people that pump on this forum use the SRT 5×5×3 routine as it brings incredible tissue expansion with little to no water retention. Have a read through it and let me know what you think. Also take note of the healing measures in wearing a siliring after you train.
90% of the people that pump on this forum use the SRT 5×5×3 routine as it brings incredible tissue expansion with little to no water retention. Have a read through it and let me know what you think. Also take note of the healing measures in wearing a siliring after you train.

I have been using the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) method thus far and have been getting increased expansion over the first week. Feel like I have incremental gain on the measurement every other day so far, and over the last couple of days, the increase in heaviness lasts longer out of the Bathmate.
Rings are good, my main problem is blood getting in and staying in. I wondered if I had veinous leakage of some kind but if I did, would the Viagra work?
Got a natural erection yesterday, no Viagra! Yeeeah!!! Put it to use, too!

I think part of this problem is definitely an over-reliance on Viagra.

Entering week three of pumping and it's going well, good expansion, flaccid hang looks a teeny bit longer but no noticeable change in girth as yet. Will wait until week 6 to measure and then we shall see.

Haven't had sex after a Bathmate session yet, that will be Tuesday. Excited to see how that goes.
Post Bathmate session sex is incredible (and I've always waited at least a couple hours between PE and intercourse to allow for all FR to dissipate)...you'll get addicted to her reaction and she'll get adDICKted to you :)
BSA, why do you allow FR to dissipate? Does it damage the, uh, schwanz otherwise, or is it a sensitivity thing?
Well she’s in for a treat! Let us know how it goes, this is one of the best things possible with a BM. After a session some men can get the on 1 inch and expansion, that’s like a whole new dick to your wife.
How's your EQ after a session guys? If I'm rock hard post-Bathmate she's in trouble!!

Also, just finished today's pump, i'm climbing up the tube, which is really encouraging, but the fuller hang still isn't lasting more than a few minutes. Patience is key, yes?

I'm stopping smoking tomorrow guys! This is a huge achievement and I WILL do it. I have nicotine replacement therapy so I'm ready in every way. This is all about regaining power and supercharging my dick for the woman I love more than life itself.

In addition, my diet is cleaner than ever - sugar all but eliminated, caffeine reduced, water intake increased, cruciferous vegetables increased, and I have added green tea with ginger, pomegranate juice, and people are commenting on how great I look. I feel great too - sort out my wang and I'll be friggin Superman at this rate.
Current routine:

Bathmate Girth program (SRT 5x5x3)

Manual stretches a la newbie routine at night.

Seeing crazy post-BM length gains, and flaccid hang is definitely a little longer. No noticeable girth improvements as yet, sadly. I'm not at all discouraged, though, because the length gains are really pleasing. EBPL is up by over 2cm in a month!!! The biggest gains are the result of going in the tube hard - I have been struggling with ED but switched from Viagra before sex to Cialis in order to have erections on tap for 36 hours. This has worked wonders in only 10 days!

Damn my lack of girth, but I persevere, hugely encouraged by the length gains. I am looking at my unit after pumping and going "Is that really MY tool??" ?

I have also seen the return of naturally occurring wood, and at times when my system has been completely clear of Cialis. This has made for a massive psychological boost, my dick is picking up and lifting my mood with it.

Good wood = good mood!
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BSA, why do you allow FR to dissipate? Does it damage the, uh, schwanz otherwise, or is it a sensitivity thing?
I don't like any FR due to the aesthetics, (that bulb under the glans doesn't look very attractive to me), but functionality is the same with or without
Glad you've had better success entering the cylinder erect...I know it's a 'game-changer' for me
Glad you've had better success entering the cylinder erect...I know it's a 'game-changer' for me

Yah, seems like.

Two weeks ago I was genuinely heartbroken and in a bad state about my wiener. But now I see changes and things have turned around. I have hope. And I have new motivation from seeing someone's pics in this very forum. Interested in clamping after seeing his results. Dude's given me penis envy but motivated me like hell at the same time!
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I’m happy you got to straighten it out! Thanks Big.
Get a Bathmate Hydromax, Bathmate X-40 or Bathmate X-40
Realize Instant Usable Size! Perfect for Girth and Length Expansion!


I thought I should make a post on this topic as I get many questions about the Bathmate and newbies wondering how to incorporate into their routine. I also get many questions on using the Bathmate exclusively to gain size so I will touch on that too.

To answer the first question, yes a newbie can start penis enlargement using the Bathmate. Incorporating you Bathmate into your routine is easy too and does not need to be complicated. My routine, The Total Routine, is far too advanced for newbies but I have taken some time to write the Bathmate into the newbie routine, I think this will be best. I will write this at the end of this post. As a newbie do not expect gains in the first weeks of training, the penis will need to become accustomed to the new exercise. Just like any penis enlargement you will need to learn and practice to make gains.

What most men experience with the Bathmate initially is an instant increase of girth, sometimes beyond an inch, this is what we call a temporary gain so do not think of this as a new size, but a map to the future. It is awesome to see such a massive increase and will really help with motivation. In order to make gains permanent they need to be maintained and surpassed. This is done through daily training, over your first month you will start to see permanent results. Be patient with yourself and gentle, this is new and you will need to get the hang of it.

Gains will manifest themselves in many ways. All men find an immediate increase in flaccid size (length and girth). Depending on what exercise format you choose you will see different results. If you choose to incorporate DLD Hardcore Bathmate stretches, for instance, you will see a drastic increase in base girth and non-bone pressed erect length. If you choose to follow my super-set logic you will see incredible tissue expansion and will leave behind much of the swelling and fluid retention men find in pumping. It is really about making a routine that will cover all areas of growth that will be best.

Becoming overzealous will only prove poor results, stay consistent and stick to your routine. Pumping every hour will do little more than bring fatigue, poor eq and possible injury. Stick to the script! Penis Enlargement does not need to go all day, get in your routine and move on. The gains will come!

As a newbie or a new Bathmate user you will want to get into a solid routine. I have written the following routine based on Phase 1 or the Newbie Routine. If you follow this routine I guaranty you will gain with ease and safely. You will get much harder erection, last longer in bed, more girth, more length, everything will improve. So here is the routine.


Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

After Stretching routine you will jump right into DLD Hardcore Stretches, this is the best time to do this and it can be a precursor to your girth routine.

DLD Hardcore Bathmate Stretches

Get yourself 100% erect and attach the Bathmate. I like to use water in the chamber but this exercise can be done dry if proper pressure can be found or in the bath or shower.

Pump up to a high pressure. You will want enough suction that you can pull on the Bathmate with intensity and the Bathmate stays attached.

Once good suction is found you can start the exercise. It may be necessary to repump periodically to keep good suction for these stretches.

Upward Stretches: At an upward angle, using both hands, stretch the chamber upward. You will not be able to go straight up as the tube will get in the way so go as high as possible. do 3 stretches for 30 seconds each.

Straight Outward Stretches to Center: Again, be sure to have good suction. 3 stretches for 30 seconds.

Straight Out to the Left: 3 stretches for 30 seconds.

Straight Out to the Right: 3 stretches for 30 seconds.

Now, downward stretches will feel a bit different as you will be stretching and pulling-pushing against the erection angle (unless you have a low erection angle) EIther way, this will be the most intense part).

Straight Down Stretches: Again, be sure to have good suction and good EQ. 3 stretches for 30 seconds.

Straight Down to the Left: 3 stretches for 30 seconds.

Straight Down to the Right: 3 stretches for 30 seconds.

Basic Jelqing/Bathmate Super Sets

For First 2 weeks -
Two Sets of the following:

150 Jelqs followed by 5-10 minutes pumping.

After 2 weeks -
Two sets of the following:

300 Jelqs followed by 10 minutes pumping.


After Jelq/Bathmate Session: Warm Down

PC Muscle Fitness
Do not skip this, kegels are vital to good Erection Quality!

100 quick Kegel squeezes

50 of the following:
Squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for 5 seconds then slowly release for 2 seconds. When you have finished the 50 your PC muscle will be screaming. This is a good sign. Now to finish the exercise start squeezing and hold for 1 minute, if you get tired squeeze harder until the minute is complete.

Testicle Health Massage

I have always trained 7 days on no days off. I think this type of schedule promotes a more habitual program. For me days off can quickly turn into weeks off so it is better for me to be a daily trainer. I also believe that the penis only needs 24 hours of recovery before it is trained again. Some guys either do not have the time for this or it may be too difficult at first. In this case I recommend deducting one day at a time until the perfect routine is created. i.e. 6 on 1 off, 5 on 2 off.

I just got my Hydromax X40. here is a short video showing what is in the box, how it is shipped and some of the new features.

I just got my Hydromax X40. here is a short video showing what is in the box,
how it is shipped and some of the new features.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/lHlk9JboIcA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Damn ok... I did it once so far. Didn’t know I should be hard.
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