I'm not suppose to post today on this thread but something happened that prompted me to. If you have been following this thread, you will know that I've never been consistent with pumping, you will also know that I smoke marijuana about 1 hour before my session because it helps to loosen up my balls sack.
Over the years, I've tried to quit smoking marijuana but I always tell myself that it helps with pumping. Yesterday, I told myself that I've had enough of this marijuana dependency. I flushed all the marijuana I have at home in the toilet.
Fast forward to today Monday evening, I decided to do my session without marijuana. I waited until 9:31pm night time before starting the session. The session wasn't only successful, I didn't feel hungry like I used to due to marijuana use and I don't feel like ejaculating either.
I feel so happy tonight. I'm officially free from marijuana dependency for pumping.
I noticed that, taking 2 days off from pumping seems to have helped my body adapt more to the
mityvac. I went passed the 5hg mark on the pump and there was no problem or pain at all.