That is great bandit12, indeed the Bathmate is a great device and works very well for most men! Keep us posted on your progress mate :)

bandit12;386280 said:
Recieved my Bathmate today and couldnt help but try it out as soon as I could. I think that I will be very pleased that I bought the thing. I was very suprised in the expansion that I was getting. I actually didnt think I could expand that much.

Anyway I did about half of my normal workout and I only used the Bathmate for about 3-5 minutes twice in succession. Once I progressively work into a good workout with the Bathmate I am sure I will be making some great gains. I would recomend this to anyone. Great device.
Dear McSmith,

The gaiter (the rubber part), sometimes called a bellow, depending on if its American English or UK English, is made out of skin safe artificial polymers that actually are not rubber, for a very simple reason. Allot of people are allergic to rubber. The Comfort Pad, located at the base of the Gaiter is cut out using a laser from a similar polymer material that is then attached using adhesives that was developed in house and manufactured by 3M for our exclusive use.

I have had my unit now, the first one I got, for over 3 years, and I still use it even though its still Generation I (current version is Generation III) and it shows no signs of disolving as you mentioned, but its scratchy and dosn't look like brand new (of course, after 3 years and probably 500 uses, what would you expect?). The Generation I was tested in an automated machine and it reached 300,000 cycles before it broke down (that is, it was unable to maintain pressure).

We've actually sent the unit off to TUV for Polymer Quality Certification and for Consumer Safety testing, using the guidelines set forth by the FDA and we look very much forward plastering our sites with certifications. Already has a CE Class I Medical Device certification, factory in process of ISO 9001:2009 certification and the NHS is also looking at giving their approval on it in the UK.

-- Agust

mcsmith;386300 said:
my bad experience is with a traditional vacum pump.

i am asking if the base of the Bathmate will eventually deteriorate
if the base is made of rubber. the base does not look like it can be easily replaced...
Hey Bathmate, I was a little hesitant on buying your product because I have had good gains with manual stretches but after receiving your product last thursday (June 24) I have used and gradually started a program with your Bathmate. I am very happy that I have purchased it. This is the first pump that I have used of any kind. I am slowly getting more and more comfortable with the product. I know that this is going to help me with my goals dramatically. Thanks for such a great product and all your help here at MOS. Great job
bandit12;386567 said:
Hey Bathmate, I was a little hesitant on buying your product because I have had good gains with manual stretches but after receiving your product last thursday (June 24) I have used and gradually started a program with your Bathmate. I am very happy that I have purchased it. This is the first pump that I have used of any kind. I am slowly getting more and more comfortable with the product. I know that this is going to help me with my goals dramatically. Thanks for such a great product and all your help here at MOS. Great job

I agree! It takes me forever to trust an affiliate but Bathmate has been right there all along. Great partner!
bandit12;386567 said:
Hey Bathmate, I was a little hesitant on buying your product because I have had good gains with manual stretches but after receiving your product last thursday (June 24) I have used and gradually started a program with your Bathmate. I am very happy that I have purchased it. This is the first pump that I have used of any kind. I am slowly getting more and more comfortable with the product. I know that this is going to help me with my goals dramatically. Thanks for such a great product and all your help here at MOS. Great job

When I was writing this which was just before my girth work that evening I knew I was going to be very pleased with the Bathmate. After that workout all I can say is WOW!! I mean it to. If you want added girth you need or will want one of these.
So I havent even had the Bathmate for a full week yet but I have gradually started moving into DLD's Girth Blasters workout. Still not quite there yet but getting closer. I dont want to over do it to quickly. Anyway last night I have been doing about half of my normal girth workout then adding time with the Bathmate probably 5-10 minutes then I do a warm down. Havent had anything incredible happen at that point yet but I have started adding some SSJ's before the Bathmate and I can really start to feel the expansion.
Well anyway I did my full girth workout and had planned on doing the Bathmate for a full 10 minutes then do one set of SSJ's then another 5 minutes of Bathmate. I did that and I am not sure what happened but I must have received someone elses cock because I can tell you this it wasnt mine. It literally had gained a full inch of expansion. Well 7/8". I couldnt be more pleased. I can only imagine what will happen with continued work. DLD I thank you for your suggestion in getting the Bathmate and for a great workout plan with it. I already know that I will explode when I start your full workout. Probably a week or two out from that but still. Im adding a little bit more each day if I think my johnson can take it. I was still engorged more than normal after 8 hours of sleep. Well cant say much more than this is a great product and cant wait for more new and improved workouts containing my Bathmate.

The Bandit
Oh my Gosh! Guys, I just took a look at the first page of this thread and noticed it has Version 1 Bathmate photo... to save you a trip to the first page here is a high res photograph of all four colors of Bathmate X-40.


Photographs of the Bathmate Revision III released in May 2010
bandit12;386567 said:
Hey Bathmate, I was a little hesitant on buying your product because I have had good gains with manual stretches but after receiving your product last thursday (June 24) I have used and gradually started a program with your Bathmate. I am very happy that I have purchased it. This is the first pump that I have used of any kind. I am slowly getting more and more comfortable with the product. I know that this is going to help me with my goals dramatically. Thanks for such a great product and all your help here at MOS. Great job

Thank you for the kind words bandit12... you just made my day =)
Wakefield, June 29th 2010

Ultramax has Counterfeiters Stock Destroyed

In a landmark victory for Ultramax Products, the manufacturer of the Bathmate Hydropump, thousands of counterfeit Bathmates where destroyed on June 26th 2010 in South Korea.

"A Year long battle is finally over" says John Oakes, the inventor of Bathmate. "From time of discovery, to legal proceedings and to the final phase that was complete destruction of the counterfeit Bathmates held in stock by PriTech Korea, it is a sigh of relieve but we do know that the battle is not over" Oakes adds.

"The Counterfeit operations of small and medium sized companies is lead mainly by greed, short term profits and high margins when you bare in mind that these companies do not have to invent, protect, register designs, pay for patents or trademarks." Mr. Beaumont, the assigned legal overseer of the Bathmate brand explains.

"This case is a landmark victory, especially for a small sized company such as Ultramax, but it dosn't come without a bill, a huge legal bill that spans continents, however we where successful in negotiating a settlement agreement with the Subject without having to take the case before a court" Beaumont adds and points out an interesting development in the United States where steps are being taken to re-inforce the rights of intellectual property owners, backed by the US government:

Rob Lever of Agence France-Presse, reports on April 22nd that The United States unveiled a wide-ranging strategic plan to protect intellectual property from pharmaceuticals to films and pledged to confront governments that fail to crack down on piracy. “Piracy hurts, it hurts our economy,” Vice-President Joe Biden said in releasing the 61-page plan drafted by several government agencies. “It hurts our health and safety. We need to protect our citizens from unsafe products such as counterfeit pharmaceuticals.” ---

Photos of the destruction:


As if this world didn't have enough problems =)
Last edited:
I remember you mentioned to me about this problem and great to know its being sorted
doublelongdaddy;358069 said:

People have been asking if I can get a discount on the Bathmate so today I asked Gerry, my contact at Bathmate, for a special coupon for MOS and he agreed to a $15.00 discount. It is real easy to use, just go to the link belw and when filling out order page use: MOSDISCOUNT in the coupon box. Discount will appear instantly.


<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Bathmate X-40 Premiers in the USA" name="Bathmate Penis Enlargement"></a>

Hi dld

I am very interested on this product & whenever i click on the link for Bathmate. it's doesn't shows up discount anymore. anyway, you can help me. i am desperate to get one with cleaning kit. pls email me on & btw i am from singapore.
I just checked out the link you gave me and it takes you to Bathmate in US Dollars, with discount and all. If you have cookies disabled on your computer, it wont show you a discount because it has no idea that you are a MOS member.


1. Never use VPN, because your order wont be accepted if the distance between where you're browsing from is too great and your ship to address.
2. Enable cookies, otherwise, discounts can't be applied.
3. BathmateCheckout is as secure as your internet bank with EV1 "Green Bar" SSL certificate that means our company had to go through various confirmation proceedings before being issued this strongest certificate money can buy.

I had sort of a interesting question, I am into piercings and what not, can i still do all of these exercises on the site and the Bathmate after getting a genital piercing????
My pleasure to serve and to make your penis even bigger... darn I have the best job in the world =)

bandit12;386567 said:
Hey Bathmate, I was a little hesitant on buying your product because I have had good gains with manual stretches but after receiving your product last thursday (June 24) I have used and gradually started a program with your Bathmate. I am very happy that I have purchased it. This is the first pump that I have used of any kind. I am slowly getting more and more comfortable with the product. I know that this is going to help me with my goals dramatically. Thanks for such a great product and all your help here at MOS. Great job
Hi Rugger,

To my knowledge piercings and Bathmate go just fine together. Although, you should wait for it to heal before continuing in my non-doctor opinion with any exercises until it has completely healed.

REDZULU2003;386793 said:
I remember you mentioned to me about this problem and great to know its being sorted

Indeed, and more have been found. Everyone wants to make a quick buck without investing, just copying.
So I've been using the SizeGenetics Extender the last few weeks, and thinking about the Bathmate too. Would it be a good idea to be using both?

Just want to confirm too - the price including MOS discount for UK is £74.93 right? Just want to make sure I'm getting the discount :)

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