Hey guys, not posted in a long time, tried PE a couple of times following the newbie routine and being extra careful - a temporary improvement in flaccid hang for the first fortnight, then nothing, dick went back to normal, tiny, and completely impotent. Still taking viagra to have sex, still trying to quit smoking, but got a Bathmate last week and here are my earliest observations:

This is only Day 4 of Bathmate use, so it's too early for any good news. I spend 5 minutes in a hot bath and do my stretches, then....

5 mins bathmate, flaccid

5 mins jelq

I do this 3 times. By the end of the third time in the Bathmate my dick is big and fat for 5 minutes then shrinks back to normal. No other changes as yet, no improved EQ or anything else, but it's only day 4 of a long journey. I have noticed i pumped to a good vacuum initially which was 5 inches on the pump, now it's 6. If I can ever get my dick to permanently sit as it does immediately upon coming out of the Bathmate, I will be the happiest man alive!!

I find it's painful to get a good pump, though. I wish the pumping part were a little easier and took less pressure. My pubic bone hurts.

Apart from that, it's okay to use. I look forward to my post-Bathmate hang lasting longer. That is the first progress marker I will be looking for. If I didn't have ED, I think it would already. Doc doesn't know why I have ED - blood, cholesterol, thyroid, testosterone and hormones all perfect and healthy. Blood oxygen is 99%. It's a mystery, and a bastard.

Anyway, will post updates regularly. Keep up the good work all, and keep sharing.

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Ramp-up the pressure very slowly (but consistently) and you'll be surprised how your body will begin to assimilate...next thing you know, you'll reach the max-capability of your Bathmate
Ramp-up the pressure very slowly (but consistently) and you'll be surprised how your body will begin to assimilate...next thing you know, you'll reach the max-capability of your Bathmate

Thanks! Is there a way I can use the Bathmate to temporarily enhance my dong for sex? So it's noticeably thicker?
Thanks! Is there a way I can use the Bathmate to temporarily enhance my dong for sex? So it's noticeably thicker?

Welcome home my brother so good to see you here! You’re damn right you can! 20 minutes before having sex go home and pump yourself up to your maximum thickness and Go for it! I always did this right before I had sex always.
Welcome home my brother so good to see you here! You’re damn right you can! 20 minutes before having sex go home and pump yourself up to your maximum thickness and Go for it! I always did this right before I had sex always.

Thanks DLD! Good to be back, i don't know why my penis is broken - it can't be too bad or else Viagra wouldn't work. But I'm having one more try at PE with the Bathmate. Viagra plus Bathmate for a plumper erection sounds dangerous - I won't go in at 100% EQ but I will end up there. Best just make sure i'm careful.
Thanks DLD! Good to be back, i don't know why my penis is broken - it can't be too bad or else Viagra wouldn't work. But I'm having one more try at PE with the Bathmate. Viagra plus Bathmate for a plumper erection sounds dangerous - I won't go in at 100% EQ but I will end up there. Best just make sure i'm careful.

depending on how long you pump will determine the level of fatigue. I would figure out the shortest amount of time to get you to your maximum girth and stop there. This way you’ll know the the best time and you won’t overdo it or under do it.
So if you pump to an erection, does the fact that your wang is full of blood keep that post-pump expansion around longer?

Pumping with, or to, an erection pushes your erect size way beyond your usual erect size, just like it does with a flaccid dick, is that right?
So if you pump to an erection, does the fact that your wang is full of blood keep that post-pump expansion around longer?

Pumping with, or to, an erection pushes your erect size way beyond your usual erect size, just like it does with a flaccid dick, is that right?

If you’re looking to keep the expansion around longer deal with the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory methodology and use a siliring to keep yourself expanded. But if you are doing this right before having sex you want to make sure you don’t go too far and cause fatigue.
Trial and error......it will be a study in caution, because trial is fine, but error could be potentially disastrous! The temptation (ego) to pump that mofo up as big as humanly possible will be hard to resist, but resist you must, lest ye damage thy wangage.
My fiancee is going on a vacay with her mom on Monday. I can practice while she's away and see how I can get maximum expansion safely so I can really stretch her perfect little vagina when she comes back....
Day 5, and my first shitty experience with the Bathmate - but with a reason.

I did things differently. It's just after 17:30 here, and I'm nightshift at my job tonight so i slept during the day. Overdid it slightly and slept until 16:45, so woke up, grabbed my Bathmate.and ran to the sanctity of the bathroom to get a session in before the lady came home from work.

Thing is.....I didn't have time to run a bath and for a five-minute warm up. That should've been a red flag right there, huh?

"Fuggit," I said, "in the shower, give the little guy a quick pull and a rub under the hot water and in we go".

5 minutes. Shitty pump. Poor expansion. Pump off. Nothing. No nice hang. Nada. Dammit. Okay, rub down, bit of massage and jelqing, and back in. Second pump will be better.

Nope. Second pump was better, but I overdid it - cock was sore, so I released a little bit of pressure to take the pain off, and left it five minutes. Looking forward to taking it off and seeing that awesome fat hang.


What the deuce??

Right. Third time's the charm. Massage. Jelq. Back in. Pump.

This time a great pump, great expansion in the Bathmate, fully five minutes, no fuss no muss.

And no hang after. A dead, flaccid cock. Like a sock puppet without a hand in it. No weight. No fat. No girth.

What the fuck??

Undeterred, I will take Saturday Sunday off and resume on Monday - but the way I had been doing it in the bath.

Disappointed, but chalking it up to a change in the way I went about the routine.

Dammit, I need to be bigger, Lord!!
My fiancee is going on a vacay with her mom on Monday. I can practice while she's away and see how I can get maximum expansion safely so I can really stretch her perfect little vagina when she comes back....

You have a bathmate right? just keep this real simple. Get in the bath, if you got something to help with erection like Viagra, use that beforehand. It helps allot with pumping to be erect throughout the session.

Once your in the bathmate, just do a 20 minute session. Push down until you cannot get anymore waiter out the top, and leave it for 5 mins, then push down again to remove water, leave for 5 mins.

Keep that going for the duration. Don't overdo it, and keep pumping more and more water.

After the 20 minutes is up, get erect (you will be if you had the Viagra) and do some jelqing, just simple easy exercises, nothing intense, or exotic, keep it simple for what you want.

Try not to ejaculate, as this is a session. Once your finished with the jelqing, about 5-10 mintes of that, get a cock ring, siliring, or a safe alternative that can be quickly removed.

Apply it either on your penis closest the base, or around the entire package (incl the balls) and leave for a few hours.

Please ensure the cock ring isn't too tight, it only needs to S L O W the flow of blood here, not stop it.
I would also add in that over the 20 minutes you should break it down into a superset of five minutes in the tube then five minutes doing the SSJ. This will ward off any fluid retention and keep the expansion pure tissue.
I'll give it a try, thanks. Little bit apprehensive about being in the BM for 20 minutes so early into ownership, I was given the impression that I had to build up slowly and condition my penis first, but I'm confident you wouldn't recommend anything that wasn't safe. Thank you for the advice.
I would also add in that over the 20 minutes you should break it down into a superset of five minutes in the tube then five minutes doing the SSJ. This will ward off any fluid retention and keep the expansion pure tissue.

Aha!! Yeah that's similar to what I've been doing so far - 5 mins in, then 5 mins jelq for 15 mins.

I will try this out and post my findings! Thank you!
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I'll give it a try, thanks. Little bit apprehensive about being in the BM for 20 minutes so early into ownership, I was given the impression that I had to build up slowly and condition my penis first, but I'm confident you wouldn't recommend anything that wasn't safe. Thank you for the advice.

20 minutes in the Bathmate he is going to Cause excessive water retention. I suggest you follow the SRT routine that is called the 5×5×3 It has been the most powerful routine for girth for a very long time now.
20 minutes in the Bathmate he is going to Cause excessive water retention. I suggest you follow the SRT routine that is called the 5×5×3 It has been the most powerful routine for girth for a very long time now.

Thanks DLD. I'm on it :)
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all my BM sessions are done with the HIGHEST EQ as possible...it made logical sense that if I wanted to gain EL I'd have to do my exercises erect
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Thanks DLD. I'm on it :)

Come back after you try it and I guarantee you have at least a half inch of expansion over your normal girth. I can’t wait for your reply!
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