Thnx for the info man
Well today, i did 15min session in the morning and i dnt think i did it right so after 2 hours i did it again, this time i was in the tub..
I pumped till theres no water comin out..
I guess it was the max.. It didnt hurt at all..
Every 5 min, i wud pump it 2 times..
After the session, i look bigger..
But it went away after 10min :/
I kno forsure i hv to b consistent..
Since im not feeling pain or soreness, wud u recommend me doin it twice a day?
Im not plannin on doin it everyday..
4 times a week the most..
I hvnt tried ur method but im lookin forward to it maybe after a week of the normal routine tht the manual says..
I find it hard to jelq so im passin on to tht..
Ill b doin sum stretches forsure and sum stretches wit the [words= ]
It feels good for me.. Its kinda like a massage..