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      Might just be my side of things tech-wise, but there's no sound on the instructional videos? Your gestures look like there's important...
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      Owally reacted to squirt_inducer_man's post in the thread Bundles with Like Like.
      You find a menu at the top or to the left (using a mobile device). Look under Resources and programs, here will you find the most...
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      Owally replied to the thread Bundles.
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      Owally replied to the thread Took the next step my dudes.
      Thanks! 🤙
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      Owally replied to the thread Took the next step my dudes.
      Thanks, will do. I looked but didn't see, is there a specific place people keep their logs, like a specific section of threads? Also...
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      Owally reacted to DLD's post in the thread Bundles with Like Like.
      Things will become clear as you practice. Things can seem overwhelming at first but it will soon become clear to you
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      Just a quick thread to say I've been slowly gaining knowledge and experience, mainly from the awesome posts here, while beginning my PE...
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      Owally replied to the thread Bundles.
      Thanks for re-posting. Maybe I'm just having some information overload, and I've never gotten the hang of forums for some reason...
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      Owally replied to the thread Bundles.
      Hey guys, not trying to hijack the thread, but I'm trying hard to follow along. I think I'm still very confused exactly how a bundled...
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